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Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: phd ()
Date: December 17, 2005 09:05

All this disaffection from the dutch people, viewed from Paris, is very strange. A study school case for me. How can that group who sold out faster than in any country in the world, cannot sell out 2 shows within nearly 2 weeks.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: bartman ()
Date: December 17, 2005 09:27

Very Simple........€€€€€€...€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-12-17 20:36 by bv.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: December 17, 2005 10:26

+ Amsterdam Arena + frequency of gigs the last 10 years

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: jeroen starink ()
Date: December 17, 2005 10:28

A bad concert Hall 9amsterdam arena) and toooo much euros.
Hope they will play Rotterdam though.
bye jeroen

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Date: December 17, 2005 12:16

I cant understand why, just why do big acts still choose the Arena .....? it is the temple of doom. Stay in there and after an hour or two, you'll get dizzy, lack of oxygen! The stonesconcerts i\ve seen there where lame @ boring. Apart from that, the dutch always where good marketing people/traders, and boy this tour is a bad deal! See my post about Las Vegas. stones ARE a (travelling) Las Vegas act.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: heartbreaker ron ()
Date: December 17, 2005 12:38

It's also in the middle of our summer vacation, a lot of people will be out of the country. Stones are important to me but a vacation with my family is even more important.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: phd ()
Date: December 17, 2005 13:07

Thanks to all

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Aucoin ()
Date: December 17, 2005 17:00

The Stones are always touring Europe in the summer. That cannot be the reason for the poor sales.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Rutger ()
Date: December 17, 2005 17:33

Amsterdam Arena sucks period! It the most ugly looking building i've ever seen. The sounds.. well.. let's not talk about that.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Reptile ()
Date: December 17, 2005 18:04

THEY ARE INVESTING 1.4 MILLION EURO'S TO IMPROVE THE SOUND... I think that's pretty fair after all those complaints! I'm going.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Fredluvzstones ()
Date: December 17, 2005 18:19

I am sure if they were to play in DeKuip or Ahoy or just about anywhere else you would see a drastic difference in Ticket sales. Most are probably trying to get the point across that it sucks to pay that much money to see them and not get to hear them. At least not hear them the way you should for paying that much money. Remember there is a boycot of the Arnea going on!
Fred Hardin
Pleased to meet you........

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Mack Jigger ()
Date: December 17, 2005 18:33

Reptile Wrote:
> THE SOUND... I think that's pretty fair after all
> those complaints!

That message was announced just before the start of the ticket sale. I don't believe it.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Reptile ()
Date: December 17, 2005 18:54

Mack Jigger Wrote:
> Reptile Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > THE SOUND... I think that's pretty fair after
> all
> > those complaints!
> That message was announced just before the start
> of the ticket sale. I don't believe it.

Come on, that's rubbish.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: December 17, 2005 19:46

Maybe it's a question of supply and demand after all (like some pro-high-price tickets-supporters said)
But is supply>demand now? Time will tell.Hope they won't decrease prices.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: saintmick ()
Date: December 17, 2005 21:50

Why they play the Amsterdam Arena? Simple: Mojo (the Dutch promotor) is one of the owners of the Arena.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: barbabang ()
Date: December 17, 2005 23:17

saintmick Wrote:
> Why they play the Amsterdam Arena? Simple: Mojo
> (the Dutch promotor) is one of the owners of the
> Arena.

No, not so simple, I believe they own also (partly anyway) The Landgraaf Venue, and the venue in Groningen where the Stones also played.
Both, like the Arena, are venues where Mojo/Stones can pack a lot of people inside.
I believe in Groningen it was something like 80.000 people.

Three reasons why I won't go to the Arena show are by the way:

1) The price
2) The venue
3) The level of playing is not that great, I don't think they 'gel'like they used to do. (dare I say this?, anyway that are my reasons)

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Christiaan ()
Date: December 18, 2005 01:18

All this talk about the Arena is just @#$%& Bullshit, it's all about the money, prices are too high. Over €100 for good tickets is too much for people who just wanted to go to a Stones concert just to see them once or maybe for last time. The fans will go, despite the venue. Or fans will go abroad.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: December 18, 2005 02:00

The price simply is too high for the Stones anno 2005 in the Arena. They are not that mythical band anymore, they have become a Las Vegas band with a lousy live act. It just seems nobody is interested in them anymore.


Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: December 18, 2005 02:29


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-04-24 22:33 by Erik_Snow.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: December 18, 2005 02:40

Mathijs, OK, you are a malicious guy, but don't be so rediculous. Your provocations are unsuccessful anymore.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: December 18, 2005 03:02

Mathijs, at the end of this tour the Stones will have attracted about 3.5 - 4 + million people (something like 1981/82 round) without counting the massive free concerts in Rio and Rome, even if people must pay these annoying (and sometimes prohibitive) high ticket prices. In your opinion does it mean that "nobody is interested in them anymore"? Do you think that especialy in Amsterdam happens something which "vindicate" your opinion about the Stones?? Is it a "Mathijsland"??

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: December 18, 2005 09:59

OK, the third and last (for the time being) post of mine: in my opinion the reasons are the frequency of the gigs the last 10 years and the fact that a lot of Stones fans hate this venue with the so bad acoustics. Think about the first reason: with the so high frequency of the universal tours since 1994, only a mythical band could attract so many people around the world nowadays. So Mathijs these boring cliche about "Las Vegas act" and "how bad the Stones are anymore" cannot be the answer to everything. If anyone asks you in the street "excuse me mister, what time is it?" you'll say "for me is 10.24 but for the Stones is time to quit, because they have become a Las Vegas band", blah, blah, blah. What an obsession...

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: phd ()
Date: December 18, 2005 10:12

So if I understand clearly, there is clearly a potential reserve of audience provided they play elsewhere than Amsterdam. So at last, one or two shows could be added . I would not imagine BV still keeping 3 rumoured dates for the sake of filling up a page .

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: sidonia ()
Date: December 18, 2005 23:34

Reptile Wrote:
> Come on, that's rubbish.

Retpile, if you believe that you believe anything. Brian Jones is also still alive!

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: December 19, 2005 00:18

Seems the STones have a habit of totally reaming their hardcore fan base so that might have something to do with it. Look at San Francisco, one of the Stones biggest markets - average price was over $140.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: December 19, 2005 00:35

It's really all about the ticket prices. The same in Germany. I know many, many people who would all like to see the Stones again but to pay more than 100 € is just ridiculous for them.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: arnaud ()
Date: December 19, 2005 00:45

what about the 2 french shows....NICE is not full...still 7000 seats /50000....
qu'en penses tu ?

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: December 19, 2005 02:25

Mathijs Wrote:
> The price simply is too high for the Stones anno
> 2005 in the Arena. They are not that mythical band
> anymore, they have become a Las Vegas band with a
> lousy live act. It just seems nobody is interested
> in them anymore.
> Mathijs

Nobody is interested in them anymore? I'll thank you not to speak on my behalf. Perhaps by that "nobody", you mean yourself. And if you are so disinterested, why are you wasting your time here instead of better occupying your time in something that does interest you?

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: Wolter ()
Date: December 19, 2005 09:01

Beast Wrote:
> Mathijs Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The price simply is too high for the Stones
> anno
> > 2005 in the Arena. They are not that mythical
> band
> > anymore, they have become a Las Vegas band
> with a
> > lousy live act. It just seems nobody is
> interested
> > in them anymore.
> >
> > Mathijs
> Nobody is interested in them anymore? I'll thank
> you not to speak on my behalf. Perhaps by that
> "nobody", you mean yourself. And if you are so
> disinterested, why are you wasting your time here
> instead of better occupying your time in something
> that does interest you?

Sorry, but the Stones sold out 8 concerts last tours in Holland. Now they only sold 60.000 tickets in two and a half weeks. I think that is a sign. Sorry, it's the truth. Live with it. Mathijs is right.

Re: Stones and Netherlands
Posted by: bv ()
Date: December 19, 2005 10:06

Funny think...

> nobody is interested in them anymore.

Nobody lives in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, London, Paris, Brussels, and many other countries across Europe, where the Stones shows sold out in matters of hours or days. So may be I am a lot others are nobody. I don't care if I am nobody. I can still enjoy the shows.

By the way. Who says the A.dam Arena is not sold out? I mean 90% sold out? Can you get tickets to the field/pitch now? Yes or no? I think this is a Dutch phenomen. And I know why...


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