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Super Bowl
Posted by: autodog ()
Date: January 30, 2006 18:22

I was fortunate enough to be selected to be on the field for the Stones performance during half time of next weeks Super Bowl. We've had one rehearsal so far and are having a dress rehearsal this friday. I undersdtand that the Stones will be there for the dress rehearsal. We should know friday which 3 songs the Stones will perform. I can't tell you how excited I am about this opportunity...Oh, by the way, I'm in the first row....<smiling>. I'll keep ya all posted.

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: Local27 ()
Date: January 30, 2006 18:27

Not that I have any shot a being picked to get on the feild with The Stones, but how does one get chosen in the first place? What did you have to do?

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: autodog ()
Date: January 30, 2006 18:45

The production company, STARFLOW Entertainment, put out a call through the newspapers and television stations in the Detroit area for volunteers. One simply had to get a group of 20 or more people, age 18 or older, together and submit their names to STARFLOW via STARFLOWs' website. The groups that were selected were e-mailed confirmations and instructions. As I indicated the first rehearsal was this past Saturday at the Pontiac Silverdome, the former home of the Detroit Lions. The dress rehearsal this Friday will be at Ford Field, the actual site of the Super Bowl/ Stones half time show. In short....anyone could have gotten the opportunity to be a part of this show.

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: Cafaro ()
Date: January 30, 2006 19:13

Great stuff.....keep us posted. That is going to be awesome. Soemthing to tell the grandkids about.

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: January 30, 2006 20:43

Hey autodog, wear a red and white striped Cat In The Hat hat and we'll all be rooting for you on television.

Front row? Killer. So, since you said volunteer I'm guessing you don't have to pay for that privilege?

Do they instruct you how to hoot and holler, what to do and not to do. Like, is showing your tits discouraged. Sitting topless on someones shoulders, is that allowed? Just curious.

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: mickmask ()
Date: January 30, 2006 21:02

Hi autodog,
I was asked to join a group to go, but you had to spend a week in Detroit for rehearsals and I couldn't swing it financially or time wise.
I'll be kicking myself forever over this one.

You're in the front row?? Please wear something identifiable for us! I'll be taping this as I know a few more that are going.


Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: autodog ()
Date: January 30, 2006 21:33

They make us jump through a number of hoops in order to partake in this most sacred of events: The Super Bowl. The NFL is definately in charge here and everyone plays by their rules and their rules plain white plain black shirts...the only logo allowed is a stones logo. No tits and last but not least...NO CAMERA'S. The last rule is designed to keep secret the really cool looking stage that the Stones will be playing on...and I can assure is a really cool looking stage.

As far as behavior...the only instructions that they gave us were to act as if we were at a stones concert. We have to meet at the super secret location at 10am and we get to sit around until approximately 6:30pm when we will board 60 buses that will, under police escort, deliver us to Ford field shortly before the 2nd quarter ends. On que we will run out onto the field where each of us have an assigned spot (mine being on the right side of the stage...front row.
Immediately after the last note sounds we are to run off of the field, down the tunnel and back out to our 60 buses. We will be taken back to the super secret location where they will provide us with pizza, pop and a special thank you gift. We are free to either watch the remainder of the game on the televisions at the super secret location or we are free to go out into the world to forever cherish our memories of our afternoon to remember.

The half time schedule breaks down this way....7 minutes to set up the stage and the sound system and to get 2000 "fans" in position on the field. 11 minutes of pure musical bliss from the greatest rock n' roll band in the world (3 songs). 7 minutes to get the fans, stage and sound system off the field and out the tunnel.

They ahven't announced which songs the stones will be doing but I'm hoping that we will find out during Fridays dress rehearsal.

Did I mention that the stage is really cool looking? I can't tell you how excited I am about this opportunity.

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: Rickster ()
Date: January 30, 2006 22:21

Well if your supose to act like your at a real stones concert are you allowed to light up a joint lol. Anywhey if its only 3 songs I bet its Start me up satisfaction and Rough Justice.

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: January 30, 2006 23:09

autodog Wrote:
> As far as behavior...the only instructions that
> they gave us were to act as if we were at a stones
> concert.

so if they play anything new, do you sit down and do you all go to the toilet if keith sings?

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: January 30, 2006 23:10

Hey Autodog,

I am front row on the OUTSIDE of the stage, and my position SUCKS BIG TIME.
The stage is 10 feet tall at our point and I cannot see ANYTHING.
I am not excited at all, and neither are the 200 or so people around me.

Happy for you, though.

Oh well, maybe something will change on Friday. Perhaps I will grow.

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: Marcia ()
Date: January 31, 2006 00:08

AH,AH,AH! "18 and older" was "18 to 40 something" to dance in front of the Stones on the field at the Super Bowl.
I am happy for you that you fall into that age bracket...I found it highly age discrimitory. It was the Super Bowl Committee that defined the age limit, not the Stones. Hearsay has it that they thought the rehearsals, long hours and blah, blah, blah would prohibit anyone "older" from participating. HOW IN THE HELL WILL THE STONES MAKE IT THROUGH 3-4 songs being that all save one are OLDER THAN 60???? I am bitter as I live less than 2 hours away from Detroit, could have made it...I "ain't" dead yet and I have never SAT through a Stones gig.
HAVE FUN ...I may be feebly watching from the stands

Re: Super Bowl
Posted by: autodog ()
Date: January 31, 2006 03:54

Marcia, they dropped the "45 or younger" part of the age restrictions almost from the start. There are many people there who are obviously in their mid 60's. There is even a group from the Flint chapter of the Red Hat Society...and you have to be at least 50 to join their Society. Sorry that you missed out on this great opportunity.

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