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Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Hanns Rainsch ()
Date: February 24, 2006 03:23

Last weekend I talked to two friends of mine.
One of them only likes some Bob Dylan and nearly nothing else and the other likes everything a litle bit (rock music) and the Dylan guy said that he just can't stand stand the voice of Mick Jagger, though This Place is Empty was on the stereo right then.
He said that Mick is just a 50-year old sugardaddy, who just wants to show his ass in tight red leather pants on the cover of his albums.
As my other friend corrected him and said that Jagger is already 62, the anger became even more dominant.
What about your friends?

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Marcia ()
Date: February 24, 2006 03:34

Most of my friends think the Stones are "OK", but cannot understand why I would spend so much $$$$ to go to concerts. Almost all of my female friends think Mick is "ugly" and cannot understand why I find him physically attractive,
Many of my friends who are my age have moved on in their musical tastes to strange choices such as "country" seems to be in vogue now.
I cannot understand why those who grew up with real rock 'n roll would now like "country"?

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: February 24, 2006 03:36

My friends don't dare anymore to show disrespect towards Mick & the boys when I'm around...

"got to be worked on
don't have no bark nor bite..."

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Leonard Keringer ()
Date: February 24, 2006 03:36

my friends understand that the Stones are the r'n'r band to which all others are's a no brainer

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: February 24, 2006 03:47

My friends are like "you spent all your money on WHAT???" They think the Stones are cool and are they fans, but they aren't nearly into them the way I am.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Stones89 ()
Date: February 24, 2006 05:29

I have friends who refer to them as "has-beens". I just give my friends the ol' scowl and tell 'em to take a long walk off a short pier. They don't understand why I like them so much. What's to understand? Their music simply ROCKS!! Always has, always will. And when they make fun of Mick, I say to them "you try doing what he does at his age!" smiling smiley

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: troubador ()
Date: February 24, 2006 05:33

That guy is what true Dylan fans know as a Bob Snob. I've loved Dylan all my life--hes my lifeline, but that doesnt take anything from the Stones' primacy as supreme rockers.

Besides, when Dylan toured in 2002 and 2003, he played a fine rough and dirty "Brown Sugar," a tribute to the Stones' appropriation of "Like a Rolling Stone," and his longtime comradeship with Keith and Woody

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Alvaro ()
Date: February 24, 2006 11:22

I used to say that you cant like or dislike TRS.
If you dont feel the magic on the tracks you dont have too much to do with them.
I mean, if you listen Monkey Man and dont feel shivers on the guitar part, or you hear Beast of burden and dont wanna cry/jump in the last part ("...I ain’t your kind of man") or you see keith playing Nearness and you feel evry f***ng verse like yours, better turn off and go to listen another thing. I did a lot of compilations for friends, but i realise that searching in the london years or in Beggars or in Exile is kind of imposible. You HAVE to hear it all if you want to understand what we mean and why after 15 years of listening (Im "only" 28...) i cant get enough, and evry f***ng day of my life, when i return at home from work i said, "ok today soundboard 78, lets go nuts, or today, let it bleed, or.....")
All my friends think that they are a good group but they ask me why this passion,and, on the essence of the question is the reason because they dont have it, and after all i used to say "yo know me.....its only R&R, but i like it).

Un beso a todos.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: February 24, 2006 12:04

Reminds me of going down to wembley last time they was at wembley anyway my mrs had done a lot of computer work for a company and they offered her either a trip to wembley to see the stones or a meal where ever she chose of her choice obviously there was no choice but the stones i had also managed to get a ticket and scrounged a lift in a mini bus as it happens the conversation turns to taking the p*** out of the stones because of the age etc, so i just turn round to them and say please tell me after the concert what you really think and how you rate the concert needless to say apart from one out of twelve they all said how brilliant the concert was and couldent believe how good mick was.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: The GR ()
Date: February 24, 2006 13:25

I'm considered mad.

I met a woman on a plane back from Chicago in 2002 who was a massive Aha fan and although we disliked each others music had a great conversation swopping concert, meeting the band and record collecting stories.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: gia43 ()
Date: February 24, 2006 13:47

Most of my friends know better than to say bad things about the Stones when I'm around, some of them say things just to tease me, but in a serious conversation I can convince anyone about the greatness of Mick's voice! He does most of the job for me anyway... When it comes to looks most of my female friends find that Mick used to be attractive when he was young but that he's too old now. And I think that any man secretly admires Mick's ability to drive girls mad in his 60's!

Who the f*ck is Mick Jagger?

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Limbostone ()
Date: February 24, 2006 14:32

I once said to my girlfriend that Jan Keizer is a bit passé.

Man did she freak out.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: February 24, 2006 15:00

Marcia Wrote:
> Most of my friends think the Stones are "OK", but
> cannot understand why I would spend so much $$$$
> to go to concerts. Almost all of my female
> friends think Mick is "ugly" and cannot understand
> why I find him physically attractive,
> Many of my friends who are my age have moved on in
> their musical tastes to strange choices such as
> "country" seems to be in vogue now.
> I cannot understand why those who grew up with
> real rock 'n roll would now like "country"?

why not? they have the same musical background. many of the Stones' best songs are country-orientated.

a lot of 'country' artists such as Steve Earle, Lucinda Williams etc have an attitude and spirit thats more in common with rock n roll than most rock artists have these days (I refuse to consider watered down pap such as Garth Brooks as 'country')

Theres also quite a lot of Stones fans who (justifiably IMO) feel that - great band though they still are - what the Stones stand for in 2006 bears little or no relation to what rock n roll should be about anyway.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Rockingfan ()
Date: February 24, 2006 15:11

Most think I am mad anyway, but what the heck. I met people who saw them 200 time and more.
The only reason I would wish them stopping is to accumulate my bankaccount and free me from those tremendous depth..

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: February 24, 2006 15:18

I'm mad too and I'm happy to be considered that way!

if other people dont 'get it', as far as Im concerned its their loss...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-02-24 15:19 by Gazza.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: crossfire ()
Date: February 24, 2006 16:16

Marcia Wrote:
> Most of my friends think the Stones are "OK", but
> cannot understand why I would spend so much $$$$
> to go to concerts.

Tell them "why do they spend so much $$$ on their drug habit?"

Almost all of my female
> friends think Mick is "ugly" and cannot understand
> why I find him physically attractive,

I agree with your friends, Mick is ugly, but I think we'd all agree he certainly has that "X" factor and women swoon to that more so than any physical attribute (well, maybe not all!)

> Many of my friends who are my age have moved on in
> their musical tastes to strange choices such as
> "country" seems to be in vogue now.
> I cannot understand why those who grew up with
> real rock 'n roll would now like "country"?

Hello? Jerry Lee, John Cash, Waylon Jennings, Elvis, Kris Kristofferson, Carl Perkins, Willie Nelson, etc and most contemporary country singer/stars of today.

If it's rock n'roll, then it's sure to be country!

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: February 24, 2006 16:30

crossfire Wrote:
> Marcia Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Most of my friends think the Stones are "OK",
> but
> > cannot understand why I would spend so much
> $$$$
> > to go to concerts.
> Tell them "why do they spend so much $$$ on their
> drug habit?"
> Almost all of my female
> > friends think Mick is "ugly" and cannot
> understand
> > why I find him physically attractive,
> I agree with your friends, Mick is ugly, but I
> think we'd all agree he certainly has that "X"
> factor and women swoon to that more so than any
> physical attribute (well, maybe not all!)
> > Many of my friends who are my age have moved
> on in
> > their musical tastes to strange choices such
> as
> > "country" seems to be in vogue now.
> > I cannot understand why those who grew up
> with
> > real rock 'n roll would now like "country"?
> Hello? Jerry Lee, John Cash, Waylon Jennings,
> Elvis, Kris Kristofferson, Carl Perkins, Willie
> Nelson, etc and most contemporary country
> singer/stars of today.
> If it's rock n'roll, then it's sure to be
> country!

Hey crossfire, how's it going? Are you going to Tinseltown theater to see the Stones live in Rio movie next Tuesday? It's Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras), so we're gonna be partying up a storm after the show!

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: February 24, 2006 16:38

I cannot understand HOW anyone can think Mick is not gorgeous & SEXY! ; most of the guys are not into Stones music, they say they loved the 60's Stones! Talk about NOT EVOLVED GENTS! Yikes! I am hardened to this kind of nonsense because I know the truth, plus they ALL admit they're downright jealous of my passion for their music! They all agree that they wish they felt that way about SOMETHING, anything!! I feel blessed to have had so many years of pure joy, going to Stones concerts, being LUCKY enough to have met MY MAN, to have experienced the excitement they've brought into my life! Imagine not knowing the excitement of getting that NEW Stones cd and just dying to get it on the cd player( record player for those of us OLD enough to recall opening an ALBUM!), and listening to every sound, over and over again until everyone around you runs screaming from the room! DAMN! That's LIVING!

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Riffbuk ()
Date: February 24, 2006 16:44

Most of my friends are musician , so I dont have any problems with that , since they all(or nearly all) recognize the their Status as the best Rock n Roll band ever!!!The ones who don t think so ...I pitty them.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Miss U. ()
Date: February 24, 2006 20:56

My friends don't like the stones. sad smiley My sister does not approve of Mick and thinks their concert tix are way too expensive.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: lady jane ()
Date: February 24, 2006 21:32

Almost all my friends love them (i'm 18 and the friends are all around that), and it's pretty much agreed among all the ladies that mick is definatly sexy, though i must say their more of a keith loving crowd to be honest. i feel like half the people i know where at the last show in Toronto.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: February 24, 2006 22:25

Lots of people I know are fans, just not many fanatics. I was so glad to find out (thanks IORR) that I wasn't the only one! In fact, I almost apologize to some that I've "only" seen the band 9 times since 1981. Some turn up their noses and say "I saw Brian" or "You should have seen Mick Taylor". Hell, I would have if I could have. But most are great (Baboon, ohno, kienan, Dillard, Lukester, drake, Leonard K., etc.).

Most friends semi-admire my knowledge of the Stones, although it's limited next to some fans.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: February 24, 2006 23:05

Elmo Lewis Wrote:
> Lots of people I know are fans, just not many
> fanatics. I was so glad to find out (thanks IORR)
> that I wasn't the only one! In fact, I almost
> apologize to some that I've "only" seen the band 9
> times since 1981. Some turn up their noses and say
> "I saw Brian" or "You should have seen Mick
> Taylor". Hell, I would have if I could have. But
> most are great (Baboon, ohno, kienan, Dillard,
> Lukester, drake, Leonard K., etc.).
> Most friends semi-admire my knowledge of the
> Stones, although it's limited next to some fans.

Hey Elmo,
I am truly honored to be included in the above list of fans you appreciate. Seriously. Thanks. Looks like we're in good company in this site.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: ugottamove ()
Date: February 25, 2006 00:27

I think that they should drop the big, over produced shows that they have been churning out since Steel Wheels and get back to playing like a rock and roll band again. I'd love to see a straight up Stones show without all the backup singers, cut the horns down to just Bobby Keys and have somebody on the ivorys and thats it! Get back into that late 60's early 70's groove that got them labled as "The Worlds Greatest Rock and Roll Band"...but it ain't gonna happen. They could cut their payroll WAY down and maybe lower the ticket prices...but that ain't gonna happen either...Just dreaming about how it use to be and how I wish it could be again.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: February 25, 2006 00:52

Many friends of mine are loving or appreciating the Stones. And i appreciate -especially- two of them, huge U2 fans, who admit that the Stones is by far the greatest band LIVE. It's good to have honest friends...

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: February 25, 2006 01:02

my real friends know not to joke about The Stones. My work friends know to joke about the Stones age to try to bug me.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: February 25, 2006 01:03

ugottamove, i suppose you're thinking another thread...

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: JuanTCB ()
Date: February 25, 2006 01:05

Most of my friends are definitely Stones fans. They might not know much about the band, but they know more than the standard Hot Rocks selections and usually have a smattering of studio albums.

Or, if they don't like them, they know better than let me know that. Not that I'm some sort of fascist . . . more like a missionary. I will hound them until they see the light.

However, I've got two or three friends who are totally hardcore. And that's great - there's nothing better than hanging out, drinking, and discussing boots and guitar sounds and setlists and some of the ridiculous things they've said or done or worn over the years. For example - Billy & Mick dancing together in '75/'76. I'd never watch that with someone who isn't a fan because I'd feel the need to defend it. Watching it with a fellow fan, though, you can laugh your ass off. And if you're drunk enough, imitate it.

Being a Stones fan is like being in a special club. Or the mafia.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: ugottamove ()
Date: February 25, 2006 02:34

Yeah Stickydion....I suppose you're know how those senior moments can be don't cha? The Stones still kick ass even if they have a huge supporting cast, I wasn't blasting what they are doing now (or for the past 17 years) they cannot be surpassed by any band period. I just know how great they sound without all the fluff. My friends all understand and put up with my Stones addiction, now my wife...that's another story. Sorry for drifting off this threads theme.

Re: Your friends and the Stones (esp. Mick)
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: February 25, 2006 03:16

Oh, don't say "sorry", ugottamove... As you see, that's a kind of rule here: Even the thread is "what do you think about Mick's clothes on stage on this tour?", after a few posts we could discuss about the differences between Taylor's and Ronnie's solos...

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