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THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: October 31, 2006 08:11

Michael Cohl is respected as a hardworking, knowledgable, talented promoter who has done a great job for the Stones.

He's perhaps overextended himself on this latest American situation. I and a number of my friends have worked with top bands in high level positions in the American record and concert areas. And many of us and our colleagues have talked about the last few gigs, wondering why Cohl fell down on the job. And it is HIS job to keep all running smoothly; the Stones are musicians, not wheeler dealers, monitoring every single detail.

I've worked with the Secret Service on several occasions, usually a pleasant, respectful situation on both sides. However, in a small venue like the Beacon with Clinton and his rich, political friends, it's true that security must be very well thought out. And clearly it was not.

Let's face it, the Beacon on the 29th was not a typical Stones gig. It was a Clinton PR/money-raising gig. And Cohl should have been more on top of things. Scorcese has been very lucky in his career. He is not particularly popular in the film industry. "If he didn't know DeNiro he'd be just another temperamental jerk from New York" is the feeling of many.

Nor, despite his music credits, Scorcese is not a true music guy. Many of my colleagues in the concert business, past and present are baffled about how the Beacon was handled. And wonder why Cohl and thus the Stones decided to make a movie in a small theatre with a small backstage. THey also wonder why the hiring of "extras." And why so little concern for the fans?

Two thngs are especially true in the rock tour field. "Safety always comes first" and "Don't treat the fans badly...unless they're complete @#$%&."

I'm saddened and shocked to read the accounts in this Forum and on Shidoobee as to how people were treated re the Beacon. I'm told that some of the dictates were laid down by Scorcese but he and Cohl should have clearly discussed all these details before the contest and the publicity about the cheap tickets.

Seems like Cohl had his hands full and there was no master plan of organization and handling realistic details. This was a relatively last minute situation of trying to accomplish too many things in too little time. And falling down badly on the job.

A DVD/movie would have been better served by Scorcese getting ten or fifteen minutes of film from the Clinton night and two full real rock and roll nights after. The Beacon isn't a Hollywood production. It's a glossy "concoction" and while I'm sure the finished product will turn out good, if will not be as rREAL as it could and should be. All of us will always remember the ugly side of rock and roll.

In my career, I always believed the MUSIC came first. I'm sure the Stones want to believe it because for much of their career MUSIC has come first. However, this DVD project could have been so much more than it's turning out to be. I, for one, would have far rather seen Joss Stone up there instead of Christina Aguilera. I hear Aguilera did a great job but let's face it, do we really think the Christina/Timberlake crowd are going to rush to buy the DVD?

"C'est domage," the French say. It's a pity.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-10-31 08:12 by stonesrule.

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: October 31, 2006 08:51

"I hear Aguilera did a great job but let's face it, do we really think the Christina/Timberlake crowd are going to rush to buy the DVD?"

Yes, we do, unless they havent dl it long before.
The Rolling Stones is The Greatest Rock'n'Roll Band On Earth, even
if they are some greedy @#$%& of @#$%& .. And people know about their greatness (musical, not human, that is).

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: October 31, 2006 12:02

I'm also a bit concerned about the "making" of the Beacon filming. I mean, there is a 3rd show just to film some interaction with the audience? Is Rock'n'Roll getting artifical? They should have done 2 pure Rock'n'Roll shows, filmed that and release on CD. I don't need a "faked" concert DVD.

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: October 31, 2006 15:43

Getting Artificial???

They've been cheating their live material output since Got Live If You Want It!

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: October 31, 2006 18:04

This is both funny and sad. I was just thinking "What if someone stumbles upon this forum and reads these threads, knowing that it's all about some musicians or entertainers, but not knowing who they are or anything else. They must think these stars discussed here are a bunch of greedy, old, cheating bastards who care more about money than their artistic output and regard themselves very highly but don't give a hoot about anyone else or what they think."

The sad part is that I think this is true for too much of the time.

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: October 31, 2006 18:13

jamesfdouglas Wrote:
> Getting Artificial???
> They've been cheating their live material output
> since Got Live If You Want It!

I second that, though I think GYYYO is nevertheless a milestone and my favorite!
At least I think just filming some interaction with fans for the DVD in a separate show is a new dimension.

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: micwer ()
Date: October 31, 2006 18:18

Do you guys really think that Rock n' Roll Circus was shot in one single take?
Come on...

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: October 31, 2006 19:51

Sonesrule, that was a good post. I always think it is intersting when someone who has been on the inside of these things writes here.When it is obvious that he/she knows what thye are talking about.

" longer shall you trudge 'cross my peaceful mind."

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: October 31, 2006 22:33

It's done with mirrors. They've been saying that since 1972!

Really hope the Stones don't stoop to the level of awards shows with the fake "fans" jumping up and down holding up signs (ala Super Bowl). Enough real excitement at a Stones show.

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: November 1, 2006 02:17

Done with mirrors previously? NOT to this degree.

Perhaps I'm wrong but I never recall the fans subjected to some of the stuff they went through at the Beacon, being asked to leave etc. There's no doubt that StonesDoug tried to really help his people and it didn't quite work in the end. I imagine there'll be no mention of this stuff in the DVD. Assume the audience will be depicted as part of the happiest kingdom on earth.

If this had been a gig in Atlanta with the same screw-ups, bet you'd be singing a different tune, Elmo.

Onward and upward.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-11-01 02:18 by stonesrule.

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: bcdogg45 ()
Date: November 1, 2006 02:42

"I'm saddened and shocked to read the accounts in this Forum and on Shidoobee as to how people were treated re the Beacon. I'm told that some of the dictates were laid down by Scorcese but he and Cohl should have clearly discussed all these details before the contest and the publicity about the cheap tickets."

The organizational structure at the Beacon sounds like there are several entities and factions controlling one project and no one really sat down and mapped out the chain of command.The end result amounts to( to quote Keef) friggin' anarchy in the upper ranks.

Re: THE BIG PICTURE and all the screw-ups
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: November 1, 2006 06:41

.what is the problem's a movie set...........have none of you ever been on a movie set?????????.......The Beacon is a Scorsese project and it's called "Shine A Light"..........scratch deeper Rolling Stones fans..this s a Scorsese production that is capturing a significant moment in the bands long history.....That they played Shine A light should have many people thinking.......rock on Rolling Stones.........

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