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Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: September 21, 2019 19:06

Source: Vanity Fair France, and my mate Jean-Charles

Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger à 28 ans ?

Inconnue du grand public, la Parisienne régale chaque jour le leader des Rolling Stones à Londres, en France et lors de ses tournées à travers la planète. Par Ezechiel Zerah
Publié le VENDREDI, 20 SEPTEMBRE 2019

Elle a beau avoir été élevée dans le très chic VIème arrondissement de Paris, Faustine Hug a pris le pli du rythme londonien. Le rendez-vous qu’on lui fixe à 7h00 dans la salle à manger d’un grand hôtel de Covent Garden ? Elle y sera, malgré ses quarante-cinq minutes de trajet. Pancakes et cappuccino pour nous, rien pour elle si ce n’est du mauvais café américain qu’elle dit adorer en secret. Sur Instagram, la jeune femme au regard opalin se décrit comme « cheffe privée pour célébrités ». Huit mois sur douze, elle cuisine en effet pour un monstre sacré : le leader des Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger himself. Comment se retrouve-t-on à nourrir au quotidien une icône internationale qui frise le demi-milliard d’albums vendus et affiche un patrimoine de 310 millions d’euros ?

Au lycée, cette fille de comédienne et d’homme d’affaires s’immerge pendant un stage d’observation dans la brigade du trois étoiles Michelin Georges Blanc dans l’Ain, connu pour sa poularde de Bresse flanquée de petites crêpes locales. Après son bac littéraire, elle hésite mais finit par préférer la sélective école hôtelière Ferrandi à hypokhâgne. Elle enchaîne alors les passages au sein de grands restaurants avant d’atterrir dans le palace préféré de Nicolas Sarkozy : le Bristol, à deux pas de l’Elysée. Trois ans sous les ordres du Normand Éric Frechon, Meilleur Ouvrier de France taiseux mais très respecté dans la profession. « Moi qui m’intéressais à la diététique, c’était l’enfer : beurre et crème ! Mais j’y ai appris la mécanique des basiques de la cuisine française avec des avions de chasse », reconnaît-elle. Les « avions de chasse » en question à l’époque : Virginie Basselot, aujourd’hui cheffe de l’emblématique hôtel Negresco à Nice, ou encore Naoëlle D'Hainaut, lauréate de l’émission Top Chef en 2013.

« Après cette période, j’avais besoin d’assouvir mon penchant pour les études », confie cette éprise d’Asie. Ce sera donc la Sorbonne avec un master en géographie de l’alimentation et des cultures alimentaires. Sujet de mémoire : l’impact du palace au sein de la cité et inversement. « Au départ, je voulais travailler sur la nutrition au Japon, qui n’est pas si saine contrairement à ce que l’on peut penser, mais on m’a dit que j’allais me mettre tout le monde à dos ». C’est que dans le milieu de la gastronomie hexagonale, la cuisine nippone est sacrée depuis les allers-retours de nos plus grandes toques (Paul Bocuse, Pierre Troisgros) à la fin des années 70. L’itinéraire de Faustine Hug bascule le jour où un ami la prie de le remplacer pour un extra d’une semaine à Saint-Tropez. Celui qu’elle doit régaler ? Rolf Sachs, artiste suisse et fils de l’ex-playboy Gunther Sachs (dont la légende dit qu’il aurait depuis un hélicoptère inondé de roses la villa de Brigitte Bardot avec qui il se maria). C’est la révélation : elle découvre un monde où elle n’est pas enfermée dans un restaurant. « Tu cuisines ce que tu veux, tu vas au marché… ». Elle se prend ainsi au jeu, pose ses valises à Londres et étoffe son carnet d’adresses en tant qu’indépendante, travaille pour l’un des pontes de Twitter. Seule règle : ne jamais habiter chez les clients (elle vit dans un deux pièces à Fulham, quartier huppé mais discret de la capitale anglaise).

En septembre 2018, elle est en mission pour le prestigieux festival du cinéma américain de Deauville lorsque qu’elle reçoit un coup de fil pour un contrat à l’année. Pas enchantée par le format qu’elle considère contraignant, elle accepte cependant de rencontrer le mystérieux interlocuteur. L’homme la rassure en lui indiquant qu’elle pourrait garder ses autres clients l’été. Et lâche le nom de son employeur : Mick Jagger. « Ça me disait quelque chose mais je ne connaissais que les Beatles… », sourit la vingtenaire. Comme cinq autres candidats, elle doit alors préparer un menu-test. Ce sera langoustines snackées et lait de coco, turbot au curry vert et cheesecake vegan au chocolat. Sans nouvelles pendant trois jours, elle s’inquiète. Rappelle quand même son contact histoire de. « C’est bon, tu as le job ».

La jeune cheffe a carte blanche sur les recettes comme sur le budget. Seule contrainte : la cuisine ne doit pas être répétitive. En fonction des jours, le chanteur longiligne découvre ainsi dans son assiette pâtes au homard et jus de tomate, suprême de volaille rôti, girolles, fèves et carottes fondantes, gyoza maison au poulet, bouillabaisse, charlotte aux fraises… Sans oublier l’épaule d’agneau du dimanche. Au réveil, l’intéressé avale des kilos de fruits exotiques (de la papaye ou des petites mangues pakistanaises gorgées de sucre), du granola qu’il fait venir des Etats-Unis, parfois des œufs brouillés. En Sologne, où il possède une propriété, Faustine Hug se plie aux demandes plus traditionnelles : vol-au-vent, poulet sauté chasseur, canard confit… En voyage, la cheffe mitonne les plats de Mick Jagger dans l’une des cuisines mises à disposition par le palace où il descend ou travaille directement depuis les fourneaux de la suite de la star (ou l’une des suites voisines). Raison pour laquelle elle aussi dispose d’une chambre dans le luxueux établissement.

Avec des journées qui commencent à 9h30 et durent jusqu’à minuit, le rythme est soutenu. C’est que l’intéressé dîne tard, rarement avant 22h. La cuisinière n’étant prévenue en général que deux heures en avance du nombre d’invités, les frigos sont toujours pleins à craquer, au cas où. Et Mick Jagger reçoit beaucoup : sa famille bien sûr (en 2016, il est devenu papa pour la huitième fois), les fêtes de fin d’année où une centaine de VIP investissent son domicile mais aussi les membres de son groupe avec qui il partage fréquemment montagne de cookies et brownies sous cloche pour le goûter. « Il a une passion dingue pour le chocolat », glisse Faustine Hug. Et si le septuagénaire carbure grâce à une discipline de fer et doit s’alimenter comme un athlète, « il aime manger. C’est pour cela qu’il m’a choisie, car j’allie gourmandise et nutrition. J’aime prendre soin des gens, leur donner de l’énergie », précise-t-elle.

L’été, lorsqu’elle ne travaille pas pour le leader des Stones, Faustine Hug en profite alors pour se mettre au service de clients fidèles tel qu'un top de légende, ancienne protégée de Karl Lagerfeld. Le peu de temps libre qui lui reste, elle le consacre à ses chroniques pour le magazine Air France Madame ou à son projet de livre électronique sur le bien manger avec recettes et conseils. Denis Rippa, chef de cuisine de l’Hôtel de Matignon, l’a côtoyée lorsqu’elle travaillait auprès de lui au sein du restaurant parisien La Méditerranée : « Ce n’est pas quelqu’un que l’on peut contenir, elle a une certaine indépendance d’esprit. Elle est brillante, pétillante et a du charisme : le genre de personne que l’on a envie d’avoir dans son business ».

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: kowalski ()
Date: September 22, 2019 15:42

Google translation :

How does one become the private head of Mick Jagger at 28?
Unknown to the general public, the Parisienne daily treats the leader of the Rolling Stones in London, France and during his tours around the planet.

She may have been raised in the chic 6th district of Paris, Faustine Hug has taken the fold of the London rhythm. The rendezvous at 7:00 am in the dining room of a big hotel in Covent Garden? She will be there, despite her forty-five minutes journey. Pancakes and cappuccino for us, nothing for it except the bad American coffee she says to worship in secret. On Instagram, the young woman with an opaline look describes herself as "private chef for celebrities". Eight months out of twelve, she cooks indeed for a sacred monster: the leader of the Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger himself. How is one to feed an international icon every day that borders on the half billion albums sold and has a heritage of 310 million euros?

In high school, this girl actress and businessman immerses himself during an observation camp in the brigade of three Michelin stars Georges Blanc in the Ain, known for his chicken Bresse flanked by small local pancakes. After her baccalaureate, she hesitated but eventually preferred the hotel school Ferrandi to hypokhâgne. She then crosses passages in great restaurants before landing in the palace of Nicolas Sarkozy favorite: the Bristol, close to the Elysee. Three years under the command of Normand Éric Frechon, Best Worker of France taiseux but very respected in the profession. " I was interested in dietetics, it was hell: butter and cream! But I learned the mechanics of the basics of French cuisine with fighter jets , "she admits. The " fighter jets " in question at the time: Virginie Basselot, now head of the emblematic Negresco hotel in Nice, or Naoëlle D'Hainaut, winner of the show Top Chef in 2013.

" After this period, I needed to satiate my penchant for studies, " says this love of Asia. It will be the Sorbonne with a master's degree in geography of food and food crops. Subject of memory: the impact of the palace within the city and vice versa. " Initially, I wanted to work on nutrition in Japan, which is not as healthy as you might think, but I was told that I was going to get everyone back ." It is that in the middle of the gastronomy hexagonal, the Japanese cuisine is sacred since the trips of our biggest toques (Paul Bocuse, Pierre Troisgros) at the end of the 70's. The route of Faustine Hug switches the day where a friend begs her to replace him for an extra week in Saint-Tropez. The one she has to feast on? Rolf Sachs, Swiss artist and son of the former playboy Gunther Sachs (whose legend says that he would have since a helicopter flooded with roses the villa of Brigitte Bardot with whom he married). This is the revelation: she discovers a world where she is not locked in a restaurant. " You cook what you want, you go to the market ... ". She gets into the game, puts down her suitcases in London and builds her address book as an independent, works for one of Twitter's clutches. The only rule: never to live with customers (she lives in a two rooms in Fulham, upscale neighborhood but discreet of the English capital).

In September 2018, she is on a mission for the prestigious American film festival Deauville when she receives a call for a contract year. Not enchanted by the format she considers binding, she nevertheless agrees to meet the mysterious interlocutor. The man reassures her that she could keep her other clients in the summer. And loose the name of his employer: Mick Jagger . " It told me something but I only knew the Beatles ... ", smiles the twenty-one. Like five other candidates, she must prepare a test menu. It will be snacked langoustines and coconut milk, turbot with green curry and vegan chocolate cheesecake. Without news for three days, she worries. Remember anyway his contact story. " It's good, you have the job ".

The young boss has carte blanche on the recipes as on the budget. Only constraint: the kitchen should not be repetitive. Depending on the day, the long-necked singer discovers in his plate pasta with lobster and tomato juice, roasted poultry supreme, chanterelles, beans and carrots melted, homemade chicken gyoza, bouillabaisse, charlotte with strawberries ... Not to mention the shoulder of Sunday lamb. On awakening, the person swallows pounds of exotic fruits (papaya or small Pakistani mangoes filled with sugar), granola that he brings from the United States, sometimes scrambled eggs. In Sologne, where he owns a property, Faustine Hug complies with more traditional requests: vol-au-vent, chicken sauteed hunter, duck confit ... On the trip, the chef cooks the dishes of Mick Jagger in one of the kitchens set disposition by the palace where he goes down or works directly from the furnaces of the suite of the star (or one of the neighboring suites). This is why she also has a room in the luxurious establishment.

With days starting at 9:30 and lasting until midnight , the pace is steady. It is that the person dines late, rarely before 22h. The cook is usually prevented two hours in advance of the number of guests, the fridges are always packed, just in case. And Mick Jagger gets a lot: his family of course (in 2016, he became dad for the eighth time), the end of year celebrations where a hundred VIPs invest his home but also the members of his group with whom he shares frequently mountain of cookies and brownies under bell for the snack. " He has a crazy passion for chocolate, " slides Faustine Hug. And if the septuagenarian carburates through a discipline of iron and must eat as an athlete, " he likes to eat. That's why he chose me because I go for food and nutrition. I like taking care of people, giving them energy, "she says.

In the summer, when she does not work for the leader of the Stones, Faustine Hug takes the opportunity to serve loyal customers such as a legendary top, former protected Karl Lagerfeld. The little spare time that remains, she devotes to his columns for the magazine Air France Madame or his ebook project on eating well with recipes and tips. Denis Rippa, head chef of the Hôtel de Matignon, worked with him at the Parisian restaurant La Méditerranée: " It's not that we can contain, it has a certain independence of mind. She is brilliant, bubbly and charismatic: the kind of person you want to have in your business . "

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: September 22, 2019 17:41

my head hurts after "trying" to read those translations.

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: FrogSugar ()
Date: September 22, 2019 20:00

How long until she's pregs with Jagger's 9th?! grinning smiley

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: September 23, 2019 09:45

I was laughing at the first line,that’s as far as I got.

“The private head of Mick Jagger” lol - it may be private but it sure ain’t exclusive and definitely temp work.

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: September 23, 2019 10:14

The lady is a beauty, and to know more about her, and her recipes, check her website []

Here is another translation with, which is regarded better than Google

How do you become Mick Jagger's private chef at 28?

Unknown to the general public, the Parisian regales the leader of the Rolling Stones every day in London, France and on his tours around the world. By Ezechiel Zerah
Published on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2019

Although she was raised in the very chic 6th arrondissement of Paris, Faustine Hug has taken the lead in London's rhythm. The appointment we set for him at 7:00 in the dining room of a major hotel in Covent Garden? She will be there, despite her forty-five minutes of travel. Pancakes and cappuccino for us, nothing for her except bad American coffee that she says she secretly loves. On Instagram, the young woman with an opaline look describes herself as "a private chef for celebrities". Eight months out of twelve, she cooks for a sacred monster: the Rolling Stones leader, Mick Jagger himself. How do we find ourselves feeding an international icon on a daily basis who is almost half a billion albums sold and has a heritage of 310 million euros?

In high school, this actress and businessman's daughter immerses herself in an observation internship in the three-star Michelin Georges Blanc brigade in the Ain, known for her Bresse poulard flanked by small local pancakes. After her literary baccalaureate, she hesitated but ended up preferring the selective Ferrandi hotel school to hypokhâgne. She then went on to visit some great restaurants before landing in Nicolas Sarkozy's favourite palace: the Bristol, a stone's throw from the Elysée. Three years under the command of Normand Éric Frechon, Best Silent Worker in France but highly respected in the profession. "I was interested in dietetics, it was hell: butter and cream! But I learned the mechanics of the basics of French cuisine with fighter planes," she admits. The "fighter planes" in question at the time: Virginie Basselot, now head of the emblematic Negresco hotel in Nice, or Naoëlle D'Hainaut, winner of the Top Chef show in 2013.

"After that period, I needed to satisfy my love of studies," says this Asian lover. It will therefore be the Sorbonne with a master's degree in the geography of food and food cultures. Thesis topic: the impact of the palace on the city and vice versa. "At first, I wanted to work on nutrition in Japan, which is not as healthy as you might think, but I was told I was going to alienate everyone. In the world of French gastronomy, Japanese cuisine has been sacred since the return trips of our greatest chefs (Paul Bocuse, Pierre Troisgros) at the end of the 1970s. Faustine Hug's itinerary changes when a friend asks her to replace him for an extra week in Saint-Tropez. The one she's supposed to treat? Rolf Sachs, Swiss artist and son of the former playboy Gunther Sachs (whose legend says that he would have from a helicopter flooded with roses the villa of Brigitte Bardot with whom he married). It's the revelation: she discovers a world where she is not locked in a restaurant. "You cook what you want, you go to the market...". She gets into the game, puts her bags down in London and expands her address book as an independent, works for one of Twitter's bigwigs. The only rule: never live with customers (she lives in a two-room apartment in Fulham, a chic but discreet part of the English capital).

In September 2018, she was on assignment for the prestigious Deauville American Film Festival when she received a call for a year-round contract. Not enchanted by the format she considers binding, she nevertheless agrees to meet the mysterious interlocutor. The man reassured her that she could keep her other customers in the summer. And drop the name of his employer: Mick Jagger. "It rang a bell, but I only knew the Beatles..." smiled the 20-year-old. Like five other candidates, she must then prepare a test menu. It will be snacked langoustines and coconut milk, turbot with green curry and vegan cheesecake with chocolate. Without news for three days, she worries. Remind her contact anyway, just so she knows. "It's okay, you got the job."

The young chef has carte blanche over both revenue and budget. The only constraint: the cooking must not be repetitive. Depending on the day, the slender singer discovers in his plate lobster pasta and tomato juice, roasted poultry supreme, chanterelles, melting beans and carrots, homemade chicken gyoza, bouillabaisse, strawberry charlotte... Not to mention Sunday lamb shoulder. When he wakes up, the person swallows kilos of exotic fruits (papaya or small Pakistani mangoes bursting with sugar), granola that he brings from the United States, sometimes scrambled eggs. In Sologne, where he owns a property, Faustine Hug complies with more traditional demands: vol-au-vent, sauteed chicken, candied duck... When travelling, the chef prepares Mick Jagger's dishes in one of the kitchens made available by the palace where he goes down or works directly from the stoves of the star's suite (or one of the neighbouring suites). This is why she also has a room in the luxurious establishment.

With days starting at 9:30 a.m. and lasting until midnight, the pace is steady. It's that the person concerned dines late, rarely before 10:00 p. m. As the cook is usually only informed two hours in advance of the number of guests, the fridges are always full, just in case. And Mick Jagger receives a lot: his family of course (in 2016, he became a father for the eighth time), the end-of-year celebrations where a hundred VIPs come to his home but also the members of his group with whom he frequently shares mountains of cookies and brownies under the bell to taste it. "He has a crazy passion for chocolate," says Faustine Hug. And if the 70-year-old is driven by an iron discipline and must eat like an athlete, "he likes to eat. That's why he chose me, because I combine delicacies and nutrition. I like to take care of people, give them energy," she says.

In the summer, when she is not working for the Stones' leader, Faustine Hug takes the opportunity to serve loyal customers such as a legendary top, a former protégé of Karl Lagerfeld. In the little free time she has left, she devotes it to her columns for Air France Madame magazine or to her e-book project on healthy eating with recipes and tips. Denis Rippa, chef de cuisine at the Hôtel de Matignon, met her when she worked with him in the Parisian restaurant La Méditerranée: "She is not someone you can contain, she has a certain independence of mind. She is bright, sparkling and charismatic: the kind of person you want to have in your business.

Translated with

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: September 23, 2019 10:24

Does Mick have his own food taster, then?
Talk about Rock Royalty.

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: September 23, 2019 23:10

Wow, sounds like a dreamjob ! I suppose she gets to hire people to help her too ;-)

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Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 24, 2019 00:16

Does Mick have his own food taster, then?

Yeah Keef and Ronnie take a bite outta everything he orders ….


Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: GivenToFly15 ()
Date: September 24, 2019 06:52

Does Mick have his own food taster, then?

Yeah Keef and Ronnie take a bite outta everything he orders ….

And Keith screams: don’t you bust my crust!

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: StonedAsiaExile ()
Date: September 24, 2019 08:53

How long until she's pregs with Jagger's 9th?! grinning smiley

smileys with beer

Seriously, eats 'pounds of fruit' for breakfast?? I know, translation but still....he has a healthy appetite for good food and young 'thangs'.

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: September 25, 2019 16:40


Completely Garbled Translation

With a method does individual the became private head for mick jagger upon 28?
unknown the to general the public, parisienne daily the treats leader the for rolling stones on london, france and during he is a tours the around planet.

herself may take achieved raised the on chic 6th district for paris, faustine hug is the take fold the for london rhythm. The rendezvous upon 7:00 am the on dining room for that more than hotel on covent garden? herself would do be this, despite woman of forty-five minutes journey. Pancakes and cappuccino of us, nothing of it the except badly american coffee herself says to worship on secret. In the instagram, young womans taking an opaline see describes herself to "private chef of celebrities". Eight months outward for twelve, herself cooks indeed of that sacred the monster: leader the for rolling stones, mick jagger himself. With a method is individual to fed an international icon each daybreak this borders the in halfs billion albums sell and is that heritage for 310 million euros?

on high school, that girl actress and businessman immerses himself during an observe camp the on brigade for three michelin stars georges blanc the on ain, know of he is a chicken bresse flanked by small local pancakes. After woman of baccalaureate, herself hesitated prevent eventually the prefer hotel school ferrandi to hypokhâgne. Herself then crosses passages on great restaurants before landing the on palace for nicolas sarkozy the favorite: bristol, closed the to elysee. Three years the under command for normand éric frechon, best worker for france taiseux prevent very respected the on profession. " myself were interesting on dietetics, it were hell: butter and cream! prevent myself the learn mechanics the for basics for french cuisine taking fighter jets , "she admits. The " fighter jets " on question the upon anytime: virginie basselot, currently head the for emblematic negresco hotel on nice, or naoëlle d'hainaut, winner the for shown top chef on 2013.

" after that period, myself need to satiate I penchant of studies, " says that loved for asia. It would do the be sorbonne taking that master degree on geography for feed and feed crops. Subject for the memory: impact the for palace the within city and vice versa. " initially, myself want to worked in nutrition on japan, which is don't to health to you are a might intelligent, prevent myself were tell this myself were moving to have everyone backward. " it is this the on middle the for gastronomy the hexagonal, japanese cuisine is sacred the since trips for our biggest toques (paul bocuse, pierre troisgros) the upon ended the for 70. The route for faustine hug the switches daybreak where that friend begs woman of to replace himself of an extra week on saint-tropez. The individual herself is to feast in? rolf sachs, swiss artist and son the for former playboy gunther sachs (whose legend says this himself will take since that helicopter flooded taking the roses villa for brigitte bardot taking whom himself married). That the is revelation: herself discovers that world where herself is don't locked on that restaurant. " you are a cooked to what you are a in need of, you are a went with the to market. ". Herself gets the onto game, puts through woman of suitcases on london and builds woman of address book to an independent, works of individual for twitter clutches. The only criterion: always only to life taking customers (she lives on that two rooms on fulham, upscale neighborhood prevent discreet the for english capital).

on september 2018, herselfin isthat mission the of prestigious american filmed festival deauville what time herself receives that called of that contract year. Don't enchanted the by format herself considers binding, herself nevertheless agrees to the met mysterious interlocutor. The mans reassures woman of this herself can kept woman of other clients the on summer. And the loose named for he is a employer: mick jagger. " it tell my one thing prevent myself only the know beatles. ", the smiles twenty-one. Appreciation five other candidates, herself must prepare that test menu. It would do be snacked langoustines and coconut milk, turbot taking green curry and vegan chocolate cheesecake. Without news of three days, herself worries. Remembered anyway he is a contact story. " it well, you are a the take job ".
young boss is carte blanche the in recipes to the in budget. Only the constraint: kitchen should don't be repetitive. Depending the in daybreak, the long-necked singer discovers on he is a plate pasta taking lobster and tomato juice, roasted poultry supreme, chanterelles, beans and carrots melted, homemade chicken gyoza, bouillabaisse, charlotte taking strawberries. Don't to the mentioned shoulder for sunday lamb. In the awakening, person swallows pounds for exotic fruits (papaya or small pakistani mangoes fill taking sugar), granola this himself brings the originate united states, sometimes scrambled eggs. On sologne, where himself owns that property, faustine hug complies taking more traditional requests: vol-au-vent, chicken sauteed hunter, duck confit. The in trip, the chef the cooks dishes for mick jagger on individual the for kitchens set disposition the by palace where himself goes through or works directly the originate furnaces the for suite the for star (or individual the for neighboring suites). That is why are herself also is that room the on luxurious establishment.

taking days starting upon 9:30 and lasting until midnight the , pace is steady. It is the this person dines late, rarely before 22h. The cooked is usually prevented two hours on advance the for numerable for the guests, fridges am always pack, only on case. And mick jagger gets that lot: he is a family for course (in 2016, himself become dad the of eighth the anytime), ended for year celebrations where that hundred vips invest he is a home prevent the also members for he is a group taking whom himself shares frequently mountain for cookies and brownies under bell the of snack. " himself is that craze passion of chocolate, " slides faustine hug. And conditionally the to septuagenarian carburates through that discipline for iron and must eaten to an athlete, " himself likes to eaten. This why are himself choose my due to myself went with of feed and nutrition. Myself appreciation taking care for people, giving them energy, "she says.

the on summer, what time herself does don't worked the of leader the for stones, faustine hug the takes opportunity to serve loyal customers such to that legendary top, former protect karl lagerfeld. A lower spare anytime this remains, herself devotes to he is a columns the of magazine air france madame or he is a ebook project in eating good taking recipes and tips. Denis rippa, head chef the for hôtel de matignon, work taking himself the upon parisian restaurant la méditerranée: " it don't this our with able to contained, it is that certain independence for mind. Herself is brilliant, bubbly and the charismatic: kind for person you are a in need of to take on yours business. "


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2019-09-25 16:57 by schillid.

Re: Comment devient-on la cheffe privée de Mick Jagger (Vanity Fair France)
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: September 26, 2019 00:05

Does Mick have his own food taster, then?
Talk about Rock Royalty.
I think he probably samples her tastes himself.

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