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OT - The Zombies - 50th Anniversary of Odessey and Oracle - last night in Atlanta
Posted by: Mongoose ()
Date: April 9, 2017 21:35

Great show last night here in Atlanta, and if you are a fan of the Zombies and the Odessey and Oracle album, you should check them out! Their next stop is Nashville, and they are about mid-way through the North American part of their tour. UK and other dates will follow.

Set one was the hits (including "Hold Your Head Up") and some newer tunes, and then set two was O&O in its entirety, every note perfect.

The band was in fine form, especially lead vocalist Colin Blunstone, who sounded fantastic.

Opening tune, "I Love You"


Worth a go!


Re: OT - The Zombies - 50th Anniversary of Odessey and Oracle - last night in Atlanta
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: April 9, 2017 23:38

I saw this last year or two years ago (must have been two cause it was an October and it wasn't 4 months ago). Paid a pretty price since who'd have thought they'd keep doing it, especially with the original guys. Don't regret it but just funny to see its still out there. It was a dream come true seeing it. Like you said, note perfect. And for an unforgettable album like that its the only way to see it. Having the original guys there to perform it (especially Chris White who wrote half the album) was truly a show I'll never forget. First half was good too, but it was all leading up to the grand finale. Any fan of this album needs to see it cause its done so well and everyone still sounds so good.

Saw it a month after I saw Patti Smith play all of Horses. That was a good @#$%& month for classic records.

Re: OT - The Zombies - 50th Anniversary of Odessey and Oracle - last night in Atlanta
Posted by: KingmanBarstow ()
Date: April 10, 2017 04:53

I am going later this month to see them. Thanks for the reviews!

Re: OT - The Zombies - 50th Anniversary of Odessey and Oracle - last night in Atlanta
Posted by: BamaStone ()
Date: April 10, 2017 06:38

I got to see them a couple of years ago in a small club here in Bham, AL, They were Fantastic! Ticket/Meet and Greet was only $50.

Re: OT - The Zombies - 50th Anniversary of Odessey and Oracle - last night in Atlanta
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: April 10, 2017 06:58

Saw them last Tuesday in Detroit. I'd been hoping for a Zombies reunion and tour ever since seeing Rod Argent steal the show at a Ringo concert in 2006, but it's taken them until now to finally make it out here to Michigan.

Odessey and Oracle always seemed to me to be an album of filler with one undeniably great hit single at the end, but when you hear the album performed live, it really shines, and reveals itself to be a true masterpiece, influential and ahead of its time.

With 9 people onstage, including all 4 surviving original members, I thought they sounded very much like Brian Wilson's touring band, and sure enough, one of BW's men was onstage with them as a second keyboard player. (When was the last time you were at a concert and saw two mellotrons onstage?)

The first set dragged a little, though I loved how Rod brought along his own personal smoke machine that enveloped only him. It added a perfectly Spinal Tapish touch to his epic rendition of "Hold Your Head Up," 10 minutes of sensationalistic, over-the-top 70s Prog.

I would have preferred to have them do Argent's other big hit, "God Gave Rock and Roll to You" as an encore, rather than have them play "She's Not There" for the second time that night (which is what they did), but with Rod throwing in a little Stevie Winwood "I'm a Man" organ right there at the end, I really didn't have any complaints.

And for a 71-year-old guy who'd been in the hospital just a few days earlier with a severe bacterial infection, I thought Colin Blunstone sounded amazingly good.

Catch 'em if you can. Not many groups from this era are still touring. In fact, among bands that had a hit record in 1964, I can think of only two others who are still on the road; The Beach Boys and the Rolling Stones .... and only the Zombies are still touring with FOUR original members.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2017-04-10 15:35 by tatters.

Re: OT - The Zombies - 50th Anniversary of Odessey and Oracle - last night in Atlanta
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: April 10, 2017 21:43

Odessey and Oracle always seemed to me to be an album of filler with one undeniably great hit single at the end, but when you hear the album performed live, it really shines, and reveals itself to be a true masterpiece, influential and ahead of its time.

See, and to me, the album is flawless except for one huge hit that I think is easily the worst song on the album. But when performed live is hard not to get swept up in.

Re: OT - The Zombies - 50th Anniversary of Odessey and Oracle - last night in Atlanta
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: April 19, 2017 03:04

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