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OT: U2 stuff
Posted by: noughties ()
Date: December 10, 2016 18:28

-Saw U2 live from Paris on telly last night. -Just couldn`t take it, maan. This is a vey calculating group. -Taking no risks. -Always sticking to the roots of rock `n roll. That`s why they`ll never be Emerson, Lake & Palmer. What posers! Ok, they have some good songs, but seem to want to be Chuck Berry for the internet age.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-12-07 17:44 by bv.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Monsoon Ragoon ()
Date: December 10, 2016 20:02

At least they love to play their new songs.

Re: OT: U2
Date: December 10, 2016 20:11

They could do a late 70s post rock cover-album...

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: December 10, 2016 20:29

I wish they would rock out a bit more and avoid the pop music, but at least they're still decent. I think. Maybe the next album will be a nice surprise.

Re: OT: U2
Date: December 10, 2016 20:31

Their first albums were great, imo.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Socrates1 ()
Date: December 10, 2016 21:24

This one is awesome, bring back Lanois!

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Al65 ()
Date: December 10, 2016 21:43

I wish they would rock out a bit more and avoid the pop music, but at least they're still decent. I think. Maybe the next album will be a nice surprise.
I've been thinking that since Joshua tree but just get more up themselves each album since

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: December 10, 2016 21:43

Oh, more U2 bashing. How original.

To watch them really rock out with abandon would be great...I'm sure they could if they wanted to, if the Edge REALLY wanted to strip all the effects away and just PLAY.

But that's not who they are anymore.

It's like asking, "Why don't the Stones use more guitar effects and synth-drenched backdrops for their songs?"

'Cuz that's not what they do!

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Socrates1 ()
Date: December 10, 2016 21:49

I agree they should play as a band again, and get rid of the synth sound. Their sound nowadays reminds me of a flea circus trapped inside an iPod.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: December 10, 2016 21:59

I agree they should play as a band again, and get rid of the synth sound. Their sound nowadays reminds me of a flea circus trapped inside an iPod.
But my point is that's been their sound for over 25 years. They haven't played raucous post-punk rock'n'roll since the early '80s.

At some point, you have to say that that's who they are for better or worse. A lot of that synth-driven music has been brilliant, btw.

But you know, if the Stones can re-embrace the blues after so many years, maybe U2 will put out a no-nonsense punk album in 10 years.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Socrates1 ()
Date: December 10, 2016 22:18

The Edge has pretty much always played with a delay pedal, right? Their sound is based on airy-loops like that. Except for their first two albums, which sounded more like 80s punk and that band called The Alarm.

U2 probably started with their delay-pedal-sound on War, and then especially on Unforgettable that about right?

So, U2's hallmark guitar-sound is one of electronic manipulation, except for their first two albums, Boy and October. It's been so long since I listened to U2....

It just seems like nowadays the band is completely computerized, as if all the digital effects are playing them, rather than the opposite being true.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: December 10, 2016 22:23

I'm not a U2 expert, but the Edge's entire sound is pretty much based on the delay pedal. He's added a ton more tricks to his rig over the years, but that's basically the key to his style.

I definitely see what you're saying though.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Socrates1 ()
Date: December 10, 2016 22:40

I would like to hear them play their early 80s sound again, too, like you were saying, just so they might appear to be real humans again. I Will Follow, that kind of sound.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-12-10 23:32 by Socrates1.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Al65 ()
Date: December 11, 2016 00:18

Not U2 bashing saw them at Wembley for Joshua Tree tour one of the great shows just saying always hoping they go back to this have seen them since but each show is less about the music and more videos and politics still a good just never blew
Me away after this album

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: dmay ()
Date: December 11, 2016 01:03

Used to love this band back in their early days. They, along with Elvis Costello and The Clash, were constants on the turntable. Haven't listened to them in years as every new album, it seems, sounded like the last album. I also tired of hearing Bono, "a man of wealth and taste", be interviewed regarding all kinds of sh*t. It's not to say musicians should not speak out on the issues of the day (hello, Neil), but Bono after awhile became a poseur.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 11, 2016 02:16

I liked some of the tunes - not all - from their first few albums when they were fresh and still on the edge winking smiley. I saw them live at Us Festival 83, and they were great - during one song Bono climbed up a rope ladder, up the scaffolding, and to to the top of stage like a maniac. By the time the Joshua Tree came out though, I was pretty much sick of them. I did buy the 12" single of In Gods Country - the last truly great song they ever recorded, although Bono's vocals on it now sound a bit whiny.

U2 - In Gods Country

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-12-11 02:22 by Hairball.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: December 11, 2016 14:36

Their first albums were great, imo.

Definitely! I was a huge U2 fan back in the day ... U2 and Psychedelic Furs were my 2 favorite non-Stones bands.

Boy & October, I played them to death! And I still liked them for a while after that (Rattle & Hum is one of my all time favorite albums). But then they did that POP album which I could barely listen to. After that, I really never listened to them again much, I think I downloaded their later albums after that, and gave them each a listen or two but that was it.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: noughties ()
Date: December 11, 2016 14:43

I couldn`t believe it when they suddently started flirting what journos call "Americana" (Angels of Harlem). What is this? I thought they were an eighties band?

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: December 11, 2016 14:48

Monsoon Ragoon
At least they love to play their new songs.

...poor new songs.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: December 11, 2016 16:03

I'm not a U2 expert, but the Edge's entire sound is pretty much based on the delay pedal. He's added a ton more tricks to his rig over the years, but that's basically the key to his style.

Just like Keith's main trick is hammering away on a 5 string Telecaster. It works and it's recognizable.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: ab ()
Date: December 11, 2016 16:26

The Edge isn't really a guitarist; he's mostly an effects marshal. When he plays without all the effects, he ain't much. Stomp boxes can almost cover a lack of ability.

At least when Keith flogs the 5-string, it's him playing, for better or worse, without being processed through a dozen stomp boxes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-12-11 16:27 by ab.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: December 11, 2016 17:29

Of course he is a guitarist. Just with a different approach.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: December 11, 2016 18:32

I'm a fan of U2, but definitely they get on my nerves at time. Haven't seen them live in 10 years, was offered tickets to this tour and turned it down. Didn't love the new album and just didn't feel it was worth it. Saw their Paris concert and it blew me away. Seriously, I wasn't prepared for that. But I thought it was excellent. Yes, I prefer a more musical concert than the visual one they always go for. But damn this was a spectacular show. Good on them, and they don't get enough credit for it, for centering a show around their new album, making it interesting, and it sounded way better live. I had no qualms with it dominating the set. Rag on them all you want, I went in with a very low expectation they would make me happy and they did. Bravo, and I think anyone thats genuinely looking objectively at it, unless you really hate their music, can see it was a good show (despite what you think of them, despite what you think of Bono, etc). Yes, they've been around 20 less years, but if we want to talk about someone thats truly blown me away by the work they put into a concert, its U2 recently and I can't even think of the last time that happened with the Stones. Good shows, and not that it has to be a contest, but I gotta call a spade a spade.

Its a weird catch 22 with a band like U2, where they are still so big that its easy to hate them because they already get enough praise, but then when they actually really do a good job on something its almost not given its proper respect. All the praise for a band like that is from stuff from 20-30 years ago when at times now they still can blow you away. Not taking risks?! Are you serious? I don't know if there's anyone at their level playing that many new songs and getting the kind of reaction they get. Again, coming from someone who didn't like the album!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-12-11 18:34 by RollingFreak.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 11, 2016 18:40

I'd rather listen to the Stones doing average blues covers than anything new from U2.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: beachbreak ()
Date: December 11, 2016 18:52

U2 were and are a great band. Not really into the new stuff but they had plenty of great songs after In God's Country.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: December 11, 2016 21:25

Loved them, from 1980 (Boy) unto the Achtung baby album .After that...i lost interest in them.
saw hem playing in arnhem, Stokvishal (900 people) in 1980 and pinkpop. and many, many concerts after that. the last time i saw them was in 2007(amsterdam arena).
after that, we lost contact.

it was a great band, but too much Bono for me. Still love them dearly, though. so, no U2 bashing from me.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: December 11, 2016 21:31

Great band, doing great live shows. I love the posts starting with something like "I don't know much about U2" and then with the knowledge that The Edge uses delay, writing deep analysis about how bad their songs, sound, shows and probably even nose-hair are. Have seen them 8 times, always up and close and there will surely be more. The Edge is a kind of guitarist who has an absolutely unique sound that he invented and nobody can quite replicate it. He has been a favourite target for bashers, but those arguments are usually in the same league as this one video on youtube where some really "serious"guitar player explained that Keith Richards is such a bad guitar player that nobody can replicate that ridiculously bad style of his. eye rolling smiley

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Tate ()
Date: December 11, 2016 22:25

Loved the Live in Paris film. Great performance. It was quite an emotional experience, just like the Sydney '93 concert film, and every U2 show I have been to. I agree I have not been blown away by later releases, but I suspect they'll give us a couple more classy records before they're done. Every band evolves, sometimes the hardcore fans don't like it when a group changes. When a band gets huge and performs the hits so many times as some of our heroes have, they change as artists. I still like what U2 does.

Re: OT: U2
Date: December 11, 2016 22:32

The Edge isn't really a guitarist; he's mostly an effects marshal. When he plays without all the effects, he ain't much. Stomp boxes can almost cover a lack of ability.

At least when Keith flogs the 5-string, it's him playing, for better or worse, without being processed through a dozen stomp boxes.

Listen to The Edge play a stripped-down, mean wah-wah on Ronnie's Slide On This.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: pt99 ()
Date: December 11, 2016 22:44

-Saw U2 live from Paris on telly last night. -Just couldn`t take it, maan. This is a vey calculating group. -Taking no risks. -Always sticking to the roots of rock `n roll. That`s why they`ll never be Emerson, Lake & Palmer. What posers! Ok, they have some good songs, but seem to want to be Chuck Berry for the internet age.

Very boring band

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