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Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: June 20, 2022 15:47

What a shame. I thought it would get a rescheduled date, at least, not cancellation. This is brutal, a blow against the fans who were looking forward to attending the show — not only for the locals but also those who are coming (or already came) all the way from abroad. I feel sorry for them. That the announcement was made on the same day as that of the Milan show going ahead makes it even bitter.

And now I can’t help but feel my fear turning into more like conviction. One can assume the prevailing “no mask mentality” pushed Mick one step further, letting him drop his guard. I’m afraid this is the result of Mick “getting a grip”.

The SIXTY Tour should be retitled “No Mask Tour”.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: DeanGoodman ()
Date: June 20, 2022 15:56

My heart goes out to all you Swiss fans with tickets, devastating news for you guys.

Switzerland isn't exactly a remote country in the middle of nowhere. There's always Milan and Geneva for relative proximity, and all the other cities a quick flight away. With the Bern pit costing about $500 and prices elsewhere as low as $300-odd, savvy fans may even end up saving money.

Ps Lyon not Geneva.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-20 18:12 by DeanGoodman.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: June 20, 2022 16:19

Hey Dean! I am learning how to write an effective narrative in English from you! You are my “sensei”.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: calipachangero ()
Date: June 20, 2022 16:28

If there is no way Bern may give an optional date at the end of the tour, I will assume they "sit on" the rescheduling issue until they see if there are more cancellations. If more shows get canceled, they may do like they did in 2003, adding more shows to the end of the tour. Back then, they had 3 shows to reschedule (Benidorm, Amsterdam, Twickenham), and they added three more shows (Coimbra, Zaragoza, Zurich). See the IORR News 2003 for the rescheduling timing back then.

Is there something more to it? Now that Bern is cancelled, do you think there will be other options in august if another show may not happen?

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: DeanGoodman ()
Date: June 20, 2022 18:16

Hey Dean! I am learning how to write an effective narrative in English from you! You are my “sensei”.

I am honored, Grasshopper.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: June 20, 2022 18:44

Hey Dean! I am learning how to write an effective narrative in English from you! You are my “sensei”.

I am honored, Grasshopper.

To be fair I’m more like an old geezersmoking smiley

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: June 20, 2022 19:21

My heart goes out to all you Swiss fans with tickets, devastating news for you guys.

Switzerland isn't exactly a remote country in the middle of nowhere. There's always Milan and Geneva for relative proximity, and all the other cities a quick flight away. With the Bern pit costing about $500 and prices elsewhere as low as $300-odd, savvy fans may even end up saving money.

Ps Lyon not Geneva.

Airports, flights, transfers, hotels, it's involved i guess, especially as they might cancel last minute if any of the band test positive for covid.
I think we are entering a new era now where due to their age and covid the shadows of doubt loom large, might effect the lengths people are prepared to go to see them.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: TrulyMicks1 ()
Date: June 20, 2022 21:02

I just wanted to tell you all how sorry I am for those planning on going to this show. Hope everyone can figure out a way to see them somewhere this summer.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 20, 2022 22:32

Well damn...this certainly puts another taint on the SIXTY mini-tour...
Feel bad for all the fans who were counting on seeing the Stones in Bern.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: mmarloe ()
Date: June 21, 2022 04:02

Bummer! Last week was our first time to Switzerland and we were very much looking forward to the rescheduled show as it is such a beautiful country.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: calipachangero ()
Date: June 21, 2022 11:08

After a day letting the news sink in, the disapointment is still there, partly because the Stones wouldn't agree on a end of june date, partly because those suckers at Young Boys Bern really should have acomodated the August date. Very lame effort.

I might reconsider Gelsenkirchen, but really thinking of just putting the saved money away and reinvest in next year's Roger Waters Tour.
Kind of sad that it has to end this way probably.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: resotele ()
Date: June 21, 2022 12:15

the disapointment is still there, partly because the Stones wouldn't agree on a end of june date, partly because those suckers at Young Boys Bern really should have acomodated the August date. Very lame effort.

Young Boys Bern is not just a small football club. They were, from 2018 on, four times in a row swiss champion, the played the UEFA Champions League, they play in a stadium with a capacity of + 30'000, they sold more than 18'500 season tickets for the season 2022/23, which will start mid july.

I am a long time fan of both the Rolling Stones (saw them the first time 1973 in Bern) and of the BSC Young Boys (first match at age ten in 1964). So I'm very disapointed that the gig is now cancelled, but I know that for the football club it was absolutely impossible to give the stadium in august; they are playing the swiss championship and UEFA qualifiers then. As for the reason of the Rolling Stones for denying the date of 29th of june, I don't know ...

It is a big disapointment, but blaming the football club BSC Young Boys for the situation is just wrong.


Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: bv ()
Date: June 21, 2022 12:22

Sorry but if you live in Switzerland then you should be able to take the train or drive to other shows nearby. It's not far. There is still France 2x shows, Germany and so on.

I live in Norway and The Stones have played just one - 1 - show in Norway after 2007, i.e. one show in 15 years, back in 2014. I have to fly all day to get to any show, travel 8-14 hours, the closest one is in Stockholm, still a long travel.

It is just bad luck they can't reschedule, and Amsterdam got lucky, they had one day open, one day only.


Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: Sjouke ()
Date: June 21, 2022 12:27

It is just unfortunate... we can keep complaining, but there is nothing we can change. Apparently, the band really insisted on the week off between the two HP shows. And they probably need it as BV once mentioned as well.

I still think YB could be more flexible and play elsewhere - it looks logistically easier to move some football games. And no, they are not a small club, but also not champions league...


Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: calipachangero ()
Date: June 21, 2022 13:28

Sorry but if you live in Switzerland then you should be able to take the train or drive to other shows nearby. It's not far. There is still France 2x shows, Germany and so on.

I live in Norway and The Stones have played just one - 1 - show in Norway after 2007, i.e. one show in 15 years, back in 2014. I have to fly all day to get to any show, travel 8-14 hours, the closest one is in Stockholm, still a long travel.

It is just bad luck they can't reschedule, and Amsterdam got lucky, they had one day open, one day only.

You make that sound very easy, but on such short notice it's near impossible to get things done within a reasonable amount of time and money spent. Besides, there is family, work and maybe not everyone just flies around europe back and forth for the sake of it.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: calipachangero ()
Date: June 21, 2022 13:36

the disapointment is still there, partly because the Stones wouldn't agree on a end of june date, partly because those suckers at Young Boys Bern really should have acomodated the August date. Very lame effort.

Young Boys Bern is not just a small football club. They were, from 2018 on, four times in a row swiss champion, the played the UEFA Champions League, they play in a stadium with a capacity of + 30'000, they sold more than 18'500 season tickets for the season 2022/23, which will start mid july.

I am a long time fan of both the Rolling Stones (saw them the first time 1973 in Bern) and of the BSC Young Boys (first match at age ten in 1964). So I'm very disapointed that the gig is now cancelled, but I know that for the football club it was absolutely impossible to give the stadium in august; they are playing the swiss championship and UEFA qualifiers then. As for the reason of the Rolling Stones for denying the date of 29th of june, I don't know ...

It is a big disapointment, but blaming the football club BSC Young Boys for the situation is just wrong.


Wanja, is that you? t doesn't matter how big the club is (on a side note, they were notorious losers until 2018), this was just useless, no effort at all. Maybe offer to change home ground on a national game? Servette-YB on the 14th for a start. Did they even consider this?
Hope they do not get another show in the future. Promoters may learn from it.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: Riffkeef ()
Date: June 21, 2022 13:44

üf bärndütsch, mis änglisch isch zschlächt.

YB u d`stadt si pfiffä! logisch chamä uswichä mit dä datä vor superligue, letscht herbscht bousteu, mätsch gägä basu verschobä. kualispiü cha mä o im nöifäud oder z`biu spilä... auso isi.

schämä müessä mir üs!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-21 13:49 by Riffkeef.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: Papo ()
Date: June 21, 2022 14:01

No professional team would give away the option in their own stadium at the beginning of the season. Why would they?

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: deardoctor ()
Date: June 21, 2022 14:48

Sorry but if you live in Switzerland then you should be able to take the train or drive to other shows nearby. It's not far. There is still France 2x shows, Germany and so on.

I live in Norway and The Stones have played just one - 1 - show in Norway after 2007, i.e. one show in 15 years, back in 2014. I have to fly all day to get to any show, travel 8-14 hours, the closest one is in Stockholm, still a long travel.

It is just bad luck they can't reschedule, and Amsterdam got lucky, they had one day open, one day only.

Not everybody is that lucky to get another holiday to spend in traveling to any Stones show in Europe.
As a teacher for example you are fixed in school holidays.
And some of us need to plan a longer time to get free days, to handle with familiy and so on. It´s not that easy for everybody.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Date: June 21, 2022 14:54

Sorry but if you live in Switzerland then you should be able to take the train or drive to other shows nearby. It's not far. There is still France 2x shows, Germany and so on.

I live in Norway and The Stones have played just one - 1 - show in Norway after 2007, i.e. one show in 15 years, back in 2014. I have to fly all day to get to any show, travel 8-14 hours, the closest one is in Stockholm, still a long travel.

It is just bad luck they can't reschedule, and Amsterdam got lucky, they had one day open, one day only.

Not everybody is that lucky to get another holiday to spend in traveling to any Stones show in Europe.
As a teacher for example you are fixed in school holidays.
And some of us need to plan a longer time to get free days, to handle with familiy and so on. It´s not that easy for everybody.

Ofcourse it's not easy. There is a lot of effort, pain, money, trouble needed to see them. If it's worth it for you there is a big chance you can make it.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: resotele ()
Date: June 21, 2022 15:36

calipachangero, I am not Wanja

Riffkeef, I think that it is almost impossible to play the qualifiing games in a foreign stadium (you have to stick to the chosen stadium for the whole competition); your proposals (Biel and Neufeld) don't offer the capacity needed, and I don't know if Neufeld (this is an old, small stadium in Bern) is accepted by UEFA.


Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: Stoneswolf ()
Date: June 22, 2022 11:49

Did anyone get an information email concerning the cancellation?
Got nothing yet, how will refund for Lucky Dip Tickets be handeled?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-22 12:46 by Stoneswolf.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: SteveDMosley ()
Date: June 22, 2022 13:40

Very strange indeed

On they still say the event is postponed and they are looking for alternative Dates...

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: mmarloe ()
Date: June 22, 2022 16:02

Email received today with refund information

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: June 22, 2022 16:16

Just got the email. Unfortunately I sent my ticket back yesterday because their site says so. Anyway you don’t have to, just give the numbers under the bar code.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-22 16:17 by frankotero.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: June 22, 2022 17:30

Just got the email as well. No bar codes if you have lucky dip so not sure how to handle this

Wasn't looking too good, but I was feeling real well.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: Stoneswolf ()
Date: June 22, 2022 18:35

From the mail:
"Für den ausserordentlichen Aufwand im Zusammenhang mit der Rückabwicklung, werden pro Ticket CHF 5.- abgezogen"

This is insane, they charge five franks per Ticket as refund fee.
I mean, how can they charge us a cancellation fee!
(We already paid overpriced postage for Lucky dip tickets)

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: calipachangero ()
Date: June 22, 2022 20:55

From the mail:
"Für den ausserordentlichen Aufwand im Zusammenhang mit der Rückabwicklung, werden pro Ticket CHF 5.- abgezogen"

This is insane, they charge five franks per Ticket as refund fee.
I mean, how can they charge us a cancellation fee!
(We already paid overpriced postage for Lucky dip tickets)

Yes, same thing I thought as well. Plus postage and fees for sending out a ticket voucher for Lucky dips. My last 3 concerts have been abroad and thats kind of why..
Very bad moves from Promoter, ticket agency et al. Not to mention stadium owners Young Boys. Sorry, frustration keeps hanging on. No more complaining from now on!
Just read in an article from Swiss newspaper Tagesanzeiger that an additional show in Germany might be in consideration. Partly to make good on swiss Fans.

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: Christiaan ()
Date: June 22, 2022 21:02

From the mail:
"Für den ausserordentlichen Aufwand im Zusammenhang mit der Rückabwicklung, werden pro Ticket CHF 5.- abgezogen"

This is insane, they charge five franks per Ticket as refund fee.
I mean, how can they charge us a cancellation fee!
(We already paid overpriced postage for Lucky dip tickets)

All the ticket brokers are the same, they are all Ticketbasterds. confused smiley

Re: Bern Switzerland 2022 - Stones show cancelled
Posted by: noughties ()
Date: June 22, 2022 21:16

Talking of being a music fan in a country like Norway, well, there are issues... The people are rich, but are they fan enough to travel? Maybe not many feel sorry for us. However, after Pink Floyd stopped touring, there is only The Rolling Stones left worth seeing for me. I`m through with Springsteen. Only rare veteran biggies will do, say a visit by a band like Roxy Music.

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