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Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: June 2, 2006 09:27

StonesFanSinceVoodoo Wrote:
> but it's kind of sad you all
> believed a false story made up by a 17 year old
Wrong. I didn't even read it :-)

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Manhattan ()
Date: June 2, 2006 09:47

Let's turn this into a Taylor vs Wood topic, shall we.

Mick Taylor plays some awesome octave riffs over the chorus part on You Can't Always Get What You Want. Listen for Taylor's guitar, it's very easy to hear it on any boot from 1972/73. The one particularly from like Philadelphia rocks real hard IMCO.

In my @#$%& opinion, IMCO, if ya listen to the 1976 tour on boots, we mostly listen to the standard SB recordings: Paris, Lyon, London and Knebworth. These recordings are dry and lack any athmosphere. But when you listen to some good audience recordings of some of the 1976 shows, Munich, Frankfurt, Paris, The Hague, and a whole different picture arises. These 1976 were quite good actually! MEZ

Ay ay baby it hurts

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: shidoobee ()
Date: June 2, 2006 09:59

Stonesfansincevoodoo wrote:

As most of you now finally figured out, I was the author of the "Macca comments about the stones." The entire article was full of fabrications and false quotations, and the "Online Journal of Great Britain" does not even exist. This just proved my theory that stones fans are morons. I am a huge rolling stones fan, but it's kind of sad you all believed a false story made up by a 17 year old male who had nothing else to do on a summer evening.

Dear, little honey, immature little rooster... I really can't help but feeling sorry for you. There is something fundamentally sad about a 17-year old male who cannot come ut with anything more interresting to do om a steamy hot summer night than putting together a false story. To get attention? Have you - in all your - um - flow of IQ - considered that Sir Paul can actually sue you for what you've done. And if you've missed the point - he's not short of cash, and can send an army of lawyers after you. But attention was what you were looking for, right? Wel now you've got that. But you have also proven to be : 1: A 17 year old loser who has no friends to hang out with. 2: An attentionseeking idiot with a slightly sick mind. 3: A sad child who does not know the consequense of his acts. 4: So incredibly NOT welcome on this site...
I suggest you get a life. Most of all - I feel sorry for you.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-02 10:17 by shidoobee.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: June 2, 2006 10:05

Well, Voodoo pompom howdiedoodie bop ba lobop bim bom...
Dont count me in. Not interested.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: saltoftheearth ()
Date: June 2, 2006 10:08

The topic of this thread is wrong - not everybody believed you (including me). So you should at least avoid of offending those who noticed that this was a hoax.

To prove that die-hard fans will believe anything is no big deal, we all know that. They're not idiots, either. Anyone who delves too deep in a certain field of any kind will lose perspective and believe the most fantastic stories.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: June 2, 2006 10:21

Check up the original meaning of 'idiot', Voodoo dude.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: June 2, 2006 10:22


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-12-09 03:23 by Beelyboy.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: BornOnTheBayou ()
Date: June 2, 2006 10:33

StonesFanSinceVoodoo Wrote:
> As most of you now finally figured out, I was the
> author of the "Macca comments about the stones."
> The entire article was full of fabrications and
> false quotations, and the "Online Journal of Great
> Britain" does not even exist. This just proved my
> theory that stones fans are morons. I am a huge
> rolling stones fan, but it's kind of sad you all
> believed a false story made up by a 17 year old
> male who had nothing else to do on a summer
> evening.
> Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/06 04:21 by
> StonesFanSinceVoodoo.

Well then count me among the "non-morons" because my post on the thread clearly said I didn't believe a word of the statement that was attributed to Paul...

Especially that transparent lie where Paul said "he'd be back with more comments...."... yeah, right.

"It's just that demon life has got me in it's sway..."

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: June 2, 2006 13:02

StonesFanSinceVoodoo Wrote:
> As most of you now finally figured out, I was the
> author of the "Macca comments about the stones."
> The entire article was full of fabrications and
> false quotations, and the "Online Journal of Great
> Britain" does not even exist. This just proved my
> theory that stones fans are morons. I am a huge
> rolling stones fan, but it's kind of sad you all
> believed a false story made up by a 17 year old
> male who had nothing else to do on a summer
> evening.

It also kindda says that you're a jerk too doesn't it? To put up false info in these times where we've enough to do with figuring out what stories are true and whihc are not (Keef - Tour).


Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: June 2, 2006 13:08

Hi there Stonefansincevoodoo!

You put the finger on something very important. That´s obvious. Just look at the answers...

People who think that a certain kind of group/music are untouchable are very interesting to study...

I mean, it´s obviously NOT ok to even THINK that a 62-year old drunk who hardly can play anymore should look inside himself and think: "What have I become, what have my band become?".

If Keith would wake up - listen to the last ten years, Ronnie and himself - I bet he´d say "@#$%&, what was I thinking?".

Now - it´s a VERY interesting time - MARK my words! There might be a much more potent - sober - and WELLPLAYING Stones as a result of this fall from the tree...

Look out for the next interwiev.

God bless you all for all yor opinions!


Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: TeleK ()
Date: June 2, 2006 13:13

i´m speakless on this @#$%& day

Oh, give me the beat, boys, and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: June 2, 2006 14:42


Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: June 2, 2006 16:24

Debra Wrote:

Thanks Debra, I just read Drake's post and liked it. It had just the right touch of tolerance, too.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: bv ()
Date: June 2, 2006 17:04

I am pleased to tell you that "StonesFanSinceVoodoo" has left the building. This person posted offending during the past two days, and is just as interesting as a guy breaking into your house pretending to be your best friend. 60 seconds of fame...


Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Raoul Duke ()
Date: June 2, 2006 17:04

Well said, bv!

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: keefkid ()
Date: June 2, 2006 17:11

StonesFanSinceVoodoo Wrote:
> HAHA this is humorous. I didn't mean for it to
> actually look like I took a scientific poll that
> would be published in Time and have margins of
> errors. It was just a simple way of stating that
> many people believed the bogus article I came up
> with, I didn't actually believe it was a
> scientifically proven experiment. Please, don't
> flatter yourself by avalanching my intentional
> malapropism down upon myself.

'MALAPROPRISM'??!@!@ wtf ... what kind of person uses words like that??!!

i must get out the dictionary...

One entry found for malapropism.

Main Entry: mal·a·prop·ism
Pronunciation: 'ma-l&-"prä-"pi-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Mrs. Malaprop, character noted for her misuse of words in R. B. Sheridan's comedy The Rivals (1775)
1 : the usually unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase; especially : the use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but ludicrously wrong in the context
- mal·a·prop·ist /-"prä-pist/ noun

get a LIFE dear are 17 years old, you should be out getting laid or something...

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: shidoobee ()
Date: June 2, 2006 18:18

There! We scared the sh** out of that ba***rd. I've e-mailed Sir Paul with a copy of what the unhappy, pathetic young man posted. I don't know if he'll read it, but wow - it would be a fantastic lesson for the jerk of 17 if ge got sued...

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: June 2, 2006 18:21

where's the love, guys?.....The dude's banned from our site and so now you want to try to get him sued? now who's got too much time on their hands?

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: June 2, 2006 18:25

banning's too good for him!
get him 2 FOS tickets for Bon Jovi
that'll screw the kid, for good.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: shidoobee ()
Date: June 2, 2006 18:37

Yeah, and FOS for Oasis and Coldplay... That's the funny farm for him... Or may be he just escaped from one? Anyway - if McCartney wants to sue, he was probably aware of what was going on in the first place. People in that division always have a staff to take care of that part of the business.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Roadster32 ()
Date: June 2, 2006 18:45

StonesFanSinceVoodoo Wrote:
> As most of you now finally figured out, I was the
> author of the "Macca comments about the stones."
> The entire article was full of fabrications and
> false quotations, and the "Online Journal of Great
> Britain" does not even exist. This just proved my
> theory that stones fans are morons. I am a huge
> rolling stones fan, but it's kind of sad you all
> believed a false story made up by a 17 year old
> male who had nothing else to do on a summer
> evening.
> Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/06 04:21 by
> StonesFanSinceVoodoo.

First of all BV excuse my words.



If stonesfans are morons and as you say you are a stones fans. you seem to be a moron yourself. q.e.d. =pure mathematics.

You should have learnd this at school; ooppss sorry don't know wether you've been there.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: jagger50 ()
Date: June 2, 2006 19:31

Another classic example of a waste our and BV's time. Nice pics though.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: June 2, 2006 19:39

jagger50 Wrote:
> Another classic example of a waste our and BV's
> time. Nice pics though.

Thanks! Ha ha!

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: June 2, 2006 19:42


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-12-09 03:22 by Beelyboy.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: June 2, 2006 20:11

.....oh the stench of this. Thanks for the illumination my beelybournalistic friend.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: LolA ()
Date: June 2, 2006 20:13

Beelyboy, the guy who goes to hillsdale is not the one that got kicked out, but 'HailtotheStones' you're going to review your c0mments now...

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: June 2, 2006 20:16


Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: letitloose ()
Date: June 2, 2006 20:20

Bjorn Wrote:
> Hi there Stonefansincevoodoo!
> You put the finger on something very important.
> That´s obvious. Just look at the answers...
> People who think that a certain kind of
> group/music are untouchable are very interesting
> to study...
> I mean, it´s obviously NOT ok to even THINK that a
> 62-year old drunk who hardly can play anymore
> should look inside himself and think: "What have I
> become, what have my band become?".
> If Keith would wake up - listen to the last ten
> years, Ronnie and himself - I bet he´d say "@#$%&,
> what was I thinking?".
> Now - it´s a VERY interesting time - MARK my
> words! There might be a much more potent - sober -
> and WELLPLAYING Stones as a result of this fall
> from the tree...
> Look out for the next interwiev.
> God bless you all for all yor opinions!
> Bjorn

Bjorn, Im sure you are a nice guy and I dont want to start anything personal but your comment about Keith being a 62 yr old drunk who cant play anymore is just Bullsh*t. I saw em in January in St Louis and Keith was at the top of his game. He's always had serious vices it seems a bit churlish to expect him to change his ways now. Anyway, today is pretty much a good news day (sorry to those who have had gigs cancelled). Roll on the Glasgow show!

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: June 2, 2006 20:32


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-12-09 03:22 by Beelyboy.

Re: Theory proven...Stones fans are idiots
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: June 2, 2006 20:37

atta boy, beely.......I'm still smelling the hillsdale stench..

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