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Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: out of my head ()
Date: May 20, 2006 06:54

I can't believe some of the people bashing Frusciante here. He is one of the last great guitar / songwriting heroes in this day and age of so called music. Read any of his interviews and you will see that he carrys the torch that started burning with Hendrix, Clapton w/ Cream, and Page. He is a master of stringing chords together, melody structure and is a genuine badass on guitar. Anyone who thinks he is just a simple no talent guitar player needs to watch the Chili Peppers DVD Live at Slane Castle and pick up some of his solo CDs. He is a modern day Hendrix with his use of the studio as one big guitar effect and the way he really feels the music he creates. Flea and Frusciante have a rare chemistry and they are great musicians. The new CD is like a combination of every style they have ever touched on (exception of punk). It is a perfect combination of their last five releases. I really didn't think it was going to sell THIS well. People still like good music. This CD is right up there with White Album (a bit overrated, but highly entertaining), Exile, Electric Ladyland, Wheels Of Fire, Physical Graffiti, London Calling, Blood Sugar Sex Magic. At first it seems like it has too many songs, but when it is over, I find myself wanting more. Doesn't even feel like 2 + hours. A true modern day masterpiece of music. The music world needed something like this to show that people still make great music with real instruments and real songs.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: James Kirk ()
Date: May 20, 2006 07:08

In reality they only sold half that number. Soundscan counts the single purchase of a double cd twice. They count a single purchase as two cd's sold.

They only really sold 221,000 (still a solid number)

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Date: May 20, 2006 07:45

exactly i stated the same thing earlier.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: deuce ()
Date: May 20, 2006 07:51

I havn't been able to stop listening to Stadium Arcadium.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said for A Bigger Bang (Before the defendants flock, yes I think the Stones are better than RHCP and there's no need to tell me to post at a RHCP board-I already do). With that album, it was like I was forcing myself to try and listen to it because I wanted to like it and wanted it to be really good. It's a decent effort, but with this Chili Peppers album, I listen to it effortlessly and I want to keep coming back to it.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: out of my head ()
Date: May 20, 2006 08:46

Deuce, that is exactly what happened to me with ABB. I tried so hard to like it and have it grow on me it just hasn't. Peppers was instant bliss. Effortless like you said. I REALLY hope that before the Stones are done that they end with an inspired album. Something that justifies my love for them again. They have been on cruise control since DW. They are still my favorite band of all time and I will never give up hope that they can prove it one last time.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: May 20, 2006 09:11

>>In reality they only sold half that number. Soundscan counts the single purchase of a double cd twice. They count a single purchase as two cd's sold.

They only really sold 221,000 (still a solid number)

Soundscan counts the WHOLE album, RIAA doubles the sales with their certifications for double albums.
RHCP's CD sold 442,489 in US during the first week.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: May 20, 2006 10:21


there you go: and please do.

worship at the church of your choice.

nice that so many people have life changing experiences with a band they love.

personally i'm into rock bands.
if i want something funky i go to james brown or a myriad of others...
not some l.a. flat singing full of himself and full of shite poseur...
you'd have to see him up close and personal in a non performing situation to get how totally full of himself he is...
he was sweet in the old days, bopping around the l.a. clubs...sweet and open...
he's the prototypical disease of conceit effete porker...
hit the big time and slowly morphed into that statosphere of supreme ashholliness...
i know he has legions of fans...
grrrreeaatttt... buy all their stuff twice and twice again...
give it on a mission.
just roll your R's and give it away give it away give it away..
possibly somewhere else?


look a frothing forum just for you who want to be a pepper wouldn't you love to be a pepper now?
no, that's thanks necessary; enjoy.

another l.a. recovery celeb writing an expert tome because he hasn't dipped his syringe into the toilet water for a few years...or can't find his crack pipe.
what a spiritual giant. and an author too...

i saw them on snl and the excuses came; "well, they're used to playing on a bigger stage..."
or whatever...after mick and real front men with some actual moves and grooves, it's hard to take that fake graceless lumberjack galoomping about with such studied myopia. and oooh, he whips his hair so metal cool...
judas priest meets the monkees...
only not as good as either.
please stop .... ok?
Pearl Jam KILLED on that same stage only two weeks before.
talk about transcendant music experiences.

if i'm missing something i'm happy to miss it.
no i haven't heard all their albums...
i haven't stuck a glowing red hot knitting needle in my eye either...
call me ignorant.

if they could do even ONE thing as strong as the weakest song on the Jet or Star Spangles album, than i'd be listening...

there are about six hundred rock or rock/funk/soul acts that are more important, enriching and talented...
u like naked tatoo boys clumping around artlessly on stage, go for it.
if they took that crew sock off his little friend and put it in his mouth, then i could at least enjoy flea and the drummer.

and don't forget the Village People catalog along the way...
funky, propulsive...naked tatoo boys in their 40's, just like yer pepper pals.
...everything u need.

all the rhcp means to me is quick change the station...
really quick.
sometimes i think...well, wait a minute...then anthony starts to "sing"
quick change the station
really quick...

well u wouldn't want me to lie would ya?
i don't think that i'm a better or more qualified or more senstive person
that any of the huge and articulate rhcp fans...who honestly feel so inspired.
i just think the band trainwreck sucks.
really bad.
maybe some day i'll see the error of my ways.
pray for me...
from the peppers site preferably.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: BornOnTheBayou ()
Date: May 20, 2006 11:23

humanriff77 Wrote:
> My overrated comment relates to the fact that he's
> just not that interesting a guitar player,as the
> commercial music press make him out to be. Every
> review goes on about him being a "virtuoso" so
> they can tell a dramatic story that RHCP were
> nothing without him, where the truth is no one
> noticed when he wasnt there, and no one cared, it
> just made a good story afterwards.

The thing about John Frusciante WITH THE PEPPERS, is that his guitar work, like all their music, is creative to the extreme, in my opinion...

I guess that's what grabs me about their songs... it's the Uniqueness and Creativity, not any particular level of musicianship... that they have at a very rare level.

But you can't have the creativity and uniqueness without talent to create it. And in that vein, John frusciante is about as creative and unique a guitarist as has come down the pike in a long time... and keep in mind he's still a young guy... in his early 30's if I'm not mistaken.

NOW... I will also agree with you that the peppers have always had a great guitarist up front... so whenther it's hillel slovak or dave navarro or john frusciante, they've always had a unique sound... BUT from all indicattions the band just clicks better and writes more music, easier, with JF than possibly with any guitarist before him.

> His solo material for instance is totally
> uninteresting,

His solo stuff is strange... but then again, HE'S STRANGE... like you, I don't get into his solo stuff but I'm talking about his incredible (to me) guitarwork with the RHCP.

> I don't think RHCP are so interesting musically,
> they have their moments and they aren't bad, but
> its not exciting me. By the way the "cod funk"
> comment I think is unfair, they are a decent band
> and have more funk than most other white boy acts
> around these days,

They have more funk than most CLASSIC GREAT BLACK BANDS... These guys don't take a back seat in the funk department to about anyone. Remember their first major producer was George Clinton...

but be honest with yourself
> will you still be playing the new album in 6
> months? more likely the cutout bins will be full.

Here's what is almost sure to happen... the tour is just starting...

Everything you've said about Stadium Arcadium was said, perhaps to a greater degree about the By the Way album... now... where is By the Way ?? Everyone recognizes that as an incredible album now...

Stadium Arcadium is no different. They are going to highly NUMEROUS songs off that CD on their current tour... within a few months these great Stadium Arcadium songs are going to be in the Chili Peppers Classic Songbook... you watch.

> One last point,i've been listening to this band
> since 1983, I got bored of them around 1989.

THATS BEFORE CALIFORNICATION AND BY THE WAY... where have you been ?? Wake up...

"It's just that demon life has got me in it's sway..."

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: BornOnTheBayou ()
Date: May 20, 2006 11:32

out of my head Wrote:
>Anyone who thinks he is just a simple no
> talent guitar player needs to watch the Chili
> Peppers DVD Live at Slane Castle

I love the Slane Castel DVD... it gives you just a TASTE of what it was really like at those incredible By the Way gigs... I saw 'em 4 times on that tour... in-^%$#@-credible live band.... and the Slane Castle CD isn't as good as the one from the Californication Tour...

This all said, I'm not sure that someone who didn't see the By the Way tour live would like Slane Castle quite as much... but I think they'd like it, just maybe not be nuts about it... but it's a great cd.

> and Frusciante have a rare chemistry and they are
> great musicians.

No sh*t....

And, when you think about it, Flea and Chad Smith just have an incredible rhythm groove...

Flea's the center of it all... sometimes they're kind of focused on Flea and Chad, and sometimes focused on Flea and Frusciante... what musicians these guys are.

Chad Smith could drum for anybody.

I really didn't think
> it was going to sell THIS well.

I didn't either. You just NEVER know what to think about a new RHCP release... this band is always AHEAD of you... always producing unique stuff you never heard before... and it takes a listen or two...

People still like
> good music. This CD is right up there with White
> Album (a bit overrated, but highly entertaining),
> Exile, Electric Ladyland, Wheels Of Fire, Physical
> Graffiti, London Calling, Blood Sugar Sex Magic.
> At first it seems like it has too many songs, but
> when it is over, I find myself wanting more.
> Doesn't even feel like 2 + hours. A true modern
> day masterpiece of music. The music world needed
> something like this to show that people still make
> great music with real instruments and real songs.

That's a really telling review. I would add George Harrison's Concert for Bangladesh, the Who Tommy, and Derek and the DOminoes Layla and Live at the Fillmore to your list of those great double albums of all time.

"It's just that demon life has got me in it's sway..."

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: BornOnTheBayou ()
Date: May 20, 2006 11:40

Beelyboy Wrote:
> []
> there you go: and please do.
> worship at the church of your choice.
> nice that so many people have life changing
> experiences with a band they love.
> personally i'm into rock bands.
> if i want something funky i go to james brown or a
> myriad of others...
> not some l.a. flat singing full of himself and
> full of shite poseur...

This honestly shows how ignorant you are of RHCP music...

If you think it's ONLY "funk" then you've listend to about 20% of their total discography, and honestly, you're just not qualified to comment if you keep trying to promote this "cod-funk" or "funk-this / funk-that" label...

The RHCP is a UNIQUE band... yes they've got funky grooves, rock grooves, acoustic grooves, chaotic grooves... and they have "RHCP grooves" which NO OTHER BAND HAS... that's the key, totally unique.

If you want a rocker, listen to:
Johnny Kick a Hole in the Sky
21st Century
Higher Ground
Organic Anti-Beat Box
Shallow be thy Game
COFFEE SHOP (have you ever listened to this ?????)
BACKWOODS (have you ever listend to this incredible classic roof-blowing rocker??)
Power of Equality...

Your convenient little "pigeon-holing" of one of the greatest bands to ever walk on stage as "funK" just doesn't begin to get it.

"It's just that demon life has got me in it's sway..."

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: BornOnTheBayou ()
Date: May 20, 2006 11:43

Beelyboy said:

i saw them on snl and the excuses came; "well, they're used to playing on a bigger stage..."
or whatever...after mick and real front men with some actual moves and grooves, it's hard to take that fake graceless lumberjack galoomping about with such studied myopia. and oooh, he whips his hair so metal cool...
judas priest meets the monkees...
only not as good as either.
please stop .... ok?
Pearl Jam KILLED on that same stage only two weeks before.
talk about transcendant music experiences.

So, in other words, you've NEVER attended a Chili Peppers live concert yourself... but you have seen them on a crackerbox stage on TV...

That's really a qualified opinion...

Never attended a By The Way Tour gig, never attended a Californication Tour gig, but you did see them on Saturday Night live...


"It's just that demon life has got me in it's sway..."

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: humanriff77 ()
Date: May 20, 2006 11:57

Hee Hee

Different strokes for different folks........

And yes, I preferred Hillel Slovak to the other guitarists, also in spite of the negative press the Dave Navarro record was also better than what came after.

"His solo stuff is strange... but then again, HE'S STRANGE... like you," - to me thats a compliment!

"They have more funk than most CLASSIC GREAT BLACK BANDS" - this is not true, I doubt whether RHCP would make that claim themselves. Have you ever heard the early Funkadelic stuff for instance , it melts RHCP, and Eddie Hazel as a guitarist is of course far better guitarist than Fruiscante will ever be.

"THATS BEFORE CALIFORNICATION AND BY THE WAY... where have you been ?? Wake up...

.........I heard these records when they came out, they don't excite me at all sorry.......

For the poster asking what bands I like , check out my website and find out

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: BornOnTheBayou ()
Date: May 20, 2006 12:07

humanriff77 Wrote:

> And yes, I preferred Hillel Slovak to the other
> guitarists, also in spite of the negative press
> the Dave Navarro record was also better than what
> came after.

Well there were a couple great songs off the Navarro "One Hot Minute" CD, particularly Coffee Shop... but you can't compare One Hot Minute to Frusciante CD's like BLood Sugar Sex Magick, Californication, By the Way, and now Stadium Arcadium... can you ???

> "His solo stuff is strange... but then again, HE'S
> STRANGE... like you," - to me thats a compliment!

just to make sure... I didn't say he's "strange like you"... I said "he's strange and like you, I don't really like his solo stuff"

> "They have more funk than most CLASSIC GREAT BLACK
> BANDS" - this is not true, I doubt whether RHCP
> would make that claim themselves. Have you ever
> heard the early Funkadelic stuff for instance ,

Well, before you were comparing RHCP to "average white boys'... now you're comparing them to the funk gold standard, Parliament Funkadelic... and don't forget that GEORGE CLINTON who is the heart of Parliament was the first major producer of the Peppers... ask George Clinton what he thinks of RHCP's "funk-ability"....

Is Parliament FUnckadelic a great funk band, yes.. are they "better" than probably any other funk band... probably... so now you tell me they're a better funk band than RHCP... that's not saying much...

And Parliament doesn't have RHCP's rockers, or their "RHCP SOUND" that nobody has...

> where have you been ?? Wake up...
> .........I heard these records when they came out,
> they don't excite me at all sorry.......

So... you basically stopped listening to RHCP with Dave Navarro and One Hot Minute.... Ohhhhh.... Kay.....

"It's just that demon life has got me in it's sway..."

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: humanriff77 ()
Date: May 20, 2006 13:37

I think you can compare them ! Just to clarify, the last RHCP album I really liked was Mothers Milk, so long ago its another life time.Then they did what a lot of bands do when they run out of inspiration, they crank up the hard rock elements of their sound to sell a lot more in the American market. What does covering "Search and Destroy" for instance have to do with the funky style they played on the early albums?

You are taking what I said about Funkadelic out of context, but one comment I would make is, do you really think George Clinton produced RHCP because he thinks they are a good band?. You must be kidding, the record company paid him a fat cheque to give a bit of hip credentials to the release of the record.

Your talking about the RHCP sound that no one else has, I won't argue with you about that, they do have a recognisable sound, its just not interesting to me. have you ever heard The Contortions or James Chance? Thats my idea of White Funk.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: StratoGR ()
Date: May 20, 2006 14:03

Beacuse I don't like them I don't know or remeber the most of the songs made by them.But please tell me is there any Stone's fan in this board who enjoys Californication??I used to joke with people who thought that this crap was rocking or whatever.I haven't heard their new album and I wish I could enjoy it like you,but please answer my question about Californication.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: May 20, 2006 15:24

I love Californication. It's a beautiful record. As far as bashing this band or new CD........get over it......this is a a previous poster already stated (out of my head)........................if only the Stones could pull out one more record that neared the brilliance of this one.............

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: May 20, 2006 15:34

BornOnTheBayou Wrote:

> Uhhh.... specifically which tunes on the album do
> you consider "cod-funk nonsense" ???

i'm talking about the band in general

> And while you're at it, please give your opinion
> of their last 2 CD's (By the Way and
> Californication), so we can have some idea of
> whether you're an RHCP hater or an "unbiased"
> reviewer of the songs.

what do i think of the last two albums ? can i also add in the previous ones ?


i've never heard anything by them that rates above rancid cock rot

but that's just my opinion. you may well love em. good luck to ya!

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: RollingStonesUSA ()
Date: May 20, 2006 17:13

I will be at the Chili Peppers concert tonight in Charlotte at the Lowe's Motor Speedway....

"It's Good To Be Here, It's Good To Be Anywhere"-Keith Richards

"Halloween Is Every Night Of My Life"-Keith Richards

"I Got The Sticky Fingers, For Some Girls"

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: deuce ()
Date: May 20, 2006 17:33

Beelyboy Wrote:
> []
> there you go: and please do.
> worship at the church of your choice.
> nice that so many people have life changing
> experiences with a band they love.
> personally i'm into rock bands.
> if i want something funky i go to james brown or a
> myriad of others...

Yeah cuz your the almighty, right man? We all have different tastes. The only reason we're at this particualr site is because one band we all happen to enjoy (well most of us) are the Rolling Stones. There's alot of other bands though. You don't like all of the stuff I like, and I probably don't like all of the stuff you like. That's the beauty of music. It's so subjective and there's no right or wrong.

In my opinion, the RHCP are a great band and their latest studio album is a masterpiece. I enjoy it more than A Bigger Bang. Does that make me any less of a Stones fan? No. That's just it - I'm a fan, not a blind follower.

This is a Rolling Stones messageboard, and there's two sides of the coin - you can praise them for all of the great things they have done (which, obviously, there's tons), or you can tell it like it is. You don't always have to kiss their ass.

So don't tell me where to post. I post here, and like I said (you obviously didn't see), I also post at a RHCP board.

Long live the Rolling Stones and RHCP.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-20 17:35 by deuce.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: BornOnTheBayou ()
Date: May 20, 2006 21:54

StratoGR Wrote:
> Beacuse I don't like them I don't know or remeber
> the most of the songs made by them.But please tell
> me is there any Stone's fan in this board who
> enjoys Californication??I used to joke with people
> who thought that this crap was rocking or
> whatever.I haven't heard their new album and I
> wish I could enjoy it like you,but please answer
> my question about Californication.

I'm a Stones fan longer than I care to admit... and absolutely I'm a fan of Californication CD, anybody with ears can recognize how brilliant most of the stuff on that album is.

But I'm not trapped in a bubble of "only the Stones"...

It's not hard for anybody with ears to recognize the brilliance of the Californication album...

Since you're obviously unfamiliar with it... take that other guy who calls them "cod-funk" or "pile of stinking shit", and go sit in the corner and listen to the following songs from Californication:

Around the World
Scar Tissue
Parallel Universe
Velvet Glove
Road Trippin'
and Otherside is a great live song, not that crazy about the recording

And if after listening to those masterpiece songs, if you and "cod-funk" still think it's a "pile of stinking shit" then get an appointment with an ear doctor.

And as good as these songs are to listen on the stereo, they are doubly good live... this is one of the greatest live bands ever.

"It's just that demon life has got me in it's sway..."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-20 21:58 by BornOnTheBayou.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: deuce ()
Date: May 20, 2006 22:11


I'd add Purple Stain to that list too. Right On Time is also pretty explosive live

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: somesmerized ()
Date: May 20, 2006 23:06

deuce Wrote:
> I havn't been able to stop listening to Stadium
> Arcadium.
> Unfortunately, the same can't be said for A Bigger
> Bang (Before the defendants flock, yes I think the
> Stones are better than RHCP and there's no need to
> tell me to post at a RHCP board-I already do).
> With that album, it was like I was forcing myself
> to try and listen to it because I wanted to like
> it and wanted it to be really good. It's a decent
> effort, but with this Chili Peppers album, I
> listen to it effortlessly and I want to keep
> coming back to it.

I couldn't express it better. That's exactly what I think about both albums.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: nikkibong ()
Date: May 20, 2006 23:08

BornOnTheBayou Wrote:

> Around the World
> Scar Tissue
> Parallel Universe
> Californication
> Easily
> Velvet Glove
> Savior
> Road Trippin'
> and Otherside is a great live song, not that crazy
> about the recording

you forgot all of the other tracks. i must admit the whole album is brilliant! SOOO much better than By The Way. I haven't heard Stadium Arcadium yet, but I will buy it post Hastium.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: Reptile ()
Date: May 20, 2006 23:11

Figure of pepper sales.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: somesmerized ()
Date: May 20, 2006 23:15

Beelyboy Wrote:
> []
> there you go: and please do.
> worship at the church of your choice.
> nice that so many people have life changing
> experiences with a band they love.
> personally i'm into rock bands.
> if i want something funky i go to james brown or a
> myriad of others...
> not some l.a. flat singing full of himself and
> full of shite poseur...
> you'd have to see him up close and personal in a
> non performing situation to get how totally full
> of himself he is...
> he was sweet in the old days, bopping around the
> l.a. clubs...sweet and open...
> he's the prototypical disease of conceit effete
> porker...
> hit the big time and slowly morphed into that
> statosphere of supreme ashholliness...
> i know he has legions of fans...
> grrrreeaatttt... buy all their stuff twice and
> twice again...
> give it on a mission.
> just roll your R's and give it away give it away
> give it away..
> possibly somewhere else?
> []
> look a frothing forum just for you who want to be
> a pepper wouldn't you love to be a pepper now?
> no, that's thanks necessary; enjoy.
> another l.a. recovery celeb writing an expert tome
> because he hasn't dipped his syringe into the
> toilet water for a few years...or can't find his
> crack pipe.
> what a spiritual giant. and an author too...
> i saw them on snl and the excuses came; "well,
> they're used to playing on a bigger stage..."
> or whatever...after mick and real front men with
> some actual moves and grooves, it's hard to take
> that fake graceless lumberjack galoomping about
> with such studied myopia. and oooh, he whips his
> hair so metal cool...
> judas priest meets the monkees...
> only not as good as either.
> please stop .... ok?
> Pearl Jam KILLED on that same stage only two weeks
> before.
> talk about transcendant music experiences.
> if i'm missing something i'm happy to miss it.
> no i haven't heard all their albums...
> i haven't stuck a glowing red hot knitting needle
> in my eye either...
> call me ignorant.
> if they could do even ONE thing as strong as the
> weakest song on the Jet or Star Spangles album,
> than i'd be listening...
> there are about six hundred rock or rock/funk/soul
> acts that are more important, enriching and
> talented...
> u like naked tatoo boys clumping around artlessly
> on stage, go for it.
> if they took that crew sock off his little friend
> and put it in his mouth, then i could at least
> enjoy flea and the drummer.
> and don't forget the Village People catalog along
> the way...
> funky, propulsive...naked tatoo boys in their
> 40's, just like yer pepper pals.
> ...everything u need.
> all the rhcp means to me is quick change the
> station...
> really quick.
> sometimes i think...well, wait a minute...then
> anthony starts to "sing"
> quick change the station
> really quick...
> well u wouldn't want me to lie would ya?
> i don't think that i'm a better or more qualified
> or more senstive person
> that any of the huge and articulate rhcp
> fans...who honestly feel so inspired.
> i just think the band trainwreck sucks.
> really bad.
> maybe some day i'll see the error of my ways.
> pray for me...
> from the peppers site preferably.

Well written, entertaining to read, you even make sone points (the poseur thing... The annoying R rollings, etc...) but you're talking about everything except their music here... Of course they are not James Brown but they are a very solid and inspired band (I can't see what the big problem was with their SNL performance btw), and the Stones are not Muddy and my ass is not J-Lo's ass.

Listen to their album, then say that you don't like their music, but please stop telling the world they are the Monkees meeting Judas Priest, you are make a fool of yourself because you don't even know what you are talking about.

By the way, did you make a 28 songs album recently? How did it sell?

Thanks for reading me.


Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: May 21, 2006 00:28

somesmerized Wrote:
> Beelyboy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > []
> >
> > there you go: and please do.
> >
> > worship at the church of your choice.
> >
> > nice that so many people have life changing
> > experiences with a band they love.
> >
> > personally i'm into rock bands.
> > if i want something funky i go to james brown or
> a
> > myriad of others...
> > not some l.a. flat singing full of himself and
> > full of shite poseur...
> > you'd have to see him up close and personal in
> a
> > non performing situation to get how totally
> full
> > of himself he is...
> > he was sweet in the old days, bopping around
> the
> > l.a. clubs...sweet and open...
> > he's the prototypical disease of conceit effete
> > porker...
> > hit the big time and slowly morphed into that
> > statosphere of supreme ashholliness...
> > i know he has legions of fans...
> > grrrreeaatttt... buy all their stuff twice and
> > twice again...
> > give it on a mission.
> > just roll your R's and give it away give it
> away
> > give it away..
> > possibly somewhere else?
> >
> > []
> >
> > look a frothing forum just for you who want to
> be
> > a pepper wouldn't you love to be a pepper now?
> > no, that's thanks necessary; enjoy.
> >
> > another l.a. recovery celeb writing an expert
> tome
> > because he hasn't dipped his syringe into the
> > toilet water for a few years...or can't find
> his
> > crack pipe.
> > what a spiritual giant. and an author too...
> >
> > i saw them on snl and the excuses came; "well,
> > they're used to playing on a bigger stage..."
> > or whatever...after mick and real front men
> with
> > some actual moves and grooves, it's hard to
> take
> > that fake graceless lumberjack galoomping about
> > with such studied myopia. and oooh, he whips
> his
> > hair so metal cool...
> > judas priest meets the monkees...
> > only not as good as either.
> > please stop .... ok?
> > Pearl Jam KILLED on that same stage only two
> weeks
> > before.
> > talk about transcendant music experiences.
> >
> > if i'm missing something i'm happy to miss it.
> > no i haven't heard all their albums...
> > i haven't stuck a glowing red hot knitting
> needle
> > in my eye either...
> > call me ignorant.
> >
> > if they could do even ONE thing as strong as
> the
> > weakest song on the Jet or Star Spangles album,
> > than i'd be listening...
> >
> > there are about six hundred rock or
> rock/funk/soul
> > acts that are more important, enriching and
> > talented...
> > u like naked tatoo boys clumping around
> artlessly
> > on stage, go for it.
> > if they took that crew sock off his little
> friend
> > and put it in his mouth, then i could at least
> > enjoy flea and the drummer.
> >
> > and don't forget the Village People catalog
> along
> > the way...
> > funky, propulsive...naked tatoo boys in their
> > 40's, just like yer pepper pals.
> > ...everything u need.
> >
> > all the rhcp means to me is quick change the
> > station...
> > really quick.
> > sometimes i think...well, wait a minute...then
> > anthony starts to "sing"
> > quick change the station
> > really quick...
> >
> > well u wouldn't want me to lie would ya?
> > i don't think that i'm a better or more
> qualified
> > or more senstive person
> > that any of the huge and articulate rhcp
> > fans...who honestly feel so inspired.
> > i just think the band trainwreck sucks.
> > really bad.
> > maybe some day i'll see the error of my ways.
> > pray for me...
> > from the peppers site preferably.


oh, then you start...ok.

> Well written, entertaining to read, you even make
> sone points (the poseur thing... The annoying R
> rollings, etc...)

ty; don't mean to diss 'em so hard but after 3 frothing OT pepper threads comparing them to hendrix and the white album...well, at some point you realize you are dealing with people with a vastly different perspective...
one tries to be polite...but after awhile...the disinformation and fan frothing for them reeks....

but you're talking about
> everything except their music here...

ok let's talk about their music...again...
i don't like it. it seems inauthentic...anthony can't sing on key...
tho they are auto-tuning him pretty well....
i find the material un-engaging and the hype offensive.
it sounds like desperate recycled amalgam of their betters to me...
confused but with a nice commercial sheen...

i had written, when i gave the heads up about the upcoming, now past snl show...
that i had respect for their rhythm section...but since i won't see them as gods, or even barely interesting asterisk in the history of all the great bands we have access to enjoy...round and round we go...

Of course
> they are not James Brown but they are a very solid
> and inspired band

glad you like them.
rock on.

(I can't see what the big
> problem was with their SNL performance btw), and
> the Stones are not Muddy and my ass is not J-Lo's
> ass.

i thought they flat out sucked on snl, you thought they were great.
fair enough.

the Stones are not muddy, i did notice that...
and thanks for talking about J-Lo's ass...
more music in that thang than the entire peppers catalog.
please send a pic of your ass and let the forum judge;
you may be being too hard on yourself.

> Listen to their album, then say that you don't
> like their music,

as soon as you listen to ashlee simpson's debut album, (which the peppers need another 3 million sales of this new thing to equal...)

but please stop telling the
> world they are the Monkees meeting Judas Priest,
> you are make a fool of yourself because you don't
> even know what you are talking about.

priest had better guitar players. monkees had better songs...
they all could sing on key.
oops i did it again...made a 'fool' outta myself...
how's brits sales doin' by the way? or mariahs?
you seem so SALES oriented...well that's what the thread is called...
only they are HALF of what was originally reported here...
no matter, you can market anything...

> By the way, did you make a 28 songs album
> recently?

no. did you?

How did it sell?

see above ashlee simpson stats...and bone up on yer celine dion.
> Thanks for reading me.

a rare pleasure; and thank you.

> J-M

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: somesmerized ()
Date: May 21, 2006 00:38

You are a funny guy. Obviously I'm not going to convert you and the same goes for you. That was rare pleasure for me too. A picture of my ass? Let me think about that... If I do it be sure I'll dedicate it especially to you ;0) And about the 28 song record, working on it man, watch out !!!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-21 00:38 by somesmerized.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: May 21, 2006 00:47

..bottom line....if you love good music then invest in this won't be's as good as it gets.......

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: somesmerized ()
Date: May 21, 2006 00:51

Hey even if you think you don't like good music, or if you dont' know yet that you like good music, buy it ,download it, or steal it, it is a very good-entertaining-spontaneous-liquid piece of recording ! Go go go !!!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-21 00:52 by somesmerized.

Re: OT: Peppers new CD sales figures
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: May 21, 2006 00:54

somesmerized Wrote:
> You are a funny guy. Obviously I'm not going to
> convert you and the same goes for you. That was
> rare pleasure for me too. A picture of my ass? Let
> me think about that... If I do it be sure I'll
> dedicate it especially to you ;0) And about the 28
> song record, working on it man, watch out !!!
> J-M

yes J-M!!! you are recording your own stuff? that is way cool...
honestly, good luck with that... go for it bigtime bubba...
i bet you are coming up with some cool stuff...

about the didn't know if u were a guy or a gal...
(with the j-lo comparison) so if you're a guy, please send the pic
to micksbrain or lukas...mebbe doubleC.

if you're a gal...i'd be happy to make an ASSessment.
perhaps rockman will scan.

thank you for your sense of humor and a nice response.
i will try to open up more to their new album...
the 'recommendations' and excitement from fans didn't put me off;
it was the beatles and hendrix and other over-the-top comparisons...
it was gettin' too cwazy for me after awhile with alla that.
i get just as excited about the stones, who, kinks and several young acts i understand a little was gettin' thick...

and i am really excited that you are putting down your own songs.
take care.

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