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At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Mister_D ()
Date: October 20, 2006 10:31

There's been lots of talk about cold weather (Chicago), expensive tickets (everywhere), tired performances (occassionally), washed up band (only the brave dare say it here). At what point have you had enough of it?

First let me say, if you're 18 and/or you've never been to a Stones concert, go! Don't pass up the opportunity to (a) see, at the very least, a very good show, (b) see something unique, (c) hear all the classics, (d) witness rock history. You'll be able to tell your grandchildren about it. Or at least your roommates.

But here's what I don't understand, and I really hope someone can help me out with this. Some posters on this forum (and concert reviewers) talk about the latest concert being their 20th show, fifth of the ABB tour. These must be pretty big Stones fans, I guess. To these people I ask, don't you ever get sick of it? No, I don't mean the idea of seeing (or hearing recordings) of your favorite band. I mean seeing the same songs over and over again. You know your Stones, how many times can you stomach Satisfaction and JJFlash? And why, out of 19 or 20 songs, do you tolerate the fact the about 16 of them (someone help me out here) are identical from show to show, from tour to tour, and from year to year? For the novice who barely knows the band, is too young, etc., this is great. But, you?

Not to talk about the ticket prices.

I've been a Stones fan since the late 70's. Have seen them a few times along the way, including Louisville on this tour. I couldn't imagine going to any trouble to catch them somewhere else along the way in the hope that they'd mix in something-- anything-- that they don't grind out every time. And a few bars of Wichita Lineman wouldn't justify my giving up two-and-a-half bills.

What keeps you coming back for more?

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: October 20, 2006 11:24

My lady hasn't changed her t&a in years, but I still do luv her!

So what?


Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: October 20, 2006 11:56

Mister_D Wrote:
> There's been lots of talk about cold weather
> (Chicago), expensive tickets (everywhere), tired
> performances (occassionally), washed up band (only
> the brave dare say it here). At what point have
> you had enough of it?
> First let me say, if you're 18 and/or you've
> never been to a Stones concert, go! Don't pass up
> the opportunity to (a) see, at the very least, a
> very good show, (b) see something unique, (c) hear
> all the classics, (d) witness rock history. You'll
> be able to tell your grandchildren about it. Or at
> least your roommates.
> But here's what I don't understand, and I really
> hope someone can help me out with this. Some
> posters on this forum (and concert reviewers) talk
> about the latest concert being their 20th show,
> fifth of the ABB tour. These must be pretty big
> Stones fans, I guess. To these people I ask, don't
> you ever get sick of it? No, I don't mean the idea
> of seeing (or hearing recordings) of your favorite
> band. I mean seeing the same songs over and over
> again. You know your Stones, how many times can
> you stomach Satisfaction and JJFlash? And why, out
> of 19 or 20 songs, do you tolerate the fact the
> about 16 of them (someone help me out here) are
> identical from show to show, from tour to tour,
> and from year to year? For the novice who barely
> knows the band, is too young, etc., this is great.
> But, you?
> Not to talk about the ticket prices.
> I've been a Stones fan since the late 70's. Have
> seen them a few times along the way, including
> Louisville on this tour. I couldn't imagine going
> to any trouble to catch them somewhere else along
> the way in the hope that they'd mix in something--
> anything-- that they don't grind out every time.
> And a few bars of Wichita Lineman wouldn't justify
> my giving up two-and-a-half bills.
> What keeps you coming back for more?

<<<<<< What keeps you coming back for more ? >>>>>>

Tricky question, because there's lots of reasons really. I'll try and articulate SOME of mine:

1 The thrill of seeing that band literally explode onto the stage never really wanes. They have truly mastered the art of the "grand entrance", and for me - it never fails to thrill. It is genuinely exciting.

2 Variety (at least for me) stems from various aspects. Among those that spring to mind are factors such as: where I'm sat, the company I'm keeping and "sharing" the entire show experience with, the entire "build up" to the event, and to a lesser extent the fun & games I have even "after" the event. All of these are contributory factors that have a huge impact on my overall perception of any given show, regardless of the fact that the setlist might be very similar or even identical to one or more previous shows I'll have seen.

3 The enjoyment I get out of sharing a genuine interest and passion with other like-minded enthusiasts. Being able to do so introduces yet another dimension that enhances the pleasure I get from attending shows.

4 I'm probably a little more tolerant, certainly than some on this board, of the sort of setlists thay've been playing over this tour and the Licks tour in particular. As much as I would LOVE them to drop some warhorses and play any number of other gems, the points I've identified above do compensate to a very great extent. I appreciate that for many people that is not the case, but that's the way it is for me.

5 Affordability/freedom of movement: I'm fortunate I guess in so far as being self employed, I don't have to deal with this "taking time off work" issue that probably lots of people do, and I'm equally fortunate to earn enough to be able to indulge myself - within reason I hasten to add. On the ABB tour so far I've seen them 3 times in the States (MSG, Giants, Albany in September 05) and then 7 times in August 06 (Nice, Porto, Tiwickenhan x 2, Glasgow, Sheffield, Cardiff). The American trip really was my one and only "vacation" in 2005, and the 7 shows in Europe during August all fell within the month of August, which again was by and large my "vacation" month for this year. If I were to add up the total cost of these adventures I know I would be horrified, but I'm sure that I'm not the worst offender .............. I bet there are lots of people on this board that have "indulged" to a far greater extent. And good luck to 'em !!

6 So have I had enough ? Er, no. Most definitely not. BRING ON THE BAND !! And let the silliness continue !!

7 Whoops, nearly forgot. Going to Atlantic City on the 27th of this month.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-10-20 12:22 by paulywaul.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: TombstoneShadow ()
Date: October 20, 2006 12:00

Probably at no point...

I'd never miss a stones gig if it were nearby...

I can always seem to scare up a reasonably priced ticket, with few exceptions, so as long as they're touring and i'm in the nabe, i'm there!

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Star ()
Date: October 20, 2006 12:10

I most certainly agree with liddas and paulywaul... for many years I have been playing the Stones collection of music at home, in my car or anywhere else I can and I NEVER tire of the same songs, I think, simply because there is nothing else out there that can compete with the Rolling Stones. It says on the back of the first ever album cover.. "the Rolling Stones are more than just a group, they are a way of life".. that is true for me and I'm very happy for it to be that way with all the pleasure the songs have given me. I agree with paulywaul completely about the concerts (I too did one in the USA this year - LA Forum and was also at Sheffield & Cardiff paulywaul) and all the build up, surrounding events etc. that goes with them... I am happy whatever setlist is played and I would be disappointed if they missed out some of the favourite warhorses... I think they have it just right in the mix of songs that they choose.

"till the next time..."

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Mister_D ()
Date: October 20, 2006 12:10

Thank you,Pauly, well spoken. that you mention it...

I had a great time at the Louisville concert, for many of the reasons you so ably explained. The set list was not one of them though. Was I disappointed? I'd have to say, no, not realy. Again, for (many of) the reasons you outlined: the atmosphere, the "event", my buddies, the shared experience aspect, the exitement, the buzz... my buzz...

In a way, the fact that it was the Rolling Stones, playing (fill in the blank), was not the most important thing about that evening (and parts of the previous and following days). I could have been at some other mega-event, at least one taken from a pretty short list: Pink Floyd reunioun, Daytona 500, Super Bowl, presidential innauguration, New Years Eve on Times Square, etc. I'm sure many people get addicted to going to these, too, and as regularly as they can manage.

And why not? It's good to have a passion.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 20, 2006 12:14

Mister_D Wrote:
> But here's what I don't understand, and I really
> hope someone can help me out with this. Some
> posters on this forum (and concert reviewers) talk
> about the latest concert being their 20th show,
> fifth of the ABB tour. These must be pretty big
> Stones fans, I guess. To these people I ask, don't
> you ever get sick of it? No, I don't mean the idea
> of seeing (or hearing recordings) of your favorite
> band. I mean seeing the same songs over and over
> again. You know your Stones, how many times can
> you stomach Satisfaction and JJFlash? And why, out
> of 19 or 20 songs, do you tolerate the fact the
> about 16 of them (someone help me out here) are
> identical from show to show, from tour to tour,
> and from year to year? For the novice who barely
> knows the band, is too young, etc., this is great.
> But, you?

I agree with most of what pauly writes above - especially his third point. The social side of it is a HUGE part of the experience these days. I like building a short break in an interesting city around a Stones show or two and meeting up with other fans who I've become friends with over the years.

However, as far as hearing many of the same songs over and over, I'll sound a bit like bv with one of his legendary metaphors and put this one to you. Say you go on holiday for a couple of weeks every year. On the first day or so, you find a restaurant you really like and have a terrific meal there. Its quite reasonable to expect that if its that good (and bearing in mind it could be a few years before you get the chance to go back once youve gone home) you might revisit the place again before the holiday ends. Maybe even have the same meal.

> Not to talk about the ticket prices.

> I've been a Stones fan since the late 70's. Have
> seen them a few times along the way, including
> Louisville on this tour. I couldn't imagine going
> to any trouble to catch them somewhere else along
> the way in the hope that they'd mix in something--
> anything-- that they don't grind out every time.
> And a few bars of Wichita Lineman wouldn't justify
> my giving up two-and-a-half bills.

Well, its got to the stage where I simply wont pay THAT kind of money as a matter of principle. I'll use my own judgement as to how to get what I consider good tickets for a price I can afford. Years ago, I'd have thought nothing of it, but maybe I've just got a bit wiser and more cynical with age. If I cant, I simply wont go. Using the meal metaphor again, I dont think ANY concert/meal is worth that kind of money. Not to me, anyway. I'll still manage to have a good time at a price I can afford.

>What keeps you coming back for more?

It always comes back to the music for me. As Andrew Oldham put it early on "its more than a group - its a way of life". Even though I try and kid myself otherwise at times, I'm probably too far gone at this stage for that to ever change, in all honesty.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Tralala ()
Date: October 20, 2006 12:24

Had enough? No, njet, non, nej för fan, nein! I'll just quote Bogart from Casablanca. Only switch the dry martinies with Stones shows. "3 Stones-concerts, please Sam. Line'em up right here, and keep 'em comming!"
I can recognize the excitement building up inside me from the moment the tour is officially announced, to the closing show's over... It's a great time, but not a very productive one, from a professional point of view. I'm so looking forward to the next show, and the next. And I love meeting other fans from all over the world, exchanging stories, Stones-photos etc. And I return from every show with great memories and a big smile on my face. Yes, an expensive hobby - but I think it's worth it.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: October 20, 2006 12:29

Mister_D Wrote:
> There's been lots of talk about cold weather
> (Chicago), expensive tickets (everywhere), tired
> performances (occassionally), washed up band (only
> the brave dare say it here). At what point have
> you had enough of it?

The cold is inevitable. The tickets are expnsive, but they're OK for me because I don't have to go to 20 shows each tour. I never heard one tired show from this tour and I have a few handfuls of boots. The band is washed up??? News to me. Great album in 2005, great tour 2005-2007, maybe new album next year. Washed up??? I will never get enough. And that's of course a problem.


Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: sweet neo con ()
Date: October 20, 2006 13:04

fair question...i wonder the same thing sometimes....and then I try reluctantly imagine the day that the Stones are no longer producing new longer performing etc....

re: weather......not an issue to me. i was a 10/11 Chicago. To be honest, I never felt cold.

re: ticket's ridiculous!!! But at least it weeds out fly-by-night fans. I can only justify/rationalize one show per tour....unless i'm able to win tickets or buy under face value last minute scalper tix outside the venue.

re: washed up (?).......nope. not yet.

re: same songs over & over.......having so many major hits, the stones have sort of backed themselves into a corner...into a catch 22. If they play all the "must plays" they get flak for not mixing up the setlist. If they don't play the "must plays" they will disappoint thousands of people per show. Even though we've all seen them a few times....most haven't.

I always wonder if the band gets tired of playing the same songs over and over. They still sound fresh every show. Amazing. But they did admit that they like playing new & different stuff.........that's why they did the "deeper cuts" at the small venue shows on the 40 Licks tour.

Unless you have a TIME MACHINE enjoy it while it lasts.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 20, 2006 13:19

sweet neo con Wrote:
> > re: ticket's ridiculous!!! But
> at least it weeds out fly-by-night fans.

actually, it doesnt. Thats the problem. the amount of corporate attendees going to Stones shows is huge because of those prices - and its no coincidence that those 'fans' arent buying ABB.

Higher ticket prices is NOT resulting in a more captive and loyal audience. Measuring someones loyalty by the depth of their wallet is absurd

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-10-20 13:21 by Gazza.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: October 20, 2006 13:21

Fly-by-night fans Neocon??? What's that??? Fans that fly by night and......?


Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: October 20, 2006 13:26

Maybe their/the managements greediness will be their "Waterloo".
Worse times might cause empty stadiums.
Hope they trip it all down before that day comes.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: October 20, 2006 15:39

If I had the money, [and didn't have a family ;^)] I'd be at every show everywhere on the planet.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: georgeV ()
Date: October 20, 2006 18:33

It's an addiction and you don't necessarily have to feel the shits the next day. I usually do, mind you, because I party before, during and after the show but that's my choice.

Many addictions are far worse than our Stones addiction.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-10-20 18:34 by georgeV.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: GrievousAngel ()
Date: October 20, 2006 18:43

As long as i get chickenskin when then opening video finishes and keith hits the first chords i'll be there.

there are always different thing to watch although the songs might be the same.

to watch the interaction is more interesting to me than to hear the same songs.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: October 20, 2006 19:06

This is a very difficult question that I have been struggling with A LOT of late. I do have a family to support, and I am fully ADDICTED to the stones, and it seems to get worse with each tour, especially this one. I've seen 8 shows on this tour, and I must admit that at times I have been bored with the same ol setlist. Albany was a HUGE disappoint for me - it was the first time that I had ever seen them when they didn't play a new song that I'd never heard live before.

My wife and I left the kids at home and went on vacation to london for 8 days to see them at Twick #2 - a dream come true - and I was so looking forward to SOL, ATGB, and maybe even SWAY, but I got none of them. In fact, it was a very expensive trip to only hear 1 new song live - Slipping Away.

I then went to Foxboro where it all started for me on the B2B tour in 1997, and I was so apprehensive about what to expect after the letdown of Twick that I was determined this show would either make or break my future tourdates with the boys that I didn't already have tix for. And you know what? I got 6 songs never heard live before, they opened with PIB and my faith in my favorite band was restored. Now I was on to Giants stadium....

But my parents are tired of my addiction and refused to watch the kids for me to go off to giants stadium to see the boys for the 11th time, and on such short notice I couldn't get any of my friends to go due to the short notice at work for them, so instead of driving 8+ hours round trip by myself, I didn't go. I wasted $360+ on the stones, and that was a cold bucket of water in the face. But.....I still had Churchill to go.

And the anticipation of such an historic event far outweighed the $500 airplane ticket to me - 2nd row seats, how could I complain?? But the minute they came out and opened with my favorite opener JJF, I had a sick feeling in my stomach, and as they started in on the 2nd song I knew for sure that this was not going to be a special night with a special setlist like I had anticipated (Dead Flowers, Wild Horses, Loving Cup, All Down the Line - they were all the racetrack themed songs I'd come up with for the event). I knew I'd get Dead Flowers and probably Wild Horses but everything else would be pretty much status quo, but when they swapped back Miss You for UMT, that's when I lost the energy and excitement. I was able to gain it back for Sympathy, which is my favorite live song, but I left there feeling so downhearted about what I'd been doing for the last 13 months and wondering if it was all worth it that I don't know if I will buy tix for future shows. Granted I have entered the Beacon contest, and I've entered to win onstage tix to Dodger stadium, but to actually buy them again, I think I might just be done.

I have added up the sums for the past 14 months, and I thought it was bad last year when it was almost 4 grand, but now adding in this year and all the tix, tshirts, and travel expenses, it's well over 3x that amount, and I sit back and ponder, geez you know what I could have done around the house with that money? There are people in this country who don't even make that in one year, and I just pissed it away on an indulgence; granted I'm glad that God has allowed me the ability to be able to afford such a thing with a wife, 3 kids, and mortgage and other bills to support on my income alone, as my wife stays home with the kids. And then there's all the starving people in the world...

But when is enough enough? I think I've reached that point, and that is something that I NEVER thought that I would say. Since my return from Louisville, there has not been very many stones albums played in my house. I need a break from it all. The addiction has gotten out of my control and I need to stop the insanity before I go broke and jeopardize the financial security of the future for my family.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Dear Doctor ()
Date: October 20, 2006 19:32

the Dr is here for the duration

I will see them perform for me at lunchtime at my nursing home is I had a chance down the road

I am a real fan, I do not have to waffle that around

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: jagger50 ()
Date: October 20, 2006 19:47

Had enough? Gott im himmel. No way Jose.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: October 20, 2006 19:54

Never had enough, I still love the music.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: October 20, 2006 20:38

Interesting post and very thought provoking.Of course you will get a myriad of answers.I certainly fit into the category of a diehard fan.I have seen over 100 shows since 1982,flown to Auz for 1 week for gigs,flown to Rio etc.For sure there are lots out there who have seen tonnes more shows.

I personally enjoy the whole experience.Catching the flights,arriving in the city,touring the city,meeting fans from all around the world.Its been part of this whole circus and the buzz and excitement of it all.The Stones are the icing on the cake.

Gigs are always different,even if they do the exact same set list.Just listen to the bootlegs.Of course I would sooner hear different songs night after night.But hearing the guys tearing through Satisfasction for the millionth time is still a joy.Having the Stones around kicking ass night after night makes the world a better place.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: jagger50 ()
Date: October 20, 2006 21:19

People here complain endlessly about setlists. If you went to see say Deep Purple for the first time and they did not play Smoke On The Water you'd be a bit miffed, right? But a Purple fan might think, thank @#$%& for that. See my point.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: DaveG ()
Date: October 20, 2006 21:42

After seeing them in Seattle one year ago at Key Arena, and paying over $300.00 for a ticket, and being mildly disappointed by the performance, I thought that I had seen them for the last time. I still listen to them all the time. But, suddenly, I find out that they'll be back in Seattle. I decided I wouldn't pay top dollar again . . .so, on the night of the show, on Tuesday, I decided to make it to the stadium and got there during the Dave Matthews' set. I got a great seat for $40.00 and saw a spectacular show, even better than last year in Seattle. I am so glad I decided to go.

The point? I thought I'd had enough, but apparently not. I don't think a Stones fan can ever really say "enough", because when they show up again in your city, you WILL find a way to see them!

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: NickB ()
Date: October 20, 2006 21:44

I came into this world with the Rolling Stones and will go out with them at my funeral. Not just a band, a way of fcukin life. I was born the week they were No 1 with Honky Tonk Woman and you know what that'll be played @ my funeral. They are the reason I pick up a guitar, Goto to hear the influence. As one poster said "The thrill of seeing that band literally explode onto the stage never really wanes. They have truly mastered the art of the "grand entrance", and for me - it never fails to thrill. It is genuinely exciting." That sums it up for me. The anticipation.

Rock and fcukin ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: October 20, 2006 21:55


Your comment re "those brave enough to dare to say it" makes me wonder how familiar you are with the forum and why you bother to take the time to stir things up.

Most people in this forum would tell you that the Stones' MUSIC gives us pleasure -- this is the short answer.

Obviously, you can take it or leave it so it's your problem -- not ours.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Turd On The Run ()
Date: October 20, 2006 22:15

As Keef once said...or was it Ahmet Ertegun? There's the Sun, the Moon, and the Rolling Stones.

They've been there all my life...and I've been with them. Through thick and thin. The good and the bad. The dark and the light. The love and the hate.

These days it is harder and harder to justify the devotion. They often seem to coast on reputation. They play mostly the same songs tour after tour. They carry basically the same band around the world with them since 1989. The same gargantuan stage sets. The same blighting merchandising. The same irritating corporatism. Gone are the days when every tour was a new look and a new feel and a new [re]discovery.

They under-promote and under-play their new material. They bleed and squander mystique and relevance needlessly.

Yet a world without them is unimaginable. And despite their dismaying loss of a lot of credibility due to mismanagement and greed and short-sightedness...they remain the Rolling Stones. The template. The band God chose to demonstrate and deify the Blues and Soul and Raunch and even a hint of his archangel Satan to us mortals. I forgive them. I grieve sometimes for what they seem to have become...but I know that all that remorse and frustration will be blown away when they take the stage and privilege me with their wicked art.

Diamond rings, Vaseline, you gave me disease, well, I lost a lot of love over you.

Re: At what point have you had enough?
Posted by: Mister_D ()
Date: October 20, 2006 22:26

stonesrule Wrote:
> Your comment re "those brave enough to dare to say
> it" makes me wonder how familiar you are with the
> forum and why you bother to take the time to stir
> things up.

> Obviously, you can take it or leave it so it's
> your problem -- not ours.

Did I hit a nerve?

I didn't know that I-- or you, or anybody else-- was a "member" of this forum. I did sign up so that I could post as well as read (duh). And I do enjoy reading what people have to say. And, gosh, sometimes I don't even agree with them-- imagine that. I just tend not to get as upset about it as you, apparently. Sorry to rain on your parade, mate.

If this forum is restricted only to people who only go on living because the Rolling Stones are still on this planet (it's not, but you appear to think so) then you need to get a life.

On the otherhand, if you would allow yourself to think about what you do and why you do things, you might earn someone's respect. My OP posed a question, which, thankfully, has yielded some very thoughtful and instructive reactions-- including your rant!

Do what ever makes you happy, pal. Or start a new Stones-fanatic Only Club. You're sad.

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