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Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: July 30, 2022 15:50

Lady Jayne
Some of this debate is ridiculous. I was at the UK shows and Mick was in good voice, very energetic and looked as if he was enjoying himself. Since then he's had Covid and I am astonished, given the extreme weather conditions at the time of the Lyons show, that they could perform at all. But to say he can't cope with the workload of a tour on the basis of cutting a song from the set list and some voice adjustments at a couple of shows is bizarre. Mick is and always has been the most professional of the Stones, and, frankly, much as I love Keith and Ronnie, it is Mick that keeps this show on the road and has done for decades. He's in his eightieth year - anything could happen and it can't go on forever, but instead of seeing doom and gloom with every missed note or set list gripe, I wish we could forgo the dismal predictions and enjoy them for what they are.

Well you are saying Mick is above criticism, we wouldn't have anything to say if we just said well they are old so we can't say anything other than praise upon praise. This place would drop off with virtually no posters if that were the case, we are passionate about all aspects of this band and the Stones are still in the game, still charging top dollar.

Most of us discussing are full on Stones nerds, we pick up on everything, if i was going to talk about professionalism and the limits that you can go to and giving it all for your paying customers it's worthy of a mention my experience with The Who, i've seen them a bunch of times. One time Pete did his windmill and put the tremolo bar through his right hand and he ran off stage not to return and the band played the last few songs without him.

Another time Roger lost his voice at Wembley and walked off stage not to return with a few songs left to sing and Pete took to the mic stand and sang them for him instead.

That was amazing i thought, i couldn't believe my eyes, it was an instant decision and they finished the gigs. Just saying that you don't necessarily have to drop songs when you don't feel 100%.

are you talking about the incident at the tacoma dome in 89

and then rodger finished the show with hey joe and born on the bayou

my mom was at this show and remembers this well

i've wonder what the stones would have done if keith broke his hand or something in the middle of a show in 89

Who's that on lead?


rodger daltrey

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: July 30, 2022 16:32

Who's that on lead?


rodger daltrey

Not Roger Daltrey. It's Steve Bolton.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: switchblade1975 ()
Date: July 30, 2022 16:37

for being 78 years old, I say that he is doing just great!, Keith is Keith.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: July 31, 2022 10:47

This is quite true, but his playing has been declining steadily for 15 years. His solos of course and also his rhythmic playing, his interventions being more sporadic and intermittent.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: July 31, 2022 12:40

This is quite true, but his playing has been declining steadily for 15 years. His solos of course and also his rhythmic playing, his interventions being more sporadic and intermittent.

this is true but it's not been a straight line

his skills have had peaks and valleys in that time but seem for the most part to have leveled out and stayed about the same since 2018

with some minor (though major to some of us) variations in his abilities

though i will say his playing in 2012 was noticeably better though simpler then much of what i've heard from 2006-07 especially 07

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-31 12:42 by ProfessorWolf.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: TheBlockbuster ()
Date: July 31, 2022 13:03


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-31 14:16 by TheBlockbuster.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: July 31, 2022 13:11

The critical eye on his game is always retroactive it's funny.

I didn't read that he was playing worse in 2022 than last year... We will have to wait for the next tour to read the cult phrase he plays better than in...grinning smiley

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: TheBlockbuster ()
Date: July 31, 2022 13:40


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-31 14:16 by TheBlockbuster.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: EasterMan ()
Date: July 31, 2022 15:26

Both Mick and Keith are relying very much on backing musicians these days. Just think about how would Gimme Shelter sound today without the backing vocals?
It would be interesting to see a show without any backing musicians, just guitar, bass and drums.
Keith and Ronnie would have to step up their rhythm playing and work harder.
It would sound rougher but maybe also bring back some life to the songs. I like this stripped down version from 2005 (Charlie's laid back groove is very cool) :

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: July 31, 2022 15:34

Both Mick and Keith are relying very much on backing musicians these days. Just think about how would Gimme Shelter sound today without the backing vocals?
It would be interesting to see a show without any backing musicians, just guitar, bass and drums.
Keith and Ronnie would have to step up their rhythm playing and work harder.
It would sound rougher but maybe also bring back some life to the songs. I like this stripped down version from 2005 (Charlie's laid back groove is very cool) :

Thanks for posting. I’ve always loved that clip. I think it’s a rehearsal for the A Bigger Bang press conference, whereby they performed stripped-down versions of Brown Sugar, Start Me Up and Oh No, Not You Again. The latter was excellent performance, and I remember being disappointed upon first hearing the studio-take.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: July 31, 2022 15:53

Both Mick and Keith are relying very much on backing musicians these days. Just think about how would Gimme Shelter sound today without the backing vocals?

This is very true. But I think back in the 70's days when "Gimme Shelter" was such a guitar fiesta, Mick relied on that. His vocals were just riding on a storm, giving him pretty free hands to sing, shout or scream whatever he felt like. The whole band chemistry and dynamics is so different these days.

That said, I think "Gimme Shelter" must be one of the hardest Stones tunes for him to sing. He sounds like always hitting the limits of his voice, it asking a lot of effort, even when 'autopiloting', to deliver it convincingly.

- Doxa

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: July 31, 2022 16:40

Every songs were a guitar fiesta at this time. Period.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: rollingloc ()
Date: July 31, 2022 16:41

Both Mick and Keith are relying very much on backing musicians these days. Just think about how would Gimme Shelter sound today without the backing vocals?
It would be interesting to see a show without any backing musicians, just guitar, bass and drums.
Keith and Ronnie would have to step up their rhythm playing and work harder.
It would sound rougher but maybe also bring back some life to the songs. I like this stripped down version from 2005 (Charlie's laid back groove is very cool) :

What a band on that rehearsal!
I saw them 12 times in 2006/2007, and each time it was a shot of guitar by keef!

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: rollingloc ()
Date: July 31, 2022 17:05

I never understood why Ronnie was not abble to play like this during the shows...

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: July 31, 2022 18:51

I never understood why Ronnie was not abble to play like this during the shows...

I thought the same thing when i watched it a few months ago, there really is no explanation that i can can up with other than he's not fully committed onstage or he takes a back seat to Keith for some reason.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: July 31, 2022 20:04

One more thing regarding that Brown Sugar rehearsal: I wonder if our ‘Keef’ would dare to wear a vest again? My, how the belly has expanded in more recent years!

Okay, guys and girls, I’m kidding. Don’t hate me too much winking smiley

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: July 31, 2022 23:22

If Keith's game was all about a vest question it would be known

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-31 23:41 by powerage78.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: August 1, 2022 06:29

maybe if he wears some of anita's old clothes again?.....winking smiley

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: August 1, 2022 09:05

“ Maybe you’ll go out and get run over by a bus, then this will be YOUR last tour”

- Mick Jagger 1978

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: August 1, 2022 09:19

lem motlow
“ Maybe you’ll go out and get run over by a bus, then this will be YOUR last tour”

- Mick Jagger 1978

where did he say that?

just curious

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: August 1, 2022 09:30

He said it to an interviewer who asked the question, Mick didn’t have the sense of humor in public that he does now.
I wish I could point you to the article but I literally am remembering it from 78.
I still laugh about it, that is next level sarcasm.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: August 1, 2022 17:00

thanks anyway

if anyone's got i'd love to read it

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: August 1, 2022 19:57

I just say no (when someone wants me to answer if this is the last tour) - because I don't know the answer. My thing about it is, I hate trading off it. I see a lot of bands do that. It's not a new thing, either, it's ancient. Like an old actor: This is my last tour. I'm not doing Hamlet anymore. You'll never see it again. It's just something to sell tickets with. My personal thing is always I will do the next Rolling Stones record and tour. I am very happy. But I will not promise any more. Because I don't want to promise something I don't know I can really deliver... Of course (grins), whenever we play, it's always the last time someone will see us. They might get run over by a bus the next day. For them, it WAS the last time.

- Mick Jagger, May 1994


Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: August 2, 2022 10:45

That’s hilarious, Mick must’ve liked that line too if he used it again all those years later.
That quote would be from Voodoo, I remember saying it to a friend during Steel wheels.” If you don’t ease up on the coke this will be Your last tour”
I would look at maybe Rolling Stone articles for the original, he was pissed off at them for a bad review of Some Girls and a knock on one of the shows.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: RaiseTheKnife ()
Date: August 2, 2022 11:02

Can someone explain what Keith is doing from 5:44 in this video? Why is he playing totally out of sync with the rest of the band? Is he unable to hear himself or does he actually think it sounds good to play like that... I've noticed similar weird playing from him on other songs as well.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-08-02 11:02 by RaiseTheKnife.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: PatrickS77 ()
Date: August 2, 2022 11:03

lem motlow
“ Maybe you’ll go out and get run over by a bus, then this will be YOUR last tour”

- Mick Jagger 1978

The Rolling Stones, defying bus crashes since '78. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Amazing to think the stadiums they could fill with people who died since seeing a Stones gig. winking smiley

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: MonkeyMan2000 ()
Date: August 2, 2022 11:21

Can someone explain what Keith is doing from 5:44 in this video? Why is he playing totally out of sync with the rest of the band? Is he unable to hear himself or does he actually think it sounds good to play like that... I've noticed similar weird playing from him on other songs as well.

I noticed this too and I think it‘s funny because sometimes Keith messes up and lands on a different beat than the rest of the band. And when they don‘t follow him in order to rescue the song he gets a bit pissed and keeps playing what he thinks is the right beat. Some examples of the top off my head: Brown Sugar in Spielberg and Happy and Satisfaction in Paris 22.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: deeeskannnie ()
Date: August 2, 2022 14:45

lem motlow
“ Maybe you’ll go out and get run over by a bus, then this will be YOUR last tour”

- Mick Jagger 1978

>grinning smiley<

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: beachbreak ()
Date: August 2, 2022 15:52

I thought it fit in rhymthmically, keeping the riff alive under the jam chaos.

Re: Keith in 2022
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: August 4, 2022 13:19

can someone explain to me what the hell happened to keith today?

i mean he has shows where he's on and shows where he's off but this was something else's entirely

it's like the keith from bitch in brussels walked on stage for sfm and just stayed the whole show

i'm pretty sure i can say that was objectively the best performance he's given since at least 2013

and before you folks come out with the usual he's not playing any better or worse then he has for the past decade

when did you last hear him not completely butcher the solos in sftd

or play the solo in honky tonk women correctly

i'm not saying he was without fault though

he makes a mess of the gimme shelter's intro but then goes on to play a solo in it that not only much better then any i can remember recently but significantly more ambitious and complex

now it be one thing if he could pull off just one of these performances in a recent show

but all three in one show

part of me is in utter awe at his ability to suddenly shake off a decade or two of rust from his playing

but the other part is disappointed at the realization that likely he could have played this well or close to this well at any show in the last couple years but probably chose not to because of lack of interest? or focus?

and why this show?

i know some may say it's because it's the last show of the tour

but why then couldn't he put on a performance this good at a tour finale in 2021 or 2019 or 2018 or 2017?

now antioneparis has hinted heavily that this will be released soon and god i hope so because i literally don't think they have the ability to give a better performance

or at least keith dosen't

i really hope this signals a turning point for keith where he actually puts real effort into his playing for however many shows they have left in them

and even if he doesn't

we'll always have berlingrinning smiley

also ronnie and mick weren't to bad either

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