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Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: March 16, 2007 12:16


Any English translators out there

HOOGLAND - Tijdens zijn optreden in muziekcafé De Noot in Hoogland ontpopte ex-Rolling Stone Mick Taylor zich van...

Mick Taylor: wat dikker dan in zijn glorietijd met de Rolling Stones, maar nog altijd achteloos goed. FOTO BUREAU BELL...gastgitarist tot hoofdact van de avond. Veertigers en vijftigers keken bewonderend toe.

Het geduld van de kleine tweehonderd aanwezigen in het stampvolle muziekcafé De Noot in Hoogland werd zaterdagavond zwaar op de proef gesteld, maar uiteindelijk werd dan toch de man aangekondigd waar het gros voor was gekomen.

Ex-Rolling Stone Mick Taylor had eigenlijk de functie van gastgitarist bij de band van de Ier Barry Mc Gabe, maar ontpopte zich als de hoofdact van de avond.

Na optredens van de veelbelovende jonge Zweedse singer/songwriter Slidin Slim en Mc Gabe, gebeurde het even na middernacht pas écht. Met zn jas nog aan klom Mick Taylor op het podium als in zn Stonestijd: ingetogen spelend en schijnbaar achteloos goed.

Enkele dames in het publiek uitten wat onmiskenbaar opviel: ,,Maar wat is-ie dik geworden, hè? Vooral in zn gezicht.’’

Als Taylor zijn gehoor van zateravond had gekend in zn glorietijd als Rolling Stone, had hij ongetwijfeld van negentig procent van hen hetzelfde gezegd: het waren natuurlijk overwegend veertigers en vijftigers die bewonderend toekeken bij onder meer zijn heerlijke uitvoering van de slowblues You shook me en meebrulden met de rock roll-klassieker Johnny B Goode.

De grote vraag was natuurlijk: zou hij nog....?? Já, dat zou hij!! ,,Sommigen van jullie hebben me gedreigd dat ik hier niet wegkwam zonder het volgende te spelen,’’ kondigde Mick Taylor de toegift aan die slechts uit één nummer bestond, maar door de hele zaal beleefd werd als een geheel op zichzelf staand optreden. Bij het intro van Jumpin’ Jack Flash belandde op slag alles en iedereen in een totaal andere wereld. Een uitzinnige wereld die tien volle minuten bestond.

,,Nu begint het eigenlijk pas,’’ verzuchtte Yvonne Claus uit Leusden in extase. En na afloop: ,,Nu zou hij door moeten gaan.’’ ,,Hier kom je als Stonesfan toch voor,’’ genoot Leusdenaar Wim Oeben. ,,En het bevestigt maar weer eens dat de Stones mét Mick Taylor hun beste nummers hebben gemaakt.’’

De begin-dertigers Dorien en Marian die als grote fans van Barry Mc Gabe helemaal vanuit het Limburgse Horst naar Hoogland waren gekomen, moesten ook toegeven dat dat ene Stonesnummer een absoluut hoogtepunt vormde, waar hun Ierse held een beetje bleek bij afstak.

En dat een muziekfan, hoe oud ook, altijd als een kind zo opgetogen blijft als het om zijn idolen gaat, formuleerde Amersfoorter Hans van Dijk na afloop als geen ander: ,,Niks van zn glans verloren, die Mick Taylor,’’ glunderde hij en hij snelde achter Taylor aan voor een handtekening in zn cd-boekje van het Stonesalbum Sticky Fingers. En die kreeg hij van de meester, die naast het podium net zo ingetogen en vriendelijk stond te zijn als erop. Met zn jas nog aan.

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: March 16, 2007 12:17

sorry, show was 3/10/07 not 3/13/07

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: marcovandereijk ()
Date: March 16, 2007 13:32

No time to translate it word for word, but just an abstract:

Mick Taylor was special guest of the Swedish singer/songwriters Slidin Slim and Mc Gabe, but turned into the top act of the evening.
The audience noticed he gained some body weight, but on the other hand, so did they since the time he played with the Stones. Most were in their 40s or 50s. They admired him during You Shook Me and Johnny B Goode.
Taylor said he was threatened not to get away without playing Jumpin' Jack Flash, so he did. It turned out to be a performance on its own and turned the café into a world of frenzy that lasted 10 full minutes.
Fans agreed that JJF was the highlight of the evening.

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: March 16, 2007 13:33


Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: Smokey ()
Date: March 16, 2007 16:37

Did anyone "preserve" this?

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: RollstoDRSC ()
Date: June 19, 2022 00:08

Hi Folks I'm searching for this concert 2007 in Hoogland, NL
Please upload this..if anybody have it! Thanks!!

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Date: June 20, 2022 13:55

Hi Folks I'm searching for this concert 2007 in Hoogland, NL
Please upload this..if anybody have it! Thanks!!

Very difficult to find. It's not on the internet as far I can see.
Best approach Slidin' Slim en Mc Gabe himself/ themselves.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-20 13:56 by TheflyingDutchman.

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: MrTurner ()
Date: June 20, 2022 14:32

Is this from that show?


Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Date: June 20, 2022 15:24

Great find, thanks. However, I cannot recognise Taylor on this recording?

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: marcovandereijk ()
Date: June 20, 2022 16:45


Some smart fan remarked after Jumpin' Jack Flash was played, that this confirmed that
The Stones made their best music when Mick Taylor was in the band.

Some fan huh?

Just as long as the guitar plays, let it steal your heart away

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Date: June 20, 2022 17:12


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-20 17:26 by TheflyingDutchman.

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: skytrench ()
Date: June 20, 2022 19:22

Great find, thanks. However, I cannot recognise Taylor on this recording?

He is introduced at 4:40 and takes a slide solo.

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: Norbert ()
Date: June 20, 2022 19:43

Translated with (free version)

HOOGLAND - During his performance in music café De Noot in Hoogland, ex-Rolling Stone Mick Taylor revealed himself to be a...

Mick Taylor: a bit fatter than in his glory days with the Rolling Stones, but still casually good. PHOTO BUREAU BELL...guest guitarist to headline act of the evening. People in their forties and fifties looked on admiringly.

The patience of almost two hundred people present in the jam-packed music café De Noot in Hoogland was severely tested on Saturday night, but finally the man was announced for whom most people had come.

Ex-Rolling Stone Mick Taylor had actually been a guest guitarist in the band of Irishman Barry Mc Gabe, but turned out to be the main act of the evening.

After performances by the promising young Swedish singer/songwriter Slidin Slim and Mc Gabe, it really happened just after midnight. With his jacket still on, Mick Taylor climbed on stage as in his Stones days: playing subdued and seemingly casually good.

Some ladies in the audience expressed what was unmistakably striking: But he's gotten so fat, hasn't he? Especially in his face''.

If Taylor had known his audience from his glory days as Rolling Stone, he would undoubtedly have said the same about ninety percent of them: they were of course mainly people in their forties and fifties who admired his wonderful performance of the slow blues You Shook Me and sang along with the rock roll classic Johnny B Goode.

The big question was, of course, would he still be playing ....? Yes, he would! Some of you threatened me that I wouldn't get out of here without playing the next one,'' Mick Taylor announced the encore, which consisted of only one song, but was experienced by the whole audience as an entirely separate performance. At the intro of Jumpin' Jack Flash everything and everyone suddenly landed in a totally different world. A frenzied world that existed for ten full minutes.

Now it's really just beginning," sighed Yvonne Claus from Leusden in ecstasy. And afterwards: Now he should go on. As a Stones fan, this is what you come for,'' enjoyed Leusden resident Wim Oeben. And it confirms once again that the Stones made their best songs with Mick Taylor.

The early thirty-somethings Dorien and Marian, who as big fans of Barry Mc Gabe had come all the way from Horst in Limburg to Hoogland, also had to admit that that one Stones song was an absolute highlight, which left their Irish hero a bit pale in comparison.

And that a music fan, no matter how old, always remains as delighted as a child when it comes to his idols, was something that Amersfoort resident Hans van Dijk expressed like no other afterwards: Mick Taylor has lost none of his shine,'' he said and he rushed after Taylor to get an autograph in his CD booklet of the Stones album Sticky Fingers. And he got it from the master, who was just as modest and friendly offstage as he was onstage. With his jacket still on.

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: Norbert ()
Date: June 20, 2022 20:21

see here:


Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Date: June 20, 2022 20:33

<And it confirms once again that the Stones made their best songs with Mick Taylor>

JJF? smoking smiley

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Date: June 20, 2022 20:48

The Dutch article is crap to me. I have seen Taylor in Holland (solo) in 1996 and I was about the only one out of 20 visitors in the club that knew who was playing the guitar.

Re: Barry Mccabe and Mick Taylor 3/13/07
Posted by: skytrench ()
Date: June 21, 2022 17:08

see here:


Thanks, great sounding recording, cool Taylor vocal on JJF and a rocking guitar tone!

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