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Posted by: 1cdog ()
Date: June 18, 2006 18:37

Ref sucked!

Posted by: dunhill ()
Date: June 19, 2006 04:19

Well, I don't know how many of you guys follow soccer here.
Anyway, here in Italy you give a yellow card for a few reasons:

1) an unneccessary foul that hurt but didn't jeopardize the health of the player that was hurt
2) continuous minor fouls from a player

The yellow card is a warning, one more and you are out.
This is what it means.
I guess all three red cards were deserved.

I am not surprised the game ended up 1-1.
Even though we have way better players the US had guts and they couldn't lose, otherwise the would have been automatically out of the Cup, so you had nothing to loose.
Italy was tired from the game with Ghana and a bt nervous because of the own goal so I guess they kinda lost it right there.
De Rossi was an idiot, we had to play with 10 players because of his stupid and violent act.
If we were in 11 there would have been no story about this game.
Still, if France does 0-0 with Switzerland and 1-1 with South Korea, we can have a 1-1 with the US.
You have a good team in my opinion and I believe soccer is develpoing very well in the US.

Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: June 19, 2006 04:49

well, I didn't expect much from the U.S., but if the U.S. sucks, what does that make Italy? Italy either was way off or is way bad.

The ref was so horrid it was unbelievable. Was he making up rules as he went along or what? Is he related to Moe and Curly Howard???

Posted by: dunhill ()
Date: June 19, 2006 04:51

J.J.Flash Wrote:
> well, I didn't expect much from the U.S., but if
> the U.S. sucks, what does that make Italy? Italy
> either was way off or is way bad.

Italy is very good, yesterday we just didn't play up to our standard, that's it.
Still I think the US left the field with flying colors.

Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: June 19, 2006 04:55

No disrespect Dunhill, I'm not an expert on soccer. I figured Italy was better than they played.

Posted by: SeNdEr ()
Date: June 19, 2006 05:15

yes you ara right, the ref sucked, because he should give a penalty to Italy on the last minute.

Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: June 19, 2006 06:26

no the ref sucked period.

go to the site where refs are rated and he is second from the bottom ok!

getting sick and tired of the here in italy and don't know how many of you (presumably cause we are for the US or something) follow soccer tone..

i follow soccer .. i'm from argentina and i know the ref sucked..

i don't necessarily think italians are experts in all things soccer.. your league is the most boring in the world and your cattenaccio is the most boring form of soccer.. everybody prays every cup that italy doesn't win..two of three cups you won were when il duce was around (including one in italy in the middle of fascism) and both those teams included argentines playing for italy..... AND here in the US there are plenty of people who follow soccer week in and week out and know whats going on..

and we know the ref sucked because he was trying to give italy a was patently obvious

end of story

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-19 06:35 by stoned_in_dc.

Posted by: maumau ()
Date: June 19, 2006 11:02

hi I am italian and think that tactically USA were better than Italy from the start of the game (in a way very similar Australia was better than Brazil last night or Croatia than Brazil in the first game). We have better players technically. That is way we scored first.

About the referee:
De Rossi's red card was obviously well deserved and our Federation has already declared they won't appeal to the sentence that probably will make De Rossi miss 2 or 3 games.
Pope red card was also well deserved because he made many fouls a part from the two that deserved yellow cards and rightly so.
Mastroeni red card could have been a yellow one and the referee applied strictly to the rules in that one (referees don't do that always, but it can't said it was not deserved at all)

We had at least 5/6 offsides that everyone has seen were wrong

In another match mr. Onyewu would have ended his game after the first 20 minutes.

In the end I think mr Arena cant say anything against a referee (and his assistants) that supported so well his offside tactic and punished fairly italians (Totti's yellow card however was not fair).
Mr Arena was frustrated because he saw his team play a better football but could not score (in fact we did that for them) and so he found nothing better that put the blame on the referee.
I understand the frustration but it is not fair.
Italian players were frustrated because they saw the middlefield (core of the game) in the hands of americans from the beginning and De Rossi, who is young and stupid and already showed that, lose once again his chickenhead and left the team - that already was outnumbered because of tactics - in 10 against 11.

In the end i think 1-1 was right and no one should complain if not against themselves.

Posted by: andy js ()
Date: June 19, 2006 11:20

quite a few folks have said the 'ref sucked'. so can someone tell me what the ref actually did wrong ?

i must have missed it. don't go pointing to his past record, just tell me in that match what he did wrong. because as far as i could see he HAD to give three red cards. if he hadn't then he wouldn't have been doing his job!

Posted by: TooMuchAlcohol ()
Date: June 19, 2006 11:47

stoned_in_dc Wrote:
> i'm from argentina and i know the ref sucked..

Oh dear, that's very strong argument winking smiley

Posted by: liddas ()
Date: June 19, 2006 12:02

I think that the big difference is if you only watch football, or actually play it.

Whoever plays football knows perfectly well that all 3 cards were 100% deserved.

USA vs. Italy was an awful match. I expected a strong start from the US, and I knew that Italy would have suffered it. All Italy had to do was stay calm and wait for a mistake of US defense. The game finished at De Rossi's (who is not violent, but only very stupid) red card. 9 vs. 9 is not football. (I confirm, 9 vs. 9 = I refuse to consider Delpiero, in his present state, a football player!)

I think that Lippi and Arena have lots of responibilities in how the game turned out. Lippi, as always, was not able to "read" what was happening and completely messed up all substitutions. Arena, on the other hand, overcharged his team: all those cards are the consequence of his "physical" approach to the game!


Posted by: dunhill ()
Date: June 19, 2006 12:09

stoned_in_dc Wrote:
everybody prays every cup
> that italy doesn't win..two of three cups you won
> were when il duce was around (including one in
> italy in the middle of fascism) and both those
> teams included argentines playing for italy.....
> and we know the ref sucked because he was trying
> to give italy a was patently obvious

So what? Shall we talk about Cups that Argentina won?
One was during the dictatorship of the Generals, way worse than Mussolini's dictatorship, with people getting kidnapped, tortured and thrown off planes while your players were celebrating the Cup, the other one with the infamous "Hand of God" of Maradona, so don't even try to tell me we didn't deserve our cups.

Please keep politics off this topic. We're talking sports here.

Posted by: TooMuchAlcohol ()
Date: June 19, 2006 12:16

If I can recall Johan Cruyff refuse to play in 1978 tournament in Argentina because of dictatorship.

About Maradona: I don't think he was the first (or last) player who has made a goal with his hand. It is just because it was made against England.

Posted by: maumau ()
Date: June 19, 2006 12:25

andy js Wrote:
> quite a few folks have said the 'ref sucked'. so
> can someone tell me what the ref actually did
> wrong ?
> i must have missed it. don't go pointing to his
> past record, just tell me in that match what he
> did wrong. because as far as i could see he HAD to
> give three red cards. if he hadn't then he
> wouldn't have been doing his job!

you're right andy
as far as i can see the only thing ythat the referee did wrong were 5/6 offside against italy
but that again i think it was his assistants' fault and, however, they were pretty close and hard to see
the only thing that i can say - being italian - is that there is a fifa's raccomandation about offside that states: do not whistle in case of doubt
i guess the assistants were never in doubt but always saw it wrong...
but i dont complain because in the end the result was ok, the red cards were ok, the goal was to cancel because of active offside of the player in front of our goalkeeper, we played bad, they could not score.
end of the story i guess.

Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: June 19, 2006 12:26

I am from Italy and I am also pre-disposed to go against US soccer becasue I just don't think they "get" soccer yet. But Italy was lousy. That wasa dirty foul. Those teams came into that game all hyped up by Arena (another fool) and went overboard.
Too bad it took several red crads and most of the game for it to finally turn into a real spirited match.

" longer shall you trudge 'cross my peaceful mind."

Posted by: maumau ()
Date: June 19, 2006 12:35

stoned_in_dc Wrote:
> no the ref sucked period.
> go to the site where refs are rated and he is
> second from the bottom ok!
> getting sick and tired of the here in italy and
> don't know how many of you (presumably cause we
> are for the US or something) follow soccer tone..
> i follow soccer .. i'm from argentina and i know
> the ref sucked..
> i don't necessarily think italians are experts in
> all things soccer.. your league is the most boring
> in the world and your cattenaccio is the most
> boring form of soccer.. everybody prays every cup
> that italy doesn't win..two of three cups you won
> were when il duce was around (including one in
> italy in the middle of fascism) and both those
> teams included argentines playing for italy.....
> AND here in the US there are plenty of people who
> follow soccer week in and week out and know whats
> going on..
> and we know the ref sucked because he was trying
> to give italy a was patently obvious
> end of story

sorry stoned, i missed your post, and it is not to be missed
as i think i made clear in the previous posts, everything can be said but the referee was trying to help italy.
about fascism and the world cup you might be right in that we can live forever with cups won a hundred years ago but if you imply that we won those games because of the regime I HAVE TO remind you about an Argentina-PerĂ¹ 6-0 in 1978. The score was exactly the number of goals Argentina needed to go ahead in the game. I remember very well how Holland team was treated during the final match. All of this under the eyes of gen. Videla and his companions. Should I remember you what the other stadiums were used for in that period?
Someone else has already mentioned the beautiful goal that maradona scored by "head" in 1986.
So please...shut gently up

Posted by: Greg ()
Date: June 19, 2006 12:35

TooMuchAlcohol Wrote:
> If I can recall Johan Cruyff refuse to play in
> 1978 tournament in Argentina because of
> dictatorship.

The real reason probably was much more profane: Danny (his wife) didn't want him to be away from home a long period of time after the supposed sex scandal (much blown up by Bild Zeitung) in Germany 4 years before.

"Music is the frozen tapioca in the ice chest of history."

"Shit!... No shit, awright!"

Posted by: andy js ()
Date: June 19, 2006 13:04

> The real reason probably was much more profane:
> Danny (his wife) didn't want him to be away from
> home a long period of time after the supposed sex
> scandal (much blown up by Bild Zeitung) in Germany
> 4 years before.

true. it had nothing to with politics. his wife banned him going to stop him shagging prossies in hotel swimming pools

Date: June 19, 2006 13:44

There have been many "funny" games in WC-history. And more will for sure come.

The influence of the political climate in the 1930s is quite good described here :

Posted by: Hurriganes ()
Date: June 19, 2006 14:18

Quite an interesting game was (if I remember right) between Germany and Russian prisoners of war during WW2. Russians won, but were sent back to "camp" after the match.
And then after the WW2 this brave german goalkeeper in ManU, but that's another story.

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