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Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: tomk ()
Date: March 8, 2006 03:59

A great show! One of the best I've seen in years.
The good:
The stadium shows have got to go. An arena or theater is the best way to see 'em.
Loudest I've ever heard them. Not painfully loud, but loud enough.
Sway: Better than I thought. They did seem a little pensive about it.
Ron nailed the slide, but the solo at the end he seemed a bit unsure.
However, he made it up with Far Away Eyes. The pedal steel he played was beautiful.
The boots may prove me wrong, but this version was one of the best versions
of any song I've ever heard them do. BTW, Keith hit just as many clunkers as Ron did.IF he's gonna do that desceding 2-string Chuck Berry riff (a la Carol) KR better start practising 'cause he flubbed every one of them (on IORR and Respectable).
BTW, nice to see Keith playing a skull-and-dagger guitar again.
Has he played it before on this tour?
JAgger's vocals were the best I've ever heard in concert. He was fantastic,
especially Worried About You. He nailed every falsetto.
Charlie was great, but he's alwaysbeen great at every show I've seen.
They never "went through the motions" as the did at Anaheim.
It's the arena, I'm telling ya.
A sizzling Midnight Rambler. Keith even brought back some of his '75 licks.

The Bad:
Darryl is useless. They really need a new bass player.
The horns aren't needed.
Respectable was a train wreck, but fun to watch them get through it.
Mick sang out of key and no one knew where the changes were.
Although I sat on Keith's side, he was way too loud on some numbers.
I could hardly hear Ron sometimes, but perhaps that's the state of the band.
Both Wood and Richards sound better on the B-stage.
Maybe they should ditch those main-stage amps. ALthough the Fender amps
that Wood uses are great, I don't think he sounds good through them on certain tunes. When one of them would start a solo, the volume went up way too much.
Maybe that's the sound guy. I know when that happnes to me and when the sound from
my amp is way too loud, you get nervous and self-conscious and make mistakes.
As I said I heard just as many clunkers from Keith.

All in all, I loved the show. It was nice to be at the Forum again.
BTW, I paid $7.50 in 1975. For last night, I played $160 to sit in the same area.

Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: March 8, 2006 04:55

at that rate of inflation, but my calculations you'll be paying $3,415 for the same seat at the Stones' 2037 tour...

thanks for the fair-and-balanced report. other reviewers please take note - it's okay not to "gush."

Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: tomk ()
Date: March 8, 2006 05:13

tomk Wrote:

> BTW, I paid $7.50 in 1975. For last night, I
> played $160 to sit in the same area.

To be honest, my mom paid for the ticket. I was 12 at the time.
All my "allowence money" went for buying albums.
My Mom's pushing 80, and she always calls me up and says
"I heard a Stones song on the radio. Is Ron Wood on it?"
SHe got a big kick out of the McCartney at Abbey Road Special
that was on TV last week.

Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: March 8, 2006 05:17

well, then, in 2037 your mum will be pushing 117

Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: tomk ()
Date: March 8, 2006 05:31

Yes, you never know, she may still be around.
She can buy me another ticket.
But I'd doubt she'd pay for parking and beer.

Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Date: March 8, 2006 06:51

If Darryl Jones is completely useless then why was he chosen?

Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: beardedhag ()
Date: March 8, 2006 06:55

Good review, Tom. Do you know want kind of guitar Keith was playing on Rough Justice, Respectable, and Satisfaction? It was a white and black number that I've never seen him play before. I usually pretty good at IDing his axes, but this one has me stumped. It was good to see the old pirate Zemaitis on Sway!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-03-08 06:57 by beardedhag.

Re: Another Forum review
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: March 8, 2006 07:51

>> It was good to see the old pirate Zemaitis on Sway! <<

ahh, the new Zemaitis has finally emerged! way cool.
did he use it on just the one number?

Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: tomk ()
Date: March 8, 2006 08:00

Theif in the Night Wrote:
> If Darryl Jones is completely useless then why was
> he chosen?

To be honest, it's the worst decision the band ever made.
Just because Miles Davis is on your CV (and that's the only reason
he was hired, IMO), doesn't make you the best bass player for the Stones.

Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: beardedhag ()
Date: March 8, 2006 16:53

He used the pirate Zemaitis on just Sway. I wonder if its the same guitar he used in 75, or if its newer one. Of course, Tony Zemaitis has passed on, so it's not brand new. I seem to remember reading that Keith lost some guitars in a fire at Redlands in the late seventies.

Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: March 8, 2006 16:55

Still.............He was ALWAYS better than Bill IMO. But good review anyway.


Re: Another Forum review: the good and bad...
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: March 9, 2006 07:44

tomk Wrote:
> Theif in the Night Wrote:
> To be honest, it's the worst decision the band
> ever made.
> Just because Miles Davis is on your CV (and that's

If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis!

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