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Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: 2014Slayer ()
Date: December 1, 2018 03:22

The verified resale tickets were shameless.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: MononoM ()
Date: December 1, 2018 03:24

i got my tix.. i just see it happening...

Life's just a cocktail party on the street

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: chevysales ()
Date: December 1, 2018 03:24

METLIFE 2nd show has Pits at $555 plus fees rite now!

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: December 1, 2018 03:41

Resale tickets thru ticket master now on the screen!

whats that?


People who bought can now resale them on Ticket Master.

Looks like the tickets shuffle has slowed down a but. Still no luck here.

So basically TM has a scalper function built in now or what?

Yep and on the phone they don't disclose it. I dealt with that today. Scum utter scum.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: cyclist ()
Date: December 1, 2018 03:44

METLIFE 2nd show has Pits at $555 plus fees rite now!

Sorry, I've only been seeing $655. Typo or flex pricing?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: December 1, 2018 03:48

METLIFE 2nd show has Pits at $555 plus fees rite now!

$655 now

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: December 1, 2018 03:56

Mr Jimmy
Mr Jimmy
Now waiting and watching Santa Clara Pit prices....currently at $781 and dropping...

Me too!

It's getting to the point where I will most likely pull the trigger once they have dropped another $50 or so. Mainly because I have spent literally hours across Wednesday and today trying to get tix for two shows and I can't walk away from my computer after all that with absolutely nothing.

Down to $705...I'd hang tight before pulling the trigger. A gamble yes, but the downward spiral seems to be gaining momentum....

Now down to $634...I hope you're still holding out!

I'm so tempted

I can't imagine that's going to be the lowest price, but if you've invested so much time in looking at tickets, it's going to be tempting. TM is psychologically damaging. Aneurysm inducing.

Keith's side just went from $635 up to $702

Yes Bluzdude it was very tempting at $635...a good possibility it will be my last Stones show ever (definitely my last show of this tour).
If it drops down around $550 might just have to go for it...maybe.

I went for it and got Pit A / 1 - Ronnie's side, which I actually prefer to Keith's side. More happening on stage. It was $634.50. It may well go down in price in the future but right now the price has risen again, certainly on Keith's side, so I'm glad I pulled the trigger when I did... Today has been exhausting and frustrating. Ticketmaster you are a motherf****r !

It's great to have that feeling of having secured a ticket to a show. Now I can really start to look forward to it...

Andy, will yer buddy MOWAT be coming as well?


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: December 1, 2018 04:20

ticket prices keep changing on Ticketmaster for the same seat. what a scam.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: December 1, 2018 04:24

Was just scanning thru Chicago 1 and 2 to see if I could come up with any face pits, so I set my range from $451 to $495+ and ALL I turned up was Verified Resale tickets and Official Platinum tickets. I didn't see even ONE regular ticket. I suppose it is a part of some party or parties' marketing strategies. It's all so incestuous and insidious.


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: chevysales ()
Date: December 1, 2018 05:32

posters above sorry forgot to copy and past

nope I can only assume flexing as i see the $655's now too.

prior they were $804 for me earlier.and at 10am were like 1100.

$555 was lowest I've seen on 3 shows i'm hitting both met life's and foxboro

they will be back im sure. i don't believe that show sold (2nd Metlife) as well as they expected as it dropped in 8 hours. Too quick.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2018-12-01 05:37 by chevysales.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: December 1, 2018 05:47

Was just scanning thru Chicago 1 and 2 to see if I could come up with any face pits, so I set my range from $451 to $495+ and ALL I turned up was Verified Resale tickets and Official Platinum tickets. I didn't see even ONE regular ticket. I suppose it is a part of some party or parties' marketing strategies. It's all so incestuous and insidious.


I just saw this out of the corner of my eye before I read the post face pits Still laughing.

It is true, lots and lots of resale ticket. The good seats will sell but people expecting a 50% return on crap seats will be slaughtered pigs.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: winos ()
Date: December 1, 2018 07:14

After getting up at 4am Melbourne time for the pre-sale the other day I couldn't justify paying those high prices to be sitting a long way away in my Mile High stadium in Denver so I tried again this morning for the 2nd show Chicago and got lucky with verified resale tickets for $207 mid tier on the side. I have no idea why there were so many of the "seats" available but decided what the hell.....I did take insurance in case Mick's voice packs it in like 2014 when they had to cancel the Hanging Rock gig.

Looking forward to seeing Tim & Bernard tomorrow in Melbourne too

pool's in but the patio ain't dry

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: babyblue ()
Date: December 1, 2018 08:02

After getting up at 4am Melbourne time for the pre-sale the other day I couldn't justify paying those high prices to be sitting a long way away in my Mile High stadium in Denver so I tried again this morning for the 2nd show Chicago and got lucky with verified resale tickets for $207 mid tier on the side. I have no idea why there were so many of the "seats" available but decided what the hell.....I did take insurance in case Mick's voice packs it in like 2014 when they had to cancel the Hanging Rock gig.

Looking forward to seeing Tim & Bernard tomorrow in Melbourne too

I'm off to Denver,/Seattle. Not low seats but dont care as least I'm in. Can't afford the big prices due to my budget but am happy gonna catch them twice. Maybe on show day Denver will offer cheaper seats at stadium box office. Found today seats were going very fast. So do they hold seats for later to be released?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-12-01 08:05 by babyblue.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: December 1, 2018 09:52

Was just scanning thru Chicago 1 and 2 to see if I could come up with any face pits, so I set my range from $451 to $495+ and ALL I turned up was Verified Resale tickets and Official Platinum tickets. I didn't see even ONE regular ticket. I suppose it is a part of some party or parties' marketing strategies. It's all so incestuous and insidious.


Uncheck the resale and platinum boxes as you search. Only search for standard price tickets.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-12-01 09:55 by Topi.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: December 1, 2018 09:56

After getting up at 4am Melbourne time for the pre-sale the other day I couldn't justify paying those high prices to be sitting a long way away in my Mile High stadium in Denver so I tried again this morning for the 2nd show Chicago and got lucky with verified resale tickets for $207 mid tier on the side. I have no idea why there were so many of the "seats" available but decided what the hell.....I did take insurance in case Mick's voice packs it in like 2014 when they had to cancel the Hanging Rock gig.

Looking forward to seeing Tim & Bernard tomorrow in Melbourne too

I'm off to Denver,/Seattle. Not low seats but dont care as least I'm in. Can't afford the big prices due to my budget but am happy gonna catch them twice. Maybe on show day Denver will offer cheaper seats at stadium box office. Found today seats were going very fast. So do they hold seats for later to be released?

Yeah, in a few months new seats will be released.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: December 1, 2018 15:10

The verified resale tickets were shameless.

because it's BS. These are blocks of tickets transferred directly to third-party sellers for resale, not people selling an extra ticket.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: December 1, 2018 15:43

The verified resale tickets were shameless.

because it's BS. These are blocks of tickets transferred directly to third-party sellers for resale, not people selling an extra ticket.

there were resale tickets up 15 minutes after the first presale started. this just seems so wrong. ticketmaster reselling their own product. not shocked this isn't going to work out well for customer. unless they have an agreement, the artists are getting burned on this, too. i'm lucky in that i set my sights lower as far as what kind of seat i wanted. i've spent in the low thousands spent on stones tickets over the years. that's ok but i'm fine with a lower priced ticket for various reasons. still shocked that i got the exact seats i wanted & got out of it for a little over $200. i'm in a perfect situation for me right down to being on the keith side of the stage.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: December 1, 2018 15:58

The verified resale tickets were shameless.

because it's BS. These are blocks of tickets transferred directly to third-party sellers for resale, not people selling an extra ticket.

there were resale tickets up 15 minutes after the first presale started. this just seems so wrong. ticketmaster reselling their own product. not shocked this isn't going to work out well for customer. unless they have an agreement, the artists are getting burned on this, too. i'm lucky in that i set my sights lower as far as what kind of seat i wanted. i've spent in the low thousands spent on stones tickets over the years. that's ok but i'm fine with a lower priced ticket for various reasons. still shocked that i got the exact seats i wanted & got out of it for a little over $200. i'm in a perfect situation for me right down to being on the keith side of the stage.

Good for you CR! I ended up with LD in Miami so I have no idea where I will be sitting. Like I said in some other thread, if the seats are really bad. I may negotiate with a desperate scalper near start of show. But as it stands I only have $81 (2 tix) invested and it would be sweet if the seats are half way decent. It would be a blessing to have lower level side seats but who knows with LD?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: bam ()
Date: December 1, 2018 16:05

Looking at Chicago, many Stubhub prices seem to be cheaper than Ticketmaster.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: The Worst. ()
Date: December 1, 2018 16:24

I've been buying tickets online for Stones shows since LICKS tour (02/03). Sure, prices have gotten gradually more expensive for each tour, but it was always more or less the same procedure of buying them. This current ticket sale situation from Ticketmaster is something else. There seems to be very few regular "face value" tickets around. We don't even know what the price is for a certain category. Ticketmaster is actually scalping and reselling their own tickets somehow. "Official platnium" and "Verify resale tickets" are the only categories with PIT and good seats for most venues, and the prices keep changing from $800 one minute, $2000 the next. A ticket at row 35 could be three times more expensive than row 5. Makes no sense what so ever. The site of Ticketmaster looks just like viagogo or stubhub or getmein. Did Rolling Stones really approve of this? Is this why the tour was announced so early in advance, so that they can gradually drop prices down for the next four or five months? One thing is certain: they will not sell out any of the venues with the current price levels being presented to customers. I guess most people thinking about buying tickets laugh/cry when they see these prices, and get the hell out of I mean, who in this world will pay $400 for a nosebleed seat in tier 3 BEHIND the stage?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Shawn20 ()
Date: December 1, 2018 16:30

It is odd that both Stubhub and Seatgeek have lower prices than Ticketmaster - how can that happen???

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: bam ()
Date: December 1, 2018 16:37

It is odd that both Stubhub and Seatgeek have lower prices than Ticketmaster - how can that happen???

Realistic pricing from season ticket holders, brokers who bought blocks, and folks whose buddies bought tickets for each other and want to dump some.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: December 1, 2018 16:37

Tickets Now owned by Ticket Master has a GA PIT Section 2 Ticket for sale at $23,000 at Miami. Yes Twenty Three Thousand Dollars.

What is wrong with these people?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daniel t ()
Date: December 1, 2018 16:54

Just received an e-mail from Ticketmaster telling me that there were tickets left for Foxboro. Went to check on the back field GA and they are selling it for $222.00 and it says ''certified resale ticket''

Paid $134 for the same ticket during pre-sale AND general public sale (got 3)

Can you explain?
How can it be so damn dishonest?

I went to check on Vividseats and they were à $179


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-12-01 16:56 by daniel t.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: December 1, 2018 18:04

The verified resale tickets were shameless.

All part of the big scam and another thing that they do now to add more confusion is sometimes the regular face value price is more than the verified resale.

How is that possible? Because it’s also part of the scam. Yesterday prices were changing in the same section every ten to fifteen minutes.

60,000 Seats on average at these venues there will be a huge price drop as the tour nears and many venues will release Lucky Dips again it’s all been done before. Last time Stones played Gillette stadium 3 days before the show TM lowered some of $150.00 face value mediocre seats to 22 bucks one of my Best Buy’s ever.

Be patient and wait these thieving scumbags out. There’s plenty of tickets out there, Especially where there multiple shows at same venue.

Even if you are going to travel book your flight and room worry about the ticket later. Look at this way ,if you have to get f#%ked and pay an outrageous price for any show you can do that the week of the show. Why get F#*ked 6 months before when there is a great chance you will be able to find a muncher cheaper seat if you do a little home work.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: spikenyc ()
Date: December 1, 2018 18:12

The verified resale tickets were shameless.

All part of the big scam and another thing that they do now to add more confusion is sometimes the regular face value price is more than the verified resale.

How is that possible? Because it’s also part of the scam. Yesterday prices were changing in the same section every ten to fifteen minutes.

60,000 Seats on average at these venues there will be a huge price drop as the tour nears and many venues will release Lucky Dips again it’s all been done before. Last time Stones played Gillette stadium 3 days before the show TM lowered some of $150.00 face value mediocre seats to 22 bucks one of my Best Buy’s ever.

Be patient and wait these thieving scumbags out. There’s plenty of tickets out there, Especially where there multiple shows at same venue.

Even if you are going to travel book your flight and room worry about the ticket later. Look at this way ,if you have to get f#%ked and pay an outrageous price for any show you can do that the week of the show. Why get F#*ked 6 months before when there is a great chance you will be able to find a muncher cheaper seat if you do a little home work.

Exactly. Wait it out and pay less on the secondary market as the shows get closer.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: December 1, 2018 18:15

daniel t
Just received an e-mail from Ticketmaster telling me that there were tickets left for Foxboro. Went to check on the back field GA and they are selling it for $222.00 and it says ''certified resale ticket''

Paid $134 for the same ticket during pre-sale AND general public sale (got 3)

Can you explain?
How can it be so damn dishonest?

I went to check on Vividseats and they were à $179


I got an email saying that the tix I wanted may now be available. Of course, it just sent me to the chart with all the "resales"

It's all part of a well thought out marketing strategy, heavily influenced by psychological analysis of how to motivate people to act in a certain way. I guess it works. It is how the promoters can pay the Stones and still make money. Rats in a cage (us).

The advice to wait is correct. Once they make their nut on packages and resales (because most people wont be patient), cheap seats will be available for all these shows.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: December 1, 2018 18:19

The verified resale tickets were shameless.

All part of the big scam and another thing that they do now to add more confusion is sometimes the regular face value price is more than the verified resale.

How is that possible? Because it’s also part of the scam. Yesterday prices were changing in the same section every ten to fifteen minutes.

60,000 Seats on average at these venues there will be a huge price drop as the tour nears and many venues will release Lucky Dips again it’s all been done before. Last time Stones played Gillette stadium 3 days before the show TM lowered some of $150.00 face value mediocre seats to 22 bucks one of my Best Buy’s ever.

Be patient and wait these thieving scumbags out. There’s plenty of tickets out there, Especially where there multiple shows at same venue.

Even if you are going to travel book your flight and room worry about the ticket later. Look at this way ,if you have to get f#%ked and pay an outrageous price for any show you can do that the week of the show. Why get F#*ked 6 months before when there is a great chance you will be able to find a muncher cheaper seat if you do a little home work.

Exactly. Wait it out and pay less on the secondary market as the shows get closer.

Ticketmaster will also lower the price on the unsold high price tix. Plus TM is a in cohoots with all the secondary markets .

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: December 1, 2018 18:47

It is odd that both Stubhub and Seatgeek have lower prices than Ticketmaster - how can that happen???

Not to mention that the price you see on Stubhub is the price you pay. So the $755 pit tickets on Keith's side at Met Life showing as I write this won't end up costing a hundred bucks extra for "convenience" or whatever fees.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: December 1, 2018 18:49

daniel t
Just received an e-mail from Ticketmaster telling me that there were tickets left for Foxboro. Went to check on the back field GA and they are selling it for $222.00 and it says ''certified resale ticket''

Paid $134 for the same ticket during pre-sale AND general public sale (got 3)

Can you explain?
How can it be so damn dishonest?

I went to check on Vividseats and they were à $179


Don't forget TM also adds fees to their scalping. The section C / 3 row 1 seats at lots of venues also have an additional 700 to 1,000 in fees.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-12-01 20:02 by daspyknows.

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