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Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: olympia ()
Date: January 4, 2024 09:32

What else can be said but thank you for providing this exceptional site for exchanging news, files and ( quite often opposite) comments about the Rolling Stones 'music and life.
This site is taken for granted.Every day I log in as I also do with newspapers or stock exchanges sites. It's a ritual and it's free. But, behind the curtains, it's a one man show and a huge workload.
What you have achieved is great and you must be proud of it .It's a brick in the wall of music and I am pretty sure that it will become a reference site for the next generations of music historians and more globally to the people which will be fascinated by the richness of the Stones music and their exceptional life.

I am probably your age a bad contender for the new generation !!!
However I will be retiring soon so if help is needed I 'll do my best to participate.
Thanks you very much once again .

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: chriseganstar ()
Date: January 4, 2024 13:49

It's been a pleasure. The IORR magazines, sweatshrt and tshirt from years ago plus my daily read for God knows how many years. Thanks, been great meeting you in too many places to count as well.
Au revoir for now !

Satisfied since 1976

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: January 4, 2024 13:56

Thank you BV for everything you have done with your website and other Rolling Stones projects.Your dedication in helping create that rolling stones community without any financial rewards is remarkable.
Keep on rocking.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: mbour ()
Date: January 4, 2024 16:30

Thanks bv for all you did for this forum. Hope you can solve probs before the tour

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: January 4, 2024 17:45

Thank you, thank you thank you! I don’t think the stones shows over the last 25 years would have been anything like as wonderful without all your hard work on IORR! Love and blessings

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: vibrolux ()
Date: January 4, 2024 20:15


All I can do is add my thanks. Wow. What a journey it has been for you. And it continues, of course. You've built an amazing community of avid fans. We've all benefited from inside info, especially as it pertains to getting tickets. Where else would I have discovered Periscope (remember that?) and eventually livestreams of shows. And real time setlists updates for those who didn't mind spoilers (especially on opening nights of tours).

And on and on. I love seeing my review of shows going back to the 90s. Without this site, how would I have known to make my mad dash to the B stage to seen a blistering Midnight Rambler from the small confines. How else would I have learned about Lucky Dips? I forget what they used to be called in the U.S., but I got in on them almost every time I tried based on what I learned right here.

If I knew what you looked like, I'd find you on Ronnie's side of the pit and shake your hand. Then I'd give you a big hug. Then I'd find my favorite place in the pit (which of course I learned on this site) to get a great view of both sides of the stage.

I'm so glad that they let you into a practice so you can get the privileged inside look you deserve. As much as I've dreamed of going to a club show, It was a nice consolation to know that you always found your way in.

Stay well my friend who I've never met. I know that wherever that last show is, you'll be there. Like I said, what a journey!

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: angee ()
Date: January 4, 2024 21:03

I think before Lucky Dips, those tix were called "Mystery Tix," among other names, perhaps. I wrote about them in my fan book.

~"Love is Strong"~

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-01-04 21:05 by angee.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: January 4, 2024 21:35

Thank you BV, this site is a great achievement.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: Paddy ()
Date: January 4, 2024 22:40

A massive thank you BV for all your work here over the years. I sincerely hope Version 2.0 retains the charm of this site in some way.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: ManuelStones ()
Date: January 4, 2024 23:15

Just thank you BV. This is the only site I visit on a daily basis. I read a lot, but don't write often. I have learned a lot about my beloved Rolling Stones in this community.
Never had the pleasure to meeting you, but I do know you are a great human being.

Blessings from the Dominican Republic.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: January 5, 2024 01:10


Your dedication and work for this community is rightly legendary. It has made a huge difference to us all. Its our "go-to" source for all things Stones. It has no doubt had a very positive impact on the Stones themselves - before they even thought about using social media.

So many, many thanks for such a fantastic job - one unpaid and often un-appreciated; and one which occasionally needed operating as an on-line policeman.

You yyou later this year on the Tour!

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: Shott ()
Date: January 5, 2024 03:20

Thanks for everything BV. I met you at the Band 2 show Detroit 2015, then pit in Seattle 2021. I wish you the best. It will be great.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: January 5, 2024 04:04

Many, many thanks for this site and all it (and you) gave us over the years.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: January 5, 2024 06:22

Thank you sir, this site is superb. Good luck in retirement.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: TheBluesHadaBaby ()
Date: January 5, 2024 07:31

Cheers to Bjornulf!

Sticking with this, with all of what you've done for fellow Rolling Stones fans, for FORTY-FIVE YEARS, blows my mind.

I'm down in Virginia
with your Cousin Lou

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: rollingrichard ()
Date: January 5, 2024 13:25

Some of the band members, or at least some of their entourage, must be reading here as well.

Can't they organize something special for you, e.g. like a dinner with the band, or have them play your favorites on a special occasion ?

After all you have done for them, and for their fans, I think they owe you something.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: January 5, 2024 13:43

Yep , I think they do.

Like first class travel and full backstage access for whole US tour grinning smiley

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: ekelundh ()
Date: January 5, 2024 14:07

I have only one important message for you today: thank you!

During the past 43 years I have been able to thrive as a Rolling Stones fan. And the main reason I am able to say that is because of you.

When I discovered your paper fanzine, I thrived on finding out more about unreleased Stones related recordings, books, magazines and all kinds of cool information via the Tell Me forum provided by fans for fans. We met briefly once at a Stones concert in Luxembourg.

It is easy to forget all the hard nitty-gritty of daily work it takes to develop and maintain IORR; which is such a wonderful site and maybe a bit of a ‘hidden secret’. Your work, is making a real difference in the lives of many, many fans.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: MononoM ()
Date: January 5, 2024 16:19

Thank you for all smiling smiley Looking forward to the next gen smiling smiley

Life's just a cocktail party on the street

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: jigsaw69 ()
Date: January 5, 2024 16:32

Hi Bjornulf

Many many many thanks for giving up so so much of your own time over multiple decades.

Your commitment, dedication, passion and love for The Stones and iorr is incredible.

We are all incredibly lucky to have had you with us on our Stones journey, and for providing this platform and environment, which has provided so so much to all of us.

Whatever new episodes await you in the future, I hope you have a happy, healthy and peaceful time !!

Take care

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: BN78 ()
Date: January 5, 2024 16:57

Thank you BV for everything you've done and still do. Best regards for a wonderful next journey/retirement. Do let us IORR's know when we can expect to preview your biography - a must read for sure!! smileys with beer

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: rollingrichard ()
Date: January 5, 2024 20:12

Yep , I think they do.

Like first class travel and full backstage access for whole US tour grinning smiley

I think that is the absolute minimum they could do for you, after 40+ years of daily work , promotion and dedication !

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: January 5, 2024 20:38

Bjornulf masters the "Ancient Art of Editing", as the Stones master the "Ancien Art of Weaving".

His balance is smart, fair, even it's frustrating for the posters' ego. But it keeps the site running smoothly.

Many times, we have seen our new lonely posts redirected in mainstreams posts aka "Post your favorite video", "Mick Taylor: what's now on your mind" or "Beatles stuff", "Kiss stuff"... Like a mainstream Grand Central station. This is the rule n°1 for the clarity of this website ("Use old instead of create new if it's not real original stuff")

I have to say, it's sometimes frustrating, but it is the right way. IORR is not a newspaper which has to provide new headlines every day. We could have that, but then we would be completly lost. To put it simple, it would not be wise to have a post for each Keith Richards' guitar, even we are tempted to do do so, as IORR user, if a new guitar appears out of the blue... It would be just unreadable after three weeks...

The other balance is that, with some emblematic exceptions which made the IORR's folklore ("1792 american tour, please share your experiences", "Tonight there was a fight in my local chip shop") and demonstrate the webmaster nuance, we are not supposed to unearth posts so old that they mess with the website smooth running. And this rule n°2 equilibrates with the former rule (Create new if the old is too old)

Bottom line: Bjornulf is not only the editor. He is a very good editor-in-chief (says a fellow journalist).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2024-01-05 20:46 by The Joker.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: 3ddie ()
Date: January 5, 2024 23:17

Thank you BV for all the labour of love you did with your work on IORR and keeping all us Stones lunatics hedged in.
Take your time for retirement. And I hope IORR will gon - I'd like to give a helping hand if needed.
May every song you sing be your favourite tune.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: IGTBA ()
Date: January 6, 2024 03:47

Thank you BV.

Your work has greatly helped the Rolling Stones and thousands of fans. You deserve any priviliges given you by the Stones. Actually you probably deserve much more. I hope your enjoyment following/seeing/hearing the Stones, the IORR friendships, and good times were worth your years of long working hours.

I hope you are well and looking forward to the 2024 tour. I'm older than you, so I can't help Next Generation IORR. I only met you very briefly once years ago, but I'm sure we have been nearby many times at Stones concerts and gatherings over the past 20 years. I doubt I will recognize you but I'll do my best to find you once to personally thank you, at the 2024 concerts I'm planning to attend.

Wishing you the best going forward, including many more great Stones concerts and wonderful times,

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: josepi ()
Date: January 6, 2024 04:18

IORR is THE Mt Rushmore of fan sites.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: JMARCOU ()
Date: January 6, 2024 04:36

I see myself sending a few documents like the "Keith's mini interview" that I did in Paris in 1985 in front of the Pathé-Marconi studios. It was a little help. The work you have done since then is enormous and wonderful. BRAVO and thank you.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: ChrisMahavishnu ()
Date: January 6, 2024 06:22

Thank you BV for bringing all us Stones fanatics together and building such a great community which has been a privilege to be a member of for the last decade. All the best for the future!

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: January 6, 2024 09:22

I might delay my own retirement if…

…When working full time BV set up and ran the greatest Rolling Stones fan website in the world..

.. yet in retirement, hasn’t got the time to do so!!

Just kidding. This site is a labour of love. It’s the first thing I look at on my phone every morning whilst still in bed, and it’s the last site I go to at night on my phone before turning the light off. I’ve never wanted to miss anything!

I met you once, BV, in Perth on the Stones’ 2014 tour. I introduced myself. Told you I had seen you in Adelaide a few days previously, I was in the front row with my wife, you were “looking for a seat”, or a place to stand. Somehow, without having met you, I knew it was you. We exchanged pleasantries in Perth, you told me you remember my review of the Enmore Theatre Licks show from 11 years before, being polite or true?, and you were off, into the milling crowd.

A truly monumental effort, is IORR, so whatever comes next in the way of the Next Generation IORR, it, and they, have an insurmountable lot to live up to.

Congratulations BV on your retirement and all the best to you and your family!



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2024-01-10 17:17 by bitusa2012.

Re: Next Generation IORR
Posted by: GeorgV ()
Date: January 6, 2024 13:09

Thank you Bjørnulf, for all the hard work you have done in the 40+ years I have followed IORR, from early black&white fanzines to beatiful colored booklets, and now on this site.

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