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O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: February 18, 2021 23:25

Been a lot of coverage here in UK of the successful landing on Mars of the NASA Perseverance Rover at the exact place required after a 7 month journey to get there.
I've always been interested in the universe out there since I was a youngster.
Well done to everyone from different countries that made it all possible. smileys with beer

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Date: February 18, 2021 23:38

I saw it. To be continued thumbs up

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 19, 2021 00:13

as a huge space nerd i'm estatic
but what i really want is a mission to titan
mars is as boring as can compared to titan come on nasa make carl sagan proud

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 19, 2021 00:42

also much greater chance of finding life on titan do to the large amounts of organic matter and large bodys of liquid (methane) not mention it has atmopheric pressure and shelter
from harsher cosmic radiation due to saturns magnetic field mars has very little of any of this

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-02-19 00:43 by ProfessorWolf.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: February 19, 2021 01:05


Has there been life on Mars?

Personally I would think: yes. 'First try' to establish life in our Milky Way (Galaxy). Has probably not worked properly due to the rough and unstable conditions of Mars. Earth worked better then. That's just my personal theory.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: February 19, 2021 01:52

I must admit it was so good to see the last 20 minutes or so when it was hit or miss ,as so much could go wrong.
It was genuinely giving me a great feeling of another big step about our World,and how things may have been in another World.
Early days from Mars that we will have with the helicopter/drone type thing that hopefully we will get video stuff soon.
Love all this and a distraction from Covid stuff these days. thumbs up

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: February 19, 2021 01:56

also much greater chance of finding life on titan do to the large amounts of organic matter and large bodys of liquid (methane) not mention it has atmopheric pressure and shelter
from harsher cosmic radiation due to saturns magnetic field mars has very little of any of this

Or on Jupiter’s moon Europa, where it’s thought to exist an ocean of liquid water under the surface.

I’m also crazy about space stuff. Today was a remarkable day.Mars will probably be the 1st human colony outside Earth. So although the search for signs of ancient life is fascinating, getting humans there will be the biggest achievement ever, that many of us will still be around to see it, I believe.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: February 19, 2021 02:34

Is there live on Mars I don't think so, was there live on Mars it could be, is there live on any planet in the universe.......since all building materials are present in the universe from here to is probably yes.......but if it's yes what did we won or learned..... (I ask this question as for most of all scientist this seems to be the most important question in science)

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 19, 2021 02:52

europa be great but you'd have to drill through miles of ice to access the oceans plus you'd have to deal with the tremendous amount of radiation that juptier produces which can be hard to shield electronics from
titan would also be great for a colony because it has atmospheric presure similar to earths which means you could walk on its surface with basicly what people in antartica wear plus a source of oxygen and for the same reason a colony could be made inside an inflatable dome
and there is little wind or storms due to the lack of energy from the sun
and on top of that lets talk about resorces titan is basicly covered in petrolium and natural gas, has mountains made of water ice, & the organic matter its covered in can be made into fertilizer
now i know why colonize titan its cold and really far away
well one good reason is helium-3 its rare on earth and is necessary for nuclear fussion which is the only reasonable source of energy for near light speed ships that would be necsscary for interstellar travel and saturns atmosphere is full of it
it could be harvested and processed on titan and then sent to earth on robot ships
plus when the sun expand in a few billion years titan and saturn will be spared so a independent colony would great for the coutinuation of humanity
also as stones fans we should all know this mick explains it in great detail in 2000 light years if you listen closelywinking smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-02-19 02:55 by ProfessorWolf.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: spikenyc ()
Date: February 19, 2021 03:21

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: February 19, 2021 04:28

Of course there is life on Mars. There was a TV show about it.


On a serious note this is damn impressive.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Toru A ()
Date: February 19, 2021 05:53

As I am reading Dan Brown's Deception Point now, I hope this Perseverance thing isn't a NASA's plot.smiling smiley

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: DaveG ()
Date: February 19, 2021 06:01

It was very exciting to watch, and to see the elation among the crew at JPL gave me the chills. Congratulations to all associated with the mission.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: February 19, 2021 06:30


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: February 19, 2021 06:43



Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: February 19, 2021 09:45

europa be great but you'd have to drill through miles of ice to access the oceans plus you'd have to deal with the tremendous amount of radiation that juptier produces which can be hard to shield electronics from
titan would also be great for a colony because it has atmospheric presure similar to earths which means you could walk on its surface with basicly what people in antartica wear plus a source of oxygen and for the same reason a colony could be made inside an inflatable dome
and there is little wind or storms due to the lack of energy from the sun
and on top of that lets talk about resorces titan is basicly covered in petrolium and natural gas, has mountains made of water ice, & the organic matter its covered in can be made into fertilizer
now i know why colonize titan its cold and really far away
well one good reason is helium-3 its rare on earth and is necessary for nuclear fussion which is the only reasonable source of energy for near light speed ships that would be necsscary for interstellar travel and saturns atmosphere is full of it
it could be harvested and processed on titan and then sent to earth on robot ships
plus when the sun expand in a few billion years titan and saturn will be spared so a independent colony would great for the coutinuation of humanity
also as stones fans we should all know this mick explains it in great detail in 2000 light years if you listen closelywinking smiley

Interesting view ProfessorWolf! Surely our species will find the way to survive, when Earth unfortunately becomes increasingly hard to live on.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: February 19, 2021 10:06

Is there live on Mars I don't think so, was there live on Mars it could be, is there live on any planet in the universe.......since all building materials are present in the universe from here to is probably yes.......but if it's yes what did we won or learned..... (I ask this question as for most of all scientist this seems to be the most important question in science)

I agree with you NICOS, to prove the existence of life, past or present, on another planet wouldn’t be a great surprise for scientists, because most likely there is. Earth-like planets orbiting stars like the sun at the “right distance” are being discovered all the time.

I think the quest is mostly a philosophical one. To finally give evidence that our planet is not a unique place, and we are not a chosen species, the preferred and most perfect in Gods creation, but the result of millions of years of evolution, with the necessary building blocks present, as you rightly say. That is why for me space is such a fascinating theme. It’s as deep in science as it is in confronting our most inner roots and beliefs.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: February 19, 2021 11:08

I think it ignorant to assume we're the universes only inhabitants. I absolutely believe there is something out there. I also trust that there are those who already know the truth. What form this 'life' takes, who knows. It could be something we can't possibly comprehend. Spaceships, grey's, etc; it's all very exciting, but the truth could be so very different.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: February 19, 2021 11:38

With water found on Mars, it would be very strange if there would not be (would not have been) any life on it.
The Universe, it might become a very popular OT in IORR grinning smiley
I have had a fascination for our Universe since highschool days and it's still there. Over the decades I've "come to the conclusion" that the Big Bang Theory is not what it says. So I don't support that theory. As Big Al says .. there is something out there, which may well be way beyond our imagination.
About ten years ago I told a young American guy , while on holidays there, that he hopefully would experience amazing new discoveries once the James Webb telescope would be out there. Hopefully that telescope will be launched this year (wow, and I am still around grinning smiley).
That magical starting date of the Big Bang might be blown away by (yes ...) A Bigger Bang ( cool smiley). And how about multiple Universes? To me the Big Bang is merely an exploding super Black Hole that couldn't handle all the energy and masses it sucked up over billions of years and as such became our Universe.
smileys with beer

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: dmay ()
Date: February 19, 2021 17:40

"Laurie, let's go to Mars." From the best movie ever about Mars, "Total Recall".

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: ()
Date: February 19, 2021 17:48

I had been waiting for something like that from you. Priceless and Hilarious. Weekend may come now.


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: February 19, 2021 18:37

Yes of course and one day I would love to visit

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: 2000 LYFH ()
Date: February 19, 2021 20:18

Most likely no Covid...

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Date: February 19, 2021 21:15

No beer out there either.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: switchblade1975 ()
Date: February 19, 2021 21:48

thanx Rockman,you made my day.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: February 19, 2021 23:08

With water found on Mars, it would be very strange if there would not be (would not have been) any life on it.
The Universe, it might become a very popular OT in IORR grinning smiley
I have had a fascination for our Universe since highschool days and it's still there. Over the decades I've "come to the conclusion" that the Big Bang Theory is not what it says. So I don't support that theory. As Big Al says .. there is something out there, which may well be way beyond our imagination.
About ten years ago I told a young American guy , while on holidays there, that he hopefully would experience amazing new discoveries once the James Webb telescope would be out there. Hopefully that telescope will be launched this year (wow, and I am still around grinning smiley).
That magical starting date of the Big Bang might be blown away by (yes ...) A Bigger Bang ( cool smiley). And how about multiple Universes? To me the Big Bang is merely an exploding super Black Hole that couldn't handle all the energy and masses it sucked up over billions of years and as such became our Universe.
smileys with beer

That's interesting georgie that means we can speak of the time Before the BigBang (BBB.) and After the BigBang (ABB.) or in other words the second universe.................

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-02-19 23:48 by NICOS.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: swimtothemoon ()
Date: February 19, 2021 23:38

I had been waiting for something like that from you. Priceless and Hilarious. Weekend may come now.


Yes hilarious! Hopefully someone will forward this off to Keith - I’m
sure it would bring a chuckle or two.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: February 20, 2021 00:00

With water found on Mars, it would be very strange if there would not be (would not have been) any life on it.
The Universe, it might become a very popular OT in IORR grinning smiley
I have had a fascination for our Universe since highschool days and it's still there. Over the decades I've "come to the conclusion" that the Big Bang Theory is not what it says. So I don't support that theory. As Big Al says .. there is something out there, which may well be way beyond our imagination.
About ten years ago I told a young American guy , while on holidays there, that he hopefully would experience amazing new discoveries once the James Webb telescope would be out there. Hopefully that telescope will be launched this year (wow, and I am still around grinning smiley).
That magical starting date of the Big Bang might be blown away by (yes ...) A Bigger Bang ( cool smiley). And how about multiple Universes? To me the Big Bang is merely an exploding super Black Hole that couldn't handle all the energy and masses it sucked up over billions of years and as such became our Universe.
smileys with beer

That's interesting georgie that means we can speak of the time Before the BigBang (BBcool smiley and After the BigBang (ABcool smiley or in other words the second universe.................

There are scientists who claim the Universe(s) don't know time. For Einstein it is the forth dimension needed to explain many things. But these are explanations for us humans in order to understand what's going on beyond our globe. There is also disagreement about what our Universe is doing. Some say it will expand endlessly so at some point nothing can be seen anymore because everything is too far away. Others think it will collapse again maybe again into a super black hole. And who knows, another Universe will start again from scratch.
Well, let's first see if the human race can escape to Mars when things become too hot on our globe ...winking smiley

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: February 20, 2021 01:47

I had been waiting for something like that from you. Priceless and Hilarious. Weekend may come now.


Yes hilarious! Hopefully someone will forward this off to Keith - I’m
sure it would bring a chuckle or two.

Hope you have seen this Keith.

The Rolling Stones are even famous on Mars.smileys with beer

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: February 20, 2021 02:15

With water found on Mars, it would be very strange if there would not be (would not have been) any life on it.

THIS is what I don’t get about our search for other life in the universe. Much as the old UFO that Will Smith used in Independence Day to infect the bad extraterrestrial mother ship with a virus by way of a computer and inbuilt USB port (IN the UFO - who would have thought an ancient UFO would have a USB port?) we seem to assume life on other planets would need water. OUR life does of course, but water may (MAY) be lethal to other forms of life in the universe. “They” may (MAY) thrive on, radioactivity or a form of material WE don’t even know about. It might not require water at all. Our assumption of other life needs our “life” giving source may be entirely wrong.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-02-20 03:20 by bitusa2012.

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