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Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: artedm ()
Date: July 2, 2022 05:09

I liked Top Gun 2 better but Elvis movie made me appreciate two things with the Rolling Stones.
1. International touring- something Elvis never did
2. length of career and health-

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: July 2, 2022 07:38

Thanks for your thoughts. Glad to see you enjoyed it and are thinking of seeing it again. Out of curiosity how did you feel the movie handled the more controversial issues that surrounds Presley? In the last few months there has been a renewed conversation about Presley and his 'debt' to the culture he left behind. It's a complex thing but feel Elvis' intent and motivations were depicted correctly in the movie.

I guess the biggest controversial aspect would be cultural appropriation, and the movie tackled that head on in what I think was an appropriate way, no pun intended. "That's All Right Mama" and a few other early songs are played as blues versions by Black artists before we hear Elvis's versions. It's pretty clear from the film that Elvis wouldn't have been Elvis without the blues.

The movie didn't ever focus on Priscilla's age. I think only one time a voice over referred to her as a teenager, and that was it. Nor did it mention Elvis's groupies beyond one line. No depiction of any half naked girls wrestling here. There's only one scene of Elvis firing a gun into a tv, and no mention of the most sordid stories from "Elvis: What Happened?" tell-all book where Elvis allegedly wanted to have a guy he was jealous of killed. His drug use is not dwelled on apart from one scene where Dr. Nick is instructed to give Elvis something so he could get on stage and perform. The manner of his death is not addressed definitively and is kind of tossed off in one line at the end.

I don't think including much of that would have made for a better movie. There's only so many stories the film can focus on for any significant length of time. For example, Elvis's separation from Priscilla doesn't have much impact since she's really not in the film that much. The main story-driving conflict of the film is Elvis's relationship with Parker.

Anything about Elvis's appearance on the Ed Sullivan show was probably the most notable omission from the film, I would say. There's also no depiction of his meeting with Nixon, which is a little odd since I think there have now been two movies based on that one incident.

The Memphis Beale Street sequences were definitely a highlight. I've been trying to picture Beale Street all those years reading about it in so many books. It was great to see it recreated in all its glory. It really brought everything together to show where Elvis grew up.

I'm glad you were pleased with how they tackled the complicated stuff like the race issues. It was due time that the record was finally put straight.

The movie is a rollercoaster ride. A cross between a superhero movie and a music biopic. Truly one to enjoy in the theaters. Hope everyone can watch it before it leaves theaters in August. It's thrilling to see on a big screen.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: July 2, 2022 09:46

See a fair bit of love for this movie...what exactly is 'thrilling' about it? I've been a fan for decades but honestly didn't even consider watching this in the theatre.


Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: July 2, 2022 10:10

See a fair bit of love for this movie...what exactly is 'thrilling' about it? I've been a fan for decades but honestly didn't even consider watching this in the theatre.


It's pacing is almost break-neck speed which could throw some off but considering how much story it wants to tell, you're locked in like a rollercoaster ride. You surrender to it and then you are off. Throw in the music, the performances, Butler's erie channeling of the big E, the soundtrack, it's an embarrassement of riches for the eyes and ears. It being well written is the cherry on top. It aimed to rise above most biopics and it generally succeeded.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: July 2, 2022 16:22

See a fair bit of love for this movie...what exactly is 'thrilling' about it? I've been a fan for decades but honestly didn't even consider watching this in the theatre.


It's pacing is almost break-neck speed which could throw some off but considering how much story it wants to tell, you're locked in like a rollercoaster ride. You surrender to it and then you are off. Throw in the music, the performances, Butler's erie channeling of the big E, the soundtrack, it's an embarrassement of riches for the eyes and ears. It being well written is the cherry on top. It aimed to rise above most biopics and it generally succeeded.

It was great, but apart from Elvis making it big, Priscilla and Parker being in his life, and then his death, it wasn’t really a Biopic. So much, SO MUCH, fiction in it.


Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: July 2, 2022 18:21

See a fair bit of love for this movie...what exactly is 'thrilling' about it? I've been a fan for decades but honestly didn't even consider watching this in the theatre.


Did you read anything posted here about it? When you're done seeing it, you feel like you've gotten an Elvis experience. It's a good movie that moves fast and holds your interest despite the length. And the lead performance is so good that when they switch to footage of the real Elvis at the end, 90% of the audience doesn't even notice. How is that not amazing?

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: July 2, 2022 21:56

See a fair bit of love for this movie...what exactly is 'thrilling' about it? I've been a fan for decades but honestly didn't even consider watching this in the theatre.


Did you read anything posted here about it? When you're done seeing it, you feel like you've gotten an Elvis experience. It's a good movie that moves fast and holds your interest despite the length. And the lead performance is so good that when they switch to footage of the real Elvis at the end, 90% of the audience doesn't even notice. How is that not amazing?

No need to be a prick about it. I just asked a question...if you didn't like it...move on.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: July 2, 2022 21:56

See a fair bit of love for this movie...what exactly is 'thrilling' about it? I've been a fan for decades but honestly didn't even consider watching this in the theatre.


It's pacing is almost break-neck speed which could throw some off but considering how much story it wants to tell, you're locked in like a rollercoaster ride. You surrender to it and then you are off. Throw in the music, the performances, Butler's erie channeling of the big E, the soundtrack, it's an embarrassement of riches for the eyes and ears. It being well written is the cherry on top. It aimed to rise above most biopics and it generally succeeded.

Great, thanks Justin, it sounds very experiential!

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: July 2, 2022 23:06

See a fair bit of love for this movie...what exactly is 'thrilling' about it? I've been a fan for decades but honestly didn't even consider watching this in the theatre.


It's pacing is almost break-neck speed which could throw some off but considering how much story it wants to tell, you're locked in like a rollercoaster ride. You surrender to it and then you are off. Throw in the music, the performances, Butler's erie channeling of the big E, the soundtrack, it's an embarrassement of riches for the eyes and ears. It being well written is the cherry on top. It aimed to rise above most biopics and it generally succeeded.

Great, thanks Justin, it sounds very experiential!

No prob--it very much is experiential. Hope you get a chance to catch it before it goes to streaming in August!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-02 23:06 by Justin.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: sanQ ()
Date: July 3, 2022 05:08

I agree it was good. Very good. Very emotional. Best Elvis bio movie by a long shot that does a great job of avoiding cliches. I've seen it twice already. He deserves a great movie. Baz did an amazing job and so did Austin Butler. I'm hoping the 4 hour version gets released.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Chester ()
Date: July 3, 2022 06:15

Just curious: Has anyone on this board ever seen the real Elvis in concert?

My dad took me to see him on April 29, 1977, in Duluth, Minn.

I was in fifth grade. I remember it well, and still talk about it.

I listen to the soundboard on YouTube every once in a while and the show sounded surprisingly good, considering he was four months away from his death.

This is why my 15-year-old twin daughters have both seen the Stones and McCartney.

I hope when they reach my age they will be talking about it.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: floodonthepage ()
Date: July 3, 2022 19:08

While I don't consider Elvis "the king", not by a St. Louis that distinction belongs to Chuck IMHO, this movie does sound interesting and certainly seems to be well done. I will definitely check it out. I too have really only heard the hits for the most part, so I will research that playlist you posted, dmay. Thanks!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-03 19:09 by floodonthepage.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: July 3, 2022 19:33

Just curious: Has anyone on this board ever seen the real Elvis in concert?

My dad took me to see him on April 29, 1977, in Duluth, Minn.

I was in fifth grade. I remember it well, and still talk about it.

I listen to the soundboard on YouTube every once in a while and the show sounded surprisingly good, considering he was four months away from his death.

This is why my 15-year-old twin daughters have both seen the Stones and McCartney.

I hope when they reach my age they will be talking about it.

I saw him at MSG at some point in the 70s. I'm looking forward to seeing the film.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: July 3, 2022 19:48


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-03 20:42 by jahisnotdead.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: July 3, 2022 21:11

It’s good but Hanks is the weak spot. His miscasting is distracting at best…and to get all this info into 2.5 hours was a whirlwind.

And I agree, Top Gun 2 was exceptional

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: July 4, 2022 05:57

It’s good but Hanks is the weak spot. His miscasting is distracting at best…and to get all this info into 2.5 hours was a whirlwind.

And I agree, Top Gun 2 was exceptional

There was not much “info” in Elvis. Almost all the Elvis/Parker stuff is pure fiction.


Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: July 5, 2022 01:14

It’s good but Hanks is the weak spot. His miscasting is distracting at best…and to get all this info into 2.5 hours was a whirlwind.

And I agree, Top Gun 2 was exceptional

There was not much “info” in Elvis. Almost all the Elvis/Parker stuff is pure fiction.

True. I guess I should’ve said “entertainment”

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: July 8, 2022 23:57

I just saw the film and enjoyed it a lot. I think Tom Hanks, as usual, was phenomenal. Austin Butler was also very, very good...and very good looking.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: July 9, 2022 10:00

I'll check it out when it streams on one of the apps. I'll go into it knowing there's going to be a lot of fabrication to fit the legend. Like Gary Busey's Buddy Holly punching out a recording engineer. Like the Buddy Holly Story, it's designed for people who know nothing about Elvis, I'm sure. Maybe it's a good introduction, and they might take a deeper look.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: July 9, 2022 10:41

I saw it in a tiny cinema in rural England last week and loved it.

I'm a casual Elvis fan, but I think the film would appeal to anyone. The kaleidescopic, frenetic direction, beautiful colours, and sweaty sex appeal of Butler's Elvis is a treat for the senses.

It thankfully doesn't try to be a careful biopic and plays fast and loose with the 'truth'. But who cares? It's cinema, sit down and be blown away by the technicolour swirl.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: July 9, 2022 11:25


Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: July 9, 2022 11:26

aaaawwww yeah Mick gets a mention .... ^^^^^^^^^^


Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: July 9, 2022 11:39


How come the necklace? What is the point of wearing one?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-09 11:40 by triceratops.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: July 9, 2022 12:16

Dunno ....
why da some people tattoo their face ?????


Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: July 10, 2022 14:14

Why do some say what is exhibited in the film is non-fiction? The family approved. I'm inclined to think it's accurate

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: August 2, 2022 18:39

No need to be a prick about it. I just asked a question...if you didn't like it...move on.

Excuse me.

You came into a thread asking for people's opinions of the movie after other people had already given their opinions of the movie. You come across as either too lazy to read the thread before posting or too self centered to think anyone else's posts matter but your own. You come across as lazy, dismissive and arrogant. If I truly wanted to be a prick, I would have just told you to read the damn thread instead of asking you if you read it.

Next time, please try to think of others and try to be a little less arrogant and self-centered.


Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: josepi ()
Date: August 2, 2022 20:06

Not a huge Elvis fan, but really enjoyed the movie. Very entertaining.

The basset hound was beautiful - maybe the best looking basset I ever saw and I've known hundreds. Anybody know who played him? Can't find any info anywhere.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: August 2, 2022 20:30

No need to be a prick about it. I just asked a question...if you didn't like it...move on.

Excuse me.

You came into a thread asking for people's opinions of the movie after other people had already given their opinions of the movie. You come across as either too lazy to read the thread before posting or too self centered to think anyone else's posts matter but your own. You come across as lazy, dismissive and arrogant. If I truly wanted to be a prick, I would have just told you to read the damn thread instead of asking you if you read it.

Next time, please try to think of others and try to be a little less arrogant and self-centered.


Hmmm...Jah may not be dead, but seems like he was in a coma and could be on life-support. Took you a whole month to think of a reply.

Sorry, there is no excuse for you and your behaviour. I asked a question, and that's all I did. I really only wondered what made this so special that deserved a special theatre screening. To call me names because of that means you're a prick, a bit of a bastard, maybe your momma dropped you when you were young?

How about, let's just move along. It's a big IORR world out there and you and I have no need to engage...I wouldn't speak to you in the real world, no need to make an exception here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-08-02 20:44 by treaclefingers.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: August 2, 2022 20:35

Dunno ....
why da some people tattoo their face ?????

So they can get on the cover of an album.

Re: OT - New ELVIS Movie
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: August 2, 2022 20:37

For anyone still on the fence about this I would suggest seeing it on the big screen while it's still in theaters for the next couple of weeks.

Will be available for home streaming (rent/purchase) next week.

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