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Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: November 8, 2023 10:51

Mick mentioned in one of the recent interviews (or perhaps in was an Andrew Watt one referencing Jags) that he did, indeed, dial down some of his vocal takes - try to make them more lazy or throwaway. I can't remember the exact phrase, but it suggested he was trying to calm some of his over-enunciating / power-singing tendencies.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: November 8, 2023 10:58

Mick mentioned in one of the recent interviews (or perhaps in was an Andrew Watt one referencing Jags) that he did, indeed, dial down some of his vocal takes - try to make them more lazy or throwaway. I can't remember the exact phrase, but it suggested he was trying to calm some of his over-enunciating / power-singing tendencies.

I wonder what happened on Driving Me Too Hard, Mick sings it like he's suffering from a bad meal that's repeated on him. I really get the impression Mick is having a laugh with this track, almost taking the piss, it's hard to put into words other than he sounds insincere in his vocal and for me it's the best track on the album almost ruined by an over the top expression to the vocal. This track was begging for Keith imho.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-08 11:06 by keefriffhards.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: November 8, 2023 11:20

I read on here many, many, MANY pages back, where someone posted that it may be a (good) sign that Hackney Diamonds IS a great album because near on everyone here has differing favourite tracks from it.

Myself, I think Sweet Sounds of Heaven to be their greatest individual track in 50 or so years. So much so, that on a list here on IORR, of your favourite 20 individual Stones tracks, to be posted in order, a near on impossible task, I placed it at number 5. It probably is therefore the best song on Hackney Diamonds.

Why do I say “probably”?

Because as I play the album several/many times daily, over the past 2 weeks, I find myself “waiting” on different tracks, all the time!!

On release day, having heard both Angry, SSoH and both “leaked tracks”, all I wanted to hear, in quality, WAS SSoH.

On the first weekend I had it, Get Close just jumped out at me, and as I played the album, loving it, I could not wait to get back to Get Close.

Early last week I could not wait (though I DID) until the needle got to Whole Wide World.

By the middle of the week I found myself hanging out for Live by the Sword. Later in the week I wanted Angry!

Over the weekend I could not wait until Depending on You. Today I just dug the double of Driving me Too Hard and Tell me Straight.

It’s quite funny how my need to hear certain tracks is just changing all the time.

There really IS a quality to this album.

I recall I hammered A Bigger Bang for a couple of weeks too on release, but found I was always skipping tracks. Same with Bridges to Babylon. I very, VERY quickly learnt what I liked on that, and didn’t like.

But Hackney Diamonds IS different. Even the one track I don’t really like, I don’t skip; that’s Mess it Up. I still don’t “get” this track. Maybe one day I will, I play it enough, like EVERY time I play the album.

So it’s strange. Though I do think SSoH IS the best on the album, somehow it’s not my “favourite”, though I struggle to actually think what song IS. Perhaps it’s Depending on You?

THAT I’m GOING ON 70 years old, and a fan since I was 10 years old, to have received this record from The Rolling Stones so late in my life, and so late in their wonderful careers, is just a supreme, surprising gift.

I’m blown away.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-08 11:38 by bitusa2012.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 8, 2023 11:26


What is the situation of the second week in the charts?

In Germany you can follow the chart progression via this permanent link - [] .

Hey Irix, I tried to ask your opinion on the new album now that you probably have listened to it properly. Do you like it?

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: November 8, 2023 12:06

On here is the usual hyperbole when they release an album (solo or group). Sales? Sales will drop when advertising drops. They go together.
Then it's up to the quality of the songs on the album. So we have to wait and see...

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Date: November 8, 2023 12:43

Mick mentioned in one of the recent interviews (or perhaps in was an Andrew Watt one referencing Jags) that he did, indeed, dial down some of his vocal takes - try to make them more lazy or throwaway. I can't remember the exact phrase, but it suggested he was trying to calm some of his over-enunciating / power-singing tendencies.

I thought it was AW saying that it was Jagger who'd go back an re-do it, b/c Jagger would say it was over-sung; and the song did not sound 'lived in ' yet.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: November 8, 2023 12:51

yup, exactly that, Palace R

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 8, 2023 15:07

I read on here many, many, MANY pages back, where someone posted that it may be a (good) sign that Hackney Diamonds IS a great album because near on everyone here has differing favourite tracks from it.

Myself, I think Sweet Sounds of Heaven to be their greatest individual track in 50 or so years. So much so, that on a list here on IORR, of your favourite 20 individual Stones tracks, to be posted in order, a near on impossible task, I placed it at number 5. It probably is therefore the best song on Hackney Diamonds.

Why do I say “probably”?

Because as I play the album several/many times daily, over the past 2 weeks, I find myself “waiting” on different tracks, all the time!!

On release day, having heard both Angry, SSoH and both “leaked tracks”, all I wanted to hear, in quality, WAS SSoH.

On the first weekend I had it, Get Close just jumped out at me, and as I played the album, loving it, I could not wait to get back to Get Close.

Early last week I could not wait (though I DID) until the needle got to Whole Wide World.

By the middle of the week I found myself hanging out for Live by the Sword. Later in the week I wanted Angry!

Over the weekend I could not wait until Depending on You. Today I just dug the double of Driving me Too Hard and Tell me Straight.

It’s quite funny how my need to hear certain tracks is just changing all the time.

There really IS a quality to this album.

I recall I hammered A Bigger Bang for a couple of weeks too on release, but found I was always skipping tracks. Same with Bridges to Babylon. I very, VERY quickly learnt what I liked on that, and didn’t like.

But Hackney Diamonds IS different. Even the one track I don’t really like, I don’t skip; that’s Mess it Up. I still don’t “get” this track. Maybe one day I will, I play it enough, like EVERY time I play the album.

So it’s strange. Though I do think SSoH IS the best on the album, somehow it’s not my “favourite”, though I struggle to actually think what song IS. Perhaps it’s Depending on You?

THAT I’m GOING ON 70 years old, and a fan since I was 10 years old, to have received this record from The Rolling Stones so late in my life, and so late in their wonderful careers, is just a supreme, surprising gift.

I’m blown away.

Excellent overview...this mirrors my experience as well. SSoH is sort of stratospheric but the whole album is just full of hackneyed diamonds.

I think maybe the best outcome is that the overwhelming response and the positive lift they're getting from this will be very motivating and move them to continue to another album, (or two!).

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: November 8, 2023 15:10

Palace Revolution 2000
Mick mentioned in one of the recent interviews (or perhaps in was an Andrew Watt one referencing Jags) that he did, indeed, dial down some of his vocal takes - try to make them more lazy or throwaway. I can't remember the exact phrase, but it suggested he was trying to calm some of his over-enunciating / power-singing tendencies.

I thought it was AW saying that it was Jagger who'd go back an re-do it, b/c Jagger would say it was over-sung; and the song did not sound 'lived in ' yet.

So Mick himself is aware that he over sings on tracks and is too high in the mix but does it anyway. That's a ego problem if he can't help himself or get over himself.
Why doesn't Keith go in at the and and dial it down, it's as if Keith is gonzo at this point, allowing the legacy/ Stones sound to be dialed in or out on Mick or Andrew Watts whim.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 8, 2023 15:20

What was I expecting for this new Stones album?

In all honesty I was hoping for another latter day Stones album at the most. I would have been more than happy with that. From Steel Wheels to A Bigger Bang they have all had some songs that I really liked, some I only liked, some I thought were pretty average, and a few I did not rate. However, after a really good listen to Hackney Diamonds I would say that this new album is better than that.

For me this album only consists of songs that I really like, and songs that I like. I really like the following......


A fantastic opener to the album.

Get Close.

Maybe my favourite on the album. Great riff, great sax.

Depending On You.

A really nice Stones ballad

Dreamy Skies.

Short and Curlies country style

Mess it up.

The catchiest song on the album. Sounds like a Jagger track, but one of the good ones. Great to hear Charlie.

Tell me straight.

I Love the intro and the understated bare nature of this track. Keith adds another one to his list of fantastic vocals with such a soulful vibe.

Sweet Sounds Of Heaven.

A soul number in the vain of "I got The Blues". I am not a huge GaGa fan, but she sure sings well on this. Stevie's fantastic playing supports the track instead of show boating. I love Jordan's drums on this and the off-the-cuff ending.

The tracks I merely like are....

Bite My Head Of.

Some Girls style punkish rocker with a catchy riff. Love the bass...

Whole Wide World.

Another catchy Jagger style track. I was not sure about it at first, but I like it now.

Live By The Sword.

Took time to grow on me, but got there in the end. Charlie and Bill together again. Lovely

Driving me To Hard.

If you're gonna rip someone off it may as well be yourself. Love The Winos style backing vocal.

Rolling Stones Blues.

An obvious choice, but I like the sparse way that they have done it.

Is there anything I do not like?

The production would not be my ideal way of doing it, but we all know Jagger wants a contemporary sound. It's The Rolling Stones, no doubt about that, but with a slightly modern sound. Andrew Watt has produced a cohesive sound and record, as opposed to when The Stones have previously tried modern production sounds.

The Album cover is dreadful in my opinion. I have had to flip it around so the lips logo is now the cover.

Maybe Jagger could dial his vocals down a little on some tracks. Not by much, just by a smidge.... Also, some of his lyrics have the same theme from track to track.

However, I think that it is a damn fine album, and considering where they are in their career it is astounding.

I still love this band.....

Most agree but it's not going to happen is it, he's got to be the towering ego over everything and everyone, it is what it is.

Good lord man, is this keith's mother? Every post?

You should join a political campaign, the candidate would just love your "Mick-bashing" dedication.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: November 8, 2023 15:25

What about Billboard charts this week ?

I'm just a Bad Boy Boogie

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 8, 2023 15:30

What about Billboard charts this week ?

#13 overall, #2 physical sales. By that, I think you could extrapolate they would probably have had a number 1 in the US if only they were able to ship all the pre-orders. I'm getting notifications just now that my orders are shipping. WEEK 3!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: November 8, 2023 15:56

Hard to take what you say, KeefRiffHards, without a very large pinch of salt. Given your endless negative comments in the start of this thread that rather swiftly became positive admiration.

But, I guess trolls gotta troll

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Idorh ()
Date: November 8, 2023 15:57

Mick mentioned in one of the recent interviews (or perhaps in was an Andrew Watt one referencing Jags) that he did, indeed, dial down some of his vocal takes - try to make them more lazy or throwaway. I can't remember the exact phrase, but it suggested he was trying to calm some of his over-enunciating / power-singing tendencies.

I wonder what happened on Driving Me Too Hard, Mick sings it like he's suffering from a bad meal that's repeated on him. I really get the impression Mick is having a laugh with this track, almost taking the piss, it's hard to put into words other than he sounds insincere in his vocal and for me it's the best track on the album almost ruined by an over the top expression to the vocal. This track was begging for Keith imho.

I can't speak for anyone else, music is feeling, but I have exactly the same thing you mention. In my 60 years of being a Stones fan, I have never before experienced that I like an entire album so much. I don't skip a single song with spinning. I did with the albums before this one. There were always at least three songs I didn't like. And that childish whining about Mick's voice makes you sick. I'm not religious but it's a miracle of God that we can experience this in 2023. A band of 80-year-olds. This is and dream come true, it eases difficult periodesein your life. When I'm not listening in the house, I listen outside on my mp3 player. Dear people it is a 3 chord music, straightforward couldn't be simpler. Enjoy it.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: November 8, 2023 15:59

By the way, does anyone know if the other songs recorded recently (the 'nearly finished' next album) were also produced by Watt?

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 8, 2023 17:46

By the way, does anyone know if the other songs recorded recently (the 'nearly finished' next album) were also produced by Watt?

That was my understanding from the original interview with Fallon. It seemed like they had 23 tracks from those sessions, and brought up 2 tracks from 2019 with Charlie. So if that's correct, they used 10 of the 23.

If that were the case, they would still have 13 tracks exclusive to Watt 'in the can' or in some stage of completion.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Barkerboy2 ()
Date: November 8, 2023 17:53

By the way, does anyone know if the other songs recorded recently (the 'nearly finished' next album) were also produced by Watt?

I believe so, judging by the interviews. I am sure they said Andrew Watt whittled the demoes down to 23 or 24 and they took it from there.
I really hope they release another album sooner rather than later.
I think I read somewhere that someone said all the songs on Hackney Diamonds aren't even necessarily the best of the bunch - they just flowed together nicely.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: November 8, 2023 18:13

Mick mentioned in one of the recent interviews (or perhaps in was an Andrew Watt one referencing Jags) that he did, indeed, dial down some of his vocal takes - try to make them more lazy or throwaway. I can't remember the exact phrase, but it suggested he was trying to calm some of his over-enunciating / power-singing tendencies.

I wonder what happened on Driving Me Too Hard, Mick sings it like he's suffering from a bad meal that's repeated on him. I really get the impression Mick is having a laugh with this track, almost taking the piss, it's hard to put into words other than he sounds insincere in his vocal and for me it's the best track on the album almost ruined by an over the top expression to the vocal. This track was begging for Keith imho.

I can't speak for anyone else, music is feeling, but I have exactly the same thing you mention. In my 60 years of being a Stones fan, I have never before experienced that I like an entire album so much. I don't skip a single song with spinning. I did with the albums before this one. There were always at least three songs I didn't like. And that childish whining about Mick's voice makes you sick. I'm not religious but it's a miracle of God that we can experience this in 2023. A band of 80-year-olds. This is and dream come true, it eases difficult periodesein your life. When I'm not listening in the house, I listen outside on my mp3 player. Dear people it is a 3 chord music, straightforward couldn't be simpler. Enjoy it.

It's a good album that could have been one of the greats, I love Mick's voice in every album up until his first solo album, and his voice on every track on every Stones album up to BTB, it did irritate me on a few tracks from as early as Dirty Work. I'm not overly complaining, i just can't be doing with the nasal twang thing he started doing, and as I've said he puts his voice too high in the mix. Pleased you love it though i remember that feeling all the way through Tattoo You, it's an incredible gift when you just can't get enough of his voice i too felt that way a few decades ago.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-08 18:19 by keefriffhards.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: November 8, 2023 18:15

What was I expecting for this new Stones album?

In all honesty I was hoping for another latter day Stones album at the most. I would have been more than happy with that. From Steel Wheels to A Bigger Bang they have all had some songs that I really liked, some I only liked, some I thought were pretty average, and a few I did not rate. However, after a really good listen to Hackney Diamonds I would say that this new album is better than that.

For me this album only consists of songs that I really like, and songs that I like. I really like the following......


A fantastic opener to the album.

Get Close.

Maybe my favourite on the album. Great riff, great sax.

Depending On You.

A really nice Stones ballad

Dreamy Skies.

Short and Curlies country style

Mess it up.

The catchiest song on the album. Sounds like a Jagger track, but one of the good ones. Great to hear Charlie.

Tell me straight.

I Love the intro and the understated bare nature of this track. Keith adds another one to his list of fantastic vocals with such a soulful vibe.

Sweet Sounds Of Heaven.

A soul number in the vain of "I got The Blues". I am not a huge GaGa fan, but she sure sings well on this. Stevie's fantastic playing supports the track instead of show boating. I love Jordan's drums on this and the off-the-cuff ending.

The tracks I merely like are....

Bite My Head Of.

Some Girls style punkish rocker with a catchy riff. Love the bass...

Whole Wide World.

Another catchy Jagger style track. I was not sure about it at first, but I like it now.

Live By The Sword.

Took time to grow on me, but got there in the end. Charlie and Bill together again. Lovely

Driving me To Hard.

If you're gonna rip someone off it may as well be yourself. Love The Winos style backing vocal.

Rolling Stones Blues.

An obvious choice, but I like the sparse way that they have done it.

Is there anything I do not like?

The production would not be my ideal way of doing it, but we all know Jagger wants a contemporary sound. It's The Rolling Stones, no doubt about that, but with a slightly modern sound. Andrew Watt has produced a cohesive sound and record, as opposed to when The Stones have previously tried modern production sounds.

The Album cover is dreadful in my opinion. I have had to flip it around so the lips logo is now the cover.

Maybe Jagger could dial his vocals down a little on some tracks. Not by much, just by a smidge.... Also, some of his lyrics have the same theme from track to track.

However, I think that it is a damn fine album, and considering where they are in their career it is astounding.

I still love this band.....

With the only exceptions of Mess It Up, which is the only dud here for me, and the artwork which I kinda dig in its surreal awkwardness, I feel the same about HD

Andy Watt's way of production is not my cup of tea in general but I have to admit is consistent and HD is cohesive album "as opposed to when The Stones have previously tried modern production sound".

Only on BIG regret: the barking dog at the end of Depending on You did not make the cut spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-08 18:22 by maumau.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: November 8, 2023 19:16

I wouldn't believe that they didn't select the very best Tues for HD, and are saving some for a next album. I'm sure they would have given their absolute all to make the song selection on HD the very best of what they had.

That being said, it is encouraging if Watt also produced the other tracks that didn't make it to HD, as he seemed to get the band working (and sounding) far better than they have in decades.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: November 8, 2023 19:20

I read on here many, many, MANY pages back, where someone posted that it may be a (good) sign that Hackney Diamonds IS a great album because near on everyone here has differing favourite tracks from it.

Myself, I think Sweet Sounds of Heaven to be their greatest individual track in 50 or so years. So much so, that on a list here on IORR, of your favourite 20 individual Stones tracks, to be posted in order, a near on impossible task, I placed it at number 5. It probably is therefore the best song on Hackney Diamonds.

Why do I say “probably”?

Because as I play the album several/many times daily, over the past 2 weeks, I find myself “waiting” on different tracks, all the time!!

On release day, having heard both Angry, SSoH and both “leaked tracks”, all I wanted to hear, in quality, WAS SSoH.

On the first weekend I had it, Get Close just jumped out at me, and as I played the album, loving it, I could not wait to get back to Get Close.

Early last week I could not wait (though I DID) until the needle got to Whole Wide World.

By the middle of the week I found myself hanging out for Live by the Sword. Later in the week I wanted Angry!

Over the weekend I could not wait until Depending on You. Today I just dug the double of Driving me Too Hard and Tell me Straight.

It’s quite funny how my need to hear certain tracks is just changing all the time.

There really IS a quality to this album.

I recall I hammered A Bigger Bang for a couple of weeks too on release, but found I was always skipping tracks. Same with Bridges to Babylon. I very, VERY quickly learnt what I liked on that, and didn’t like.

But Hackney Diamonds IS different. Even the one track I don’t really like, I don’t skip; that’s Mess it Up. I still don’t “get” this track. Maybe one day I will, I play it enough, like EVERY time I play the album.

So it’s strange. Though I do think SSoH IS the best on the album, somehow it’s not my “favourite”, though I struggle to actually think what song IS. Perhaps it’s Depending on You?

THAT I’m GOING ON 70 years old, and a fan since I was 10 years old, to have received this record from The Rolling Stones so late in my life, and so late in their wonderful careers, is just a supreme, surprising gift.

I’m blown away.

Great post. Well said.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: November 8, 2023 19:57


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-08 22:34 by SomeGuy.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: November 8, 2023 20:20


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-08 21:00 by maumau.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: November 8, 2023 20:55

I'm not sure why some keep suggesting that that this album is 'three chord music', as one of the great strengths of the writing on this collection is that it pushes and crafts the songs a lot more than lately - with interesting changes for bridges, and some rather unexpected chord progressions (by 'recent' Stones standards).

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Idorh ()
Date: November 8, 2023 21:15

I'm not sure why some keep suggesting that that this album is 'three chord music', as one of the great strengths of the writing on this collection is that it pushes and crafts the songs a lot more than lately - with interesting changes for bridges, and some rather unexpected chord progressions (by 'recent' Stones standards).

This is also why I am a lifelong fan v/d the stones.
To be able to make so much variation from their three chords of music in their 60-year career of untold numbers. Always the recognisable sound of the Rolling Stones is. I love it.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: November 9, 2023 00:05

What about Billboard charts this week ?

#13 overall, #2 physical sales. By that, I think you could extrapolate they would probably have had a number 1 in the US if only they were able to ship all the pre-orders. I'm getting notifications just now that my orders are shipping. WEEK 3!


I'm just a Bad Boy Boogie

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: November 9, 2023 00:56

Mick mentioned in one of the recent interviews (or perhaps in was an Andrew Watt one referencing Jags) that he did, indeed, dial down some of his vocal takes - try to make them more lazy or throwaway. I can't remember the exact phrase, but it suggested he was trying to calm some of his over-enunciating / power-singing tendencies.

I wonder what happened on Driving Me Too Hard, Mick sings it like he's suffering from a bad meal that's repeated on him. I really get the impression Mick is having a laugh with this track, almost taking the piss, it's hard to put into words other than he sounds insincere in his vocal and for me it's the best track on the album almost ruined by an over the top expression to the vocal. This track was begging for Keith imho.

Jeeeeez, but what can a poor boy who's sleeping with a Keith inflatable doll do when Mick's getting too much praise for his taste?

Obviously scanning this board every day like a jealous blood hound for every little sign of criticism towards Mick, jump on it, blow it up out of every reasonable proportion, exploit it endlessly in desperate and increasingly weird attempts to defend one's beloved hero Keith - who, by the way, just like Mick, in the cold light of the day and all things considered, did a damn fine job on this album and therefore doesn't need this questionable support from someone who's obviously stuck in his teenage years - and not in a good way.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: November 9, 2023 01:02

Mick sings it like he's suffering from a bad meal that's repeated on him.

He survives on water and oxygen ..... So how the stuff can that be ??


Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Date: November 9, 2023 02:19

Mick mentioned in one of the recent interviews (or perhaps in was an Andrew Watt one referencing Jags) that he did, indeed, dial down some of his vocal takes - try to make them more lazy or throwaway. I can't remember the exact phrase, but it suggested he was trying to calm some of his over-enunciating / power-singing tendencies.

I wonder what happened on Driving Me Too Hard, Mick sings it like he's suffering from a bad meal that's repeated on him. I really get the impression Mick is having a laugh with this track, almost taking the piss, it's hard to put into words other than he sounds insincere in his vocal and for me it's the best track on the album almost ruined by an over the top expression to the vocal. This track was begging for Keith imho.

I can't speak for anyone else, music is feeling, but I have exactly the same thing you mention. In my 60 years of being a Stones fan, I have never before experienced that I like an entire album so much. I don't skip a single song with spinning. I did with the albums before this one. There were always at least three songs I didn't like. And that childish whining about Mick's voice makes you sick. I'm not religious but it's a miracle of God that we can experience this in 2023. A band of 80-year-olds. This is and dream come true, it eases difficult periodesein your life. When I'm not listening in the house, I listen outside on my mp3 player. Dear people it is a 3 chord music, straightforward couldn't be simpler. Enjoy it.

It's a good album that could have been one of the greats, I love Mick's voice in every album up until his first solo album, and his voice on every track on every Stones album up to BTB, it did irritate me on a few tracks from as early as Dirty Work. I'm not overly complaining, i just can't be doing with the nasal twang thing he started doing, and as I've said he puts his voice too high in the mix. Pleased you love it though i remember that feeling all the way through Tattoo You, it's an incredible gift when you just can't get enough of his voice i too felt that way a few decades ago.

He's a skinny, old man. He's had to find other ways of projecting. Watching him live, especially, one can see how careful he p[aces himself.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 9, 2023 06:56

My ratings per song (1-5 *) as of 11-8-2023 in regard to the album - not their discography:

Angry ***** - their best single since Start Me Up. Better, actually, because Angry is tuneful and fluid (and some smart ass comments from Mick) whereas Start Me Up is blocks, very chunky. Angry is sharp, crisp, moving, much more melodic and, well, fluid. Great vocals from Mick. Where has this Mick been for the past how many years?? Great vocals from Mick as in holy crap, great vocals from Mick. Overall an incredible performance. Keith's fat bass playing is classic Keith on bass, down in the bottom. Mick's best vocal performance is "Don't you spit in my face" and more so "Hear the rain keep beating on my window pane" - something about the nuance of it.

Get Close **** Mick sounds sincere - differently. The bridge brings a throwback to the early 1970s for some reason. Excellent guitar playing, Jordan lays down a stellar groove, and yes, the sax is a nice touch. The ending is fantastic, too.

Depending On You ***** Musically this could easily fit on side 2 of STICKY FINGERS or anywhere on GOATS HEAD SOUP, and, of course, side 2 of TATTOO YOU. Overall this stomps on any of their recent ballads (going back to 1989's Almost Hear You Sigh). It breathes. Ronnie is in excellent form, Keith does just enough when it counts. Mick sounds excellent.

Bite My Head Off **** A great rocker. Mick's sneering vocal is fantastic. Perhaps the biggest drawback is it's the Stones doing an updated Eazy Sleazy, which is still pretty damn good. And holy crap does Jordan sound like Charlie. This tune could easily fit in on SOME GIRLS.

Whole Wide World **** Mick has found home with his vocal like he hasn't since 1983's UNDERCOVER (ha ha, 40 years ago this week). The 4 floor stomp is classic Stones. Solid guitar work. Not really a stand out song but it kicks.

Dreamy Skies **** Almost like You Got The Silver's recent cousin (Ronnie brings it!). Mainly because they haven't done anything like You Got The Silver since 1969. Love Keith's flim and flam blues licks - it's perfect laid back Keith guitaring. Mick and Keith's vocals are exceptional together.

Mess It Up **** Andrew Watt channels Bill while Charlie lays the kick drum big time. The difference between Jordan and Charlie is clear in this song - Charlie has a shuffle turn around with how he did fills that Jordan hasn't, at least on this album, figured out yet - a time shift within a moment. Mick is all over and is obviously enjoying himself. Great tune.

Live By The Sword *** This sounds like something leftover from the 1977 SOME GIRLS sessions or possibly the 1979 EMOTIONAL RESCUE sessions. Unfortunately Mick's vocals sound like he's recording vocals for the Super Deluxe edition of SOME GIRLS and the song itself could've easily been a B-side for something between 1978-1983 (or an additional song on the 2010 SOME GIRLS deluxe reissue). Obviously they enjoyed it. I like it but...

Driving Me Too Hard ***** Mick's vocal absolutely fits this Keith riffage tune. Mick really gets it across. He nails the emotional aspects of being torn apart. Ronnie has some classic Ronnie fills - the kind of licks on SOME GIRLS, EMOTIONAL RESCUE and UNDERCOVER. The "solo" part is excellent - a cacophony of guitars that blend in a kind of wash and then lay out. Lyrically it could easily be seen as early 1980s Rolling Stones dealing with themselves. And - the one tune Ronnie plays bass on that doesn't sound like Ronnie playing bass: he sticks to the bottom!!! The outro of "Driving" backing vocals, similar to Angry, seems like a Steve Jordan production influence (only in regard to how the backing vocals are on Keith's solo albums).

Tell Me Straight ***** Keith's vocal placement is within the definition of perfection. The very idea that Mick wanted to sing it is disturbing. His backing vocals are an excellent touch, though. The guitar chime, it's huge, Keith's playing is incredible (it's as if he channeled Locked Away, Thru And Thru, Losing My Touch and This Place Is Empty into one song!!!), Ronnie's blending, Keith's little rolls on the piano... Jordan's sweeping stomp... it's a loping monster of a ballad, the loping, chiming and lolling guitars. Mick's backing vocals blend with Keith so sweetly.

It might be the best song on the album.

Sweet Sounds Of Heaven ***** Obviously it's easy to say 'This could've been on Side 2 of STICKY FINGERS' or for that matter, maybe side 4 of EXILE. It has that essence. A strange choice for a single - it works way better in the context of the LP. Although I do like what Lady Gaga did part of me thinks it would be a tad bit better if it was just Mick. The band sounds incredible, though. This simply stomps. And... it reveals that, with all the tinkering between what gave us BLUE AND LONESOME through Living In A Ghost Town, with the snippets that Mick put on IG with him playing harmonica on a fast paced blues ala Midnight Rambler (where the hell is THAT track!!!!???) that they clearly still have it with just playing and being because the latter portion of the song, the "jam" or, probably more appropriately, the coda, absolutely shows The Rolling Stones are still The Rolling Stones - it's just been quite a while since they've done it properly.

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