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BB release delayed..?
Posted by: shedooby ()
Date: September 1, 2005 14:22

On several messageboards the rumour spreads that the BB release is delayed with one week according to some Virgin spokesman.

Did anybody hear something about this?

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 1, 2005 14:23

released in Japan a couple of days ago...but NO bonus track....ROCKMAN

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: StonesBart ()
Date: September 1, 2005 15:45

It's allready being solled in Holland.

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: shedooby ()
Date: September 1, 2005 16:27

StonesBart Wrote:
> It's allready being solled in Holland.

Really, where? I called stores in Den Haag and they expect tomorrow..

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: Brad F ()
Date: September 1, 2005 16:27

In Japan there was supposed to be a version of A Bigger Bang that included a dvd, but when I went to the store and asked about it they said that the release date was to be determined later.

I asked if it was one cd with a song or 2 in dvd video format, but the clerk didn't know.

Has anybody heard anything about this?

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: StonesBart ()
Date: September 1, 2005 16:35

StonesBart Wrote:
> It's allready being solled in Holland.

At the Free Record Shop. Some FRS stores say they can't sell it till tomorrow, some just do. Where I bought it even played it in the store so. You should ask.

Re: BB release delayed..?
Date: September 1, 2005 16:46

In Eindhoven, Holland they sell it to !

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: phd ()
Date: September 1, 2005 16:50

What about France ? Does anyone knows.

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: Doc ()
Date: September 1, 2005 16:58

In France it is still announced for Monday
Virgin Megastores will get their stocks delivered a few days earlier, but don't count on them for selling it days before the official date because of the informatic system that will block the barcode identification.

You may try smaller record shops

The Lim Ed version with bonus stuff is said to be released 2-3 weeks after the regular album, but things can change...

As an example, the single has not yet be released in France (neither the European Made in Germay pressing, nor the UK import). The Virgin Megastore's supposed delivery date was Aug 16 for an Aug 22 release, but they were still waiting for the singles to arrive yesterday. Same for Fnac.


Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: Halup ()
Date: September 1, 2005 19:20

I have heard that the vinyl LP release date has been pushed back 1 week, at least in the US. As far as the limited edition cd with dvd, Billboard reported that it will be released in November.

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: September 1, 2005 21:09

Damn, i've been sitting and waiting for next monday and now I hear it's allready on sale! Shops are open untill 9, so I'm on my way!!


Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: September 1, 2005 21:11

stores - even in the US - generally have the album several days before "release date" but are not allowed to sell it. If you're "tight" with the owners, however, you can usually sneak out a copy early. that's my plan tomorrow....

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: Halup ()
Date: September 1, 2005 21:19

The September 5th release date is for most countries, but there are a couple of countries that always release albums on Fridays. Ireland and Holland go for Friday releases meaning the official release date for A Bigger Bang is Septtmber 2 there. As Northern Ireland is in the UK, it should not be onsale there until Monday. Japan always goes for a Wednesday release and the labels generally release albums there before anywhere else in the world, which is why the album was already released there on August 31st.

Re: BB release delayed..?
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: September 1, 2005 21:33

Nope. Nothing yet. I'll have to wait till tomorrow, I guess...

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