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Mack Jigger
The audio, complete show and backstage footage, it's all there!
Sreet Fighting Man snippet
i doubt it
i pretty sure there were no professional audio recordings made during this tour
and they released ya-ya's the same day they played stockholm and there shows in europe were very similar to what they played in america the year before except with horns and 3 new songs
so what would there insentive have been to record more shows for future releases
that being said maybe the band had some shows recorded onto cassette off the soundboard for there own personal enjoyment
not the the same as a professional recording but i'd definitely welcome it
then again there's a interview keith did from france in 71 for swedish radio and in the background for the first 4 minutes you can hear a live version of midnight rambler being played back
and it doesn't sound like ya-ya's to me
so that leaves a recording from 70 or 71
but for now i think the best recordings we have for the 70 tour are essen audience recording and the paris broadcast
i wish the taper community in eruope was better devolved and equipped in 1970 (and 71) but it is what it is i suppose
as for the footage it's been around for a while in the form of silent footage with a watermark on it
a while ago someone synced it up with the audience recording and shared it here
and i'm unsure the origin of this footage or why it was made but it would be wonderful if more of it existed and the stones released it online synched to the rest of the audience recording
put it up on youtube or something since i doubt there's much interest amongst the public for recordings of this quality
also there's similar footage from paris too
(there some footage like this of little queenie too from paris with topless women dancing on the stage bit i can't find it on youtube)
it also be nice if the could release the other imperfect shows from around this time that exist too online for the fans to enjoy
like pittsburgh 72 and detroit 69