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Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: bluenote ()
Date: November 12, 2023 13:28

You can always get a ticket to a stadium show - eventually.

Most shows in 2021 were 75% full (regardless of boxscores posting sellouts). Things picked up a bit in 22/23, I think everyone opened up too soon, I know a lot of Stones fans who stayed locked down that tour. I know one who still hasn't gone outside.

At least they have a multigenerational fan base. Geezers aren't coming out in the same numbers as they were prepandemic. Yet the bands aren't going away even as individual members drop off. Expect 90% of the bands who ever existed to be on the road in 2024.

On top of that I expect a major price bump over past tours. Part of the reason they might be considering 20 instead of 14 is the jump in expenses as well as hiring / retaining staff might mean they have to do more shows. That also squeezes demand.

Just speculation but supply demand issues and production cost increases are real. Also industry speculation another concert crash might be coming. High prices, too many bands on the road and squeezes on disposable income.

I could see a 30%-40% jump in prices compared to the 2019 US tour. $500 pits become $700, $100 nosebleeds become $135 and so on. I’ll be LD-ing it so it won’t matter to me.

I always treat LD's as a pleasant surprise but never just assume they are in the cards every time.

I actually never ever used/bought LD's. How does it work actually? Do you have to be a member somewhere?

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 12, 2023 13:40


I actually never ever used/bought LD's. How does it work actually? Do you have to be a member somewhere?

There's been a million threads on them on here over the years. But here's the gist of it:

No, you don't have to be a member.

You just use a dedicated link saying "Lucky Dip" to buy the tickets. The link will be available on the Stones website when the general onsale for a given show starts. You buy a pair, pick them up on the day of the show and find out where your seats are located. Can be anything between pit and nosebleeds.

It's always a pair you buy, and only one pair per account/credit card can be bought.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 13:42 by Topi.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: bluenote ()
Date: November 12, 2023 14:19

Thanks. Yeah, the usage was clear and met quite some people who where in the pit for example with a LD. Just didn't know how to purchase them.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Date: November 12, 2023 15:37

When Keith Richards would go off and do his solo career with the X-Pensive Winos, he performed songs live The Stones recorded such as 'I Wanna Be Your Man', 'Time Is On My Side', 'Connection', 'Gimme Shelter', 'Happy', 'Before They Make Me Run', 'Little T&A', and 'Too Rude'.

Now that Steve Jordan is a member of The Stones, what is stopping Keith from performing X-Pensive Winos songs with the band such as 'Take It So Hard' and 'Wick As It Seems'. He should be able to perform the solo songs in The Stones since he's done it the other way around before.

Members of The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac have done their solo career era songs live in both bands, and Paul McCartney performs Beatles songs with his solo career material. I don't see why Keith Richards can't do the same thing.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: November 12, 2023 16:53


Now that Steve Jordan is a member of The Stones, what is stopping Keith from performing X-Pensive Winos songs with the band such as 'Take It So Hard' and 'Wick As It Seems'.

a. Jagger
b. the reluctance to play Jagger's solo songs at Stones shows (that would be the price for doing Keith solo stuff at Stones shows)

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: tony ()
Date: November 12, 2023 16:53

Never happen

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: SecondSet ()
Date: November 12, 2023 17:03

You nailed it, BTW. San Francisco was in. It was supposed to be the second show on the tour.

Wouldn't it be more correct to say the Bay Area?

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 12, 2023 17:09

You can always get a ticket to a stadium show - eventually.

Most shows in 2021 were 75% full (regardless of boxscores posting sellouts). Things picked up a bit in 22/23, I think everyone opened up too soon, I know a lot of Stones fans who stayed locked down that tour. I know one who still hasn't gone outside.

At least they have a multigenerational fan base. Geezers aren't coming out in the same numbers as they were prepandemic. Yet the bands aren't going away even as individual members drop off. Expect 90% of the bands who ever existed to be on the road in 2024.

On top of that I expect a major price bump over past tours. Part of the reason they might be considering 20 instead of 14 is the jump in expenses as well as hiring / retaining staff might mean they have to do more shows. That also squeezes demand.

Just speculation but supply demand issues and production cost increases are real. Also industry speculation another concert crash might be coming. High prices, too many bands on the road and squeezes on disposable income.

I could see a 30%-40% jump in prices compared to the 2019 US tour. $500 pits become $700, $100 nosebleeds become $135 and so on. I’ll be LD-ing it so it won’t matter to me.

Yeah but think about it, those $25 tickets now go to $35. Staggering increase in price!

Do they have a payment plan for the LDs? winking smiley

I think the demand for tickets will be so high this time around will mean we'll be "paying" alright, with REALLY bad seats. I predict the lucky dips will be a little less lucky this time around...prepare for seats behind the stage and nosebleeds all the way around!

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 12, 2023 17:22

The Stones don't sell seats behind the stage.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 12, 2023 17:25

You nailed it, BTW. San Francisco was in. It was supposed to be the second show on the tour.

Wouldn't it be more correct to say the Bay Area?

The list I've seen said "San Francisco". No idea which venue. Of course it could have been Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, where they played in 2019.

Note that BV also said "San Francisco" in this message: []

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 17:54 by Topi.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: November 12, 2023 17:32

If the twenty dates has any legitimacy I’m hoping Birmingham or Louisville get tossed in the mix, or better yet, a dream show at the one of (IMO) best new open amphitheaters operating now, the Orion in Huntsville.. Would be difficult to get tickets but I’d hang in the parking lot for that one

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: SecondSet ()
Date: November 12, 2023 17:33

You nailed it, BTW. San Francisco was in. It was supposed to be the second show on the tour.

Wouldn't it be more correct to say the Bay Area?

The list I've seen said "San Francisco". No idea which venue. Of course it could have been Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, where they played in 2019.

Note that BV also aaid "San Francisco" in this message: []

I don't believe Levi's Stadium was the venue.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: November 12, 2023 17:34

You can always get a ticket to a stadium show - eventually.

Most shows in 2021 were 75% full (regardless of boxscores posting sellouts). Things picked up a bit in 22/23, I think everyone opened up too soon, I know a lot of Stones fans who stayed locked down that tour. I know one who still hasn't gone outside.

At least they have a multigenerational fan base. Geezers aren't coming out in the same numbers as they were prepandemic. Yet the bands aren't going away even as individual members drop off. Expect 90% of the bands who ever existed to be on the road in 2024.

On top of that I expect a major price bump over past tours. Part of the reason they might be considering 20 instead of 14 is the jump in expenses as well as hiring / retaining staff might mean they have to do more shows. That also squeezes demand.

Just speculation but supply demand issues and production cost increases are real. Also industry speculation another concert crash might be coming. High prices, too many bands on the road and squeezes on disposable income.

I could see a 30%-40% jump in prices compared to the 2019 US tour. $500 pits become $700, $100 nosebleeds become $135 and so on. I’ll be LD-ing it so it won’t matter to me.

Yeah but think about it, those $25 tickets now go to $35. Staggering increase in price!

Do they have a payment plan for the LDs? winking smiley

I think the demand for tickets will be so high this time around will mean we'll be "paying" alright, with REALLY bad seats. I predict the lucky dips will be a little less lucky this time around...prepare for seats behind the stage and nosebleeds all the way around!

Hoping a decent price hike will even it all out and LD luck will be similar. Fingers crossed.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: November 12, 2023 18:04

For the reference, these were the rumored dates for the summer tour 2023, as published here on IORR:

Jun 18 Edmonton Alberta Canada, Edmonton Commonwealth stadium (48,000)
Jun 30 Chicago IL USA, Soldier Field (50,000)
Jul 08 Foxboro (near Boston) MA USA, Gillette Stadium (50,000)
Jul 20 Cleveland OH USA Cleveland FirstEnergy Stadium (50,000)


The tour start date was June 6th in Glendale and the end date was August 1 in Philly. BV mentioned both of those here as well. []

And we all remember the Philly date got accidentally published on Ticketmaster for a brief moment in February.

Add in San Francisco or another Bay Area city, Seattle, Vancouver, Denver, 2 in the NYC area (probably East Rutherford), I believe Houston and that is 13 of the 14. There was talk of that small show in Missouri, but I don’t know if that was the 14th show or a potential 15th show after Philadelphia. Topi, can you share what the potential missing city was?

It was Ridgedale. BV mentioned it here on the forum. []

You nailed it, BTW. San Francisco was in. It was supposed to be the second show on the tour.

So, putting together the information available with some good guess, the aborted (or postponed) NA tour 2023 would have been something like this?

* Jun 6 Glendale AZ USA [tour start]
* Jun 10 San Francisco CA
* Jun 14
* Jun 18 Edmonton Alberta Canada, Edmonton Commonwealth stadium (48,000)
* Jun 22
* Jun 26
* Jun 30 Chicago IL USA, Soldier Field (50,000)
* July 01 - 07 Tour Off
* Jul 08 Foxboro (near Boston) MA USA, Gillette Stadium (50,000)
* Jul 12
* Jul 16
* Jul 20 Cleveland OH USA Cleveland FirstEnergy Stadium (50,000)
* Jul 24
* Jul 28
* Aug 1 Philadelphia PA USA [tour finish]

And the 7 dates go to:
NY (or East Rutherford) x2

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 18:05 by RisingStone.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 12, 2023 18:06

The Stones don't sell seats behind the stage.

yeah they do...maybe not for every show.

My first Lucky Dips were behind the stage. Where we were sitting, you couldn't even see screens. The closest 'band member' would have been Charlie and let's just say I would have been able to confirm whether he had a bald spot.

10 minutes before the show, the usher came by and upgraded our row, and ONLY our row to right beside the stage in some amazing seats.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: kovach ()
Date: November 12, 2023 18:42

The Stones don't sell seats behind the stage.

yeah they do...maybe not for every show.

My first Lucky Dips were behind the stage. Where we were sitting, you couldn't even see screens. The closest 'band member' would have been Charlie and let's just say I would have been able to confirm whether he had a bald spot.

10 minutes before the show, the usher came by and upgraded our row, and ONLY our row to right beside the stage in some amazing seats.

I had tickets behind the stage in '81.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: kovach ()
Date: November 12, 2023 18:51

For the reference, these were the rumored dates for the summer tour 2023, as published here on IORR:

Jun 18 Edmonton Alberta Canada, Edmonton Commonwealth stadium (48,000)
Jun 30 Chicago IL USA, Soldier Field (50,000)
Jul 08 Foxboro (near Boston) MA USA, Gillette Stadium (50,000)
Jul 20 Cleveland OH USA Cleveland FirstEnergy Stadium (50,000)


The tour start date was June 6th in Glendale and the end date was August 1 in Philly. BV mentioned both of those here as well. []

And we all remember the Philly date got accidentally published on Ticketmaster for a brief moment in February.

Add in San Francisco or another Bay Area city, Seattle, Vancouver, Denver, 2 in the NYC area (probably East Rutherford), I believe Houston and that is 13 of the 14. There was talk of that small show in Missouri, but I don’t know if that was the 14th show or a potential 15th show after Philadelphia. Topi, can you share what the potential missing city was?

It was Ridgedale. BV mentioned it here on the forum. []

You nailed it, BTW. San Francisco was in. It was supposed to be the second show on the tour.

Haven't been to the Ridgedale venue though it know the location, it is outside of Branson, and I believe owned by the owners of Bass Pro Shop who also owns a very nice resort called Big Cedar Lodge.

I believe it's a 20,000 seater, not really "stadium" size.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: SecondSet ()
Date: November 12, 2023 19:01

I believe it's a 20,000 seater, not really "stadium" size.

It's a big, largely-seatless lawn theoretically capable of stadium capacity. The traffic logistics are the only constraint.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 19:04 by SecondSet.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: SecondSet ()
Date: November 12, 2023 19:03

Like the "New York," "Boston," and, technically, "Phoenix" shows, neither the "San Francisco" nor the "Denver" venues are in those cities proper, I believe.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 19:04 by SecondSet.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 12, 2023 19:11

The Stones don't sell seats behind the stage.

yeah they do...maybe not for every show.

My first Lucky Dips were behind the stage. Where we were sitting, you couldn't even see screens. The closest 'band member' would have been Charlie and let's just say I would have been able to confirm whether he had a bald spot.

10 minutes before the show, the usher came by and upgraded our row, and ONLY our row to right beside the stage in some amazing seats.

Sorry, I was talking about stadium shows. Was the show you mentioned an arena show?

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 12, 2023 19:12

For the reference, these were the rumored dates for the summer tour 2023, as published here on IORR:

Jun 18 Edmonton Alberta Canada, Edmonton Commonwealth stadium (48,000)
Jun 30 Chicago IL USA, Soldier Field (50,000)
Jul 08 Foxboro (near Boston) MA USA, Gillette Stadium (50,000)
Jul 20 Cleveland OH USA Cleveland FirstEnergy Stadium (50,000)


The tour start date was June 6th in Glendale and the end date was August 1 in Philly. BV mentioned both of those here as well. []

And we all remember the Philly date got accidentally published on Ticketmaster for a brief moment in February.

Add in San Francisco or another Bay Area city, Seattle, Vancouver, Denver, 2 in the NYC area (probably East Rutherford), I believe Houston and that is 13 of the 14. There was talk of that small show in Missouri, but I don’t know if that was the 14th show or a potential 15th show after Philadelphia. Topi, can you share what the potential missing city was?

It was Ridgedale. BV mentioned it here on the forum. []

You nailed it, BTW. San Francisco was in. It was supposed to be the second show on the tour.

So, putting together the information available with some good guess, the aborted (or postponed) NA tour 2023 would have been something like this?

* Jun 6 Glendale AZ USA [tour start]
* Jun 10 San Francisco CA
* Jun 14
* Jun 18 Edmonton Alberta Canada, Edmonton Commonwealth stadium (48,000)
* Jun 22
* Jun 26
* Jun 30 Chicago IL USA, Soldier Field (50,000)
* July 01 - 07 Tour Off
* Jul 08 Foxboro (near Boston) MA USA, Gillette Stadium (50,000)
* Jul 12
* Jul 16
* Jul 20 Cleveland OH USA Cleveland FirstEnergy Stadium (50,000)
* Jul 24
* Jul 28
* Aug 1 Philadelphia PA USA [tour finish]

And the 7 dates go to:
NY (or East Rutherford) x2

You're close. Change Jun 22 to June 23 and there you have it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 19:14 by Topi.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 12, 2023 19:16


I had tickets behind the stage in '81.

Which venue was that?

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Halup ()
Date: November 12, 2023 20:01

For the reference, these were the rumored dates for the summer tour 2023, as published here on IORR:

Jun 18 Edmonton Alberta Canada, Edmonton Commonwealth stadium (48,000)
Jun 30 Chicago IL USA, Soldier Field (50,000)
Jul 08 Foxboro (near Boston) MA USA, Gillette Stadium (50,000)
Jul 20 Cleveland OH USA Cleveland FirstEnergy Stadium (50,000)


The tour start date was June 6th in Glendale and the end date was August 1 in Philly. BV mentioned both of those here as well. []

And we all remember the Philly date got accidentally published on Ticketmaster for a brief moment in February.

Add in San Francisco or another Bay Area city, Seattle, Vancouver, Denver, 2 in the NYC area (probably East Rutherford), I believe Houston and that is 13 of the 14. There was talk of that small show in Missouri, but I don’t know if that was the 14th show or a potential 15th show after Philadelphia. Topi, can you share what the potential missing city was?

It was Ridgedale. BV mentioned it here on the forum. []

You nailed it, BTW. San Francisco was in. It was supposed to be the second show on the tour.

So, putting together the information available with some good guess, the aborted (or postponed) NA tour 2023 would have been something like this?

* Jun 6 Glendale AZ USA [tour start]
* Jun 10 San Francisco CA
* Jun 14
* Jun 18 Edmonton Alberta Canada, Edmonton Commonwealth stadium (48,000)
* Jun 22
* Jun 26
* Jun 30 Chicago IL USA, Soldier Field (50,000)
* July 01 - 07 Tour Off
* Jul 08 Foxboro (near Boston) MA USA, Gillette Stadium (50,000)
* Jul 12
* Jul 16
* Jul 20 Cleveland OH USA Cleveland FirstEnergy Stadium (50,000)
* Jul 24
* Jul 28
* Aug 1 Philadelphia PA USA [tour finish]

And the 7 dates go to:
NY (or East Rutherford) x2

You're close. Change Jun 22 to June 23 and there you have it.

My guesses are June 14 Seattle, June 23 Vancouver, June 26 Denver, it was hinted that July 12 and 16 were NY or East Rutherford, July 24 and 28 would then have been Houston and Ridgedale.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Woz ()
Date: November 12, 2023 20:30

You nailed it, BTW. San Francisco was in. It was supposed to be the second show on the tour.

Wouldn't it be more correct to say the Bay Area?

The tour ends at Levi stadium in July and runs April 24- July 17. We’ll know for sure a week from tomorrow.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 21:24 by Woz.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: SecondSet ()
Date: November 12, 2023 20:42

You nailed it, BTW. San Francisco was in. It was supposed to be the second show on the tour.

Wouldn't it be more correct to say the Bay Area?

The tour ends at Levi stadium in July Nd runs April 24- July 17. We’ll know for sure a week from tomorrow.

Interesting. They seemed disinclined to return there after last time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 20:43 by SecondSet.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 12, 2023 20:52

My guesses are June 14 Seattle, June 23 Vancouver, June 26 Denver, it was hinted that July 12 and 16 were NY or East Rutherford, July 24 and 28 would then have been Houston and Ridgedale.

Wrong dates for the first three ones. Denver was earlier on.

The NYC/NJ dates are correct.

Also swap the Houston/Ridgedale dates.

But the puzzle is almost solved winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 20:53 by Topi.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: bv ()
Date: November 12, 2023 21:05

Please do NOT post rumoured 2023 dates in this thread, it is simply confusing.


Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: November 12, 2023 21:15

No rumors about 2024 dates in the Southeast US (aka The South)? And, no, Texas isn’t in The South, neither is Missouri.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 21:19 by NashvilleBlues.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: SecondSet ()
Date: November 12, 2023 21:22

I believe the first date, apparently on the 24th rather than the 23rd, is in the Southeast. But so is Branson as far as I'm concerned, whether or not Houston qualifies.

Re: The Rolling Stones Tour 2024
Posted by: Woz ()
Date: November 12, 2023 21:25

It’s Houston.

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