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Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: madmaxx ()
Date: August 10, 2006 18:31

Strange term still makes no sense to me.

Wot = What

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: scelsa ()
Date: August 10, 2006 18:45


Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: August 10, 2006 19:11

WOT = correct Cockney spelling of WHAT (as in WOT, NO PAINT IT BLACK THIS CONCERT?)

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: tussler ()
Date: August 10, 2006 19:21

Take it easy everybody, nothing is more safe of transporting vehickles than airplanes. If you are worried about motorized vehickles, well then don`t use your car. In my country there live 4.5 million people and only 0-5 die in airplane accidents while there are about 300-400 who die in car accident in a year. Well, after this post some get more worried and some get less worried.

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: country honk ()
Date: August 10, 2006 19:26

"This the most pathetic post I have ever seen. Only cowards blame victims and feel that appeasement will stop terrorism. The terrorists want to kill us because we are a free society with freedom of religion, women's rights, democracy etc."

Not only because of that, but because of unequality where the richer become richer and the poorer become even more poorer.... and who is supporting that.... take a look at Haliburton (Cheany) who has earned billions on the war in Iraq - oil money from Iraq, money that should have been in the irqa peoples pockets and not in Cheanyes pocket....

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: tussler ()
Date: August 10, 2006 19:32

Country Honk

I hope you don`t say that about my post. To be clear at that point, I don`t defend violence at all.

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: davido ()
Date: August 10, 2006 19:39

Reminds me of "V for Vendetta".
Maybe support for the war has
been plummeting too low.......

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: August 10, 2006 19:50

tussler Wrote:
In my country there live 4.5 million people and only 0-5 die in airplane accidents while there are about 300-400 who die in car accident in a year.

But at least if you are driving your car, you have some control over your destiny. On a plane, you are powerless to save yourself (I don't really considered flying your plane into the ground a la Flight 93 to be saving yourself - although I have great great great respect for those passengers on that plane for their actions)

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: August 10, 2006 19:59

country honk Wrote:
> "This the most pathetic post I have ever seen.
> Only cowards blame victims and feel that
> appeasement will stop terrorism. The terrorists
> want to kill us because we are a free society with
> freedom of religion, women's rights, democracy
> etc."
> Not only because of that, but because of
> unequality where the richer become richer and the
> poorer become even more poorer....

One can discuss the causes of terrorism ad nauseam, but I think that the latter reason (rich <-> poor) comes nearer to the thruth than the former one which is basically the one that Bush would like it to be.

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: August 10, 2006 20:06

CindyC Wrote:
> tussler Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> In my country there live 4.5 million people and
> only 0-5 die in airplane accidents while there are
> about 300-400 who die in car accident in a year.
> But at least if you are driving your car, you have
> some control over your destiny. On a plane,
> you are powerless to save yourself (I don't really
> considered flying your plane into the ground a la
> Flight 93 to be saving yourself - although I have
> great great great respect for those passengers on
> that plane for their actions)

What does it matter how safe flights are in a wealthy country somewhere under the rainbow, if the flight YOU are on is blown in a billion pieces by bearded

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: tussler ()
Date: August 10, 2006 20:22

CindyC Wrote:
> tussler Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> In my country there live 4.5 million people and
> only 0-5 die in airplane accidents while there are
> about 300-400 who die in car accident in a year.
> But at least if you are driving your car, you have
> some control over your destiny. On a plane,
> you are powerless to save yourself (I don't really
> considered flying your plane into the ground a la
> Flight 93 to be saving yourself - although I have
> great great great respect for those passengers on
> that plane for their actions)

I can`t argue against that, you are completely right on that point.

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 10, 2006 20:27

If there is one single good thing as a so called bi-effect
after all this evil & insanity; it may be that more people
may tend to discover its a cool thing travel by train.
Its puts less pressure on the environments.

But I get cold & weary at the same time by these news.
I almost (almost) long back to the time of terror balance.
Couldnt someone just give the talibans some decent a-bombs,
so that thay could start rattle with them?

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: August 10, 2006 20:30


I keep thinking about this.

Another thing that (at least for me) is so frightening about dying in an airplane crash vs. a car crash is that in a car crash, I think the amount of time where you actually realize you are going to die is very quick, probably a minute at the most?

In an airplane, unless it just blows up in the sky, there is a good probability that you are aware of your impending fate for quite some time before it actually occurs. I think those last moments of complete terror must be overwhelming. Plus, a lot of times bodies are not recovered and your family has no real closure.

Those to me scare me a lot more than a car crash, even if the likelyhood is much less.

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: August 10, 2006 20:38

Good idea, terrorists would never blow up a train!!!

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 10, 2006 20:40

Cindy, your words brought to me ol' jimbo The Lizard King's words:
"Dont wanna die in an automobile
I wanna lie in an open field
I want the snake to suck my skin
I want the bird to eat my eyes (etc)..."
But I really would choose almost any other death than in a plane.
Automobile is the second worst.

May God not show too much mercy with all those who
treat human lives as chess pieces.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-08-10 20:41 by Baboon Bro.

Re: Major Airline Terrorist Attack Stopped in UK - Euro Air Traffic a Mess
Posted by: Markdog ()
Date: August 10, 2006 20:44

major terrorist plot and Brian Jones back from the dead.....

pick your fairy tale.

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