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cable vs. dsl
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: December 12, 2005 17:55

This is as good a place as any to get an opinion on this, which is better cable or dsl? I'm comparing 3Mbps download speed.

Verizon in my area has a $29.95 month 1 year commit $19.95 activation free modem

Adelphia cable $45.95 month & includes $3.00 month modem lease 1 year commit

Price aside is one better than the other?


Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: tumblingdice ()
Date: December 12, 2005 18:39

I've had both, DSL first now my opinion cable is the best. Although in my area prices were similar. Cable a bit cheaper for a 1 year promo to start with.

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: December 12, 2005 18:45

Did you have any problems with dsl?

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: drake ()
Date: December 12, 2005 19:55

I HIGHLY recomend DSL. Cable runs on a group network. IE: if you live in a subdivision everyone in your subdivision runs off a certain block of bandwidth which you all share. If you live around a bunch of old people, then you're cool. You live around a bunch of hip torrent-downloading youngsters and you're screwed during peak hours. DSL on the otherhand runs parallel to your phone line and is guaranteed dedicated bandwidth just for you. No sharing. Also you get a static IP. Also, I've never once had my DSL go down. If you have cable, and your cable (tv) goes out, so does your internet...

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: martingo ()
Date: December 12, 2005 21:12

I've used both and haven't had any problems.

I think cable downloads have tended to be a bit faster on paper, but not that noticeable.

It was a little complicated setting up VOIP with DSL and a home network, but that was a while ago and the technology has probably gotten simpler.

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: kovach ()
Date: December 12, 2005 21:22

I have cable, wish I had DSL. Think about how often your cable television goes out as opposed to your telephone...

Also, DSL is a direct link to your phone company, where cable is not, meaning, when lots of folks are using their cable broadband, speed will slow slightly.

DSL is consistent. The only think that affects DSL speed is how far away from the central office you are, which is why they limit how far out they'll run DSL from the central office so that this really should be next to unnoticable.

And as you point out, the deals on DSL are cheaper right now!

Speed should really be comparable, each claims they're faster, but each has different tiers of service they offer, that's really the only difference, which you choose!

I have Charter, which in a years time has increased their prices 50%, while DSL has DECREASED their prices by 50%.

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: tumblingdice ()
Date: December 12, 2005 23:39

This would depend on your provider also. With my old DSL it was not reliable at all. It went out more than my cable has ( cable only once in a year and it was hurricane related ). DSL speeds were very slow ( and at the time I worked for the phone company offering it). So I guess it would depend on where you live and who your provider will be. Dedicated line or not I still have found cable was better. But then again maybe I don't have many people running on my line???

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: Promoman ()
Date: December 13, 2005 00:38

I used to have DSL and have cable now.
Cable was very unreliable when I first got it but after they switched to glass fiber in april it's ok. To me it's equal quality now.

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: December 13, 2005 02:31

So if a dsl provider such as verizon says its download speeds are 3mbps and so on, what was the speed you were seeing while you worked at that phone company?

Is there a way to actually clock the speed?

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: tumblingdice ()
Date: December 13, 2005 07:42

do a search for different dsl speed testing sites. One such site is It is also a good site for info with a message board and other tests too. I had nowhere near 3mb with the dsl although I do with cable.

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: vox12string ()
Date: December 13, 2005 16:45

Here in Australia we are green with envy at what the rest of the world has. Our monopoly telco (Telstra) has capped d/l speeds @ 1.5mbs. ADSL2 is on the horizon but will be limited to the cities at first. I've got 512/128 unlimited d/l-u/l (which is above average) for which I pay $80/month which is about average. We are not happy but there's sweet f/a we can do about it.

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: Milo Yammbag ()
Date: December 13, 2005 16:51

cable is stable..........DSL signal can fluctuate really bad. Go with cable.

Milo, NYC
Her teeth were kinda curved

Re: cable vs. dsl
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: December 13, 2005 17:01

The Sicilian Wrote:
> > So if a dsl provider such as verizon says its
> download speeds are 3mbps and so on, what was the
> speed you were seeing while you worked at that
> phone company?
> Is there a way to actually clock the speed?

Here is a good way to clock the speed of your connection: []

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