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ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 04:40

Just read online that former Bon Jovi bassist Alec John Such has passed. He was with them from 83 to 94. RIP.

Watching current Bon Jovi concert videos on Youtube, man his voice is terrible. Literally every video mentions how bad his voice is now. Listening to Living On A Prayer, it sounds like bad karaoke!

Founding Bon Jovi bass player Alec John Such dies, band announces

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-06 21:40 by bv.

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 6, 2022 05:00

Yeah I just read it as well. Pretty young, very sad. RIP.

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 6, 2022 05:01


Watching current Bon Jovi concert videos on Youtube, man his voice is terrible. Literally every video mentions how bad his voice is now. Listening to Living On A Prayer, it sounds like bad karaoke!

I read that it's an ongoing thing resulting from his having had covid.

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 06:02


Watching current Bon Jovi concert videos on Youtube, man his voice is terrible. Literally every video mentions how bad his voice is now. Listening to Living On A Prayer, it sounds like bad karaoke!

I read that it's an ongoing thing resulting from his having had covid.

I don't know if it's covid, a number of fans say it's been bad the last several years. Saw Bon Jovi in Vancouver in 86 or 87 when Slippery was huge but lost interest in him soon afterwards. He does seem like a nice guy, though, has a soup kitchen in Jersey. Saw a pic of him washing dishes there during covid! I think he really needs Richie Sambora back to sing back up/harmony vocals.

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: PatrickS77 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 06:32


Watching current Bon Jovi concert videos on Youtube, man his voice is terrible. Literally every video mentions how bad his voice is now. Listening to Living On A Prayer, it sounds like bad karaoke!

I read that it's an ongoing thing resulting from his having had covid.

He sang like crap before Covid. Has nothing to do with it.

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: mr_c_ox ()
Date: June 6, 2022 14:29

Very saddened to hear about Alec John Such's passing. When I was 17-20 Bon Jovi were a big favourite of mine (still are) and as a musician I stole at lot from each of them. I was doing my degree in music as a mature student when they were inducted into the Rock hall of fame. Having never seen Alec with the band I made the trip from the UK to watch there induction. I paid for it on a credit card and financially made a poor choice. But seeing The original lineup for one song was totally worth it, emotionally and professionally fulfilling and with this news I truly know I made the right choice.

RIP Alec, thanks for everything!

P.S I still have one of your old precisions, its been out a lot in the last few hours.

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 14:59

Wow! Hadn't heard that yet. I was fortunate enough to see the original line up back in '92 on the Keep The Faith tour. I remember when he was kicked out of the band - it was such a huge news item at the time, especially given the 'brotherhood' that JBJ touted as what the band was. Then with the debacle with Richie, it's hard to know what exactly goes on inside that entity. Still one of my favorite 80's hair metal bands, but I must admit their albums have been hit or miss to me pretty much since Keep The Faith. Crush and This House is Not For Sale are classic NJ albums. The rest range from ok to mediocre.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-06 19:31 by VoodooLounge13.

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: babyblue ()
Date: June 6, 2022 17:02

Sorry to hear bout Alec. Was never a big fan.

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: June 6, 2022 20:09


In 1994, Bon Jovi compared Such's departure from the band to Bill Wyman's departure from The Rolling Stones.

“They just grew in different directions. That's understandable… just because I want to keep setting records doesn't mean other people have to do it,” Bon Jovi said at the time.

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: IrelandCalling4 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 20:29


Watching current Bon Jovi concert videos on Youtube, man his voice is terrible. Literally every video mentions how bad his voice is now. Listening to Living On A Prayer, it sounds like bad karaoke!

I read that it's an ongoing thing resulting from his having had covid.

The voice unfortunately was seriously damaged well before covid. The Greatest Hits tour 2010/2011 was the last time I think he sounded like the Jon of old.

Alec was a real rock'n'roll soul, playing on the Jersey circuit with Tico (on some occasions) before Jon came calling. Live they became a great band, particularly 1988-1996 (Alec with them to 1994). The Jersey Syndicate Tour 1988-1990 features some wonderful performances. On record they progressed rapidly from Slippery to 1995s These Days. Crush in 2000 was a big hit but arguably they have been treading water ever since though still feature some good material on every album since. A very different band post 2000 yo the vitality and vibrancy of the pre 2000s.

My first ever show was Jan 7th 1990, Jersey Syndicate Tour. Saw them again 1993 (and many times since). Alec was the elder rock statesman of the band, older than the rest but looked the part. Always seemed delighted to be there amid the music and decadence. Had nothing but good things to say about his former comrades in the Hall of Fame induction

Re: ot: Alec John Such RIP
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: June 6, 2022 21:45

On record they progressed rapidly from Slippery to 1995s These Days. Crush in 2000 was a big hit but arguably they have been treading water ever since though still feature some good material on every album since. A very different band post 2000 yo the vitality and vibrancy of the pre 2000s.

They strike me as very similar to U2 in a lot of ways. Any of those bands from the 80s that made it through the 90s had to reinvent themselves in a big way. U2 did with Beautiful Day and Bon Jovi did with It's My Life. I could argue also that they followed that up with Vertigo and Have A Nice Day respectively. After that, like you say, its kinda just been treading water. Their legacy of "making it through" was set with those. They are now an arena and stadium band for life, and its definitely sad what's happened with Jon's voice since.

I actually saw them a few years ago for their House Sale album and Jon held up pretty well. No Richie, which was a big blow, but Jon was good. Then he got to the encores which was Bad Medicine, Runaway, Wanted Dead or Alive and Livin On A Prayer. He couldn't sing ANY of them. It was such a far cry from what the rest of the show was. He can do justice to his recent material, but not the 80s classics, that unfortunately he has to play. Sad because he's a great frontman and he used to have a pretty unique powerful voice, if not a bit nasally always. I think he so wanted to age the way someone like Bruce has, and unfortunately he's soon probably gonna have to concede that its kinda over.

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