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It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:00

Check out the Post here "Rachel Glucina - Mick Jagger" read the article and see who Jagger calls for advice about Chinese Politics and the press conference before the Shanghai show (Hint: It ain't GWcool smiley. Our hero is a left winger - good for him !!! 2 Leo's yapping it up - nothing sweeter....

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:04

So he's a left winger eh? I have friends that vote for the liberalist party. I'm still a socialist. Why would Jagger automatically become a left-winger for being friends with Bill Clinton?


Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: Reptile ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:04

Hmm.. yeah.. Bill seems like a nice chap.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:16

You don't see him hanging with anyone from the right do you? If you're someone like Jagger you're not gonna call someone for info if you don't relate to them. Why call Clinton and not GWB? Mick could call Condi (but he probably would just laugh at the idea of it)

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:22

Oh they all love Mick b/c he said Neocon was not about GWB^^

Bill used to r'n'roll himself and he likes the Stones - thats reason enough to ask him for advice.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:23

Well because Mick knows Bill and probably not GWB. He visited them during the Licks tour right?


Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:24

MicksBrain Wrote:
> Why call Clinton and not GWB?

Maybe because Mick is smart enough to know that it would be commercial suicide to hang with ANY American president. Clinton is a former president and much more out of the picture today than he was in the nineties. So that's OK. Bush would be commercial suicide because he's the president NOW. In 10 years you could maybe see Jagger hanging with GWB too. Who knows?


Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: Reptile ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:24

Well, the Stones are definetly NOT on George Bush's Ipod..

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:27

Sweet Neocon might be on his IPod. :-D


Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:28

Yeah, Bill did that intro for the free concert at the Staples Center in LA for Clean Air - it's on the Live Licks DVD. Also, Mick knows near genius BC would have the answers and near retard GWB would be drunk or asleep and not know the answers....

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: country honk ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:33

Mick ands Bill share the same interest:

- having lots of girls hanging around them
- like to have sex with other women even if being married
- having a good sex-drive

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:34

I dont think Bill Clinton listens to the Stones. GWB probably has listened a lot to them when he was younger. Old politicans who listen to 60s rock are usually kinda geekish. And about Bill being left. He is not left wing he is right wing compared to the left in Europe.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: Ringo ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:38

Only right-wingers prefer Bush to Clinton. And Mick is of course noe right-winger.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:50

Oh, for sure LA FORUM, I agree with you on that 100%...

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: harlito1969 ()
Date: April 24, 2006 16:56

Mick is on whatever side keeps his millions safe - don't get fooled by any of the rhetoric.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: jumpinjackgreg ()
Date: April 24, 2006 20:31

Kerry is far more left than Clinton. I don't think hanging with Clinton is commercial suicide. Bono does it as do many other celebrities. Commercial suicide would be hanging out with any from the GOP besides John McCain, and even that is pushing it. And besides, Clinton is no longer a politician, who gives a crap what he says b/c he's not worried about opinion polls. Well scratch that, he's got to be nice since Hillary has an election this fall and probably in 2008. I'm as liberal as the next Stones fan, but I don't know about Hillary. I'd love to see a woman be president, but she's too moderate for me. I'm still for Kerry. Smart, open-minded and experienced. But I'll stop b/c this isnt' a political board. Sorry.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: georgeV ()
Date: April 24, 2006 23:20

Reports have it that Mick and Bill met at a Sexaholics Anonymous meeting following the Lewinsky episode and Jerri Hall leaving Mick over the pregant Brazilian model. Sources close to the band and the former President confirm that both are firm believers in the twelve steps but have struggled with the rigidity of the program. Occasional slips have produced heartbreak for their significant others and have made their way into reports from the tabloid press.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-04-24 23:22 by georgeV.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 24, 2006 23:30

I LOVE how everyone makes fun of guys having sex with willing partners (no one gets hurt) but when a MASS MURDERER like GWB kills people eveyday, ruins millions of families and lives - that, is somehow OK...we live in an upside down, Sick effing world. As Jack Nickolson (sp?) once said about the American mentality and movie ratings - hack off a tit it gets a "PG - 13", suck on one and it gts an "R" true...

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: April 24, 2006 23:34

MicksBrain Wrote:
but when
> a MASS MURDERER like GWB kills people eveyday,
> ruins millions of families and lives - that, is
> somehow OK...

No I'm afraid he's not a mass murderer. And he doesnt kill people every day. In Iraq islamists kill people every day. And in other Islamic countries they murder people every day.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 24, 2006 23:44

Oh, yeah right, I f*cked up, It's the little magically tooth fairy that's allowed all those millions of tons of bombs to fall on innocent civilians.....Sorry...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-04-25 00:27 by MicksBrain.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: gia43 ()
Date: April 25, 2006 00:55

I really didn't want to talk about Clinton or Bush or any politician for that matter but I gotta say anyone to me is a killer when his actions(the ones he does on purpose) result in the end of someone else's life... My point, Islamists WHO KILL are killers, Bush who ordered the bombs to drop (and of course all the others who are involved) is a killer, and I think Clinton had something to do with the whole Yugoslavia matter some years yes, in that case, he is a killer. To me, that is. Am I wrong?

Who the f*ck is Mick Jagger?

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: April 25, 2006 01:07

MicksBrain Wrote:
> I LOVE how everyone makes fun of guys having sex
> with willing partners (no one gets hurt) but when
> a MASS MURDERER like GWB kills people eveyday,
> ruins millions of families and lives - that, is
> somehow OK...we live in an upside down, Sick
> effing world.

Even worse is that GWB refers to his presidency as the 'good old days' (see his comments when McClellan offered his resignation last week).

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: Sam Spade ()
Date: April 25, 2006 01:20

Bill probably owed Mick a favor,my guess is Bill needed advice on having better looking woman than Janet Reno, or his mouth organ player Monica Lewensky.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: Sam Spade ()
Date: April 25, 2006 01:34

Guess this says it all....[]

I'll bet Mick wouldn't give up the room for Bill Clinton either.

Mick beats George to suite

Showbiz Reporter
PRESIDENT George Bush can’t get no satisfaction — after Mick Jagger grabbed his hotel room.

The Rolling Stone splashed out £3,600 a night for the suite days before the US leader tried to book it.

Now Mick, 62, who has been a fierce critic of the Bush-led war in Iraq, is refusing to give it up.

The veteran rocker hired the luxury Royal Suite at the five-star Imperial Hotel in Vienna, Austria, for June when the Stones are due to play a gig in the city.

Bush’s aides then tried to book it to tie in with a summit meeting.

But Mick put his foot down and insisted he was keeping the booking.

A source close to the millionaire singer said last night: “White House officials had wanted to reserve the suite and all the other rooms on the first floor.

“But Mick and the Stones had already booked every one of them.

“Bush’s people seemed to be under the impression that they would just hand over the suites but there was no way Mick was going to do that.”

The classically-designed suite is said to be among the top 100 hotel rooms in the world. It boasts a 7ft 4in bed, chandeliers and oil paintings.

Former presidents Ronald Reagan, John Kennedy and George Bush Snr all stayed there while they were in office.

The hotel last night admitted US secret service agents vetted the accommodation — and confirmed that Bush would no longer be staying there.

An American Embassy official refused to say where he was now staying for “security reasons”.

Mick takes a swipe at Bush, 59, on the latest Stones album A Bigger Bang, savaging his Iraq War policy.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: tat2you ()
Date: April 25, 2006 04:16

mb you should run for office i would vote for ya.......can we attack iran please i hear bin laden is hanging out there ...also clinton could try and fill in for Keys everyonce in awhile that would be very cool!!!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-04-25 04:17 by tat2you.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: April 25, 2006 04:36

tat2you Wrote:
> mb you should run for office i would vote
> for ya.......can we attack iran please i
> hear bin laden is hanging out there ...also
> clinton could try and fill in for Keys
> everyonce in awhile that would be very
> cool!!!!!

Hey lost me at attacking Iran, you're joking, right? I'm also not real enthusiastic about Clinton filling in for (Bobby?) Keys. Nonetheless, I'd consider voting for MB.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: April 25, 2006 04:41

MicksBrain Wrote:
> You don't see him hanging with anyone from the
> right do you?

Prince Rupert might be more right leaning. I think mick and all of the stones are open minded people and they hang out with a wide range of people who have different political beliefs.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: Jelly Face Joe ()
Date: April 25, 2006 04:42

"Hillary Clinton, Give me a Blow Job!" -Mick Jagger during "Rip this Joint" at Webster Hall.

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 25, 2006 06:03

If I recall the many years ago when Jagger played Webster Hall for his solo album Hillary was not a bad looking little first lady - she could have met with MB and tossed him an oral treat too back in the day after her and MJ were finished.... BTW, all this talk about Bill not picking good looking women, Gennifer Flowers wasn't bad looking when she came out with her alligations and I'm sure she was really hot 10 years earlier when Bill was into her big time....And any of them beat Condi who W's probably porkin' so lets not get down to hard on Bill, there's always Condi to fire back with. Maybe from the neck down Condi's not bad but that face....oh, shit....I just puked....damn it man, just missed the computer thank God....My dinner is EVERYWHERE..... Please don't bring up Condi's face......gotta puke God, that face,...can't keep any food down......

Re: It's Official, MICK JAGGER / BILL CLINTON - Good , Personal Friends
Posted by: angee ()
Date: April 25, 2006 07:19

Hmm, I would bet that Bill listens to the Stones. He might be a Bobby Keyes fan.

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