O/T IORRian getting back on his bike...needs help to raise funds for Cure Leukaemia!
I know that I've been pestering you all on-and-off with various appeals over the last fourteen years but this is the one that means the most and I really wish I was not doing all this again.
A couple of weeks ago one of my favourite people should've turned 54. That Geoff didn't is down to blood cancer, more specifically Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.
My challenge takes place during September: it's over 1000 miles in 10 days between some of the Cure Leukaemia centres in the UK. The target is a mighty £5000. That's a lot to ask, especially in these times...if we get there, I'll put £1000 in.
That's it, that's the pitch. Time to get on my bike innit?
If you can help at all, please follow this link...
As ever, a big thank-you to BV for allowing me to post this and to harass you extraordinary IORRians!
All the best,
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-07-21 22:52 by SimonN.