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Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: GetYerAngie ()
Date: September 16, 2023 22:32

drewmaster thanks for putting the record straight, words of wisdom thumbs up

My God "words of wisdom" - you guys are unbelieveable.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: September 16, 2023 22:53

This is fantastic, people. We are witnessing history.
- Doxa

Doxa, you are onto something very interesting here. But I'm not quite understanding your point. What is the history we are witnessing?


Thank you for paying attention to my funny words.

I think this is the first time a major rock act from the times that are under pretty strong scrutiny is commenting something. And it is the biggest and probably most controversial of them all. Probably no one else would have the balls. Jagger's response is clever as hell. Everyone (with sanity) knows something happened back then that is no way acceptable nowadays (forget the macho men living in the past loving to hate anything modern). But those were the times. Mick will not apologize anything, just asking 'don't get angry with me'. No excuses, no anything. Just little charming way to to talk the issue in terms of passions going north. The message is simply 'c'mon, cool down. Not that bad really happened.' Besides, like the video backs up , Jaggeresque, 'weren't we so sweet, after all? And still are. It's just us, you know - you must recognize our charm and coolness...'

- Doxa

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-16 23:01 by Doxa.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: GetYerAngie ()
Date: September 17, 2023 00:34

This is fantastic, people. We are witnessing history.
- Doxa

Doxa, you are onto something very interesting here. But I'm not quite understanding your point. What is the history we are witnessing?


Thank you for paying attention to my funny words.

I think this is the first time a major rock act from the times that are under pretty strong scrutiny is commenting something. And it is the biggest and probably most controversial of them all. Probably no one else would have the balls. Jagger's response is clever as hell. Everyone (with sanity) knows something happened back then that is no way acceptable nowadays (forget the macho men living in the past loving to hate anything modern). But those were the times. Mick will not apologize anything, just asking 'don't get angry with me'. No excuses, no anything. Just little charming way to to talk the issue in terms of passions going north. The message is simply 'c'mon, cool down. Not that bad really happened.' Besides, like the video backs up , Jaggeresque, 'weren't we so sweet, after all? And still are. It's just us, you know - you must recognize our charm and coolness...'

- Doxa

Yes, that was my thoughts too. It's like commenting on the "cancelling" Brown Sugar. It's like the "We Love You"-promotion-video. Just up-dated.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: drewmaster ()
Date: September 17, 2023 00:44

Interesting. Hadn’t thought about it from that angle.

But who is still angry with Mick/ the Stones in 2023? In the sixties and seventies, with all the controversy they stirred up, yes, many people were. But all that’s long been forgiven and forgotten. They are now a family-friendly act that everyone loves.


Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 17, 2023 02:58

Interesting. Hadn’t thought about it from that angle.

But who is still angry with Mick/ the Stones in 2023? In the sixties and seventies, with all the controversy they stirred up, yes, many people were. But all that’s long been forgiven and forgotten. They are now a family-friendly act that everyone loves.


It is an interesting angle and the words sort of fit so DOXA was great in figuring that out.

BUT...I think you could make lyrics fit to however you are interpreting. I don't believe for this song Mick had any particularly deep meaning.

A wonderful career retrospective video (that probably was thought of by someone else, those billboards), really can't be used as evidence to match the songs lyrics. The girl writhing on the car is just that. No especially deep meaning and I'm fine with that. There'll be other tracks that have more interpretive lyrics with the new album.

I believe we may be overanalyzing this particular song and video though.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: September 17, 2023 04:10

Everyone (with sanity) knows something happened back then that is no way acceptable nowadays (forget the macho men living in the past loving to hate anything modern).


Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: tommyturbo76 ()
Date: September 17, 2023 05:32

ESPN2 Arkansas v BYU football game: after a touchdown just now, Angry was the out-tro to a commercial !

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: September 17, 2023 05:59

I haven't followed the charts for so many decades i really couldn't care less, but i watch a lot of YouTube music and to my mind a lot of people are watching and loving Angry, perhaps the next single with Lady GaGa will chart better but again, I'm not into the industry and it's manipulation of music, so @#$%& the charts and it's fake stars.

The Rolling Stones (and everyone else) make at least $.005 cents per stream, and lower with YouTube and Spotify.

It all boils down to hardly anything.

Which is hilarious. The Stones and many others figured out that people are willing to pay $1000 a ticket - more and less - for 2 hours of live music but they won't pay $12 to $18 for an album.

So hell yeah! Mark the tickets up! Oh, nosebleed? $200!

People pay.

And they're taking sefies... meanwhile the band is playing and giggling about how the people can't pay attention even though they paid to get in.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: September 17, 2023 06:04



2:17... isn't that Keith solo???

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: September 17, 2023 06:16

The Sicilian
I generally don't like new music by old rockers (I love the songs from the '60's and '70's) but I have to say that I really like this song. It drew me right in with the catchy opening riffs, and Mick's voice is fantastic. Pretty damn good. I am impressed!

Modern technology helps a LOT. But I whole-heartedly agree with you on music choices. I am locked into that era.

If you're suggesting auto-tune, there's no auto-tuning Mick Jagger. It's never been used with The Rolling Stones for any recording. And the guitaring is not via a computer like a lot of "bands" these days - it's the real deal.

Angry is an excellent single. As much as I like previous singles, they really hit it with Ghost Town but this is way beyond anything post-Start Me Up.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 17, 2023 06:20

The Sicilian
I generally don't like new music by old rockers (I love the songs from the '60's and '70's) but I have to say that I really like this song. It drew me right in with the catchy opening riffs, and Mick's voice is fantastic. Pretty damn good. I am impressed!

Modern technology helps a LOT. But I whole-heartedly agree with you on music choices. I am locked into that era.

If you're suggesting auto-tune, there's no auto-tuning Mick Jagger. It's never been used with The Rolling Stones for any recording. And the guitaring is not via a computer like a lot of "bands" these days - it's the real deal.

Angry is an excellent single. As much as I like previous singles, they really hit it with Ghost Town but this is way beyond anything post-Start Me Up.

Right on brutha. Have you heard the two other leaked songs. JUst fantastic. This is going to be a great album. Best since Undercover for sure but maybe back even further.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: September 17, 2023 12:32

Rocky Dijon
Everyone (with sanity) knows something happened back then that is no way acceptable nowadays (forget the macho men living in the past loving to hate anything modern).


grinning smiley

Of course, I was just talking about things in general. The Times They Are A-Changing...

In the end, the stance in "Anger" is pretty close to one already expressed in "It's Only Rock'n'Roll" - reminding us that what they do it is not anything that serious, actually pretty stupid, but, you know, it's fun. Or like Mick in "Midnight Rambler" indirectly reveals his own position and what he represents compared to the actual murderer, "well, honey, it' s no a rock and roll show". The same 'I' m not really involved in anything real' attitude so directly declared in "Street Fighting Man", by pointing out the boundaries of his own relevance. Would he like it to be more or not.

And since it is just music, aesthetics, and people having fun, no one should take that too seriously. Or at least get Angry. "I never caused you no pain", no matter if I sang about brown sugars, starbuckers, or strange stray cats.. "Cancel out my name"...

- Doxa

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-17 12:50 by Doxa.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: September 17, 2023 13:17

If I reckon correctly, Mick reminded that he's up to nothing much serious, maybe a bit "tongue in cheek" (Whole Wild World), in the very interviews after the Hackney Empire event and as the earlier leaks on the album suggested HD is about "heartbreak and broken relationships"

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: September 17, 2023 15:27

drewmaster thanks for putting the record straight, words of wisdom thumbs up

My God "words of wisdom" - you guys are unbelieveable.

Well thank you, we take it as a compliment.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: September 17, 2023 15:40



2:17... isn't that Keith solo???

Lol. Sounds like Keith to me.
Love at about 3.30 Mick did that thing he used to, "NO NO" this passionate plea to stop but you know he wants you to keep on doing it, Keiths guitar all around it, riffing for dear life, the ending of Angry is strong and powerful, yeah i still love this band, it's still Rock And Roll going out in a blaze baby.smoking smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-17 16:00 by keefriffhards.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Posted by: Amyl Nitrate ()
Date: September 17, 2023 17:08

I was also leery of reading more into it beyond a song about a broken relationship. In one of the interviews, Mick said he started with being angry with "you" then twisted it to "me". Nothing more. That said, he may have been being coy and I'm warming to the idea that there is more after reading Doxa and this review: [] ... If I'm understanding both correctly, I think the paragraph that starts with "If the Stones have any wisdom left to impart to a new generation" aligns with Doxa's theory that it is a commentary on cancel culture.

Here's another review that hears deeper (political) meaning: [] ... It also points out something interesting about the structure of the lyrics when it says "The metaphorical male/female, star/fan love story alluded to in 'Angry'". I didn't realize that before, but it's true. The two verses are from a different point of view than the two choruses: [] ... Given that complexity, it seems likely that something more is implied, whether cultural or political or both.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: September 17, 2023 17:54

This is all getting slightly ridiculous.

Between comparing "Angry" with "Start Me Up" or "Tumling Dice", to theories about the profound philosophical meaning of the lyrics and calling the second-hand car salesman trick of putting a girl in a bikini to sell a product, "rock n roll", a "finger up to establishment" (car salesmen of all times must be delighted to hear that) or some deep courageous statement about the past, I wonder: what drugs are you all taking? Mick must be laughing his head off (if he reads this forum, which I doubt). Or are these posts part of some tongue-in-cheek prank that I wasn't aware of?

The song Angry is much better than I expected, with a nice chorus. It's more fun than Ghost Town and less fun than Doom and Gloom. I enjoy listening it, and I'm glad to have found a video of it that's not like a humourless bad copy of a 3th grade ZZ-top clip (

But hey, don't be angry with me, I didn't mean to cause you no pain. (Worthy of a Nobelprize for literature, surely.)

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: September 17, 2023 17:57

Thanks for the reads Amyl (and thanks Doxa for the insight). My 2 cents: Malcolm Jack on Big Issue, a part form starting on the wrong foot crediting Keith for the main riff (but i guess after 60 years it can be an argument) reads to much in the band "don't giving a s*it" and as making a statement against the mainstream cancel culture. I wish they were, I'd say.

Angry's video in itself looks to me more like a smart realization in within some classic rock clichés that happens to look awkward in certain contexts of pop and social media driven culture today, than a statement that counters anything.

About the piece on the National, I realy don't know what to think about. It seems quite a freewheeling ride on a subject (no matter what the object is). Of course,in a way, any subjective reading is legitimate, and one is entitled to hear or read anything one hears o read in a lyric or a song. But to end up saying that Angry is "a pop-song version of Hannah Arendt’s “the banality of evil." Well, frankly, it sounds pretty far-fetched to me.

Why not just celebrate the "pop"? "rock"? "social commentary"?, whatever, genius of a line like: "I'm still taking the pills and I'm off to Brazil"

That is - my reading - Mick having fun rhyming and not giving a sh*t about writing deep meaning stuff. Sometimes he fails in that and go trivial, here, imo, he is pure ("octuagenarian rock and roll"?) genius

I do not think is casual that it is the only line of the lyrics that gets the billboard treatment in the video. And rightly so, imo.

LLTRS smileys with beer

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-17 18:11 by maumau.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: September 17, 2023 18:02

Still have yet to hear it on local rock radio, and when i finally got thru to request it the DJ drew a blank as if he had no idea there was a new single.. I told him “ya know the Stones? They recorded here once? One of the most famous songs ever?”

The stations slogan is “the best of everything old and new”

Re: ANGRY - official video
Posted by: MrEcho ()
Date: September 17, 2023 18:57

How do I feel about the “hot chick” bit for the Angry video? So clichéd! Been there done that. So many times. So obsolete.

This is 2023. Not 1972. They are now seventy and eighty-something. I wish the boys moved on.

But that’s the Stones for you, after all.

Not quite 60 yet myself, so I guess I'm not yet bored with looking at hot women. How many years left !! confused smiley

I think the girl is one of the best things about the video (and I'm not even into blondes). "Rock & Roll" after all is a slang term for "getting in on". And Sydney Sweeney in her part in the video exemplifies everything that was and is great about Rock & Roll. Without the sexual tension between the sexes there would be no Rock & Roll and none of the genres that evolved from it.
The technical execution of the video is first rate but the idea of having the girl drive past old images of the band like she's driving through a museum has the opposite effect of what the original intention surly was. It puts the focus on the past and does not celebrate the fact that the band (in a new incarnation) is working in the here and now.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Posted by: drewmaster ()
Date: September 17, 2023 19:17

Amyl Nitrate
"The metaphorical male/female, star/fan love story alluded to in 'Angry'". I didn't realize that before, but it's true. The two verses are from a different point of view than the two choruses: [] ...

I'm looking at the lyrics and not seeing it. Which are the star, which are the fan?

Don't get angry with me, I never caused you no pain
I won't be angry with you, but I can't see straight

It hasn't rained in a month, the river's run dry
We haven't made love, and I wanna know why
Why you angry with me?
Why you angry?

Please just forget about me, cancel out my name
Please never write to me, I love you just the same
I hear a melody ringing in my brain
Just keep the memories, don't have to be ashamed

Don't get angry with me, I'm in a desperate state
I'm not angry with you, don't you spit in my face

The wolf's at the door with the teeth and the claws
My mouth's getting sore, I can't take anymore
Why you angry with me?
Why you angry?

Voices keep echoing, calling out my name
Hear the rain keep beating on my window pane
I hear a melody ringing in my brain
You can keep the memories, don't have to be ashamed
Don't get angry with me


Angry, don't be angry with me, if we go separate ways
Angry, yeah, don't be angry with me, let's go out in a blaze

Angry, don't be angry with me, don't you spit in my face
Angry, don't be angry with me, don't get, don't get

Angry, don't be angry with me
I'm still taking the pills, and I'm off to Brazil
Angry, don't be angry with me

Angry (Please), don't be angry with me
Come on
Angry, don't be angry with me


Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Posted by: Amyl Nitrate ()
Date: September 17, 2023 20:46

Amyl Nitrate
"The metaphorical male/female, star/fan love story alluded to in 'Angry'". I didn't realize that before, but it's true. The two verses are from a different point of view than the two choruses: [] ...

I'm looking at the lyrics and not seeing it. Which are the star, which are the fan?

The fan doesn't have a part. The two choruses ("Please just forget about me..." and "Voices keep echoing...") could be a star talking to a fan, at least those parts seem different from the guy-to-gal verses that precede each.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-17 20:49 by Amyl Nitrate.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: NilsHolgersson ()
Date: September 17, 2023 20:55

I've seen the video a few times on the main tv music channel now, it's even in their Top 20. I think young people who see it only recognize the tongue logo and might think the girl and the car are cool,it might help sell some more Tongue shirts.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Putty ()
Date: September 18, 2023 03:28

I've seen the video a few times on the main tv music channel now, it's even in their Top 20. I think young people who see it only recognize the tongue logo and might think the girl and the car are cool,it might help sell some more Tongue shirts.

I think the whole marketing campaign has been very clever. It’s hard for 80 years old to appeal to a young market. The younger Stones synchronized on billboards and the constant use of the tongue makes sense. But the real strategy it’s to generate enough attention and curiosity so that their catalog gets a chance. People not to familiar with the Stones will get turn on to their classics if they search. And they will sure find jewels that will make Angry meaningless, even though it’s a cool song. But the treasure it’s the catalog.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: September 18, 2023 05:11

I think some folks are over-analyzing the lyrics, but that’s how art works. The meaning depends on the beholder.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: GetYerAngie ()
Date: September 18, 2023 10:33

I think some folks are over-analyzing the lyrics, but that’s how art works. The meaning depends on the beholder.

That might be right, but others tend to under-analyzing...

And Jagger himself supports the under-analzing by stating that he just improvised the words/scribled the lyrics on the spot in the studio and that they don't mean much.
That is a clever strategy, but not nescessarily true.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Date: September 18, 2023 12:46



2:17... isn't that Keith solo???

Lol. Sounds like Keith to me.
Love at about 3.30 Mick did that thing he used to, "NO NO" this passionate plea to stop but you know he wants you to keep on doing it, Keiths guitar all around it, riffing for dear life, the ending of Angry is strong and powerful, yeah i still love this band, it's still Rock And Roll going out in a blaze baby.smoking smiley

I think he means the billboard clip round 2:17, Riffie. I think that's a solo-clip, too smiling smiley

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Date: September 18, 2023 12:55

Wikipedia says Keith Richards also on Bass.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Date: September 18, 2023 13:07

Wikipedia says Keith Richards also on Bass.

Classic Keith, but with a new (almost distorted) sound. Love that bass thumbs up

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-18 13:08 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Posted by: mike567 ()
Date: September 18, 2023 13:20



2:17... isn't that Keith solo???

Lol. Sounds like Keith to me.
Love at about 3.30 Mick did that thing he used to, "NO NO" this passionate plea to stop but you know he wants you to keep on doing it, Keiths guitar all around it, riffing for dear life, the ending of Angry is strong and powerful, yeah i still love this band, it's still Rock And Roll going out in a blaze baby.smoking smiley

I think he means the billboard clip round 2:17, Riffie. I think that's a solo-clip, too smiling smiley

It's from the Neighbours video

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