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Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: July 13, 2006 12:09

the bone of contention comes from the fact that you don't want to admit that the italian lout insulted Zidane's mother and sister.

Or you just don't care !

Zizou has been punished, now it's Materazzi's turn !!

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: July 13, 2006 12:17

It all adds to the thearte/show/hype italy have just won the greatest competition in the world, mick sings 'as tears go bye' in italian and they also know streets of love was a big commercia in italy, so imho it being commercialy astute.

Me i will just be glad to see them at twickenham & cardiff, got great seats for twickenham <if they ever arrive> and crap seats at cardiff but will go along to enjoy both shows and hopefully get something like 'salt of the earth' like we got at twickenham last time, but also enjoy the war horses as well.

Memory motel would be very nice.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: dunhill ()
Date: July 13, 2006 12:38

stonefan Wrote:
> the bone of contention comes from the fact that
> you don't want to admit that the italian lout
> insulted Zidane's mother and sister.
> Or you just don't care !
> Zizou has been punished, now it's Materazzi's turn
> !!

Stonefan, first of all I would like to introduce myself, my name is Andrea, we have been arguing so long about this matter that I think I feel better telling you my name.
First you can believe ZZ's version and I can believe Materazzi's one and we will never agree on this subject.
What really matters is that, if you are a football fan and I doubt it, players are supposed not to react to provocations.
I have heard about reaction fouls, never about 4-letter words fouls.
I don't care about what Materazzi could have said, it's completely irrelevant.
I think you are blowing up this thing out of proportion to cover up the fact that you didn't win the Cup.
How old are you? Since I was a little kid I have heard my mom being calle dthe worst names in playgrounds and I was taught very early not to pay any attention to such remarks, they are the most obvious insult in the world.
When you play sports it's quite common to hear players from your opposing team to insult you, now let's not pretend football is some kind of high class sport.
It gets played in slums, favelas, bidonvilles, that's where it develops, where wonderful, and I mean it, players like ZZ started playing football.
Now you want to tell me ZZ is a pussy that can't take some derogative remarks about his mom or sister? Come on, take it like a man, ZZ lost his mind, he was nervous, is very last game ever, very nervous, facing a stronger adversary, almost on the verge of penalty kicks, and was thrown out.
I am sorry for you, I do still appreciate very much ZZ but give us a break now, he made a mistake, Materazzi was just smarter that night.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: July 13, 2006 13:05

Gazza Wrote:
> - and not with a couple of footballers
> shouting at the audience, trying to upstage them.

Agreed, but they couldn't upstage the Stones anyway.


Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: nikkibong ()
Date: July 13, 2006 13:18

Mick always panders to the sports allegiances of the locals. Chills went up my spine when I heard im say "Home of the Buckeyes" on the Columbus boot . . .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-07-13 13:27 by nikkibong.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: dunhill ()
Date: July 13, 2006 13:25

Gazza Wrote:
> fair enough, and its perfectly reasonable that the
> Stones acknowledged it, but the FINAL bow of any
> Stones show should consist of the 4 band members
> alone - and not with a couple of footballers
> shouting at the audience, trying to upstage them.

They were not trying to upstage them actually they were very polite and asked the audience for a round of applause calling the Stones "fenomeni" wich means "spectacular", they did even bring team shirts for the band so I guess they were quite nice to the band.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: mauroo ()
Date: July 13, 2006 13:27

it was a "surprise" by materazzi and del piero, with a gift (italia team tshirt)for the stones, but stones didn't know it.(see
They was very surprised, and a bit embarassed....

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: July 13, 2006 13:28

It seems so. Still the final bow should be the 4 stones. But a nice gesture from both sides.


Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: Marcofromitaly ()
Date: July 13, 2006 13:30

Ciao, Dunhill, son pienamente d'accordo con te e sottoscrivo la tua risposta a stonefan.

Il comportamento di Zidane è stato vergognoso e ingiustificabile, qualunque siano state le parole di Materazzi. Punto e basta.

L'unica cosa che mi ha dato un po' fastidio in tutta la vicenda è che in tutta la bolgia celebrativa (dovuta e comprensibile, ci mancherebbe) nessuna voce della stampa italiana, - anche lieve - si sia alzata a dire che forse il comportamento di Materazzi, seppur diffuso nei campi di calcio, non è stato un vero e proprio esempio di fair-play.
E' vero che il calcio non è uno sport da signorine e che gli insulti sono all'ordine del giorno...però se si continua così ai pulcini delle scuole calcio consegneranno un manualetto per i più efficaci insulti agli avversari, con la segreta speranza di una loro violenta reazione. Vogliamo questo? O Materazzi è da osannare, oltre perché ha giocato un grandissimo mondiale, perché è stato "furbo" nella circostanza?

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: roby ()
Date: July 13, 2006 14:42

The presence of Materazzi and del Piero on stage confirms that Jagger is a big opportunist (to be polite). Supporter of the squadra azzura... in Italie... And In Paris?

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: ituim ()
Date: July 13, 2006 14:57

I totally agree with Dunhill.

In Paris he should not mention the world cup. Better for the French audience. They could still sing "Con le mie lacrime" in Italian though...LOL

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-07-13 15:08 by ituim.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: July 13, 2006 15:09

it's not very fair to write in your own language marco

one more rude manner !

Anyway, we have the heroes that we deserve :

we have Zidane and you have materazzi ! it's not the same class !

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: Meise ()
Date: July 13, 2006 15:17

They should have thrown this mess Mazzerati/Materazzi off the stage. A guy that's insulting one of the greatest football players of all times has nothing to lose onstage with the greatest rockband of all times.
It's a pity I wasn't there - I would have thrown eggs and tomatoes ... even though the Italian audience would have killed me afterwards :-)

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: Gerda ()
Date: July 13, 2006 15:26

dunhill Wrote:

>When you play sports it's quite common to hear players from your opposing team >to insult you, now let's not pretend football is some kind of high class >sport.
>Now you want to tell me ZZ is a pussy that can't take some derogative remarks >about his mom or sister?

I agree with you 100% that Zidane should have known better, but it happened, he got punished by the rules of the game and it´s over. "High" class or "low" class sport - there is still a big difference between a verbal insult and Zidane´s violent reaction.
Now both sides should stop to create bad blood by adding fuel to this unpleasant debate and get on with their lives.

In 24 hours I´ll be Front of Stage in Vienna waitng for the big moment of the first chords - let´s cheer up and look forward to the show!!!


Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 13, 2006 15:27

If you don't accept the fact that Italy won the World Cup then feel free to post your frustrations and anger anywhere but not on IORR. The world cup is over. It is a fact that the Stones brought the players on stage in Italy during the final bow. It was a gest to the 65,000 Italian fans. If you can't live with that then I feel sorry for you. But please do not try to start the game another time here. The game is over. Italy won. Finito.


Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: July 13, 2006 15:29

I wish all stones fans to have a great time here and everywhere !

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: fix ()
Date: July 13, 2006 15:46

Some comments are ridicules. Relax you. Many people that write here was neither on the show, but they talk about like they did. The reality is different and better than you think. After the elimination of the England Jegger said that he will support Italy (like in 82 when he even predict the score). Italy won (stop, clearly not in a fair way because all of us are Mafiosi, with mandolino close to us and pizza on one hand. Zizi is an angel and is he did that his certainly was insulted in an incredible way. Is realy a champion, the great champion in whole sport history, and he has got the right to came back home with the gold cup, because the gods support him).
It’s not so difficult, Mick love soccer and he know perfectly how to manage the audience, so he invite two players on stage and whole the audience appreciate. Stop.
Sorry for my English, but I realy sad. It that difficult to enjoy a tour (my be the last one) without these silly polemics?
E per i rosiconi, sucate ancora.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: only stones ()
Date: July 13, 2006 16:31

i'm sorry for the words of Materazzi at concert.
The footbool in italy is all, but not in the stage with Stones.
i don't care of problems Materazzi/Zidane on the floor.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: sidonia ()
Date: July 13, 2006 16:35

To everybody who not agree with football players on stage:

It's was Mick's descision to have them on stage, so you not agree with that, you not agree with Mick, so you are against Stones! Why you are on board then?!

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: July 13, 2006 16:36

I think things have become quite clear today after Zidane's speech. We know now for sure that there was no racist offense against muslims. Materazzi offended Zidane's mother and sister (Materazzi says he did not tell anything against his mother and doing so implicitly admitted to have said something agaist his sister). So Materazzi surely behaved bad but everyone, exspecially all those who have played football, can judge if the reaction of Zizou - someone who have played god knows how many matches - was fair and proportioned.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: Marcofromitaly ()
Date: July 13, 2006 16:46

stonefan Wrote:
> it's not very fair to write in your own language
> marco
> one more rude manner !
> Anyway, we have the heroes that we deserve :
> we have Zidane and you have materazzi ! it's not
> the same class !

Sorry, Stonefan: you're right for my posting, but I was in a hurry...later I will post again my opinion in English. And I hope you'll agree with me!!!

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: ituim ()
Date: July 13, 2006 16:59

> E per i rosiconi, sucate ancora.

I couldn't agree more...

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: Marcofromitaly ()
Date: July 13, 2006 17:09

My previous posting, now translated in english.

"Hi, Dunhill, I absolutely agree with you and join your reply to stonefan.

Zidane's behaviour was shameful and without any justification, no matter how offending were Materazzi's words. Period.

The only fact that annoyed me in this controversy is that, in the middle of this italian celebrating turmoil (which every italian understands and approves, of course), no one from the italian press wrote that maybe Materazzi's behaviour, although similiar acting is spreading widely on all the football fields all over the world and in every category, was not really a milestone of fairplaying.
It's true that football is a very hard-fighting sport (not for "sissie") and that offending words during the match happens everyday...but, if we follow this path, in a little while someone at the training football school will hand learning children a handbook full of the worst offending words to say at the competing player, with the secret hope of a bad and violent reaction by the offended. Do we want this to happen? Or do you think that Materazzi is the one to praise just because he was "smart" (and not only because he played a great tournament)."

I hope my translation is clear enough, now.
I apologize once again.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 13, 2006 18:02

dunhill Wrote:
> Gazza Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > fair enough, and its perfectly reasonable that
> the
> > Stones acknowledged it, but the FINAL bow of
> any
> > Stones show should consist of the 4 band
> members
> > alone - and not with a couple of footballers
> > shouting at the audience, trying to upstage
> them.
> They were not trying to upstage them actually they
> were very polite and asked the audience for a
> round of applause calling the Stones "fenomeni"
> wich means "spectacular", they did even bring team
> shirts for the band so I guess they were quite
> nice to the band.

thats not the impression I got from other reviews I read, but I appreciate the clarification - thanks

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: turd ()
Date: July 13, 2006 18:08

Normally all these off topic football, politic threads would have vanished by now, curtesy of Mr Deletes big red delete button - I ask one question....

Has Bjornulf Vic run away?

(or did he accidently delete himself?)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-07-13 18:09 by turd.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: July 13, 2006 18:15

Gazza Wrote:

> > They were not trying to upstage them actually
> they
> > were very polite and asked the audience for a
> > round of applause calling the Stones "fenomeni"
> > wich means "spectacular", they did even bring
> team
> > shirts for the band so I guess they were quite
> > nice to the band.
> thats not the impression I got from other reviews
> I read, but I appreciate the clarification -
> thanks

They give magliette azzurre to the band, hug Ronnie, Keith smiling, Mick giving the tempo while materazzi was singing "Siam campioni del mondo". Did not have the impression of a "take over" by the players. Quite the opposite it was announced the whole team but just the two pop up.

That said. I missed the final bow of the four of them.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: gwen ()
Date: July 13, 2006 18:23

Materazzi may be on stage in Berlin as well as he and Zidane will be in Zurich on July 20th to be auditionned by FIFA.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: July 13, 2006 20:58



No matter what Materazzi said, the finale might be undone because the 4th referee
used the TV monitor to see ZiZous foul. Video proofing is not alowed so a French lawyer will bring it to court.

(maybe Italien TV might again provide the according frames as they did with Frings ;-))

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: dunhill ()
Date: July 13, 2006 21:56

rknuth Wrote:
> (maybe Italien TV might again provide the
> according frames as they did with Frings ;-))

As Danish tv did with Totti back in 2004.
BTW in the Friggs case it wasn't Italian tv but SKY to provide images which, as far as I know is an English network owned by an Australian.
Do your homework before implying that we had Friggs out of the semi-final, which we would have won anyway, 2 goals in 120 seconds, 1 wood and one crossbar, remember that, my supposedly German buddy.

Re: Mick , Stones and... Materazzi
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: July 13, 2006 22:01

rknuth Wrote:
> BTW:
> proofing is not alowed so a French lawyer will
> bring it to court.

do your homework also on this (and maybe inform the french lawyer) during this tournament one of the referees off the field was watching the matches at a monitor

you have a problem, the cure is listen to some stones, smoke if you like, smile, life is beautiful even if italy won the world cup

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