Anyone have this?
I found it somewhere eons ago for $2 or something. A lot of pics (the sleeveless jacket Mick wore said "Earthly Delights" on it - he kinda has a thing for that phrase, huh), the commentary is all over the place (yet accurate, mostly, like how Philly was a disaster) and has two enormous errors in it:
- Apparently, and what's bizarre is the authors mention GIMME SHELTER but... Meredith Hunter was killed during SFTD at Altamont - still a big deal in 1982 apparently regardless of it being wrong.
- STILL LIFE was their fourth live album, and first since GYYYO.
That is some absolute whacky math right there. The authors mention Toronto 1977 a couple of times... but never once say anything about LOVE YOU LIVE.
Which makes me think, these two people were either really stoned when they worked on this book or... they're too into what everyone thinks. And buying into the hype (???) that that was the Stones last tour.
No defiance at all. No belief (you know, being Stones fans, right, supposedly - oh, right - the angle to sell the book), and since they had inside priv why didn't they ask anyone? There was never one thing any of the Stones even winked at in 1981-82 that mildly hinted that they were hanging it up after that tour - in 1982.
I know it's critically slammed and some here can't stand it but I still think STILL LIFE is a fantastic live album. Not a fan of Shattered but I do admire how they destroy it. Satisfaction is stupid but... they destroy it. It's almost brilliant - the opposite side of what they did to Street Fighting Man and JJF in the 1970s.
Under My Thumb, LSTNT, Go Go, Imagination, Time Is On My Side, Twenty Flight Rock... holy crap. Getting HAMPTON is a must for anyone that doesn't have it that likes STILL LIFE.
I wish they'd release a soundtrack to the movie. Surprised they haven't. I know a portion of it is from HAMPTON but, at this point, why not.