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Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 18, 2018 23:37

Well maybe they should try hire Giles Martin for that kind of releases next time . He`s a clever guy who did a very nice remaster-job for another english band ..

Guy Massey and Steven Rooke remastered the entire catalog for the 2009 reissues. They did an excellent job.

Miles Showell did the mastering for the 2018 remix release of THE BEATLES.

Giles Martin did the mixing.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 18, 2018 23:48

Clearmountain did the I Go Wild live single. Product A (single) to Product B (uncut) is night and day. There are no problems with multi's. For a "Top Shelf" band that has made a history of tweeking and overdubbing live songs in a studio, to let this go by is ridiculous. I can say this because I am more a purchaser of the BRAND and NOT a fan of the band. I see right through that crap of "they will buy anything". This is absolutely piss poor product. Period. You got to get a knowledgeable fan in there with them otherwise these releases going forward are going to go downhill in quality. Plenty of people on this board alone could handle it better than whats going on now.

One more reason why I won't bother purchasing this release (as well as any of the recent releases like SWEET SUMMER SUN and FONDA THEATRE and HAVANA MOON since I learned that I got burned with SHINE A LIGHT by how bad they played and I don't need 3 more versions of the same damn songs that all sound the same) is because the sound quality sucks.

I saw that tour twice, watched the Miami show, there was nothing special about it except for Keith's screwup in SFTD. They sounded tired. The live B-side of I Go Wild is better than the whole show. Maybe the Giants Stadium tracks will be sold individually online so I can get Shattered. At least that way I avoid buying the whole deal like the doofus reissue of SOME GIRLS.

How is it that they can piss their fans off so easily with bunk releases like these recent live albums but put out some (mostly) great releases like the Vault stuff? Seems like the quality control - HAMPTON is excellent. But based on what I've read about VOODOO, no effing way.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: November 19, 2018 00:03

Hi all. I haven’t posted in a while (those damn cancer treatments). But I got the Blu-ray and cds yesterday and threw on the video right away. I don’t get this mix - esp in DTS surround. Charlie’s cymbals are barely audible. ESP the ride and crash cymbals. The guitars are waaay to low in the mix, and lacking “crunch”. The whole thing is Mick, Chuck and the snare drum way out front, everything else mashed into an indestinct mash-up of background noise.

Reminds me of the Tokyo Dome vault show. Another great one absolutely ruined by a dreadful mix.

Remix voodoo uncut so it sound crisp and clean like Brussels. And for gods sake, find a clip of Love is Strong - even just the music video as an extra. It was the lead / comeback single from the whole voodoo project!
Hope you're feeling better!

To my ears, Chuck is just as buried as the guitars and the horns. As someone who's been critical of Chuck's overly-busy style the past couple of decades, you'd think not being able to hear him as clearly would be a good thing, but it's really not. The whole band is calibrated to his playing style, so just burying it makes for a very jarring listening experience.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: DrPete ()
Date: November 19, 2018 01:19

I've got 6 speakers around my room and while the vocals are a little loud, to me the overall sound is much better than the bootleg or the original video. I'm thrilled that its been properly released and , being the greedy bastard I am, can't wait for the next release

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: floodonthepage ()
Date: November 19, 2018 02:30

Well, I finally got the "Voodoo Lounge Uncut" release, and can officially report that it is not truly "uncut", so the name of this release is somewhat ironic. I remember watching the pay-per-view live in 1994, and during "Honky Tonk Women", a certain fan decided to show the world what God gave her, and of course it was a tight shot, and I was amazed that it aired.....but of course, that's live TV for you. What can you do. Well, it's cut out of this official release, which again, officially makes this NOT "Voodoo Lounge Uncut". Sure all the songs are there now, but this show is NOT "uncut". Just sayin'.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-11-19 06:44 by floodonthepage.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: November 19, 2018 03:12

Well, I finally got the "Voodoo Lounge Uncut" release, and can officially report that it is not truly "uncut", so the name is of this release is somewhat ironic. I remember watching the pay-per-view live in 1994, and during "Honky Tonk Women", a certain fan decided to show the world what God gave her, and of course it was a tight shot, and I was amazed that it aired.....but of course, that's live TV for you. What can you do. Well, it's cut out of this official release, which again, officially makes this NOT "Voodoo Lounge Uncut". Sure all the songs are there now, but this show is NOT "uncut". Just sayin'.

I was really looking forward to that moment in Honky Tonk Woman too! She and her "assets" were on the VHS and DVD releases as well.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: November 19, 2018 03:38

So Flood and keefriff are tit men ………


Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: November 19, 2018 04:01

So Flood and keefriff are tit men ………
No, I'm actually an ass man, but I won't pass up a good pair of tits...

Does anyone else get uncomfortable hearing Lisa sing "I'm a monkey"? I know there's nothing racial about the's just a little odd. Still a killer performance though.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: November 19, 2018 04:04

I'm a tool-box man ……


Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: gastonl74 ()
Date: November 19, 2018 05:04

I was about to buy it but I reconsidered! I have a bootleg called "Actin 'Strong" and it sounds very much like Uncut_ !!
In addition they fixed the second solo of Keith in Sympathy where he originally tune, here they have fixed it in a horrible way!

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: floodonthepage ()
Date: November 19, 2018 16:27

I've never heard the "Actin Strong" boot, but this official Miami release definitely sounds better than the boot I had, the KTS "Miami Dice" release. Now my question to myself is, do I keep "Miami Dice" to have the historically accurate SFTD screw-up? winking smiley. I already know I have to keep my VHS copy from the pay-per-view for the pre-show backstage interviews with the band/guests.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: November 19, 2018 17:39

I've never heard the "Actin Strong" boot, but this official Miami release definitely sounds better than the boot I had, the KTS "Miami Dice" release. Now my question to myself is, do I keep "Miami Dice" to have the historically accurate SFTD screw-up? winking smiley. I already know I have to keep my VHS copy from the pay-per-view for the pre-show backstage interviews with the band/guests.

I have the Actin' Strong boot. The new release is an upgrade, very clean in comparison. Still the same source it seems though. Strictly comparing the two, Uncut is an A and the boot would be a B- at best IMO

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: November 19, 2018 17:53

Well, having finally finished watching the entire show, I have to say I enjoyed it very much overall.

Once my ears adjusted to the odd mix, I had a great time watching and listening to it. My original assessment of the mix as an "abomination" was harsh. It's not quite that...still not good though. Some songs fare better than others.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: StonedRambler ()
Date: November 19, 2018 17:59

It helps to have a Hifi-EQ Button on the amplifier engaged which boosts treble and bass. This way the mix sound more open in the highs and fatter in the bass area. Of course it can't solve the phasing issues but at least the tonality is okay this way

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: DrPete ()
Date: November 19, 2018 19:36

Well, having finally finished watching the entire show, I have to say I enjoyed it very much overall.

Once my ears adjusted to the odd mix, I had a great time watching and listening to it. My original assessment of the mix as an "abomination" was harsh. It's not quite that...still not good though. Some songs fare better than others.
It was decent for most songs but couldn't hardly hear guitar on Dead Flowers and Sheryl Crow s vocals were kinda jarring

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: November 19, 2018 19:37

Well, having finally finished watching the entire show, I have to say I enjoyed it very much overall.

Once my ears adjusted to the odd mix, I had a great time watching and listening to it. My original assessment of the mix as an "abomination" was harsh. It's not quite that...still not good though. Some songs fare better than others.
It was decent for most songs but couldn't hardly hear guitar on Dead Flowers and Sheryl Crow s vocals were kinda jarring
Yeah, her voice was so loud it was almost distorted.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Date: November 19, 2018 19:39

Well, I finally got the "Voodoo Lounge Uncut" release, and can officially report that it is not truly "uncut", so the name of this release is somewhat ironic. I remember watching the pay-per-view live in 1994, and during "Honky Tonk Women", a certain fan decided to show the world what God gave her, and of course it was a tight shot, and I was amazed that it aired.....but of course, that's live TV for you. What can you do. Well, it's cut out of this official release, which again, officially makes this NOT "Voodoo Lounge Uncut". Sure all the songs are there now, but this show is NOT "uncut". Just sayin'.

I think "Uncut" here means all the songs, since many tunes were omitted on the original release.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: November 19, 2018 19:47

Well, I finally got the "Voodoo Lounge Uncut" release, and can officially report that it is not truly "uncut", so the name of this release is somewhat ironic. I remember watching the pay-per-view live in 1994, and during "Honky Tonk Women", a certain fan decided to show the world what God gave her, and of course it was a tight shot, and I was amazed that it aired.....but of course, that's live TV for you. What can you do. Well, it's cut out of this official release, which again, officially makes this NOT "Voodoo Lounge Uncut". Sure all the songs are there now, but this show is NOT "uncut". Just sayin'.

I think "Uncut" here means all the songs, since many tunes were omitted on the original release.
DP, What do you refer to the "original release" ? I hope I get my copy today ?

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: JumpinJimF ()
Date: November 19, 2018 19:48

Listened for the first time on Spotify.

Performances seem good (and an interesting set list) but it all sounds a bit too polite, in need of some edge. Not sure if it's the playing or the mix.

Does anyone else feel the same, or maybe do I just need to turn up the volume a bit?

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: gastonl74 ()
Date: November 19, 2018 19:53

Well, having finally finished watching the entire show, I have to say I enjoyed it very much overall.

Once my ears adjusted to the odd mix, I had a great time watching and listening to it. My original assessment of the mix as an "abomination" was harsh. It's not quite that...still not good though. Some songs fare better than others.
It was decent for most songs but couldn't hardly hear guitar on Dead Flowers and Sheryl Crow s vocals were kinda jarring

It is true! Live With Me appears very good! with the voice of Sherryl on high, and Dead Flowers put volume on Ron's guitar and they turned up the volume to Keith's choirs

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: Mabru ()
Date: November 19, 2018 20:01

I am happy with the release unfortunealy the mix not the best one. And why not also an audio release of the dvd bonustracks

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Date: November 19, 2018 20:27

Well, I finally got the "Voodoo Lounge Uncut" release, and can officially report that it is not truly "uncut", so the name of this release is somewhat ironic. I remember watching the pay-per-view live in 1994, and during "Honky Tonk Women", a certain fan decided to show the world what God gave her, and of course it was a tight shot, and I was amazed that it aired.....but of course, that's live TV for you. What can you do. Well, it's cut out of this official release, which again, officially makes this NOT "Voodoo Lounge Uncut". Sure all the songs are there now, but this show is NOT "uncut". Just sayin'.

I think "Uncut" here means all the songs, since many tunes were omitted on the original release.
DP, What do you refer to the "original release" ? I hope I get my copy today ?

The VHS. Officially released in 1995.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: ComeOn ()
Date: November 19, 2018 20:41

Well maybe they should try hire Giles Martin for that kind of releases next time . He`s a clever guy who did a very nice remaster-job for another english band ..

Guy Massey and Steven Rooke remastered the entire catalog for the 2009 reissues. They did an excellent job.

Miles Showell did the mastering for the 2018 remix release of THE BEATLES.

Giles Martin did the mixing.

Last year`s version of Sgt.Pepper was also mixed & remixed by Giles Martin

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-11-19 20:43 by ComeOn.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: floodonthepage ()
Date: November 19, 2018 20:49

Well, I finally got the "Voodoo Lounge Uncut" release, and can officially report that it is not truly "uncut", so the name of this release is somewhat ironic. I remember watching the pay-per-view live in 1994, and during "Honky Tonk Women", a certain fan decided to show the world what God gave her, and of course it was a tight shot, and I was amazed that it aired.....but of course, that's live TV for you. What can you do. Well, it's cut out of this official release, which again, officially makes this NOT "Voodoo Lounge Uncut". Sure all the songs are there now, but this show is NOT "uncut". Just sayin'.

I think "Uncut" here means all the songs, since many tunes were omitted on the original release.

Yes, I know about all the songs being included now, and I wrote as much in my post. It was really just meant to be a playful post. Ultimately though, it isn't a terribly creative name anyway, cut or "uncut". It could have been titled "Hoodoo U Voodoo" as the pay-per-view was called. Makes me think they'll just title Atlantic City "Steel Wheels Live" or something generic like that, rather than "Terrifying" as the pay-per-view was called in that case. After all is said and done, it'll be nice to have official releases of both shows once "Terrifying" comes out, especially that one as it is far superior to the Miami '94 show, in my least from an energy standpoint.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Date: November 19, 2018 20:57

Well, I finally got the "Voodoo Lounge Uncut" release, and can officially report that it is not truly "uncut", so the name of this release is somewhat ironic. I remember watching the pay-per-view live in 1994, and during "Honky Tonk Women", a certain fan decided to show the world what God gave her, and of course it was a tight shot, and I was amazed that it aired.....but of course, that's live TV for you. What can you do. Well, it's cut out of this official release, which again, officially makes this NOT "Voodoo Lounge Uncut". Sure all the songs are there now, but this show is NOT "uncut". Just sayin'.

I think "Uncut" here means all the songs, since many tunes were omitted on the original release.

Yes, I know about all the songs being included now, and I wrote as much in my post. It was really just meant to be a playful post. Ultimately though, it isn't a terribly creative name anyway, cut or "uncut". It could have been titled "Hoodoo U Voodoo" as the pay-per-view was called. Makes me think they'll just title Atlantic City "Steel Wheels Live" or something generic like that, rather than "Terrifying" as the pay-per-view was called in that case. After all is said and done, it'll be nice to have official releases of both shows once "Terrifying" comes out, especially that one as it is far superior to the Miami '94 show, in my least from an energy standpoint.

Let's see if they'll avoid the blunder "Atlanta 1989" (as it was titled in the press release) winking smiley

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: floodonthepage ()
Date: November 19, 2018 21:08

Well, I finally got the "Voodoo Lounge Uncut" release, and can officially report that it is not truly "uncut", so the name of this release is somewhat ironic. I remember watching the pay-per-view live in 1994, and during "Honky Tonk Women", a certain fan decided to show the world what God gave her, and of course it was a tight shot, and I was amazed that it aired.....but of course, that's live TV for you. What can you do. Well, it's cut out of this official release, which again, officially makes this NOT "Voodoo Lounge Uncut". Sure all the songs are there now, but this show is NOT "uncut". Just sayin'.

I think "Uncut" here means all the songs, since many tunes were omitted on the original release.

Yes, I know about all the songs being included now, and I wrote as much in my post. It was really just meant to be a playful post. Ultimately though, it isn't a terribly creative name anyway, cut or "uncut". It could have been titled "Hoodoo U Voodoo" as the pay-per-view was called. Makes me think they'll just title Atlantic City "Steel Wheels Live" or something generic like that, rather than "Terrifying" as the pay-per-view was called in that case. After all is said and done, it'll be nice to have official releases of both shows once "Terrifying" comes out, especially that one as it is far superior to the Miami '94 show, in my least from an energy standpoint.

Let's see if they'll avoid the blunder "Atlanta 1989" (as it was titled in the press release) winking smiley

Ha! Yes, seriously. Not much care was put into that one. As someone who worked in TV media for 20+ years, that was a definite "ugh" inducing release. Although they did play Atlanta on that tour, wouldn't that be funny if it really WAS that show being released. eye popping smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-11-19 21:09 by floodonthepage.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: November 20, 2018 02:16

smileys with beerI love it...gimme morethumbs upthumbs up

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 20, 2018 02:22

Well maybe they should try hire Giles Martin for that kind of releases next time . He`s a clever guy who did a very nice remaster-job for another english band ..

Guy Massey and Steven Rooke remastered the entire catalog for the 2009 reissues. They did an excellent job.

Miles Showell did the mastering for the 2018 remix release of THE BEATLES.

Giles Martin did the mixing.

Last year`s version of Sgt.Pepper was also mixed & remixed by Giles Martin

Right. It was mastered by Miles Showell. It's excellent.

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: Shade ()
Date: November 20, 2018 03:01

Would love an official video release of “Terrifying” with CD’s
Saw it on Pay Per View, had it taped on VHS which eventually got chewed by player
That had Eric and John Lee, right?

Re: New dvd release: Voodoo Lounge Uncut
Posted by: floodonthepage ()
Date: November 20, 2018 20:20

Would love an official video release of “Terrifying” with CD’s
Saw it on Pay Per View, had it taped on VHS which eventually got chewed by player
That had Eric and John Lee, right?

Yep. Eric and John Lee as well as Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin of GnR. But the Eric and John Lee bit was amazing to watch. I too have it on VHS, self-decorated with Stones newspaper clippings of the time as sleeve art! I did the same with "Hoodoo U Voodoo" in 1994.

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