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Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: June 21, 2007 16:14

Is that the custom 72? In standard tuning?

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: June 21, 2007 16:17

And here's Paris

And here's Happy from Paris: the Custom in open tuning?

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: June 21, 2007 16:18

>> the Custom in open tuning? <<


Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: June 21, 2007 16:18

And Nijmegen... He must have been ill that night. Much better in Paris and Lyon.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: June 21, 2007 20:40

Regarding the JJF clips - it is so clear that Blondie is playing Rhythm - and he is supporting Keith - in fact if there's weaving there it's between Keith and Blondie. It's not up to Ya Yas standards but Blondie is very cleverly blending in with Keith.
Ofcourse you don't get close-ups of Blondie on the video screen!

And, on the youtube site there were a great series of "The Making of Exile" clips - interviews with those involved - including two with Mick Taylor.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: June 21, 2007 20:43

Four Stone Walls Wrote:
> Regarding the JJF clips - it is so clear that
> Blondie is playing Rhythm - and he is supporting
> Keith - in fact if there's weaving there it's
> between Keith and Blondie. It's not up to Ya Yas
> standards but Blondie is very cleverly blending in
> with Keith.
> Ofcourse you don't get close-ups of Blondie on the
> video screen!

I'm sorry, I just can't hear what you are talking about. Sure he is there to back up Keith, but I hardly ever heard him cause he was mixed so low.


Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: June 21, 2007 20:47

He's not mixed low at all. Listen again. You are likely to assume it's Keith - but I think it is Blondie doing the stronger stuff.

They are getting clever at this game. But I will listen again.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Raoul Duke ()
Date: June 21, 2007 20:56

Four Stone Walls Wrote:
>it is so clear that Blondie is playing Rhythm -

Pardon my ignorance, but clear from what? Is it clear because of something you see in the video or because your prior beliefs lead you to interpret it that way?

PS: You really can't win with you people. When they sound bad, it's because Keith is brain damaged or something. When they sound good, it must be Blondie doing the heavy lifting. I am sorry, but you can't have it both ways.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-21 20:59 by Raoul Duke.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: micwer ()
Date: June 21, 2007 20:57

Nice guitars in Lyon. Mick sounds a little tired though, but definitely a great version.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: June 21, 2007 20:58

It's because, apart from Ronnie's jangling lead fills (as per the record) I am hearing two rhythm guitars.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Raoul Duke ()
Date: June 21, 2007 20:59

Four Stone Walls Wrote:
> It's because, apart from Ronnie's jangling lead
> fills (as per the record) I am hearing two rhythm
> guitars.

Fair enough, but how can you tell which is which?

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:05

In Paris too, the continuos rhythm flow is Blondie. Very noticeable towards the end but also at about 1:46 as Keith pauses, the main rhythm flow is still there.

I've edited it this to mean the Paris show.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-21 21:09 by Four Stone Walls.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:05

I'd expect to be the other rythm guitar to be Ronnie - he plays those fills and apart from that he plays rythm.


Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:09

I don't think so. I think people think it's so easy for someone like Blondie to just provide the riffs or anything that Keith should be playing. It's not. Two people cannot be sharing the same riffs that exactly without noticing an inconsistentcy in the sound. Lately, Ronnie has added playing the JJF riff with Keith using two or three strings--no chords. That has helped with making the riff more distinct.

Although Keith has been slipping lately (but seems to be recovering pretty well since a wreckful start this leg) I doubt Blondie's presence has ever changed. Blondie provides about 3% percent more guitar with his playing. He fills in the gaps by strumming chords. Keith and ronnie are still 97% of the guitars in the show.

They are not on tour to decieve people. You make it sound like they're con-artists touring the world making people believe they actually sound this way. They are musicians--not actors. Being up there and tricking people isn't fun...playing your instruments live IS fun--filled with mistakes or not. It's the reason why Keith wants to keep touring.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:11


Listen to the second Lyons show from about 22 seconds point. Ronnie is doing the lead patterns and beneath him are two counterpoised rhythm guitars.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:11

I agree with Justin. It was always the case that the Stones have no lead guitar player. Ronnie obviously plays rythm and also the riffs on many songs including Brown Sugar, Let's Spend The Night, Start Me Up, Under My Thumb, etc... I don't know why one would think that Blondie plays the rythm if you can hear two guitars, lol...


Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:12

Four Stone Walls Wrote:
> No.
> Listen to the second Lyons show from about 22
> seconds point. Ronnie is doing the lead patterns
> and beneath him are two counterpoised rhythm
> guitars.

I don't hear Ronnie playing any lead there. I hear two rhythm guitars, seriously.
Edit:L Actually, I can hear a 3rd guitar there, very low in the mix - that's Blondie then.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-21 21:13 by Lorenz.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:25

Blondie, Keith or ROnnie... great JJF !

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:26

When I first listened to it I heard Ronnie playing lead, then I thought "Hang on a minute - but there are two rhythm guitars". It sounded very clear to me.

You do hear Keith playing strong riffs and he's not plying badly at all - that wasn't the point. But I'm still sure that Blondie is there strongly - but you notice him most when Keith stops. He adds to the wall of sound effect.

I'll take a break and come back to this afresh. But I wasn't even convinced it was Keith doing the opening chords. I'm not saying he wasn't - but it didn't look obvious.

No, they are no out to deliberately deceive people - but they certainly don't want to look like a band that can't hack it guitarwise - so I assume that is why Blondie is playing guitar. Why else? They wouldn't want to highlight him on screen or at front of stage though. He's there to do a job that didn't need doing 10, or even 5, years ago.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:28

i THINK i hear what you're describing...but to me, Blondie is still lost in the mix while Keith still is the conductor of that train.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: therollingmanu ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:31


> er&search=

> er&search=
> Is that the custom 72? In standard tuning?

Just by the way, it's not in standard tunig, it's the usual open-g.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: toomuchforme ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:50

i have added START ME UP intro in nice quality

and Mick in french "bonsoir Lyon" she's so cold

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: June 21, 2007 21:54

While you studying...i liked the fact Jagger taking the cat into this crowd..great!!

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Raoul Duke ()
Date: June 21, 2007 22:00

rooster Wrote:
> While you studying...i liked the fact Jagger
> taking the cat into this crowd..great!!

How can you be sure it's not a stunt man doing that?

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: June 21, 2007 22:03

A blondie Jagger??

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: bjarke_nl ()
Date: June 21, 2007 22:03

No it must be Blondie in a wig running down the catwalk, Because Mick can't run around as much as he used to do. It's so sad to see The Stones decline in all sorts of ways;-)

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: June 21, 2007 22:05

Jokes asides, Blondie wouldn't have been playing guitar if he wasn't needed

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: June 21, 2007 22:10

Jokes aside i know three blondie s 1. the band girl
2. The beach boys RS blondie
3.the dog from fuc ing @#$%&
Give me the......sangria!!

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: June 21, 2007 22:21

Four Stone Walls Wrote:
> In Paris too, the continuos rhythm flow is
> Blondie. Very noticeable towards the end but also
> at about 1:46 as Keith pauses, the main rhythm
> flow is still there.
> I've edited it this to mean the Paris show.

Actually for a while I didnt think Blondie was palying just that the riffs are very very full and strong. Now when I listen again I hear him and yes he's playing rhythm with Keith. Damn it.

Re: Youtube: Lyon 2007 JJF
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: June 21, 2007 22:22

But, as i said, you guys who are going will have a rich full guitar sound on these songs, again, like in the old days.

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