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Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: pftw04 ()
Date: October 3, 2021 13:51

Just 2 years ago all of us used to bash Keith Richards for his inability to play solo in sympathy for the devil or providing thunderous into. However in the last 2 shows he was really outstanding. Where was he all these years? A question that can be answer by him

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Date: October 3, 2021 14:14

yeah to be honest I am really suprised. I feel they Stones play better than they have since i don't know, maybe 1999?

The upgraded tempo for Steve is something which improves things A LOT. Maybe it also keeps Keith sharp.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: October 3, 2021 14:15

yeah to be honest I am really suprised. I feel they Stones play better than they have since i don't know, maybe 1999?

The upgraded tempo for Steve is something which improves things A LOT. Maybe it also keeps Keith sharp.

thumbs up

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: October 3, 2021 14:22

Just 2 years ago all of us used to bash Keith Richards for his inability to play solo in sympathy for the devil or providing thunderous into. However in the last 2 shows he was really outstanding. Where was he all these years? A question that can be answer by him

he had two years to practice at home… haha

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: yeababyyea ()
Date: October 3, 2021 14:31

Keith's playing is pretty similar to 2019. Mick's voice is also the same.

Best since 1999? Nah...

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: October 3, 2021 14:35

I think (near?) sobriety is helping, as it did Ronnie when he got sober.

He made several public comments about stopping drinking almost three years ago now, and I think it's helped.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: October 3, 2021 14:47

Yes, sober for two years. Then the authentic smile and the tru heart and some genuine playing starts to show! Well done, Keith! Best Stones since 2012. smiling smiley

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: Lady Jayne ()
Date: October 3, 2021 14:58

Keith's playing is pretty similar to 2019. Mick's voice is also the same.

Best since 1999? Nah...

I agree. I don't get all the talk about the rejuvenation in so far as I can judge from the footage. They sound (except for the obvious effect of Charlie missing) pretty much like they did live in 2018 in UK venues. Which is great in itself, of course.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-10-03 15:25 by Lady Jayne.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Date: October 3, 2021 15:30

Midnight Rambler Keith has still the same opening punch like the early 7-tees. Apart from that the outlines are still there, good enough to keep the plumbing running.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: rlj1010 ()
Date: October 3, 2021 16:21

Sobriety helps.

And I think Charlie's death was a wake-up call about how precious this band is. And it reminded him to do the best job possible with the remaining time they have together, rather than merely go through the motions.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: October 3, 2021 16:38

I didn't know Keith was completely sober.

I thought he might still have a beer or two now and then and maybe a glass of wine.

His playing is pretty damn good these last two gigs. thumbs up

I for one would miss a few tinnys of Bud Light before my evening meal,or going down the pub to see and hear some live music, which I have done three times in the last two weeks. smileys with beer

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: spikenyc ()
Date: October 3, 2021 18:32

I was wondering if he quit smoking cigarettes as well?
Have not seen any recent pics from the last 2 shows where he is smoking?

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: bam ()
Date: October 3, 2021 19:00

Keith’s guitar playing this year has been inconsistent. Some songs have been great. But he briefly stops playing, or plays only minimally, at many points during the set. It’s still early in the tour, so the quality and extent of his playing may well change.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: StonedRambler ()
Date: October 3, 2021 19:07

I also think you are just too hyped about the tour right now. In my opinion the playing is just as good as in 2018 and 2019. What is true though is that Keith looks much healthier, much more vital and more happy than in recent years.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: Rocktiludrop ()
Date: October 3, 2021 19:31

Just 2 years ago all of us used to bash Keith Richards for his inability to play solo in sympathy for the devil or providing thunderous into. However in the last 2 shows he was really outstanding. Where was he all these years? A question that can be answer by him

I asked the very same question a couple days ago, you are absolutely right ptw04..
Ignore posters that say he's playing the same as in 2019, Keith is a completely new person these last two shows, he's sharp, happy, energetic, playing with power and pace leading the band, watching this buzz around him, all the Stones musicians watching him, reacting to him.

So yeah, the question , where has he been ?, we are talking where has he been since 2003, that's the last time Keith behaved like this on stage, he's magnetic and this is just the start.

I suppose it's a combination of having Steve with him and also stopping properly drinking ( I can only assume )and smoking, or perhaps Keith has rediscovered Coke winking smiley who knows but what a pity that just as Keith is on fire Ronnies gone off the boil.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: MizzAmandaJonez ()
Date: October 3, 2021 20:05

1. FLIP THE SWITCH - Sobriety

A. Seems like he has chosen a different medicine as he ages and it seems to be working well. In a way he's gone from OUT OF CONTROL to OUT OF TIME as he liked to PLAY WITH FIRE.

2. Motivated Practice

A. Instead of picking up the guitar as rehearsals begin as seemed to be the case before prior tours, it sounds like he and Steve were working together prior to rehearsals and knowing the weight of replacing Charlie on this tour, sounds (literally) like he really stepped it up to insure they sounded RESPECTABLE.


A. IF YOU CANT ROCK ME- I believe his sense of mortality and his ability to control his mark on musical history has grown recently. I love how the band seems to be so personally close, and I'm sure Charlie passing has made them all realize time to enjoy this is limited to several factors, one main one being able to still get the audience off.

B. BACK TO ZERO - It would be great if that could translate to a writing and creating session with him and Mick after this tour to see if they could get away and come together again to create some music in more of a joint collaboration as we witnessed years ago.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-10-04 00:00 by MizzAmandaJonez.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: RaiseTheKnife ()
Date: October 3, 2021 20:13

Yes Keith is a different person than 2019, actually his playing is better than ever, these concerts are the best since 1969.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: bam ()
Date: October 3, 2021 20:19

Just 2 years ago all of us used to bash Keith Richards for his inability to play solo in sympathy for the devil or providing thunderous into. However in the last 2 shows he was really outstanding. Where was he all these years? A question that can be answer by him

I suppose it's a combination of having Steve with him and also stopping properly drinking ( I can only assume )and smoking, or perhaps Keith has rediscovered Coke winking smiley who knows but what a pity that just as Keith is on fire Ronnies gone off the boil.

I saw that YouTube link you posted in the Charlotte thread. It was, uh, interesting, if a bit ambiguous. confused smiley

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: October 3, 2021 20:22

Sobriety means NO substance ever not even a drop. That’s not Keith.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: cyclist ()
Date: October 3, 2021 20:46

I saw that YouTube link you posted in the Charlotte thread. It was, uh, interesting, if a bit ambiguous. confused smiley

You referring to this?: []

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: Rocktiludrop ()
Date: October 3, 2021 21:41

Just 2 years ago all of us used to bash Keith Richards for his inability to play solo in sympathy for the devil or providing thunderous into. However in the last 2 shows he was really outstanding. Where was he all these years? A question that can be answer by him

I suppose it's a combination of having Steve with him and also stopping properly drinking ( I can only assume )and smoking, or perhaps Keith has rediscovered Coke winking smiley who knows but what a pity that just as Keith is on fire Ronnies gone off the boil.

I saw that YouTube link you posted in the Charlotte thread. It was, uh, interesting, if a bit ambiguous. confused smiley

Wasn't my post on youtube, this is the only social media I do, but it did make me think, he definitely put something on his arm and sniffed it, I thought he was larking about, just playing around, don't think it was coke for one second. Perhaps a user would know better .
Basically he looks too healthy to be playing that old game, more likely there are healthier stimulants for Mick and Keith to use these days.

Hey mate my post had a wink next to it, I wasn't serious.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2021-10-03 21:59 by Rocktiludrop.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: October 3, 2021 21:55


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-10-03 21:57 by MisterDDDD.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: October 3, 2021 21:58

More Hot Rocks
Sobriety means NO substance ever not even a drop. That’s not Keith.

True.. which is why in my post I emphasized (nearly?) sober.
No real update given from him, at this point he could very well be completely sober (by your definition). For me, being sober is being abstinent from my drug of choice, but that's another conversation.

As for Keith being pictured with a drink etc since he announced his intent to lay off the booze, who knows? Nearly the whole world is saying Mick had a beer at some dive bar, meanwhile it turns out to be an alcohol free beer.. so you never really can tell winking smiley

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: Rocktiludrop ()
Date: October 3, 2021 22:17

I actually think that now Keith has given up booze and cigarettes he could possibly live well into his 90s, his dad Bert reached 90 and he drank and smoked a pipe to the end.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: mickjagger1009 ()
Date: October 3, 2021 22:30

My understanding is that Keith was practicing with their new drummer before rehearsals started, so Keith showed up for rehearsals coming out what was probably some pretty serious practice. I can imagine Steve and Keith really working hard to lock in before Keith even started large group rehearsals. The hard work shows.

And yes, not drinking booze all day long helps, but I feel he's been better about the drinking for a good number of years now, so that's not something new.

"You'll be studying history and you'll be down the gym. And I'll be down the pub, probably playing pool and drinking."

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: October 3, 2021 23:04

thumbs up

Absolutely, that's it.
You're a good fan, well-mannered, objective, and on the right track.smileys with beer
Best Keith since every tour before, we've been hearing that since 1989.
It's so sweet.grinning smiley

Yes Keith is a different person than 2019, actually his playing is better than ever, these concerts are the best since 1969.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: Rocktiludrop ()
Date: October 3, 2021 23:16

thumbs up

Absolutely, that's it.
You're a good fan, well-mannered, objective, and on the right track.smileys with beer
Best Keith since every tour before, we've been hearing that since 1989.
It's so sweet.grinning smiley

Yes Keith is a different person than 2019, actually his playing is better than ever, these concerts are the best since 1969.

But we all know that Keith was so God damn good in 89' 90' that it's impossible to be anything like that, crazy to expect it, but very happy and proud that he can still do his gig and hold up his end at 78 years of age, and do it well and enjoy it, that's the best part, Keith is loving it and Mick looks so happy with Keith's efforts.

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: October 4, 2021 01:22

Yeah he looks healthier and happier than say 2017 where he really looked "tired", in fact at one of the Paris shows he had to sit on Charlie's riser, a sad sight...
As for the disastrous stuff like the OOC Cuba solo so far but it's minimal/skeletal and there were several flubbed intros in SL. It's reached a point where any further quality/quantity drops will become problematic I think, especially with Ronnie lacking (understandably) the energy of the 2012/2019 period. Well I suppose they could always bring back Taylor to beef up the guitar department if need be..

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Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: October 4, 2021 03:10

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Keith Richards 2021
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: October 4, 2021 09:02


Re: Keith Richards 2021 new
Posted by: spikenyc ()
Date: October 3, 2021 18:32

I was wondering if he quit smoking cigarettes as well?
Have not seen any recent pics from the last 2 shows where he is smoking

well i thought he had but i noticed in the shinepigeon video that werther2003 posted here of the complete show in st louis at the beginning of miss you pay close attention to the far right side of the screen on keith's side of the drums you can see him light up a cigarette and also i don't know whats in that bottle on the table but he take drink of that too
so i guess more correctly we should say he's smoking & drinking less

and maybe doing cokewinking smiley
joking joking
i hope

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