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NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: steffiestones ()
Date: June 28, 2006 18:18

They VERY disapoint me !!!

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: Tekumseh ()
Date: June 28, 2006 18:23

As it's said in many threads here, there will be no 2007 tour. It's cancelled!

No Nuremberg, Leipzig, Gothenburg, Frankfurt, Brussels, Barcelona, Madrid, St Petersburg, Brno, Warsaw, Athens or Zagreb.

I've seen it official about Nürnberg, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Brno, Brussels and Gothenburg.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-28 18:29 by Tekumseh.

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: carlitosbaez ()
Date: June 28, 2006 18:25

where have you reading no tour in 2007??
we haven´t read in Spain there´s no tour,
please can you tell me the origin of this information,

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: June 28, 2006 18:36

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: steffiestones ()
Date: June 28, 2006 18:37

carlitosbaez Wrote:
> where have you reading no tour in 2007??
> we haven´t read in Spain there´s no tour,
> please can you tell me the origin of this
> information,
> thanks,
> carlos

I get a mail from go for music :

We are very sorry to announce you that the postponed Rolling Stones concert in Brussels could not be rescheduled and is definitely cancelled. As there will be no concert during Summer 2007, ALL tickets will be reimbursed.

Those who would like to see the Rolling Stones perform will have to travel abroad. The Rolling Stones will kick off their shortened 'A Bigger Bang' European Tour in Milan, Italy on Tuesday 11 July 2006. All rescheduled concert dates can be found on

We kindly ask you to return your tickets for the Belgian concert to Tele Ticket Service, before 30 September 2006, together with the document which can be downloaded at We will reimburse the entrance price mentioned on the ticket, the service costs and the fan club charge you had to pay.

Kind regards,

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: Tekumseh ()
Date: June 28, 2006 18:38

Frankfurt info on []
Gothenburg info on []
Brno info on []
And I saw Brussels somewhere here...

And I've red the news on, but I haven't seen it offical for Barcelona, Madrid, St Petersburg, Warsaw, Athens or Zagreb yet.

But I bet it'll come. Only 6 shows left, and who'll start a tour for only those 6 shows?

It's NOT THAT I WANT these cancelations to happen, but it looks like it will....

I lost so much money for the first Gothenburg show, and now I'm loosing even more refunding a ticket I paid double price for.

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: June 28, 2006 18:48

No brussels? Why are you "sprouting" yet another thread?

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: steffiestones ()
Date: June 28, 2006 18:52

Tekumseh Wrote:
> Frankfurt info on []
> Gothenburg info on []
> Brno info on
> []
> 20060627;story=Rolling-Stones-cancel-Brno-concert
> And I saw Brussels somewhere here...
> And I've red the news on, but I haven't
> seen it offical for Barcelona, Madrid, St
> Petersburg, Warsaw, Athens or Zagreb yet.
> But I bet it'll come. Only 6 shows left, and
> who'll start a tour for only those 6 shows?
> It's NOT THAT I WANT these cancelations to happen,
> but it looks like it will....
> I lost so much money for the first Gothenburg
> show, and now I'm loosing even more refunding a
> ticket I paid double price for.

I just don't understand WHY?
Why do they not another european tour in 2007 for make the european fans happy .

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: Tekumseh ()
Date: June 28, 2006 18:56

I don't understand it either.
It's gotta be money, or that some of them don't wanna be on the road for so long..

But there can still be changes, can't it?
Like a new tour in 2008/2009 or something?

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: ron091 ()
Date: June 28, 2006 19:56

Charlie would be 67 or 68 in 2008/09. What do you think is the chance he will be touring with the Rolling Stones? I wouldn't bet a euro on it. It won't happen. Enjoy it this summer, because it's over. No more Rolling Stones tours. It's been a blast but for their sake and their families, it's over.

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: phd ()
Date: June 28, 2006 20:25

Up until I get an official notice from The Stones, I still believe there will be a 2007 tour. I think it takes more than 3 weeks to set up a Tour even for Mr.Cohl organisation. I am sure it means the whole contracts to be reissued. Furthermore, it is unimaginable to keep the cash for such a long period of time. And atop, how will be Keith shape ? If I were a promoter, I would wait until the end of this leg before embarking on a new deal.

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: June 28, 2006 20:57

I just got the email from GoForMusic. Brussels is off. Not postponed but cancelled. They request to return the tickets for a refund.

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: robnab ()
Date: June 28, 2006 20:59

Sad sad sad

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: 999 ()
Date: June 28, 2006 21:23

Shame shame shame

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: Edith_Grove ()
Date: June 28, 2006 22:09

Here is the email I received today :

Op 11 juli hervatten de Rolling Stones in Milaan hun ingekorte “A Bigger Bang”-tournee. Ten gevolge van een onfortuinlijke val uit een palmboom moest Keith Richards het enkele weken rustiger aan doen en werd het Europees luik van de tournee herschikt. Het geplande concert in het Koning Boudewijnstadion in Brussel op 1 juni kwam te vervallen. Inmiddels is bekend geraakt dat er GEEN VERVANGCONCERT zal worden gegeven in de zomer van 2007.

Wie zijn kaartjes nog niet teruggestuurd had naar Tele Ticket Service voor terugbetaling, wordt nu gevraagd dit alsnog te doen gezien alle kaarten terugbetaald zullen worden. Alle ticketkopers kregen hiertoe eerder al een brief in de bus. Toen was er echter nog de optie om tickets bij te houden voor een eventueel vervangconcert in de zomer van 2007. Gezien daarvan op dit moment geen sprake meer is, zullen ALLE kaartjes terugbetaald worden.

Wie de Rolling Stones deze zomer absoluut aan het werk wil zien, moet dus noodgedwongen naar het buitenland. De speellijst is te raadplegen op

Om uw kaartjes terugbetaald te krijgen, moet u die vóór 30 september 2006 terugsturen naar Tele Ticket Service, samen met het document dat u kunt downloaden op U krijgt de op de ticket vermelde toegangsprijs terugbetaald, samen met de servicekosten en wat u als inschrijving van de fanclub werd aangerekend.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Goformusic & Tele Ticket Service

070 345 345 (Belgium)
+32 34 0000 34 (International)


Le 11 juillet prochain les Rolling Stones démarreront à Milan leur tournée “A Bigger Band” quelque peu raccourcie. Suite à la chute dont il a été victime, Keith Richards a dû respecter plusieurs semaines de repos complet, le début de leur tournée européenne a naturellement été repoussé. Finalement, les remaniements de dates qui en ont découlé entraînent malheureusement l’ANNULATION DEFINITIVE du concert prévu au stade Roi Baudouin le 1er juin dernier.

Toutes les personnes qui n’ont pas encore retourné leurs billets à Tele Ticket Service pour remboursement, sont priées de le faire dès que possible, comme le conseillait précédemment la lettre envoyée par courrier. Comme l’option de garder ses billets en vue d’une potentielle nouvelle date dans le courant de l’été 2007 n’est plus d’actualité, ils seront donc tous remboursés. Ceux qui veulent absolument voir les Rolling Stones en concert cet été devront se diriger vers l’étranger. Vous pouvez consulter la liste des nouvelles dates sur le site

Pour le remboursement, nous vous prions de nous retourner vos billets avant le 30 septembre 2006, avec le document que vous pourriez télécharger sur Nous vous rembourserons le prix d’entrée mentionné sur le billet, les frais de service et la somme pour l’inscription comme membre du fanclub.

Bien à vous,

Goformusic & Tele Ticket Service

070 345 345 (Belgium)
+32 34 0000 34 (International)


We are very sorry to announce you that the postponed Rolling Stones concert in Brussels could not be rescheduled and is definitely cancelled. As there will be no concert during Summer 2007, ALL tickets will be reimbursed.

Those who would like to see the Rolling Stones perform will have to travel abroad. The Rolling Stones will kick off their shortened 'A Bigger Bang' European Tour in Milan, Italy on Tuesday 11 July 2006. All rescheduled concert dates can be found on

We kindly ask you to return your tickets for the Belgian concert to Tele Ticket Service, before 30 September 2006, together with the document which can be downloaded at We will reimburse the entrance price mentioned on the ticket, the service costs and the fan club charge you had to pay.

Kind regards,

Goformusic & Tele Ticket Service

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: SeNdEr ()
Date: June 28, 2006 22:46

This is the end of The Rolling Stones....thanks god i saw them in feb in Bs As, Argentina.

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: mariannerl ()
Date: June 28, 2006 23:16

Tekumseh Wrote:
> And I've red the news on, but I haven't
> seen it offical for Barcelona, Madrid, St
> Petersburg, Warsaw, Athens or Zagreb yet.
> It's NOT THAT I WANT these cancelations to happen,
> but it looks like it will....

Barcelona and Madrid are cancelled since 2 weeks or more. Many fans got their refund already. And as BV has mentioned in the news, all the "postponed" concerts are cancelled.

But there are some left..

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: Steen G ()
Date: June 29, 2006 02:17

Looks more or less like Horsens will be the last ever...

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: June 29, 2006 02:21

why do people keep posting canceled 2007 shows, there never were gonna be any to
begin with, nothing was confirmed in the first place

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: June 29, 2006 02:27

Uh... it was 'confirmed' that the shows were 'postponed' (not 'cancelled') and that they would not take place in 2006, so I think thats pretty reasonable to deduce they were to take place in 2007.

The fact that they hadnt as yet verified specific dates isnt the issue. The change in status from 'postponed' to 'cancelled' is.

Re: NO brussels in 2007 !!!
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: June 29, 2006 02:28

my bad gazza

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-29 02:29 by melillo.

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