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Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: March 13, 2019 05:03

I've been told about a new compilation about a year ago, all their previous compilations are all out of print, including Jump Back and Grrr, so this one is taking over. It's aimed for the US market, if we look at the Billboard 200 chart, about half of it are greatest hits compilations, including Hot Rocks at #183 this week, only one week away from the 300 weeks on chart.

The americans could care less about a new Rolling Stones album (or new stuff for any act over 45-50 years old), all they want is the Hot Rocks songs and a good t-shirt design to go on concerts. For even older fans, the physical target, you get 5 different overpriced versions of compilations and archive releases and they want all of them.

The duets live album was on plans too during 2014-2015 but it was shelved due to contractual problems with some of the guests (Taylor Swift, Kate Perry), it looks like some of it will be released now.

The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.


This is just 'sad', really. Not sad as in depressing but really sad in that they have like absolutely no care about the new album. What kind of attitude is this?

2020???? Really?? 15 years to get out a new album? 4-5 years in working on a record? Still instead the focus is now on another greatest hits thing? Why don't they just set up residency in Las Vegas and play at the Casino's .. ..... That is all they have become .. a Vegas act at this point.

Just speaking my opinion but we REALLY don't even NEED a new Rolling Stones album at this point. What more do they need to prove music wise? This album is a TREAT for us. georgelicks is right, who honestly gives a shit at this point over a new Stones album? Nobody other than the few of us who post on here REALLY care about this album coming out. Will it come out? Yes. When? When they feel like finishing it. Is that an issue? NOT AT ALL. They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history." And I would have said, "Okay, you guys have 25 studio albums, you don't want to make another one? No problem." THEY'RE 71-77 YEARS OLD. They could have retired 25 years ago. They enjoy being The Rolling Stones after almost 57 years, playing 15 shows a year and spending time with their families because THEY'RE OLD and they can do whatever they want. Again, this album is a TREAT that they don't HAVE to be doing. Not trying to knock on anyone complaining but seriously, Mick and Keith know nobody is crying that it's taking them so long. I see 2020 being the year of this new album. And it's obviously Universal's to put out another compilation album. The Stones couldn't give two shits less about putting out another compilation and Universal doesn't give flying @#$%& about when this new album comes out. They're still up on that stage every year, making so many people happy, that's all that matters.

If people think they're a Vegas act, why still post on here? Why knock down the greatest rock 'n roll band that's ever existed? Because we're crying over their 1 millionth and first studio album taking so damn long? WHO CARES!!!!! THEY WILL FINISH IT WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT. They don't even need to be playing anymore, but they are. GO, LIVE YOUR LIFE, STOP COMING TO THIS PAGE THINKING WE'LL BE GETTING NEWS EVERY DAY OVER THIS DAMN THING.


Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: IanBillen ()
Date: March 13, 2019 05:19

I've been told about a new compilation about a year ago, all their previous compilations are all out of print, including Jump Back and Grrr, so this one is taking over. It's aimed for the US market, if we look at the Billboard 200 chart, about half of it are greatest hits compilations, including Hot Rocks at #183 this week, only one week away from the 300 weeks on chart.

The americans could care less about a new Rolling Stones album (or new stuff for any act over 45-50 years old), all they want is the Hot Rocks songs and a good t-shirt design to go on concerts. For even older fans, the physical target, you get 5 different overpriced versions of compilations and archive releases and they want all of them.

The duets live album was on plans too during 2014-2015 but it was shelved due to contractual problems with some of the guests (Taylor Swift, Kate Perry), it looks like some of it will be released now.

The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.


This is just 'sad', really. Not sad as in depressing but really sad in that they have like absolutely no care about the new album. What kind of attitude is this?

2020???? Really?? 15 years to get out a new album? 4-5 years in working on a record? Still instead the focus is now on another greatest hits thing? Why don't they just set up residency in Las Vegas and play at the Casino's .. ..... That is all they have become .. a Vegas act at this point.

Just speaking my opinion but we REALLY don't even NEED a new Rolling Stones album at this point. What more do they need to prove music wise? This album is a TREAT for us. georgelicks is right, who honestly gives a shit at this point over a new Stones album? Nobody other than the few of us who post on here REALLY care about this album coming out. Will it come out? Yes. When? When they feel like finishing it. Is that an issue? NOT AT ALL. They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history." And I would have said, "Okay, you guys have 25 studio albums, you don't want to make another one? No problem." THEY'RE 71-77 YEARS OLD. They could have retired 25 years ago. They enjoy being The Rolling Stones after almost 57 years, playing 15 shows a year and spending time with their families because THEY'RE OLD and they can do whatever they want. Again, this album is a TREAT that they don't HAVE to be doing. Not trying to knock on anyone complaining but seriously, Mick and Keith know nobody is crying that it's taking them so long. I see 2020 being the year of this new album. And it's obviously Universal's to put out another compilation album. The Stones couldn't give two shits less about putting out another compilation and Universal doesn't give flying @#$%& about when this new album comes out. They're still up on that stage every year, making so many people happy, that's all that matters.

If people think they're a Vegas act, why still post on here? Why knock down the greatest rock 'n roll band that's ever existed? Because we're crying over their 1 millionth and first studio album taking so damn long? WHO CARES!!!!! THEY WILL FINISH IT WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT. They don't even need to be playing anymore, but they are. GO, LIVE YOUR LIFE, STOP COMING TO THIS PAGE THINKING WE'LL BE GETTING NEWS EVERY DAY OVER THIS DAMN THING.



Jody Licks .. to address some of your issue I think you are misguided on:

'Universal' cares .. they kinda / sorta got together with their lawyers along with the Stones and paid them a couple million dollars for it (remember).

"They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history"

>> They could of said that .. but they didn't ... they claim the contrary and keep purposefully teasing the public about this new album. They (Mick 7 Keith) have said is they feel they are still a viable act with new stuff to offer Lol. I'm just going by what they have always told us. Im saying I am not buying it .. how could I?

It's been 14 years since we had an album .. In case you haven't noticed.. The Rolling Stones are <not> retired since 2005 .. See their films ... tours .. etc. etc.

As far as my own life goes .. and speaking of it .. I was in the studio with a guy who is 74 yesterday. He has recorded three albums in the last ten years. He has no problem getting to the studio ... or making albums (and nobody makes excuses for him). He has about 1/10,000 the cash, connections or free time as The Rolling Stones ... and nobody feels sorry for him or makes excuses for him. Possibly you should think about that?

Yes.. they are / have become a Vegas act at this point (until they come out with a new record .. to me .. they are simply a Nostalgia / Greatest hits package until that happens) .. not a progressing Rock and Roll band.. Why be angry at me (or others) who feel this way because of that. See Paul McCartney .. Dylan .. Neil Young .. etc. They don't have these problems and to me .. they are still viable for not having them. Look .. The Rolling Stones have chosen that route ...don't be angry at me / us for it ... be mad at them Lol. I come here because I've seen them countless times... have all their studio records and they have been my favorite act since I was 10.... I can bitch about them if I want to .. I've bought that right a long time ago Lol

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-13 05:28 by IanBillen.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 13, 2019 05:31

They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history.

Yeah they could have said that, and maybe they should have said that.
But instead, they've been insisting for the last several years that they are making a new album.

"Working on it"..."sounds great"..."I write every day"..."I've got 3 dynamite riffs"..."I've got 40 demos", and on and on and on....

Clearly they've been attempting to come up with new material for quite some time, and for some of us as fans, it's something we care about.
Yes it can be frustrating, but that's the way the Stones roll these days...slow and low with not much to show for it as far as original recorded output.
Bring on another nostalgia filled show and keep on living in the past...the tour starts in 39 days...exciting times.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 13, 2019 05:36

Ian Billen
Mweh .. another greatest hits / major known songs compilation .. (how many can they possibly have? = borrrrrring). Anyway it is just another cashing in on this tour and to go along with The tour. Is nothing that is going to hinder the new album or push it back further. HONK Will be an under the radar (no pun) product that won't do much. Either way .. any compilation in April .. will have no impact on sales / downloads of the new album and it will not steal any thunder .. Besides ... the new record will come 6 months later. HONK isn't going to sell so hot anyway (watch and see) .. Nor does it carry any weight. It has no bearing or interference on a new studio album sometime if one is to come or planned to come in the fall. HONK is just some compilation .. It will not produce any bang or much publicity and it'll be waaaaaaay forgotten by fall.

I pretty much agree with all of that Ian, but there's still the possibility there will one or two new tunes on it (hope so), and if so it won't fall that far off the radar that quickly- especially if they're decent tunes that make waves on the radio, etc. And even if no new tunes, the sales will be great since they'll be on tour - every casual fan in attendance won't leave the show without a copy! Kind of a letdown for those of us waiting for a new album in it's entirety, while at the same time it will be good to have something new (if in fact there is something new)...anything new (hopefully). There's the risk though the songs will be duds, and if so they might rethink the entire new album again resulting in further delays. If the new tunes are good, maybe they'll release another compilation in two years with another one or two new tunes, and the same thing a couple of years later. By the year 2030, there will be enough to make up a new album - maybe even a double album.


...Now 2030? ...

...Another greatest hits is the most lame thing I know of. Seriously guys.. ANOTHER
rehash ...seriously? Another greatest hits thing .. really?? Lol smh.

It's a joke ..

It would be cooler if it was simply a tour ... no new product.. (being as the album isn't done) nothing. Geeeeze ..

lol, smiling smiley true dat.
they are pretty cool being this uncool tho.
part of their ever-lovin' charm.

let's talk periscopes; we're gettin' at least one new one on this tour.
i have that on good authority from one of my posts earlier this month.
so it's solid.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 13, 2019 05:42

Maybe there will be some official high quality livestream pay-per-views... throw in HONK as as added bonus for those who are willing to pay.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: March 13, 2019 05:49

I've been told about a new compilation about a year ago, all their previous compilations are all out of print, including Jump Back and Grrr, so this one is taking over. It's aimed for the US market, if we look at the Billboard 200 chart, about half of it are greatest hits compilations, including Hot Rocks at #183 this week, only one week away from the 300 weeks on chart.

The americans could care less about a new Rolling Stones album (or new stuff for any act over 45-50 years old), all they want is the Hot Rocks songs and a good t-shirt design to go on concerts. For even older fans, the physical target, you get 5 different overpriced versions of compilations and archive releases and they want all of them.

The duets live album was on plans too during 2014-2015 but it was shelved due to contractual problems with some of the guests (Taylor Swift, Kate Perry), it looks like some of it will be released now.

The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.


This is just 'sad', really. Not sad as in depressing but really sad in that they have like absolutely no care about the new album. What kind of attitude is this?

2020???? Really?? 15 years to get out a new album? 4-5 years in working on a record? Still instead the focus is now on another greatest hits thing? Why don't they just set up residency in Las Vegas and play at the Casino's .. ..... That is all they have become .. a Vegas act at this point.

Just speaking my opinion but we REALLY don't even NEED a new Rolling Stones album at this point. What more do they need to prove music wise? This album is a TREAT for us. georgelicks is right, who honestly gives a shit at this point over a new Stones album? Nobody other than the few of us who post on here REALLY care about this album coming out. Will it come out? Yes. When? When they feel like finishing it. Is that an issue? NOT AT ALL. They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history." And I would have said, "Okay, you guys have 25 studio albums, you don't want to make another one? No problem." THEY'RE 71-77 YEARS OLD. They could have retired 25 years ago. They enjoy being The Rolling Stones after almost 57 years, playing 15 shows a year and spending time with their families because THEY'RE OLD and they can do whatever they want. Again, this album is a TREAT that they don't HAVE to be doing. Not trying to knock on anyone complaining but seriously, Mick and Keith know nobody is crying that it's taking them so long. I see 2020 being the year of this new album. And it's obviously Universal's to put out another compilation album. The Stones couldn't give two shits less about putting out another compilation and Universal doesn't give flying @#$%& about when this new album comes out. They're still up on that stage every year, making so many people happy, that's all that matters.

If people think they're a Vegas act, why still post on here? Why knock down the greatest rock 'n roll band that's ever existed? Because we're crying over their 1 millionth and first studio album taking so damn long? WHO CARES!!!!! THEY WILL FINISH IT WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT. They don't even need to be playing anymore, but they are. GO, LIVE YOUR LIFE, STOP COMING TO THIS PAGE THINKING WE'LL BE GETTING NEWS EVERY DAY OVER THIS DAMN THING.



Jody Licks .. to address some of your issue I think you are misguided on:

'Universal' cares .. they kinda / sorta got together with their lawyers along with the Stones and paid them a couple million dollars for it (remember).

"They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history"

>> They could of said that .. but they didn't ... they claim the contrary and keep purposefully teasing the public about this new album. They (Mick 7 Keith) have said is they feel they are still a viable act with new stuff to offer Lol. I'm just going by what they have always told us. Im saying I am not buying it .. how could I?

It's been 14 years since we had an album .. In case you haven't noticed.. The Rolling Stones are retired since 2005 .. See their films ... tours .. etc. etc.

As far as my own life goes .. and speaking of it .. I was in the studio with a guy who is 74 yesterday. He has recorded three albums in the last ten years. He has no problem getting to the studio ... or making albums (and nobody makes excuses for him). He has about 1/10,000 the cash, connections or free time as The Rolling Stones ... and nobody feels sorry for him or makes excuses for him. Possibly you should think about that?

Yes.. they are / have become a Vegas act at this point (until they come out with a new record .. to me .. they are simply a Nostalgia / Greatest hits package until that happens) .. not a progressing Rock and Roll band.. Why be angry at me (or others) who feel this way because of that. See Paul McCartney .. Dylan .. Neil Young .. etc. They don't have these problems and to me .. they are still viable for not having them. Look .. The Rolling Stones have chosen that route ...don't be angry at me / us for it ... be mad at them Lol. I come here because I've seen them countless times... have all their studio records and they have been my favorite act since I was 10.... I can bitch about them if I want to .. I've bought that right a long time ago Lol

No no you can do whatever you want lol I just wanted to let out something that was on my mind. It's really an agree to disagree. If you and other people think they are a nostalgia act/greatest hits package than why are you still here talking about them every day? Why do you still care about them? I'm not looking for arguments, I just want to know if you're going to hate on them in 2019, why do you still care enough to make posts about it and complain about them?

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: March 13, 2019 05:56

I've been told about a new compilation about a year ago, all their previous compilations are all out of print, including Jump Back and Grrr, so this one is taking over. It's aimed for the US market, if we look at the Billboard 200 chart, about half of it are greatest hits compilations, including Hot Rocks at #183 this week, only one week away from the 300 weeks on chart.

The americans could care less about a new Rolling Stones album (or new stuff for any act over 45-50 years old), all they want is the Hot Rocks songs and a good t-shirt design to go on concerts. For even older fans, the physical target, you get 5 different overpriced versions of compilations and archive releases and they want all of them.

The duets live album was on plans too during 2014-2015 but it was shelved due to contractual problems with some of the guests (Taylor Swift, Kate Perry), it looks like some of it will be released now.

The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.


This is just 'sad', really. Not sad as in depressing but really sad in that they have like absolutely no care about the new album. What kind of attitude is this?

2020???? Really?? 15 years to get out a new album? 4-5 years in working on a record? Still instead the focus is now on another greatest hits thing? Why don't they just set up residency in Las Vegas and play at the Casino's .. ..... That is all they have become .. a Vegas act at this point.

Just speaking my opinion but we REALLY don't even NEED a new Rolling Stones album at this point. What more do they need to prove music wise? This album is a TREAT for us. georgelicks is right, who honestly gives a shit at this point over a new Stones album? Nobody other than the few of us who post on here REALLY care about this album coming out. Will it come out? Yes. When? When they feel like finishing it. Is that an issue? NOT AT ALL. They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history." And I would have said, "Okay, you guys have 25 studio albums, you don't want to make another one? No problem." THEY'RE 71-77 YEARS OLD. They could have retired 25 years ago. They enjoy being The Rolling Stones after almost 57 years, playing 15 shows a year and spending time with their families because THEY'RE OLD and they can do whatever they want. Again, this album is a TREAT that they don't HAVE to be doing. Not trying to knock on anyone complaining but seriously, Mick and Keith know nobody is crying that it's taking them so long. I see 2020 being the year of this new album. And it's obviously Universal's to put out another compilation album. The Stones couldn't give two shits less about putting out another compilation and Universal doesn't give flying @#$%& about when this new album comes out. They're still up on that stage every year, making so many people happy, that's all that matters.

If people think they're a Vegas act, why still post on here? Why knock down the greatest rock 'n roll band that's ever existed? Because we're crying over their 1 millionth and first studio album taking so damn long? WHO CARES!!!!! THEY WILL FINISH IT WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT. They don't even need to be playing anymore, but they are. GO, LIVE YOUR LIFE, STOP COMING TO THIS PAGE THINKING WE'LL BE GETTING NEWS EVERY DAY OVER THIS DAMN THING.



Jody Licks .. to address some of your issue I think you are misguided on:

'Universal' cares .. they kinda / sorta got together with their lawyers along with the Stones and paid them a couple million dollars for it (remember).

"They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history"

>> They could of said that .. but they didn't ... they claim the contrary and keep purposefully teasing the public about this new album. They (Mick 7 Keith) have said is they feel they are still a viable act with new stuff to offer Lol. I'm just going by what they have always told us. Im saying I am not buying it .. how could I?

It's been 14 years since we had an album .. In case you haven't noticed.. The Rolling Stones are retired since 2005 .. See their films ... tours .. etc. etc.

As far as my own life goes .. and speaking of it .. I was in the studio with a guy who is 74 yesterday. He has recorded three albums in the last ten years. He has no problem getting to the studio ... or making albums (and nobody makes excuses for him). He has about 1/10,000 the cash, connections or free time as The Rolling Stones ... and nobody feels sorry for him or makes excuses for him. Possibly you should think about that?

Yes.. they are / have become a Vegas act at this point (until they come out with a new record .. to me .. they are simply a Nostalgia / Greatest hits package until that happens) .. not a progressing Rock and Roll band.. Why be angry at me (or others) who feel this way because of that. See Paul McCartney .. Dylan .. Neil Young .. etc. They don't have these problems and to me .. they are still viable for not having them. Look .. The Rolling Stones have chosen that route ...don't be angry at me / us for it ... be mad at them Lol. I come here because I've seen them countless times... have all their studio records and they have been my favorite act since I was 10.... I can bitch about them if I want to .. I've bought that right a long time ago Lol

No no you can do whatever you want lol I just wanted to let out something that was on my mind. It's really an agree to disagree. If you and other people think they are a nostalgia act/greatest hits package than why are you still here talking about them every day? Why do you still care about them? I'm not looking for arguments, I just want to know if you're going to hate on them in 2019, why do you still care enough to make posts about it and complain about them?

That's an interesting question and maybe I've said it before, but this thread tells more about certain people continuously posting in it than the actual progress of the album.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 13, 2019 05:59

Maybe there will be some official high quality livestream pay-per-views... throw in HONK as as added bonus for those who are willing to pay.


Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: IanBillen ()
Date: March 13, 2019 06:00

I've been told about a new compilation about a year ago, all their previous compilations are all out of print, including Jump Back and Grrr, so this one is taking over. It's aimed for the US market, if we look at the Billboard 200 chart, about half of it are greatest hits compilations, including Hot Rocks at #183 this week, only one week away from the 300 weeks on chart.

The americans could care less about a new Rolling Stones album (or new stuff for any act over 45-50 years old), all they want is the Hot Rocks songs and a good t-shirt design to go on concerts. For even older fans, the physical target, you get 5 different overpriced versions of compilations and archive releases and they want all of them.

The duets live album was on plans too during 2014-2015 but it was shelved due to contractual problems with some of the guests (Taylor Swift, Kate Perry), it looks like some of it will be released now.

The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.


This is just 'sad', really. Not sad as in depressing but really sad in that they have like absolutely no care about the new album. What kind of attitude is this?

2020???? Really?? 15 years to get out a new album? 4-5 years in working on a record? Still instead the focus is now on another greatest hits thing? Why don't they just set up residency in Las Vegas and play at the Casino's .. ..... That is all they have become .. a Vegas act at this point.

Just speaking my opinion but we REALLY don't even NEED a new Rolling Stones album at this point. What more do they need to prove music wise? This album is a TREAT for us. georgelicks is right, who honestly gives a shit at this point over a new Stones album? Nobody other than the few of us who post on here REALLY care about this album coming out. Will it come out? Yes. When? When they feel like finishing it. Is that an issue? NOT AT ALL. They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history." And I would have said, "Okay, you guys have 25 studio albums, you don't want to make another one? No problem." THEY'RE 71-77 YEARS OLD. They could have retired 25 years ago. They enjoy being The Rolling Stones after almost 57 years, playing 15 shows a year and spending time with their families because THEY'RE OLD and they can do whatever they want. Again, this album is a TREAT that they don't HAVE to be doing. Not trying to knock on anyone complaining but seriously, Mick and Keith know nobody is crying that it's taking them so long. I see 2020 being the year of this new album. And it's obviously Universal's to put out another compilation album. The Stones couldn't give two shits less about putting out another compilation and Universal doesn't give flying @#$%& about when this new album comes out. They're still up on that stage every year, making so many people happy, that's all that matters.

If people think they're a Vegas act, why still post on here? Why knock down the greatest rock 'n roll band that's ever existed? Because we're crying over their 1 millionth and first studio album taking so damn long? WHO CARES!!!!! THEY WILL FINISH IT WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT. They don't even need to be playing anymore, but they are. GO, LIVE YOUR LIFE, STOP COMING TO THIS PAGE THINKING WE'LL BE GETTING NEWS EVERY DAY OVER THIS DAMN THING.



Jody Licks .. to address some of your issue I think you are misguided on:

'Universal' cares .. they kinda / sorta got together with their lawyers along with the Stones and paid them a couple million dollars for it (remember).

"They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history"

>> They could of said that .. but they didn't ... they claim the contrary and keep purposefully teasing the public about this new album. They (Mick 7 Keith) have said is they feel they are still a viable act with new stuff to offer Lol. I'm just going by what they have always told us. Im saying I am not buying it .. how could I?

It's been 14 years since we had an album .. In case you haven't noticed.. The Rolling Stones are retired since 2005 .. See their films ... tours .. etc. etc.

As far as my own life goes .. and speaking of it .. I was in the studio with a guy who is 74 yesterday. He has recorded three albums in the last ten years. He has no problem getting to the studio ... or making albums (and nobody makes excuses for him). He has about 1/10,000 the cash, connections or free time as The Rolling Stones ... and nobody feels sorry for him or makes excuses for him. Possibly you should think about that?

Yes.. they are / have become a Vegas act at this point (until they come out with a new record .. to me .. they are simply a Nostalgia / Greatest hits package until that happens) .. not a progressing Rock and Roll band.. Why be angry at me (or others) who feel this way because of that. See Paul McCartney .. Dylan .. Neil Young .. etc. They don't have these problems and to me .. they are still viable for not having them. Look .. The Rolling Stones have chosen that route ...don't be angry at me / us for it ... be mad at them Lol. I come here because I've seen them countless times... have all their studio records and they have been my favorite act since I was 10.... I can bitch about them if I want to .. I've bought that right a long time ago Lol

No no you can do whatever you want lol I just wanted to let out something that was on my mind. It's really an agree to disagree. If you and other people think they are a nostalgia act/greatest hits package than why are you still here talking about them every day? Why do you still care about them? I'm not looking for arguments, I just want to know if you're going to hate on them in 2019, why do you still care enough to make posts about it and complain about them?


I <do> care.. I care about what they have left or to offer than any other act ..they are still 'my band'. Sort of like when your fav football team sucks this year .. one can easily say ..'they are horrible' when asked about them.

I'm still here to talk about them because of their history but I really have not much interest in this current American tour.

I complain because in my opinion .. contrary to many .. I feel they are BETTER
than that. They are BETTER than just being a Vegas Act like a few others. I STILL feel they can do another great record. Personally .. I really like their previous recent albums .. I'm mad and complain not because I think they dont have the ability anymore ... but because they very much DO and are just plain old bloody lazy when it comes to recording anymore. They are <better> than that still even at this late age IMO. I want a new album I can boast about to my friends!! .. and online!! .. I want a new album to play and love. I want a new album to brag about. Isnt because I dont think they can (if that was the case Id feel kinda sorry for them .. I wouldn't say a complaining word). They are able bodied people who just have been lazy and I don't want them to go down this route but they have.. and it friggin really is disheartening.

See what I mean?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-13 06:02 by IanBillen.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: March 13, 2019 06:01

Also not a progressing Rock and Roll band? What more do they need to progress on? georgelicks tells EVERYONE every time he makes a post to stop complaining and looking for news every day about the album. Would you rather them just call it quits at this point, not tour anymore? Scrap the album? I'm almost 23, CJFP is my age too, now idk what his opinions are but I'd say we're just happy to be alive where we get to see the Stones live with our own eyes at this point. What do the Stones owe us a this point? That's right, nothing. But they still play to hundreds of thousands of people around the world and little do they know, there's like a handful of people who would rather complain about them than just be freaking happy they're still busting their asses going out on stage doing 2 hour shows in their mid -70's.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: IanBillen ()
Date: March 13, 2019 06:08

Also not a progressing Rock and Roll band? What more do they need to progress on? georgelicks tells EVERYONE every time he makes a post to stop complaining and looking for news every day about the album. Would you rather them just call it quits at this point, not tour anymore? Scrap the album? I'm almost 23, CJFP is my age too, now idk what his opinions are but I'd say we're just happy to be alive where we get to see the Stones live with our own eyes at this point. What do the Stones owe us a this point? That's right, nothing. But they still play to hundreds of thousands of people around the world and little do they know, there's like a handful of people who would rather complain about them than just be freaking happy they're still busting their asses going out on stage doing 2 hour shows in their mid -70's.


My dear boy, I've been listening to (and have been seeing The Rolling Stones live) for decades longer than before your were even thought of .. I have the right to bitch. One day you'll understand that notion and concept.

In a sense .. instead of this current tour .. yes I actually wish they would of called it quits ... However there still is a new album coming ... uhhhh I Guess...? So until that happens I have no desire. As well I have no desire to see them perform on 'greatest hits' tours at this point. I dont need them to play five songs a night from a new album .. Id be ok with two.. but I WANT a new album. Something to go on. Many of their die-hard older fans feel the same way as I.

We can agree to disagree young one .. but if you were where I'm at, seeing what I see, knowing what I know and have been with em as long as I .. I have a feeling you would be in this same frame of mind.

Have fun.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-13 08:13 by IanBillen.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: March 13, 2019 06:12

I've been told about a new compilation about a year ago, all their previous compilations are all out of print, including Jump Back and Grrr, so this one is taking over. It's aimed for the US market, if we look at the Billboard 200 chart, about half of it are greatest hits compilations, including Hot Rocks at #183 this week, only one week away from the 300 weeks on chart.

The americans could care less about a new Rolling Stones album (or new stuff for any act over 45-50 years old), all they want is the Hot Rocks songs and a good t-shirt design to go on concerts. For even older fans, the physical target, you get 5 different overpriced versions of compilations and archive releases and they want all of them.

The duets live album was on plans too during 2014-2015 but it was shelved due to contractual problems with some of the guests (Taylor Swift, Kate Perry), it looks like some of it will be released now.

The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.


This is just 'sad', really. Not sad as in depressing but really sad in that they have like absolutely no care about the new album. What kind of attitude is this?

2020???? Really?? 15 years to get out a new album? 4-5 years in working on a record? Still instead the focus is now on another greatest hits thing? Why don't they just set up residency in Las Vegas and play at the Casino's .. ..... That is all they have become .. a Vegas act at this point.

Just speaking my opinion but we REALLY don't even NEED a new Rolling Stones album at this point. What more do they need to prove music wise? This album is a TREAT for us. georgelicks is right, who honestly gives a shit at this point over a new Stones album? Nobody other than the few of us who post on here REALLY care about this album coming out. Will it come out? Yes. When? When they feel like finishing it. Is that an issue? NOT AT ALL. They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history." And I would have said, "Okay, you guys have 25 studio albums, you don't want to make another one? No problem." THEY'RE 71-77 YEARS OLD. They could have retired 25 years ago. They enjoy being The Rolling Stones after almost 57 years, playing 15 shows a year and spending time with their families because THEY'RE OLD and they can do whatever they want. Again, this album is a TREAT that they don't HAVE to be doing. Not trying to knock on anyone complaining but seriously, Mick and Keith know nobody is crying that it's taking them so long. I see 2020 being the year of this new album. And it's obviously Universal's to put out another compilation album. The Stones couldn't give two shits less about putting out another compilation and Universal doesn't give flying @#$%& about when this new album comes out. They're still up on that stage every year, making so many people happy, that's all that matters.

If people think they're a Vegas act, why still post on here? Why knock down the greatest rock 'n roll band that's ever existed? Because we're crying over their 1 millionth and first studio album taking so damn long? WHO CARES!!!!! THEY WILL FINISH IT WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT. They don't even need to be playing anymore, but they are. GO, LIVE YOUR LIFE, STOP COMING TO THIS PAGE THINKING WE'LL BE GETTING NEWS EVERY DAY OVER THIS DAMN THING.



Jody Licks .. to address some of your issue I think you are misguided on:

'Universal' cares .. they kinda / sorta got together with their lawyers along with the Stones and paid them a couple million dollars for it (remember).

"They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history"

>> They could of said that .. but they didn't ... they claim the contrary and keep purposefully teasing the public about this new album. They (Mick 7 Keith) have said is they feel they are still a viable act with new stuff to offer Lol. I'm just going by what they have always told us. Im saying I am not buying it .. how could I?

It's been 14 years since we had an album .. In case you haven't noticed.. The Rolling Stones are retired since 2005 .. See their films ... tours .. etc. etc.

As far as my own life goes .. and speaking of it .. I was in the studio with a guy who is 74 yesterday. He has recorded three albums in the last ten years. He has no problem getting to the studio ... or making albums (and nobody makes excuses for him). He has about 1/10,000 the cash, connections or free time as The Rolling Stones ... and nobody feels sorry for him or makes excuses for him. Possibly you should think about that?

Yes.. they are / have become a Vegas act at this point (until they come out with a new record .. to me .. they are simply a Nostalgia / Greatest hits package until that happens) .. not a progressing Rock and Roll band.. Why be angry at me (or others) who feel this way because of that. See Paul McCartney .. Dylan .. Neil Young .. etc. They don't have these problems and to me .. they are still viable for not having them. Look .. The Rolling Stones have chosen that route ...don't be angry at me / us for it ... be mad at them Lol. I come here because I've seen them countless times... have all their studio records and they have been my favorite act since I was 10.... I can bitch about them if I want to .. I've bought that right a long time ago Lol

No no you can do whatever you want lol I just wanted to let out something that was on my mind. It's really an agree to disagree. If you and other people think they are a nostalgia act/greatest hits package than why are you still here talking about them every day? Why do you still care about them? I'm not looking for arguments, I just want to know if you're going to hate on them in 2019, why do you still care enough to make posts about it and complain about them?


I care.. I care about what they have left or to offer than any other act ..they are still 'my band'. Sort of like when your fav football team sucks this year .. one can easily say ..'they are horrible' when asked about them.

I'm still here to talk about them because of their history but I really have not much interest in this current American tour.

I complain because in my opinion .. contrary to many .. I feel they are BETTER
than that. They are BETTER than just being a Vegas Act like a few others. I STILL feel they can do another great record. Personally .. I really like their previous recent albums .. I'm mad and complain not because I think they dont have the ability anymore ... but because they very much DO and are just plain old bloody lazy when it comes to recording anymore. They are than that still even at this late age IMO. I want a new album I can boast about to my friends!! .. and online!! .. I want a new album to play and love. I want a new album to brag about. Isnt because I dont think they can (if that was the case Id feel kinda sorry for them .. I wouldn't say a complaining word). They are able bodied people who just have been lazy and I don't want them to go down this route but they have.. and it friggin really is disheartening.

See what I mean?

Lazy? You're going to call Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ron Wood and Charlie Watts lazy? Men in their mid-seventies who have nothing else to prove other than still being around, who are slowly but ARE recording an album. 4 men who play 2 hour shows 15 times a year, again in their MID-SEVENTIES, are lazy according to you? It's disheartening that you and few others on here have been fans for DECADES and because you aren't getting what you want from them, you need to cry like a bunch of five year olds. I don't care whether you were with a 74 year old guy in the studio and he's putting out 3 albums in 10 years. Good for him, I don't care about what other acts are doing. good for them. I'm excitingly waiting for another album because it's a treat.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: March 13, 2019 06:21

Also not a progressing Rock and Roll band? What more do they need to progress on? georgelicks tells EVERYONE every time he makes a post to stop complaining and looking for news every day about the album. Would you rather them just call it quits at this point, not tour anymore? Scrap the album? I'm almost 23, CJFP is my age too, now idk what his opinions are but I'd say we're just happy to be alive where we get to see the Stones live with our own eyes at this point. What do the Stones owe us a this point? That's right, nothing. But they still play to hundreds of thousands of people around the world and little do they know, there's like a handful of people who would rather complain about them than just be freaking happy they're still busting their asses going out on stage doing 2 hour shows in their mid -70's.


My dear boy, I've been listening to (and seeing The Rolling Stones) for decades longer than before your were even thought of .. I have the right to bitch. One day you'll understand that notion and concept.

In a sense .. instead of this current tour .. yes I actually wish they would of called it quits ... However there still is a new album coming ... uhhhh I Guess...? So until that happens I have no desire. As well I have no desire to see them perform on 'greatest hits' tours at this point. I dont need them to play five songs a night from a new album .. Id be ok with two.. but I WANT a new album. Something to go on. Many of their die-hard older fans feel the same way as I.

We can agree to disagree young one .. but if you were where I'm at, seeing what I see, knowing what I know and have been with em as long as I .. I have a feeling you would be in this same frame of mind.

Have fun.

All of my love for the Stones comes from my dad who is 57 and a fan since the mid-seventies. He almost cries over the fact that they are still here, playing the music he loves, I'm glad he doesn't have the same frame of mind as you do. Im sorry but I'll never give up my love for the Stones like you have. I'm sorry you can't admit that. Please do not call me "dear boy" or "young one." I'm not wasting these final years of this band by hating on them. I'm loving EVERY second for what they're doing now. It's sad you waste your time insulting a band you've loved your whole life on here. I thought I'd come here to share my love for this band in 2019 by posting on here but I didn't know there would be so much hatred towards them too.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 13, 2019 06:31

it's a sort of 'grey zone' or something for me.
i Do think that the most excellent and vibrant and brilliant periods and songs should take historical precedence for the rapidly arriving Future;
and in a sustained way for decade, (the general time-frames of whatever 'period' always fun to argue)....
...and certainly Aftermath and some stuff PRIOR to the Golden Period albums,
(as well as after thru SG generally speaking)...

These huge recorded wonderful Hits SHOULD BE presented over and over variously; why not if it's quality audio?
it's sad for us and "complete-ists" to be handed the same stuff to buy sixteen times....but, sounding like an out of touch grampa...
...the Cultural Significance; as well as the Drive in their boogie woogie...
and the excellence, the high extremely high excellence of a Lot of their recordings and performances....
...maybe Should be presented as often as the 'market can bear' who knows for sure. complete-ists will get it and not listen probs...
But i want a kid to hear Ruby Tuesday in their first years of High School too...
i want them to be able to access the rhythmic vibe; and the touch song content....
and Mick and the others. down deep; and Ron has shown respect for this...
are probs mostly Way OK with having these songs represent them for history sake.
when we look at the setlists...

not to say something delicious is not in the pike; cause i really think it IS...
but i sorta have grown to 'get' why there are hundreds of elvis albums seemingly; i think RCA started an entire sub-label they distributed with less Pop Hit Elvis stuff.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: March 13, 2019 06:41

Another usless compilation thumbs down

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: wupperstein ()
Date: March 13, 2019 07:14

Old wine in new bottles.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 13, 2019 07:22

It can be tough for some of us to be a Stones fan these days....
In one sense it's amazing to have opportunity to see them live again, and the fact they're still rolling after all these years.
The memories and good times they've provided throughout the years are priceless, and their music has played a HUGE part of my life since I was a toddler - I could write a book!
On the other hand they've become sort of stagnant treading the same old ground in these latter years - both live and what they release.

Meanhwile, good to revisit their glorious past as often as possible in these trying times...

MR Ya-Ya's

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-13 07:33 by Hairball.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 13, 2019 07:38

it will be a Good one.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-13 07:44 by hopkins.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: IanBillen ()
Date: March 13, 2019 08:22

Also not a progressing Rock and Roll band? What more do they need to progress on? georgelicks tells EVERYONE every time he makes a post to stop complaining and looking for news every day about the album. Would you rather them just call it quits at this point, not tour anymore? Scrap the album? I'm almost 23, CJFP is my age too, now idk what his opinions are but I'd say we're just happy to be alive where we get to see the Stones live with our own eyes at this point. What do the Stones owe us a this point? That's right, nothing. But they still play to hundreds of thousands of people around the world and little do they know, there's like a handful of people who would rather complain about them than just be freaking happy they're still busting their asses going out on stage doing 2 hour shows in their mid -70's.


My dear boy, I've been listening to (and seeing The Rolling Stones) for decades longer than before your were even thought of .. I have the right to bitch. One day you'll understand that notion and concept.

In a sense .. instead of this current tour .. yes I actually wish they would of called it quits ... However there still is a new album coming ... uhhhh I Guess...? So until that happens I have no desire. As well I have no desire to see them perform on 'greatest hits' tours at this point. I dont need them to play five songs a night from a new album .. Id be ok with two.. but I WANT a new album. Something to go on. Many of their die-hard older fans feel the same way as I.

We can agree to disagree young one .. but if you were where I'm at, seeing what I see, knowing what I know and have been with em as long as I .. I have a feeling you would be in this same frame of mind.

Have fun.

All of my love for the Stones comes from my dad who is 57 and a fan since the mid-seventies. He almost cries over the fact that they are still here, playing the music he loves, I'm glad he doesn't have the same frame of mind as you do. Im sorry but I'll never give up my love for the Stones like you have. I'm sorry you can't admit that. Please do not call me "dear boy" or "young one." I'm not wasting these final years of this band by hating on them. I'm loving EVERY second for what they're doing now. It's sad you waste your time insulting a band you've loved your whole life on here. I thought I'd come here to share my love for this band in 2019 by posting on here but I didn't know there would be so much hatred towards them too.


'Jordy' (how's that?) .. If I hated The Stones I wouldn't be here on this message board. I haven't given up my love for em either as you say .. I'm here because I'd like to see them put out a record. You are at the very same point I was at in 1989. Imagine the year 2049 and you are where I'm at and The Stones are still playing only their greatest hits live with another compilation .. (I think you'd be a little bored and fed up at that point as well .. no?).

If they can tour .. they can record an album. Leonard Cohen recorded his last album as he was dying. Naturally that's the extreme .. (I don't expect that.. I'm just giving you perspective). Guess what.. he didn't tease and talk about it and this and that for four years. He recorded it and put it out (while he was dying). So The Stones .. in their current state .. could of easily given us another record over the past four years (and more than four bloody records in 30 years).

but I think you are making excuses for them. Yes .. they have been lazy .. recording wise. More over they have only put out four albums in 30 years .. Call it neglect.. laziness call it what you want .. but this isn't a 'sudden' slow down... not by any stretch of the imagination.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-13 08:23 by IanBillen.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: March 13, 2019 08:39

I care.. I care about what they have left or to offer than any other act ..they are still 'my band'. Sort of like when your fav football team sucks this year .. one can easily say ..'they are horrible' when asked about them.

I'm still here to talk about them because of their history but I really have not much interest in this current American tour.

I complain because in my opinion .. contrary to many .. I feel they are BETTER
than that. They are BETTER than just being a Vegas Act like a few others. I STILL feel they can do another great record. Personally .. I really like their previous recent albums .. I'm mad and complain not because I think they dont have the ability anymore ... but because they very much DO and are just plain old bloody lazy when it comes to recording anymore. They are than that still even at this late age IMO. I want a new album I can boast about to my friends!! .. and online!! .. I want a new album to play and love. I want a new album to brag about. Isnt because I dont think they can (if that was the case Id feel kinda sorry for them .. I wouldn't say a complaining word). They are able bodied people who just have been lazy and I don't want them to go down this route but they have.. and it friggin really is disheartening.

See what I mean?

I see what you mean because I can absolutely relate to that. What you describe is more or less absolute despair about this band when creatively, since many years by now, they only seem to give a small handful of rice when there's the feeling they could do so much better and offer a rich meal instead. The feeling that this band is selling themselves much under their value. In fact I felt like you already many many years ago, probably much earlier than you.

But in a way, I've made my peace with them and came to terms with the fact that everything has its lifespan, and by realizing that no matter how great these people are as musicians, maybe there's not much left they could add to their musical universe. I mean it's easy to point to other artists and that they're still releasing albums, but honestly what cries for repeated listening like their earlier works?

Meanwhile, I find enjoyment in some of their archive releases. Their shows don't excite me like they used to, but then, I started going to their shows in the 60's and realize at the same time that there are much younger fans who did not have the chance to see them as often as I did and love what they're still able to achieve in a live setting. And whatever they put out, there's always at least something that I like. And if I don't like each and every track, I build my own compilations for my personal listening pleasure... Hell, even on their Honk bonus live album there will be some tracks that are useful, and I'm pretty sure, their new studio album will be no different. And who knows, maybe it could even be listened to all the way through without the urge to skip tracks (what was their last album where you could do that?).

Make your peace with them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-13 08:41 by retired_dog.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: keithsman ()
Date: March 13, 2019 10:20

Also not a progressing Rock and Roll band? What more do they need to progress on? georgelicks tells EVERYONE every time he makes a post to stop complaining and looking for news every day about the album. Would you rather them just call it quits at this point, not tour anymore? Scrap the album? I'm almost 23, CJFP is my age too, now idk what his opinions are but I'd say we're just happy to be alive where we get to see the Stones live with our own eyes at this point. What do the Stones owe us a this point? That's right, nothing. But they still play to hundreds of thousands of people around the world and little do they know, there's like a handful of people who would rather complain about them than just be freaking happy they're still busting their asses going out on stage doing 2 hour shows in their mid -70's.


My dear boy, I've been listening to (and seeing The Rolling Stones) for decades longer than before your were even thought of .. I have the right to bitch. One day you'll understand that notion and concept.

In a sense .. instead of this current tour .. yes I actually wish they would of called it quits ... However there still is a new album coming ... uhhhh I Guess...? So until that happens I have no desire. As well I have no desire to see them perform on 'greatest hits' tours at this point. I dont need them to play five songs a night from a new album .. Id be ok with two.. but I WANT a new album. Something to go on. Many of their die-hard older fans feel the same way as I.

We can agree to disagree young one .. but if you were where I'm at, seeing what I see, knowing what I know and have been with em as long as I .. I have a feeling you would be in this same frame of mind.

Have fun.

All of my love for the Stones comes from my dad who is 57 and a fan since the mid-seventies. He almost cries over the fact that they are still here, playing the music he loves, I'm glad he doesn't have the same frame of mind as you do. Im sorry but I'll never give up my love for the Stones like you have. I'm sorry you can't admit that. Please do not call me "dear boy" or "young one." I'm not wasting these final years of this band by hating on them. I'm loving EVERY second for what they're doing now. It's sad you waste your time insulting a band you've loved your whole life on here. I thought I'd come here to share my love for this band in 2019 by posting on here but I didn't know there would be so much hatred towards them too.


'Jordy' (how's that?) .. If I hated The Stones I wouldn't be here on this message board. I haven't given up my love for em either as you say .. I'm here because I'd like to see them put out a record. You are at the very same point I was at in 1989. Imagine the year 2049 and you are where I'm at and The Stones are still playing only their greatest hits live with another compilation .. (I think you'd be a little bored and fed up at that point as well .. no?).

If they can tour .. they can record an album. Leonard Cohen recorded his last album as he was dying. Naturally that's the extreme .. (I don't expect that.. I'm just giving you perspective). Guess what.. he didn't tease and talk about it and this and that for four years. He recorded it and put it out (while he was dying). So The Stones .. in their current state .. could of easily given us another record over the past four years (and more than four bloody records in 30 years).

but I think you are making excuses for them. Yes .. they have been lazy .. recording wise. More over they have only put out four albums in 30 years .. Call it neglect.. laziness call it what you want .. but this isn't a 'sudden' slow down... not by any stretch of the imagination.


At the end of the day, no matter how much we love this band, they Sold out for the easy money. Mick has turned them into a business that goes for maximum profits for minimum product. And yes Keith, Ronnie and Charlie sold out too, we can't blame Mick for living his dream, all the others have gone along with him and cashed in their chips.
There is very minimal profit to be made from albums and this is the reason Mick lost interest in doing them, it is what it is, but i still love my Rolling Stones for having the courage to continue live and for all they gave to us all these years. I too have no more interest in another Hits show, I've seen them and done them to death, it's just not worth it anymore, and yet still i go to see them confused smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: ukcal ()
Date: March 13, 2019 12:10

who is producing Honk ? hopefully NOT Don Was, who is totally unable to get any classic stones sound on tape even if its live, La overdubs done a couple of weeks ago?

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: March 13, 2019 12:12

This thread is sticky for a while due to the fact that The Rolling Stones have been working with tracks for the new album now, ie. quite recently. Also, as Keith and Ronnie and others have stated, they have been working a week now and then on it, both in NYC and LA, recording, engineering, mixing.

Unlike giving birth to a new human being, which is an estimated nine months from idea until birth, a new Stones studio album does not follow such a predefined schedule.

They had to rush release "Anybody Seen My Baby", and give away song writing credits, due to time pressure. The release schedule of "A Bigger Bang" was defined while they were rehearsing for the tour in Toronto in the summer of 2005, and it was released a few weeks after tour start. Now they have all the experience they need NOT to stick to a fixed date for a while. The album will be ready when it is ready. Like Keith says: "We'll have it done this year, at some point".

If they feel good about it - during the spring rehearsals - then we might get one or two new songs in Miami April 20. If they work out great then we might even get them through the tour, and an en entire new self-penned studio album out later this year.

Hopefully there’s a new song or two that work out great during rehearsals. If not then I will go with the Georgelicks scenario. But there’s no denying they have five mixed versions (in some cases) of twenty plus songs. Tour starts next month!!!!

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Date: March 13, 2019 13:35

It's too bad when someone says that we don't really need a new Stones album anymore. That buys into every tenet that the suits live by: money, sales, charts.
An artist should be making music; it is that simple.
One can counter with all these lines about age, and so many classic records already given to the world, and that is all fine and good. But - are you an artist or not?

And I never feel that they owe me an album. But wouldn't they feel that they owe it to themselves?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-13 13:36 by Palace Revolution 2000.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: March 13, 2019 14:23

Palace Revolution 2000
It's too bad when someone says that we don't really need a new Stones album anymore. That buys into every tenet that the suits live by: money, sales, charts.
An artist should be making music; it is that simple.
One can counter with all these lines about age, and so many classic records already given to the world, and that is all fine and good. But - are you an artist or not?

And I never feel that they owe me an album. But wouldn't they feel that they owe it to themselves?

Absolutely spot on. Artists create. CREATE. I LOVE your line that surely they feel they owe it to themselves... It's EXACTLY how I feel about this whole album issue. Great post.


Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: March 13, 2019 14:43

Palace Revolution 2000
It's too bad when someone says that we don't really need a new Stones album anymore. That buys into every tenet that the suits live by: money, sales, charts.
An artist should be making music; it is that simple.
One can counter with all these lines about age, and so many classic records already given to the world, and that is all fine and good. But - are you an artist or not?

And I never feel that they owe me an album. But wouldn't they feel that they owe it to themselves?

I don't find it "too bad" at all.

Agree that "an artist should be making music".. and thank god they still do, and in front of hundreds of thousands of fans most every year lately. Assuming you must mean "new" music, and disagree that criteria somehow wholly defines an artist.
I would also argue that even in a warhorse filled set, they have created a form of new music with versions no one has heard until that moment, at times with other artists etc., and at times songs that even someone who's been to as many shows as bv, or even just a few dozen like myself, hasn't had the extreme pleasure of hearing live.
While no fan wouldn't want a new album, it really doesn't diminish, imo, what they have and are achieving musically, right now. No Filter alone has been seen by over 1.5 million fans, grossing $117,844,618. There's the tenet of money, sales and charts you mentioned. As much as some would like to conclude that without new music they are not relevant artists, the facts state otherwise.
And that's without taking into consideration their numerous solo efforts, grammy winning blues album, guest appearances on albums, as well as a few new stones tunes along the way and by all accounts a bunch in the can.
Zero worries that they will ever lose the "artist" label, as that clearly is what they are.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Father Ted ()
Date: March 13, 2019 16:02

I've been told about a new compilation about a year ago, all their previous compilations are all out of print, including Jump Back and Grrr, so this one is taking over. It's aimed for the US market, if we look at the Billboard 200 chart, about half of it are greatest hits compilations, including Hot Rocks at #183 this week, only one week away from the 300 weeks on chart.

The americans could care less about a new Rolling Stones album (or new stuff for any act over 45-50 years old), all they want is the Hot Rocks songs and a good t-shirt design to go on concerts. For even older fans, the physical target, you get 5 different overpriced versions of compilations and archive releases and they want all of them.

The duets live album was on plans too during 2014-2015 but it was shelved due to contractual problems with some of the guests (Taylor Swift, Kate Perry), it looks like some of it will be released now.

The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.


This is just 'sad', really. Not sad as in depressing but really sad in that they have like absolutely no care about the new album. What kind of attitude is this?

2020???? Really?? 15 years to get out a new album? 4-5 years in working on a record? Still instead the focus is now on another greatest hits thing? Why don't they just set up residency in Las Vegas and play at the Casino's .. ..... That is all they have become .. a Vegas act at this point.

Just speaking my opinion but we REALLY don't even NEED a new Rolling Stones album at this point. What more do they need to prove music wise? This album is a TREAT for us. georgelicks is right, who honestly gives a shit at this point over a new Stones album? Nobody other than the few of us who post on here REALLY care about this album coming out. Will it come out? Yes. When? When they feel like finishing it. Is that an issue? NOT AT ALL. They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history." And I would have said, "Okay, you guys have 25 studio albums, you don't want to make another one? No problem." THEY'RE 71-77 YEARS OLD. They could have retired 25 years ago. They enjoy being The Rolling Stones after almost 57 years, playing 15 shows a year and spending time with their families because THEY'RE OLD and they can do whatever they want. Again, this album is a TREAT that they don't HAVE to be doing. Not trying to knock on anyone complaining but seriously, Mick and Keith know nobody is crying that it's taking them so long. I see 2020 being the year of this new album. And it's obviously Universal's to put out another compilation album. The Stones couldn't give two shits less about putting out another compilation and Universal doesn't give flying @#$%& about when this new album comes out. They're still up on that stage every year, making so many people happy, that's all that matters.

If people think they're a Vegas act, why still post on here? Why knock down the greatest rock 'n roll band that's ever existed? Because we're crying over their 1 millionth and first studio album taking so damn long? WHO CARES!!!!! THEY WILL FINISH IT WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT. They don't even need to be playing anymore, but they are. GO, LIVE YOUR LIFE, STOP COMING TO THIS PAGE THINKING WE'LL BE GETTING NEWS EVERY DAY OVER THIS DAMN THING.



Jody Licks .. to address some of your issue I think you are misguided on:

'Universal' cares .. they kinda / sorta got together with their lawyers along with the Stones and paid them a couple million dollars for it (remember).

"They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history"

>> They could of said that .. but they didn't ... they claim the contrary and keep purposefully teasing the public about this new album. They (Mick 7 Keith) have said is they feel they are still a viable act with new stuff to offer Lol. I'm just going by what they have always told us. Im saying I am not buying it .. how could I?

It's been 14 years since we had an album .. In case you haven't noticed.. The Rolling Stones are retired since 2005 .. See their films ... tours .. etc. etc.

As far as my own life goes .. and speaking of it .. I was in the studio with a guy who is 74 yesterday. He has recorded three albums in the last ten years. He has no problem getting to the studio ... or making albums (and nobody makes excuses for him). He has about 1/10,000 the cash, connections or free time as The Rolling Stones ... and nobody feels sorry for him or makes excuses for him. Possibly you should think about that?

Yes.. they are / have become a Vegas act at this point (until they come out with a new record .. to me .. they are simply a Nostalgia / Greatest hits package until that happens) .. not a progressing Rock and Roll band.. Why be angry at me (or others) who feel this way because of that. See Paul McCartney .. Dylan .. Neil Young .. etc. They don't have these problems and to me .. they are still viable for not having them. Look .. The Rolling Stones have chosen that route ...don't be angry at me / us for it ... be mad at them Lol. I come here because I've seen them countless times... have all their studio records and they have been my favorite act since I was 10.... I can bitch about them if I want to .. I've bought that right a long time ago Lol

No no you can do whatever you want lol I just wanted to let out something that was on my mind. It's really an agree to disagree. If you and other people think they are a nostalgia act/greatest hits package than why are you still here talking about them every day? Why do you still care about them? I'm not looking for arguments, I just want to know if you're going to hate on them in 2019, why do you still care enough to make posts about it and complain about them?

People come here out of habit every day, expecting some bombshell announcement. I'd suggest that some of the complaints are grounded in frustration and having to wait 15 years for one new album? We all know that records don't make money anymore, tours do. That's why the album has played second fiddle to the mini-tours. IDC about the new album at all, it'll be the classic Stones format (Rocker/slower rocker/country-style ballad/contemporary sounding track/Keith's track/old timey blues style number or cover/Rocker/Rocker). If it ever gets released, I'll check it out but it's not my #1 life priority lol.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: March 13, 2019 16:25

I care.. I care about what they have left or to offer than any other act ..they are still 'my band'. Sort of like when your fav football team sucks this year .. one can easily say ..'they are horrible' when asked about them.

I'm still here to talk about them because of their history but I really have not much interest in this current American tour.

I complain because in my opinion .. contrary to many .. I feel they are BETTER
than that. They are BETTER than just being a Vegas Act like a few others. I STILL feel they can do another great record. Personally .. I really like their previous recent albums .. I'm mad and complain not because I think they dont have the ability anymore ... but because they very much DO and are just plain old bloody lazy when it comes to recording anymore. They are than that still even at this late age IMO. I want a new album I can boast about to my friends!! .. and online!! .. I want a new album to play and love. I want a new album to brag about. Isnt because I dont think they can (if that was the case Id feel kinda sorry for them .. I wouldn't say a complaining word). They are able bodied people who just have been lazy and I don't want them to go down this route but they have.. and it friggin really is disheartening.

See what I mean?

I see what you mean because I can absolutely relate to that. What you describe is more or less absolute despair about this band when creatively, since many years by now, they only seem to give a small handful of rice when there's the feeling they could do so much better and offer a rich meal instead. The feeling that this band is selling themselves much under their value. In fact I felt like you already many many years ago, probably much earlier than you.

But in a way, I've made my peace with them and came to terms with the fact that everything has its lifespan, and by realizing that no matter how great these people are as musicians, maybe there's not much left they could add to their musical universe. I mean it's easy to point to other artists and that they're still releasing albums, but honestly what cries for repeated listening like their earlier works?

Meanwhile, I find enjoyment in some of their archive releases. Their shows don't excite me like they used to, but then, I started going to their shows in the 60's and realize at the same time that there are much younger fans who did not have the chance to see them as often as I did and love what they're still able to achieve in a live setting. And whatever they put out, there's always at least something that I like. And if I don't like each and every track, I build my own compilations for my personal listening pleasure... Hell, even on their Honk bonus live album there will be some tracks that are useful, and I'm pretty sure, their new studio album will be no different. And who knows, maybe it could even be listened to all the way through without the urge to skip tracks (what was their last album where you could do that?).

Make your peace with them.

That is very good Retired Dog. Do you do phone appointments? I could use some calm rational advice. Not about ‘Honk’
Beep beep mm beep beep yeah.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: March 13, 2019 16:38

Vegas act... didn't Keith himself call the Stones a Vegas act, or words to that effect, years ago already? By which he meant the Stones live as of 1989 if I recall correctly.

Personally I would welcome a new record, and yet I can see how many people wouldn't really need one. I see it like this, just be thankful for everything we can still get out of them so to speak, if it turns out to be not as good as it used to be, that doesn't necessarily mean it would be bad either.

Through the years I've come across all kinds of fans, some don't like the Stones of the past 30 years, some don't like the Stones after 1972/74, some even gave up on them after 1965. So the debate on 'they're not as good as they used to be' isn't really new. Sure, I would choose Exile or It's Only RnR over A Bigger Bang anytime. Am I glad to have the latter album? Yes. And I -being an old fashioned lp kind of guy- don't even skip tracks.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: March 13, 2019 17:17

No hard feelings Ian. Always up for some heated discussions. smileys with beer

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