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Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: March 30, 2019 03:36

Hopkins, there's this thing called DEATH.

They will stop.

Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: March 30, 2019 07:13

If the money collected is given back to charity, what is the big problem?

Charity ..… what a cute name for a girl ….


Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 30, 2019 07:30


Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: March 30, 2019 09:35

I go to a couple of charity events each year and give money for good causes.its a fun night and you overspend but feel good about it nonetheless.
35000 is out of my range but I’ve seen way more than that dropped at the wave of a hand,believe it or not most successful people aren’t greedy pricks but actually individuals who are thankful for what they have and want to give something back.
anyone with that kind of scratch is not some chump and they’re not gonna be treated that way either.
In those type of situations you are provided with a host,(usually an attractive young woman) who shows you around and introduces everyone.
Believe me,The money will go to whatever cause it’s designated,the band are just giving back a little,it’s not a bad thing.

Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: billwebster ()
Date: March 30, 2019 09:50

I've never understood what's the point of a meet and greet anyway.

Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: March 30, 2019 10:00

If the money collected is given back to charity, what is the big problem?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-30 10:03 by Erik_Snow.

Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: ThePaleRider ()
Date: March 30, 2019 11:42

If the money collected is given back to charity, what is the big problem?

It should be 100%. I'm sure Mick & Keith find it hilarious that someone would pay that kind of money just to meet them and I'm sure they're having a good laugh over it. But the right thing to do would be to donate all of it to a children's charity or something. All bands should do it...sorry, I'm in my 'left-wing nonsense' mood....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-30 11:49 by ThePaleRider.

Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: Deltics ()
Date: March 30, 2019 12:07

"As we say in England, it can get a bit trainspottery"

Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 30, 2019 12:39

Hopkins, there's this thing called DEATH.

They will stop.

That's what John Wilkes Booth thought but he never got to Disneyland
to see the Lincoln robot at the Worlds Fair in NYC 1964.
I'm a believer holy frickazee and then old honest Abe went to Cali
(Beach Boys were VERRY Big at the time) and hung at Disneyland
for decades. That was more years ago than hops can count.
i tried. hey i got clculto on thiz thing; AND a spill chek, but
one of these drop-down tables has a link to a link to another
line you have to give your email to and create a password for,
and the password has to be a certain way, man; or the bitch keeps
popping out not up and it's like you millenials are a pita.
what? you and zuckerbergs apologized for creating the matrix to congress,
ok; forgiven; what? you don't know how to shut it off they have their own language; great super...hey, where's that hotel you're staying at? mebbe your fone wants to tell everyone with a live movie you monkey hows the new baby cheerios and ffrickazees, hops has a line; but it's on a drop table and i cacn't find it...
okay, thirty five grand for what exactly. hi mick. you get to saythe whole word? well that's worth it then. if it was just 'mic' it would be a friggin ripoff; that's my final word till the next post.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-30 12:41 by hopkins.

Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 30, 2019 12:49

okay i wasn't supposed to tell anybody but chuck is a robot already.
proto-type., they know it plinks, they're not stupid, people.
they're working on the visual technology and effects first,
plus AI isn't jsut a movie, people; there's new versions all the time.
the 'real one' has to beg to be let in for an's kinda sad.
so a plink now and again, (but only when he plays) naw kidding,
chuck is great use to sorta be in another group someone was tellling me.
plink away; your'e gonna be replaced by a skinner younger hologram anyway,
okay, deck's cleared back to business:

mick's ahead of the curve, he has dinner with very heavy peeps.
he's a Knight or something, that's like royal man; you can't just jump around like a monkey wshen youre a knight can you? no. so he's making a big sacrifice and you shut the hell up and pay it;
they test the laser holograms on tim; sometimes he's there, sometimes he's not.
mick knows for sure cause timmy ain't getting the full weeks pay if he misses a night...but that's beside the pernt. timmy you can you hear me. timmy can you hear me can you hear me...see me you can't feel me if you touch me and it's nothing it won't matter you wouldn't even be here, if you're credit card didn't go through weeks ago brown sugar yea yeah yeah whooo get out we're working

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-30 13:00 by hopkins.

Re: Meet & Greets now $35,000 usd
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 30, 2019 19:50

the above jokes before i heard about Mick's medical statement today.
Like many fans I was buzzing with excitement as things got close,
and I'm sure the Stones and company/families were too.
And I've been just having a ball with having them back here; including
Los Angeles... I'm just hoping Mick can have some peace while he's dealing with this;
and that's it, except for wishing him tons of love and healing.

Re: Eddie Trunk on $35,000 Rolling Stones VIP Package
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: March 31, 2019 00:16

we might as well get it out in the open.
mick's never gonna stop touring.
none of them are.
the deal is to have all this go on and none of em have to leave
the wh....wherever they are...
...ya know? that's the new hop catch phrase btw. "ya know?"
i dig it.
it might not last the whole day; dawn not quite yet breaking.
i think.
i don't want to turn my head and look out the window.
it's disrespectful to the robots. they are not programmed to dig disrespect, ya know?
If you want to know if it's daylight yet, go online like everybody else;
you're not special just cause you're a future completist, ya know.
that last one didn't have a question mark cause it's declarative, ya know?

yeh pretty soon the robots and all that virtual crap; that light ghost crap
they did that scared the hell out of me with Roy Orbison, ya know?
Still having nightmares and i don't sleep.
dig that! ya know?

lets face it, they don't really need to be there anymore.
the crew is hyper-professional; two crews taking two stages
endlessly across the continent; till it's time to put
the robots in their shipping crates and do another euro tour yay...
i can't believe they are still touring!!!
believe it sister, you're future great-grand-kids will be going
to the exact same show after they freeze your cells for the DNA file.
the merch thing is automatic. stuff is no longer optional.
you buy it or your removed.
some of the more loaded fans, with money ya know? they send robots
to stand in line at the robot merch thingie...
pretty soon, no one at all will have to actually go either.
periscopes, ya know? you have alexa or siri in a three way
and dance to honky tonk robot or brown out , ya know?

This post is worth reading twice...thumbs up

"If you want to know if it's daylight yet, go online like everybody else:" should add that to an updated version of Subterranean Homesick Blues...

Don't need the internet to know if not the sun has set

Re: Eddie Trunk on $35,000 Rolling Stones VIP Package
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 31, 2019 04:13

yep indeed if you're window doesn't have barricades specially designed in layers to shut out more than light baby.

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