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would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: hi1 ()
Date: April 11, 2006 12:41

Could they possibly return to China and go for Beijing and perhaps Guandong? Would be super! After the show is broadcasted on c.c.t.v., it is possible they might get more locals who want to see them and buy their stuff. Both are big cities and Hong Kong is not far at all from Guandong. We got at least 3 to 4 more dates right there.

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: country honk ()
Date: April 11, 2006 12:47

What about a free consert in Bejing inn center of town?

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: nikkibong ()
Date: April 11, 2006 20:05

maybe they'll stop there on layover and do a quick 6 song set.

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 11, 2006 20:09

Whatever the Head COMMIE decides.....

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: April 12, 2006 01:07

MicksBrain Wrote:
> Whatever the Head COMMIE decides....

Is this a natural talent of yours; saying stupid and mostly inappropriate things, or have we been schooled in it ? Maybe you should redirect your energies towards Capitol Hill, cos there's f*** all place for 'em here ?

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: nikkibong ()
Date: April 12, 2006 01:08

Err . . . the commies did tell them what songs they couldn't play in Shanghai. MicksBrain is correct.

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: MarcJ ()
Date: April 12, 2006 01:27

At least during the chinese concert in Shanghai, Cui Jian mentionned in chinese that the Stones will be playing in with this updated tour dates, it would mean that everything is still possible.

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: kahoosier ()
Date: April 12, 2006 01:48

And Marj, if and when they play there I am sure Micksbrain will have a plethora of rude, inappropriate things to say demonstrating his concerns for the downtrodden of humankind, the salt of the earth. Thankfully he is working hard at saving them by baiting fans at music sites, a guaranteed pathway to freeing the oppressed from the inhumanities they suffer.

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 12, 2006 02:03

PaulyWauly, ahhh, excuse me, i believe your Surname is either Polish or Russian, You, my friend, should know better then anyone how f*cked up the Communist system is since THAT was the Government Dejour for decades and decades..... I was there during commie days and people lived like DOGS...F*ck the Commie's - I HATE their corrupt asses.....Worst then Bush / Cheney (and that's HARD to do)

Marcj, let me fill you in on something. China is having the Olympics in 2 years. IT IS NOT going to do ANYTHING to look bad right now - PROPAGANDA RULES in those countries. If the assh*le COMMIE Government lets the Stones play in a giant 150,000/200,000 seat stadium in Bejing I'll eat my Left foot. They don't want all those kids together out in the streets. There's power in Numbers my friend (they remember what happened not too many years ago where the Government was almost overthrown) - a big show that the people can afford to go is not gonna happen. They'll just put it on TV again - the tranquilizer for the masses - And charge a years wages for a seat.....Take it or Leave it Mick Baby....YOO AINT DWA BIG MAN NOWW MISTAW MICK JAGWER, US COMMIES ARWW DWA BIG MENS....


Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: kahoosier ()
Date: April 12, 2006 03:58

Great Part is I am in China. I just had breakfast ( unplanned) with a bunch of exchange students from the USA! They would never have been here 25 years ago.

Yesterday, in the Forbidden City, a place I never thought I would see once, I took along my sister for my Fourth visit, and totally unexpectedly wondered into a gift shop playing STONES MUSIC.

The Berlin wall FELL, it was not demolished. No matter how fast anyone outside wishes, China will change when China is ready, not before. If you attempt to liberate from the outside you end up with Fiascos like IRAQ. South Africa ended apartheid, it was not pushed out by outside sources. The US attempted to keep S. Viet Nam free for capitolism, and some people learned nothing from that history.

Let China change when China is ready; Beijing is no longer an IMperial City, and that was brought about by the Chinese! McDonalds and KFC sit on a corner of Tianemen Square; I am not sure I am proud or would call that progress, BUT it is change.

I also quetsion someone shouting about "Commie Bastards" with one breath, and then screaming about adventure capitalists with another while moaning about MJ being all in it for the money. So if the Cmmies are Bastards, and capitalists suck also, would you advocate Facism, or do you propose a return to Monarchy? Since, MIksbrain, you hate the communists,and you hate sucessful capitalists, could youplease open a blog SOMEHERE ELSE, to expound on the great and new3 political/finacial system you plan ot save the world with; all I have seen you do is complain without offering a coherent well thought through alternative.

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: April 12, 2006 04:44

chuck berry's johnny b goode on the london sessions lp is pretty good fun!

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: April 12, 2006 04:47

i wonder if keith was in the crowd singing my ding a ling..

pretty much anyone at the show was compelled to sing by the power of his personality

awesome at the end when you hear the crowd going nuts trying to get him to come out again.. wonder if they did?

( i write about chuck as thats about as relevant to this post about wether the stones will play china as the stuff thats being written here about commies)

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 12, 2006 06:25

Dr Stephan finally shows up but on the wrong thread (why so late? did you triple book?), why not go to the one we were on with your expert advice (of course you know EVERYTHING cause you're a Doctor - AKA Genius and / or god) and unfounded assumptions and carry on there Doc.. Another day, another lecture by the BRAINIAC.... Tianemen Square? KFD (dog)? McDonalds? You forgot to mention all the blood on the pavement there. You know, all the Political Protesters that were SHOT AND KILLED by a Government that gives it's people ZERO rights, ZERO freedom of speech, a government that controls the web, that controls google, that controls how big an audience the Stones can play, are you blind or what? No, I don't have a problem with successful Capitalists just super greedy ones, ones that use human beings as SLAVES - get it??? PS Playing STONES music in the gift shop. I can bet with 99% assurance that it was a pirated (NOT BOOTLEG which is TOTALLY different) CD because another thing the Government is great at is not giving a sh*t about International Copyright Law.That's called STEALING Doc(like if someone was to take all your Band Aids away from you), did you know that??? Comparing the Berlin Wall to the Chinese situation !! Holy Sh*t man, how did you get through school and get a degree ?!?!? Go back and study the history and background of nations....You're sounding as bright as Bush ("The Berlin Wall feel so now we're going to turn the Middle East into the next Democracy....HUH??? Even 10 year old European kids laugh at THAT "Logic") BTW, How's the "Dog on a Stick" this time of year? Taste like Chicken?

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 12, 2006 06:30

Doc, it's called SET LIST FROM CHINA 4/8/06 - on page 2 at the moment, not THAT hard to find if you just look around a bit....You are such a HORRIBLE debater that you don't even read what I had to say (about Iraq and Bush, etc) but just carry on like the whole world needs to hear your sudo wisdom. Go read my RETORT to your misunderstandings and confusion first. Where did you go to school ? Rural Mississippi? Don't you understand how debate and discussion works? UN EFFING BELIEVABLE !!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-04-12 06:41 by MicksBrain.

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: April 12, 2006 06:46

i meant to write: did the crowd manage to coax chuck to come out after johnny b goode? anyone know?

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: kahoosier ()
Date: April 12, 2006 12:24

Micksbrain, in the post immediately above mine you mention Commies and Tianemen, than blather about me being on the wrong post when I respond to your blasting of a country you have never been in I would imagine. I merely responded, but of course if you are the only one allowed to stray off the topic of set lists, I guess I should read the rules over again. Then you need to really blast me by bringing in my profession and my REAL first name as if any of that had anything to do with what I am trying to say. I glean nothing from that except that you also seem to bear resentment against me as well as adding MDS ( who are nowhere akin to God except in the view of unrealistically expectant patients) to join your long list of commies, venture capitalists, bankers (but only the greedy ones like Mick), and on and on that you have denigrated in your multiple angry posts.

But to answer one of your questions, I graduated from Indiana University. As to why I am so "late" in responding, it is 5 PM here, and I just got back. Funny how time zones work for the rest of us scattered around the world , huh? I am not triple booked, and have told people on multiple threads I live far outside the "rat race" of main stream America. But you apparently misread or just plain did not read about my work with impoverished Pacific Islanders for the last 5 years. Of course, living in the Pacific Asian rim would not give me any insight as to what is happening out here, or how the people feel, or what they might have to say about America in general,I shoul re-read all the histories of the world that have apparently changed since I was a liberal arts major in my undergrad studies. Or wait...could it be in an America that I loved, I was allowed to read those histories and develop my own opinion? Is freedom of thought and freedom of speech now only extended to those who agree with your posts, and all others are ignorant, or self-serving, or idiots? I am not the one preaching and name calling, all I am doing is asking that people let events take a natural course. Now if you cannot see the parallel between communism crumbling behind the Berlin Wall/Iron Curtain and what might one day happen to communism behind the Great Wall, then I guess your thought processes might be a little too literal and concrete for others to get through to you. And if that is beyond your sight, I suppose that you will never see that the blood stains at Tianmen are no darker on the Ground than those at Kent State University, Ohio. I still fill freedom rings in the USA, so I can hope that it will for China also.

China is trying to change, is moving rapidly into capitolism and freedom. I havde never said the change was complete, only that it is happening. It is inevitable. A huge threat that could delay it is someone trying to force it, thus scaring the old gaurd into holding on harder. I suspect that if you reply, it will be to futher try and make me look bad as a human being by either implying I am a inhuman money-grubbing arrogant bastard, or by saying I lack in edcuation, intelligence and any positive human traits. Have at it...your anger, resentment, and lability make it nearly impossible to reason with you, so see the world your way, and rest comfortable, that all of us that disagree with you are not that upset you find us ignorant. I find it incredible that somewone trying to sound so brilliant falls to the xeno-phobic levels of "dog on a stick," as if the choice of beef as a meat product over dog, silkworm larva, horse, or any other protein source is a comment on intelligence or morals. As a last comment, the Stones CD was an official CD, I aksed to see what they were playing, it was not a pirate.

So with that, I take the course of passive resistance, and say "have it your way," you are right we are all wrong! There, now there is no need to debate and we can move on to the music of the Rolling Stones.

I sure would like to here them do Johnny B. Goode.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2006-04-12 12:42 by kahoosier.

Re: would china be part of the fall tour????
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: April 12, 2006 13:11

Stephane, the correct thread is at the top of page one, if you're not (fill in blank) enough to find it then how on earth can we have a discussion. I see your name at the bottom so I know you're logged in - get back on the right thread please (comprehending?)....

15 MINUTES LATER (ah, now your name is gone at the bottom and you have run away I see)

All you seem to want to do is pontificate on and on and on like you're some expert on what the Chinese Government is PLANNING on doing in the future.... You are a guy who can't even find the CORRECT THREAD - how on earth can you find the future? (I'm being ABSTRACT - don't flip out - I KNOW you don't get it). Don't worry, I've been to China in the past - twice to your beloved Commie one and if you want to include Hong Kong about 25 times (Eaton Hotel, Nathan Road, Kowloon - home away from home, check it out sometimes). I know all about time zones jet setter. I spent most of my adult life traveling the planet but that part's on the original thread (which you're not sharp enough to find. Even though if truth be told you have read it but just can't admit it cause you'd rather play power games - I've come across your type before) and I'm not gonna repeat myself. One thing I have that you don't is the integraty to be truthful about a place. Unlike you I can't pretend China is anything but what it is. I'm interested in the truth in things. You seem to twist them around for your own comfort. I leave you with the wise words of Paul Simon in "The Boxer" - A MAN HEARS WHAT HE WANTS TO HEAR AND DISREGARDS THE REST (you can pick up a pirated version somewhere in Blade Runner City). Sorry Doc but I can't return to where you are going and don't feel like playing your much too obvious games, Party on Hoosier (BTW, enjoy your Leg of Poodle in Black Mambo blood and red wine sauce - ummm, yummy. How sophisticated they have become - no more rat meat in the big city.... Yes, Bon Appetit). This discussion is over - you're much too redundent, I'm bored......Maybe I'll go flood thousands of villages and displace millions of powerless people so I can build a giant dam - no, that's too civilized... so little time, so much evil to do...

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2006-04-12 14:40 by MicksBrain.

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