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ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: October 3, 2005 00:41

After 4 weeks on chart, it seems that this week will be the last one for ABB in the UK Top 75 chart. The album plummets 2-13-32-61 and it could be the worst chart run EVER for a UK #2 album with only 4 weeks on chart, it never happened before.
The joke here is Live Licks: the album re-entered at #72 this week, 11 spots lower than ABB and with few copies difference between both albums.


Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 3, 2005 00:49

Hardly a comparison when it comes to the overall sales

You can bet that when the Stones are in Europe next summer, ABB will be in the top 20 again

Plus, since about 2 months after its release its been easy to find Live Licks in the bargain bins.

Its currently on sale for about £5 in pretty much every major shop, which is about a third of the price of ABB. No wonder its sold a few extra copies

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-10-03 00:51 by Gazza.

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: October 3, 2005 00:56

During the UK tours, Steel Wheels went back to #20 in July 1990, Voodoo Lounge climbed at #13 in July 1995 and 40 Licks at #23 in August 2003. The only album that failed to return at the Top 75 chart was B2B during the 1999 tour, but at the same chart 2 albums were charted: Hot Rocks (#67) & Jump Back (#57).

I don't know why Live Licks is there and not 40 Licks.

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 3, 2005 01:02

I cant imagine theres too many Stones fans left who havent got 40 Licks! I wouldnt expect it to be charting three years after its release

Thing with BTB however is that (unlike the other tours) the UK had to wait two years to see the band on that tour (as they postponed the 1998 shows in June 1998) - therefore giving those who hadnt bought the album upon release more time to have acquired it. With those sales being spread out over 2 years instead of one, I guess theres less chance of it re-charting

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-10-03 01:02 by Gazza.

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: marquess ()
Date: October 3, 2005 01:23

Being a british band, it seems that UK does not care much for the Stones.

After reading the October issue of Q and that interview with our boys, I tnhink that actually UK does not deserve the Stones!

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: October 3, 2005 01:54

it may come as a surprise Marquess. but people don't buy records because of where a band is from. they buy it because they like the band in question

if the Stones can't sell records in the UK its tough shit

they've hardly promoted the album over here for starters. maybe the UK music buyers realise they can download it for free and save themselves 12.99 in the process ?

either way. the Stones neglect the UK a lot, and have now had a taste of their own medicine

i wont be losing any sleep over it myself mind

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Jack Knife ()
Date: October 3, 2005 02:38

How's it doing in the U.S.?
GeorgeLicks, do you still think it will go platinum here? Has it gone gold yet?

You are the most knowledgeable person I've ever known about these things! I thought I knew a lot about the Rolling Stones and the charts, but you've got me beat all over (Pretty Beat Up?)!!

I'm still SO perplexed by the sales of the album here and in the U.K. I just don't get it. Bruce Springsteen's last album, with an arena acoustic tour, sold better...I would think the audiences would be the same.

Has the video been played on VH1 in the States at all? Are they going to promote another single? Or are they just going to cut their losses?

I STILL think somehow it could have sold more here...and still could!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-10-03 08:05 by Jack Knife.

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: October 3, 2005 02:59

>>How's it doing in the U.S.?

228,000 copies after three weeks, B2B sold 320,000 during the first three weeks.

>>I'm still SO perplexed by the sales of the album here and in the U.K. I just don't get it. Bruce Springsteen's last album, with an arena acoustic tour, sold better...I would think the audiences would be the same.

Sadly, the Stones are not popular among the young crowd in UK & US. I went to a UK chart forum the other day with more than 2,000 members and SOL was voted #1 in their "hate" chart and ABB got ZERO votes on their favorite albums chart.
ABB debuted #2 thanks to the fanbase, but as you see the 80% of the sales were during the first week.
Bruce is WAY more respected in both UK and US among the young crowd, the last two albums were #1 in both UK and US and he's respected on radio too, he reached a very good #72 on the US Hot 100 singles with a non comercial song as Devils and Dust and he had a huge hit three years ago with The Rising.

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: flairville ()
Date: October 3, 2005 03:03

I think we're forgetting a few things here! Firstly I'm very drunk but I still know what I'm on about!! THe promo for the album was pathetic, only the newspapers reviewed it, there were no posters in papers or on billboards. There was no promo video for SOL or RJ. THe chart toady takes into consideration the amount of times songs are played on music channels, no video = no exposure!
@#$%& MAcca was everywhere he had specials on Radio 2 and VH1 etc. Especially in England the BEatles come first and the Stones are 2nd class rockers. We have to accept it but there are NO fans like our fans! THe odd loser might rip us off but I have had amazing success trading with people all over the world. We don't do it for money, we do it 4 the love of the music!! Sleep well all my friends, sorry 4 being so wasted!!

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: October 3, 2005 20:58

The sales in UK and USA are depending on promotion and marketing mutch more than in any other country, because both are "capitals" of the music industry. What do you expect, if there isn't yet any video from ABB? During the first weeks of B2B album i was seeing all the time on the TV video's of "Anybody Seen My Baby" and "Out Of Control". Now??
What the hell is Virgin preparing? Nothing? A promotion in pre- Christmas period? I don't know. The only thing i know is that two weeks #1 worldwide wihout real promotion was a little miracle, if not a big miracle!

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: turd ()
Date: October 3, 2005 23:25

Amazingly, there are still people in Britain who think Brian Jones is still in The Rolling Stones and think the 'lead guitarist' is Cliff Richards......(poor Cliff)

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Rik ()
Date: October 4, 2005 00:15

the singles collection entered the dutch charts again in 1998, almost 10(?) years after the first (vinyl)release

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 4, 2005 00:15

marquess Wrote:
> Being a british band, it seems that UK does not
> care much for the Stones.

if thats the case, then the feeling is mutual. Besides, you're talking balls, anyway. The album sold better in the UK than it did in the US, where they happen to be touring at the minute
> After reading the October issue of Q and that
> interview with our boys, I tnhink that actually UK
> does not deserve the Stones!

so you judge 60 million people on the basis of one out of touch magazine that caters to an audience 15-20 years younger than the average Stones fan? Thats retarded.

If you must judge a country on a music magazine (!) then try buying the two most recent issues of UNCUT

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 4, 2005 00:22

Jack Knife Wrote:

> I'm still SO perplexed by the sales of the album
> here and in the U.K. I just don't get it. Bruce
> Springsteen's last album, with an arena acoustic
> tour, sold better...I would think the audiences
> would be the same.

Springsteen played two theatre shows in the UK, both in London, plus one in Dublin. Total audience = 13,000. The whole of his European tour was performed in theatres as were most of the US shows.

I dont think the audiences are the same, even though both are two of my favourite acts. The Stones are primarily seen as a nostalgia act aimed at an older, rich audience. Bruce isnt.

Theyre also on two different record labels, so the A&R on both albums will be different.

For what its worth,I think the Stones album will outsell Bruce's here eventually because Bruce's sales for Devils & Dust have long since peaked in Europe, whereas the Stones wont be here to play for another 9 months.

As for the US, its quite clear from the surprisingly mediocre sales compared to the huge revenue generated by the tour that their US audience pretty much exclusively sees the band as a nostalgia act and they arent interested in new material. The type of show the Stones put on plus the way that its aimed towards an older and rich audience almost guarantees that. Younger fans cant afford to see them

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 4, 2005 00:23

turd Wrote:
> Amazingly, there are still people in Britain who
> think Brian Jones is still in The Rolling Stones
> and think the 'lead guitarist' is Cliff
> Richards......(poor Cliff)

you must be kidding me

The only people who would generally believe that would be locked up in mental institutions

besides, Cliff Richard is more famous than Keith anyway....

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 4, 2005 00:25

stickydion Wrote:
> The sales in UK and USA are depending on promotion
> and marketing mutch more than in any other
> country, because both are "capitals" of the music
> industry. What do you expect, if there isn't yet
> any video from ABB? During the first weeks of B2B
> album i was seeing all the time on the TV video's
> of "Anybody Seen My Baby" and "Out Of Control".
> Now??
> What the hell is Virgin preparing? Nothing? A
> promotion in pre- Christmas period? I don't know.
> The only thing i know is that two weeks #1
> worldwide wihout real promotion was a little
> miracle, if not a big miracle!


Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: October 4, 2005 00:26

Gazza Wrote:
>> The only people who would generally believe that
> would be locked up in mental institutions

I don't think you have any cause to slam the robust mentally insane Stones fan population....

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 4, 2005 00:31

..especially as I'm their chairman!

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: turd ()
Date: October 4, 2005 02:20

My mum always thought Cliff was in the Stones and for some reason used to say, "....and that Ringo Jagger..!" Maybe she had something, dementure possibly...

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: October 4, 2005 02:32

"Bruce is WAY more respected in both UK and US among the young crowd, the last two albums were #1 in both UK and US and he's respected on radio too, he reached a very good #72 on the US Hot 100 singles with a non comercial song as Devils and Dust and he had a huge hit three years ago with The Rising"

i can't think of a single 'young' person that i know who even knows who Springsteen is nevermind being a fan of him. he has his market just like an other old act. and its not the kids

the UK has one main radio station. and kids are not going to hear the Stones or Springsteen or any other old act on there. there are other stations for older listeners but thats it. we don't have a radio culture like the states

the UK has more of a gig going culture amongst the kids than a lot of places. and we tend to listen to our own records rather than the radio

Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: kish_stoned ()
Date: October 4, 2005 02:37


Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: October 4, 2005 02:54

Careful man ya just blew out a few hearing aids!!!!


Re: ABB plummets in UK, Live Licks almost outsold it
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 4, 2005 03:06

kish_stoned Wrote:


Plus the whole music industry has changed dramatically in that time, like never before

As a result, I would imagine sales have dropped in general. Not just for the Stones.

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