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Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 6, 2022 01:36

Looking forward to what Dean has to say about tonights show in Munich.thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: ron091 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 13:26

"Mick hit the stage shrieking like a banshee. At this rate he'll be sounding like Geddy Lee by the time we get to Stockholm."

This cracks me up! Way to go Dean.

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: June 6, 2022 14:25

and from the video on yt i saw I must say the intro to GS was a "disaster" indeed, as Dean says

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: stonesstein ()
Date: June 6, 2022 15:34

Thank you for this thread, because the discussion herein reveals a lot about folks here on IORR.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with him, fact is - Dean goes to shows and has for decades. I've been reading his show reviews since LICKS, and he calls it like he sees and hears it. Unlike many hereon, Dean Goodman is no sychophant of the Rolling Stones. He says a lot of things that many of us who have followed the band for our lifetimes would like to say but don't take the time to type or who choose to avoid the b.s. that often comes with expressing anything contrary to "Oh, Gee Whizz, the Stones are the greatest!"

Many of us who saw a lot of Stones' shows in their earlier days don't go see the band any more for some of the very same reasons that Dean illustrates being present in Munich. After having seen 3 amazing shows on 2002 Fall LICKS (Aragon, Turner Field, and Nashville), I did not see them again for nearly 20 years for fear of them being on stage long after they had any business so doing. When I did relent and saw them on the 2019 Tour (Jax), my apprehensions proved true, as I observed many of the things that Dean highlights. In retrospect, I regret going in 2019, not because they were so horrible, because they weren't, but they were compared to the genre'-defining rock & roll band I saw in 1989, 1994, 1997, 1999, and 2002.

So, keep on trucking, Dean. You've seen hundreds of shows, and you tell us the truth that (it sounds like) many on IORR do not wish to hear or consider. That's okay, because you are keeping it real.

Dean, here's hoping you get a bunch of great shows in Europe 2022, and I can't wait to read what you write!!!!

Kick me like you kicked before
I can't even feel the pain no more

"Rocks Off", Exile on Main Street
Rolling Stones, 1972

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: bobo ()
Date: June 6, 2022 16:17

Thank you for this thread, because the discussion herein reveals a lot about folks here on IORR.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with him, fact is - Dean goes to shows and has for decades. I've been reading his show reviews since LICKS, and he calls it like he sees and hears it. Unlike many hereon, Dean Goodman is no sychophant of the Rolling Stones. He says a lot of things that many of us who have followed the band for our lifetimes would like to say but don't take the time to type or who choose to avoid the b.s. that often comes with expressing anything contrary to "Oh, Gee Whizz, the Stones are the greatest!"

Many of us who saw a lot of Stones' shows in their earlier days don't go see the band any more for some of the very same reasons that Dean illustrates being present in Munich. After having seen 3 amazing shows on 2002 Fall LICKS (Aragon, Turner Field, and Nashville), I did not see them again for nearly 20 years for fear of them being on stage long after they had any business so doing. When I did relent and saw them on the 2019 Tour (Jax), my apprehensions proved true, as I observed many of the things that Dean highlights. In retrospect, I regret going in 2019, not because they were so horrible, because they weren't, but they were compared to the genre'-defining rock & roll band I saw in 1989, 1994, 1997, 1999, and 2002.

So, keep on trucking, Dean. You've seen hundreds of shows, and you tell us the truth that (it sounds like) many on IORR do not wish to hear or consider. That's okay, because you are keeping it real.

Dean, here's hoping you get a bunch of great shows in Europe 2022, and I can't wait to read what you write!!!!

...and you tell us the truth. Is an opinion the truth??

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: vertigojoe ()
Date: June 6, 2022 16:19

Anyone with a functional pair of ears knows it’s the truth. But I still go.

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: bauk77 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 16:37

yeah with functional pair of ears i hear a better singing Mick at this time then 50 years ago!overall the quality in sound is better and i am happy to see them now than 60 50 40 years ago!

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: JDSAM1994 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 17:26

Definitely are some interesting views! His most Mick- Geddy Lee Stockholm comparison made me laugh!!

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 6, 2022 18:15

DG in fine form for last night's review ;-)


But for some people around me, the show began at 8:45 pm when the Dandy Warhols' "Bohemian Like You" came on the P.A. I guess they mistook the song for "Brown Sugar" or something similarly Stonesy, so they started cheering and applauding. After about 30 seconds they realized their error, with some embarrassment I should expect.


IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: June 6, 2022 18:19

Sorry but it's a buzz kill much of the time.

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Date: June 6, 2022 18:24

DG in fine form for last night's review ;-)


But for some people around me, the show began at 8:45 pm when the Dandy Warhols' "Bohemian Like You" came on the P.A. I guess they mistook the song for "Brown Sugar" or something similarly Stonesy, so they started cheering and applauding. After about 30 seconds they realized their error, with some embarrassment I should expect.


Was it not the case that someone from the band took a look from behind the curtains or something?

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: June 6, 2022 19:51

Sorry but it's a buzz kill much of the time.

While I approved of “Dean’s way” upthread, I can understand this.

You can’t please everybody every time.

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: cineplexed2 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 20:00

One could complain of Dean that’s he’s just repackaging the same complaints over and over. How about some new complaints…or rareties?

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 6, 2022 20:07

One thing though, I didn't see any videos showing Mick being "exhausted" at the end of each song ? If anything he had enough energy left to go backstage and shout at the tech team for the monitor problems at the end of 19th ;-)
How would DG have seen that from the back of the stadium anyway ? It's not like they would show him panting and trying to recover on the screens ! And he doesn't exactly sound like a "banshee" at the beginning of SFM ? Odd...

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-06 20:08 by gotdablouse.

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: June 6, 2022 20:07

This is really fun grinning smiley

Dean, look me up in Liverpool, possibly on Keith's side of the pit area. I'm a bold man with a small white (or grey if you like) beard and .... glasses. Yes, glasses. I offer you to put on my glasses and have a different look a The Rolling Stones for a change. Since I'm in the pit I don't really need my glasses, because the sheer presence of The Rolling Stones give my eyes (and everything else) special power. Not to mention my ear. Yes, ever since I know The Rolling Stones (early 1964) I listen to them in mono. You can image that I got very p*ssed off when they introduced stereo ... nevertheless I still love music. You may be "sad sad sad" seeing The Rolling Stones (truly, I don't think so), but I'm always "happy" (actually my favorite Keith song!), even when I leave a venue soaking wet (like Maliveld, The Hague in 1998, as did the band cool smiley).
Maybe they show a hologram on the main screen of ... The Beatles. That would be something, right? 51 years ago it was a great city to live in, I'm sure Liverpool still is. If you have time, go and see "Hope Street". It links the huge Anglican Cathedral with that beautifully designed Catholic Church (they ran out of money, so it's much smaller than intended). And there is this amazing pub! The Philharmonic !!! Maybe we can have a beer there. I'm sure you leave Liverpool as a different man grinning smiley

smileys with beer

I'm a GHOST living in a ghost town

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: June 6, 2022 20:32

Dean Goodman is entitled to his opinion, as everyone is. Nothing less, nothing more. Personally, I have attended many Stones gigs which were better or much better than what Mg. Goodman was describing on his reviews, but, hey, that's life...
Let him complain about... almost everything (stage and "Ghost Town" included)! He has the right. I suppose Freedom of Speech must be absolutely confident in Stonesland...

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: June 6, 2022 21:32

One could complain of Dean that’s he’s just repackaging the same complaints over and over. How about some new complaints…or rareties?

ahahahah brilliant
let's have a complaints choice moment and a link to vote it!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-06 21:34 by maumau.

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: schwonek ()
Date: June 6, 2022 21:39

I enjoy reading Deans reviews in general but saying "the rape of "Rocks Off" - that's too harsh. First of all I wouldnt use the word rape in any other than its original meaning. Second the song does not belong to us, it is Micks and Keiths song and they can do whatever they want.

That being said - I assume I would have been happier with Sad Sad Sad as this Rocks Off was really a little off.

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 6, 2022 22:07

Dean's descriptions of the new stage in both the Madrid and Munich reviews seem to be fair and accurate, and confirms what many have thought based on photos and videos.

From Madrid:

"The new stage is a disaster. The abstract flourish of red and yellow against a black background is too German. Gone are the four vertical decks that delivered the band in pristine clarity to the fans in the stands.
They have been replaced by two smallish screens built into the neon-framed wings. They don't seem much bigger than the average American television set. Maybe, a la Spinal Tap, the Stones ordered 50-foot screens,
and someone misread the symbol and delivered 50-inch models instead"?

From Munich:

"There's nothing to be said in mitigation for the grimly colored low-budget stage. Its uneven contours - an apparent window on each side and a jagged entryway give it the appearance of a creepy house on The Simpsons.
To make matters worse, the little screens often depict the darkly dressed bandmates against dark backgrounds. It's all quite depressing, and not in a cool Steel Wheels/Urban Jungle way".

Thanks Dean for keeping it real while not sugarcoating everything. thumbs up

Looking forward to your Liverpool review, and maybe seeing the stage "in action" for a third time will change your views on it?
It still reminds me of a giant Spanish Omelette with salsa dumped all over it...

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: bv ()
Date: June 6, 2022 22:16

I will not allow people to abuse this thread into posting offending about others. It is an offence to make critics directed to other private individuals.


This Thread has been closed

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