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Lady Jayne
Some of this debate is ridiculous. I was at the UK shows and Mick was in good voice, very energetic and looked as if he was enjoying himself. Since then he's had Covid and I am astonished, given the extreme weather conditions at the time of the Lyons show, that they could perform at all. But to say he can't cope with the workload of a tour on the basis of cutting a song from the set list and some voice adjustments at a couple of shows is bizarre. Mick is and always has been the most professional of the Stones, and, frankly, much as I love Keith and Ronnie, it is Mick that keeps this show on the road and has done for decades. He's in his eightieth year - anything could happen and it can't go on forever, but instead of seeing doom and gloom with every missed note or set list gripe, I wish we could forgo the dismal predictions and enjoy them for what they are.
Well you are saying Mick is above criticism, we wouldn't have anything to say if we just said well they are old so we can't say anything other than praise upon praise. This place would drop off with virtually no posters if that were the case, we are passionate about all aspects of this band and the Stones are still in the game, still charging top dollar.
Most of us discussing are full on Stones nerds, we pick up on everything, if i was going to talk about professionalism and the limits that you can go to and giving it all for your paying customers it's worthy of a mention my experience with The Who, i've seen them a bunch of times. One time Pete did his windmill and put the tremolo bar through his right hand and he ran off stage not to return and the band played the last few songs without him.
Another time Roger lost his voice at Wembley and walked off stage not to return with a few songs left to sing and Pete took to the mic stand and sang them for him instead.
That was amazing i thought, i couldn't believe my eyes, it was an instant decision and they finished the gigs. Just saying that you don't necessarily have to drop songs when you don't feel 100%.
are you talking about the incident at the tacoma dome in 89
and then rodger finished the show with hey joe and born on the bayou
my mom was at this show and remembers this well
i've wonder what the stones would have done if keith broke his hand or something in the middle of a show in 89
Who's that on lead?
Who's that on lead?
rodger daltrey
This is quite true, but his playing has been declining steadily for 15 years. His solos of course and also his rhythmic playing, his interventions being more sporadic and intermittent.
Both Mick and Keith are relying very much on backing musicians these days. Just think about how would Gimme Shelter sound today without the backing vocals?
It would be interesting to see a show without any backing musicians, just guitar, bass and drums.
Keith and Ronnie would have to step up their rhythm playing and work harder.
It would sound rougher but maybe also bring back some life to the songs. I like this stripped down version from 2005 (Charlie's laid back groove is very cool) :
Both Mick and Keith are relying very much on backing musicians these days. Just think about how would Gimme Shelter sound today without the backing vocals?
Both Mick and Keith are relying very much on backing musicians these days. Just think about how would Gimme Shelter sound today without the backing vocals?
It would be interesting to see a show without any backing musicians, just guitar, bass and drums.
Keith and Ronnie would have to step up their rhythm playing and work harder.
It would sound rougher but maybe also bring back some life to the songs. I like this stripped down version from 2005 (Charlie's laid back groove is very cool) :
I never understood why Ronnie was not abble to play like this during the shows...
lem motlow
“ Maybe you’ll go out and get run over by a bus, then this will be YOUR last tour”
- Mick Jagger 1978
lem motlow
“ Maybe you’ll go out and get run over by a bus, then this will be YOUR last tour”
- Mick Jagger 1978
Can someone explain what Keith is doing from 5:44 in this video? Why is he playing totally out of sync with the rest of the band? Is he unable to hear himself or does he actually think it sounds good to play like that... I've noticed similar weird playing from him on other songs as well.
lem motlow
“ Maybe you’ll go out and get run over by a bus, then this will be YOUR last tour”
- Mick Jagger 1978