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Green Lady
Have a great time. I will not be around tonight due to unforeseen circumstances so good luck with the links!
And get there early for JFK Jr. to magically reappear and anoint Trump President! OMG.
Rain show! Heavy rain showers this afternoon, a break in the rain right now, but more rain in the forecast for the next 24 hours here in Dallas.
And get there early for JFK Jr. to magically reappear and anoint Trump President! OMG.
The JokerQuote
And get there early for JFK Jr. to magically reappear and anoint Trump President! OMG.
Please explain
The JokerQuote
And get there early for JFK Jr. to magically reappear and anoint Trump President! OMG.
Please explain
QAnon supporters in Dallas today waiting for JFK Jr. to come back to life. For real - Google it.
The JokerQuote
The JokerQuote
And get there early for JFK Jr. to magically reappear and anoint Trump President! OMG.
Please explain
QAnon supporters in Dallas today waiting for JFK Jr. to come back to life. For real - Google it.
Oh my
What is this?
Sounds like SFTD "I shot etc etc "
From the Daily Beast:
Hundreds of QAnon followers from across the country gathered in Dallas on Tuesday afternoon to witness what they believed would be the reappearance of John F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr.
The assassinated president and his deceased son never arrived.
Rather than face their disappointment, though, the QAnon faithful quickly pivoted to a new prediction, claiming that the Kennedys and a host of other late celebrities would unveil themselves at a Rolling Stones concert in Dallas later that day.
While most times a drag I suppose, if you're only going to one show, but I typically really like a show in the mix where it's raining.
Being a Seattleite, it feels like home and always adds a little something to the performances ala Mick & Sasha's Gimme Shelter in Miami '19, as well as a little suspense. I remember being in the Gold Circle pre-show in Edinburgh when it started lightly raining and when people headed for cover I moved right up to the catwalk rail.
Enjoy the show everyone!!