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OT: Norway euthanizes Freya the walrus, who drew crowds to Oslo Fjord
Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: August 15, 2022 17:04

Should've relocated her. Lazy and disgusting that they killed her.


Re: OT: Norway euthanizes Freya the walrus, who drew crowds to Oslo Fjord
Date: August 15, 2022 17:09

They tried relocating with a whale in France. It died during the process, unfortunately. However, I agree, they should have tried to move it.

The most disgusting about this, though, are all the people who took selfies and swum with it etc. It was nearly fatal for a couple of them.

A sad story.

Re: OT: Norway euthanizes Freya the walrus, who drew crowds to Oslo Fjord
Posted by: bv ()
Date: August 15, 2022 18:51

Please do not use IORR for totally off topic issues, typically emotional and/or political orientated. Wild life management will always be a highly emotional matter.

I live in the area, less than half an hour walk from the fjord area where the walrus was hanging around. It is the most heavily populated area in Norway, between Oslo and Asker. The walrus had been here for some weeks, where 1.6 million people i.e. 1/3 of the entire population of Norway live. We live by the fjord, kids swim, thousands are in the water every day where the walrus moved around. There have been several close to fatal issues, where crowds of parents make pictures of their children less than 2 feet from the walrus. One child was a foot away swimming. People treated the walrus like a harmless celebrity. It is a 600 kg i.e. 1300 pounds large mammal with sharp teeth. It may kill a child in a matter of seconds, not because it is eating people, but because it might get scared.

If there was a black bear walking around in Central Park NYC, I am sure it would have been shot. It is not the natural habitat, and it would never found it's way to where it came from.

The walrus have their natural habitat in the Arctic, way way way way far away from the inner Oslo Fjord of Norway. It was a loner lost in a fjord without any future for a single walrus.

The experts in the government warned people about staying away. The walrus was stressed, and they said they might have to take it out unless people kept away. Many did not care. The crows just grew bigger EVERY DAY. This is not like the sea lions in San Francisco at Pier 39. They looked into moving it, but it would be a very risky people, it would sink and drown and die if tranquilized.

The fishing minister of Norway, who is in charge of this matter, and his wife, have both got death threats following this matter. His wife, who have nothing to do with this matter at all, is called all sorts of names normally used on Internet harassing women. It is a shame. Most people have absolutely no clue about the matter, it is all politics and emotions.

If you need to discuss if the inner Oslo Fjord is - or should be - a natural habitat for walrus, then feel free to do so in other places. Really, it is less than two weeks since the tour ended, I do not want to spend an hour every day moderating a subject where 50% have no clue, 25% are pro, 25% are con, and most of the arguments are emotional, not based on science or facts.


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