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Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: August 31, 2016 02:03

Apologies if already posted:


Interview: Bill Wyman on Brian Jones, Keith Moon, Jeff Beck and more...

Features / 4 hours ago / by Rob Hughes

He’s been mates with Clapton and Page since the 60s, John Lennon wanted him, and he dared to quit the band that Keith Richards said people only left “in a box”. He's Bill Wyman

Classic Rock met with Bill Wyman – rock royalty, Rhythm King, legendary crumpeteer, and for 30 years the bassist in The Greatest Rock’n’Roll Band In The World – at Sticky Fingers, his American-styled bistro in Kensington. The walls are decked out in glorious Stones memorabilia, including the fretless bass Wyman invented in 1961 and his old mate Brian Jones’s gold Gibson guitar. “It’s the only thing I’ve got of Brian’s and it’s worth an awful lot of money,” he says wistfully. “It’s my little treasure.”

Jimi Hendrix

I first saw him at a club in Queens in New York in 1966, when he was known as Jimmy James. He did things the average person wasn’t doing, though I knew they’d been done before – playing guitar round the back of your head and biting strings. Jimi was a nice guy and all the Stones got on very well with him.

When we got back from America, I bumped into The Animals at the Scotch Of St James. Chas [Chandler, bassist] said to me: “We’re off to the States next week.” I said: “If you’re in New York, go and see this guy called Hendrix. He’s fantastic.”

So they went, Chas met him and then signed him and brought him over. I was one of the first people to see him here, when he played a club in Bromley [The Bromel Club, in 1967]. It might have been the first gig he did. There was hardly anyone else there. But he still poured lighter fuel on his guitar and set fire to it that night.

Peter Frampton

He was in the Rhythm Kings for the first year. Pete and I go back to when he was about 14 and used to come round to my house. He had this little band at that time. I’m like his mentor, his confidante. I helped get him into the studio for the first time. Whenever he has any decisions to make, he always calls and asks for advice. When he got invited to join Ringo’s band he phoned to say: “Do you think it’s a good move? “He was always highly talented and could do all these great improvised solos.

Pete blew me away, actually. After I joined the Stones in December ’62, drummer Tony Chapman – who’d been in my first band, The Cliftons – got fired a month later. Tony then bought my old equipment and formed The Preachers. And when their guitar player was killed in a car crash in ’64 he was replaced by Peter Frampton. So you can trace him back to my original band.

Brian Jones

Whenever the Stones would go on tour, me and Brian would always share a room. He could be really sweet and lovely and was more intelligent than any of the others. He was very articulate. But he could also be a little bastard sometimes. He had an evil streak which a lot of people only remember him for. Brian would do nasty things, like steal my girl or something one night. So he’d do the dirty, then you’d end up forgiving him because he’d have that little innocent, angelic smile: “Sorry, man. I didn’t mean it.” So you’d love him and hate him.

I’ve always said good things about him because he was the creator of The Rolling Stones. I don’t care what you say about Mick and Keith, if it hadn’t have been for Brian they probably would have had a different band in Dartford, out in the sticks where they lived. They weren’t Londoners, though Mick always tries on his cockney accent, which he doesn’t deserve, really. The only working-class ones in the Stones were me and Charlie.

The Yardbirds

In the last month or two that the Stones were playing the Station Hotel in Richmond we kept getting these young kids coming up to us. They’d ask us things like: “What key do you play that Jimmy Reed song in?” or “How does the middle section of that Slim Harpo song go?” I had one guy who kept questioning me as to where I got my strings from, and it was [Yardbirds bassist] Paul Samwell-Smith. And the rest of the guys turned out to be Yardbirds, too. They were learning from us the rudiments of blues riffs. And when we left they took over the venue, but though they never got the same audiences or adulation that we did. But then Eric [Clapton] joined and it became a different kind of band. I’ve been mates with Eric ever since that time. Jimmy Page was the same. He used to come and watch the Stones play in those little venues in ’63 when he was just a session guitarist.

Paul Rodgers

The Rhythm Kings were invited to play on the same bill as Led Zep at the Ahmet Ertegun tribute show [December 2007]. At the aftershow party we did six songs each – with Solomon Burke, Ben E King, Percy Sledge, Sam Moore – over two hours for 3,000 people, with my band supporting them. And all those artists bloody loved the Rhythm Kings. When we played with Paul Rodgers at rehearsal, he said: “I want this band!” I said: “Piss off, Paul. You’re not having mine, get your own bloody band!” Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler and Peter Green play with us too. The last time we played with Knopfler at the Royal Albert Hall, he turned to the audience and said: “This band know my music better than I do.” It’s wonderful.

Keith Moon

I used to stay at Moonie’s house a lot. Keith was a wonderful guy but, God he did overindulge. The doctor would come round and give him so much bloody stuff, then three days later Keith would’ve taken it all. There’d be Valium 10s, sleeping pills, wake-up pills and speeding pills, and he would just down them all the time. And there’d be champagne in the mornings, with brandy. I used to watch him in disbelief.

Once I was making a cup of tea in the morning and his lovely Swedish girlfriend [Annette Walter-Lax] came down – I’d heard them fighting upstairs – and she had scratches down each side of her face, with blood. I said: “Annette, what happened?” And she went: “Oh, nothing. Keith just threw the cat at me.” He’d do the maddest things. If he’d be meeting me and Ringo at Tramp, he’d arrive in a full hunting uniform. He’d have been out and hired fox-hunting gear: hat, coat, riding crop, jodhpurs. One time he bought a cemetery in the West Country as a birthday present for [Who bassist] John Entwistle.

Jeff Beck

Even though Jeff grew up with the blues, his bands have all been quite abstract and a little jazzy. I mean, what he said when he auditioned for the Stones [in 1975] was exactly what I’d told them myself in 1963: “You can’t play slow, 12-bar blues all bloody night.” Jeff was just one of the guitarists the Stones auditioned when Mick Taylor left. There was Rory Gallagher, Wayne Perkins and Harvey Mandel, the guy from Canned Heat. They all sort of came around and played for a couple of evenings. Jeff was good, but Harvey Mandel had too many effects, echoes and foot pedals. Keith ended up saying: “Bollocks to all that, just play the @#$%& thing!” We weren’t a gimmicks band. We were just messing with people to see how they fitted, really. And no one quite did. Then we ended up with Ronnie Wood.

The Rolling Stones

Keith still sends me scented candles at Christmas. We all send each other birthday and Christmas presents. It’s still a family thing, social not business, and it works really well. It’s like distant relatives – you’ve got an Auntie Elsie and an Uncle Fred who are really charming but you don’t want to see them all the time.

When I first left the Stones it took a few months to rebuild that relationship with them. It was quite stressful and they didn’t want me to leave. So they became bitchy. Instead of being nice and saying: “Great 30 years. Cheers mate,” Mick would say the most absurd, stupid things, with that spoilt attitude he had. He’d say things like: “Oh well, if anybody has to play bass I’ll do it. It can’t be that hard.” And Keith said: “No one leaves this band unless they’re in a wooden box.” Anyway, they left the door open for me for two years. Charlie and Mick would phone and say: “You’re not really leaving are you? Have you re-thought it?” Then when it came time for them to do the ’94/’95 tour they had to make a final decision. Mick and Charlie came over and spent the evening with me, trying to talk me into staying. Have I had any regrets about not going back? None whatsoever.

Ringo Starr

I used to see John Lennon quite a bit in America, when we’d sit down and have a nice chat. I remember once, when we were out in Los Angeles, he said to me: “I’d love to go on tour with you and Charlie as a rhythm section one day.” But of course it never happened.

I used to hang out with Paul quite a lot too. I actually gave them a lot of Beatles memorabilia that they never had, like films of them playing Shea Stadium and one of them playing Washington [February 1964], which was the first show they ever did in America. Then I gave Ringo a load of Tony Hancock stuff.

Out of all of them, I was closest to Ringo. I saw him a lot in the 70s when he lived in Monte Carlo and I lived in the South of France. We’d go to clubs, get drunk, go into Monte Carlo, have dinners. Then he’d come around to my house and watch music videos. They were good times. I still see him occasionally.

George Harrison

George played on one of the Rhythm Kings albums just before he died [2001’s Double Bill]. I phoned him up and said: “Can you do a guitar part on this track?” He went: “What are you calling me up for? You’ve got two of the best guitarists in the world in your band – Albert Lee and Martin Taylor. What do you want me for? I only play one note.” And I said to him: “George, that’s the note I want.” So he said: “Alright then. Send me the tape.” Which I did. And his guitar part was great.

Afterwards he wrote me a lovely letter, after I’d sent him a present of the [artist] Marc Chagall book I did [Chagall’s World, with photographs by Wyman], thanking me for asking him to do it. He signed it ‘Bert Weedon’.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: wonderboy ()
Date: August 31, 2016 02:15

Good read, thanks

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: wonderboy ()
Date: August 31, 2016 02:15

I like the idea of Keith going down to Target the week before Christmas to pick out Bill's scented candle.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: August 31, 2016 15:43

"...The only working-class ones in the Stones were me and Charlie."

I'm not thàt familiar with the specifics about (indications & correct parameters for) all the different 'classes' in Britain;
but from what I know, wouldn't at least Keith qualify as 'working class' too?
And furthermore, Ron Wood (being a descendent from water gypsies e.a.) maybe?

Just askin' here.

(Although I must admit his quote came over like yet another one of those snide remarks from ever-sore Bill'ey-boy...)

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: August 31, 2016 16:18


Once I was making a cup of tea in the morning and his lovely Swedish girlfriend [Annette Walter-Lax] came down – I’d heard them fighting upstairs – and she had scratches down each side of her face, with blood. I said: “Annette, what happened?” And she went: “Oh, nothing. Keith just threw the cat at me.”

I loathe violence agaisnt women but I confess I laughed at that one...

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: August 31, 2016 17:05

I like the idea of Keith going down to Target the week before Christmas to pick out Bill's scented candle.

Haha, me too. I kinda like how Bill described their relationship as relatives. Sounds reasonable and cute.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: August 31, 2016 17:10

"...The only working-class ones in the Stones were me and Charlie."

I'm not thàt familiar with the specifics about (indications & correct parameters for) all the different 'classes' in Britain;
but from what I know, wouldn't at least Keith qualify as 'working class' too?
And furthermore, Ron Wood (being a descendent from water gypsies e.a.) maybe?

Just askin' here.

(Although I must admit his quote came over like yet another one of those snide remarks from ever-sore Bill'ey-boy...)

Yeah, I reacted on that one too. Always thought Bill and Keith were definitely the working class lads in the Stones (not sure about Woody and Mick T). Never thought Charlie qualified as working class, but maybe so.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: StonedAsia ()
Date: August 31, 2016 17:45

I wonder if that cemetery is still in Keith's estate; that's nutters but I love it!!! Here, John, your very own cemetery.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: August 31, 2016 18:19

ever since the beginning, his attitude toward Mick and Keith has always been very

mixed, and he never wants to express admiration for them, instead its usually mild


never does he fail to remind everyone that Keith and Mick had nothing to do with starting the Stones.

but a fantastic bass player, and uncredited inventor.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: August 31, 2016 18:26

duke richardson
never does he fail to remind everyone that Keith and Mick had nothing to do with starting the Stones.


I never get why people care who started the Stones. The Stones are what they are because of Jagger and Richards period. Jones is only remembered because he started a band that had Jagger and Richards in it.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: Woz ()
Date: August 31, 2016 18:31

duke richardson
never does he fail to remind everyone that Keith and Mick had nothing to do with starting the Stones.


I never get why people care who started the Stones. The Stones are what they are because of Jagger and Richards period. Jones is only remembered because he started a band that had Jagger and Richards in it.


Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: August 31, 2016 19:03

"his old mate Brian Jones’s gold Gibson guitar. “It’s the only thing I’ve got of Brian’s and it’s worth an awful lot of money,” he says wistfully."

curious about this remark, and out of several, how this one became Bill's..

wonder if Brian gave or sold it to him...

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: umakmehrd ()
Date: August 31, 2016 19:37

duke richardson
never does he fail to remind everyone that Keith and Mick had nothing to do with starting the Stones.


I never get why people care who started the Stones. The Stones are what they are because of Jagger and Richards period. Jones is only remembered because he started a band that had Jagger and Richards in it.

Well said....

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: August 31, 2016 19:56

Hmm, as much as I love Mick and Keef and basically consider them the biggest part of The Stones history like many (I suppose). But really I believe it was Brian's vision to begin with, and perhaps Bill is trying to remind us of this in a subtle way? Who knows the truth.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: August 31, 2016 20:10

Hmm, as much as I love Mick and Keef and basically consider them the biggest part of The Stones history like many (I suppose). But really I believe it was Brian's vision to begin with, and perhaps Bill is trying to remind us of this in a subtle way? Who knows the truth.

What do you mean vision? Jones started a rock band that we know today because Jagger and Richards were in it. They would have never made it far at all without them.

Tons of people have started bands that are bnot known today because they didn't happen to have someone like Jagger ad Richards in it.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: August 31, 2016 20:26

By "vision" I mean the originator that had an idea to put a great band together. Sure Mick and Keef had grand ideas too. Not to over look their importance, but if I'm not mistaken the embryo and origin of The Rolling Stones "was" Brian. I could be wrong, and I have no interest to re-write history either. Again, who knows the truth?

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: August 31, 2016 20:33

when the town of Dartford put up a plaque saying Keith and Mick started the Stones, Bill put a stop to that in a hurry.


Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: August 31, 2016 22:37

I've seen interviews with the late Chas Chandler regarding seeing Hendrix in NYC. He said Linda Keith told him about Hendrix. When Chandler asked Hendrix to go to England with him, Hendrix asked if he could meet Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck! Perhaps Bill was hanging out with Keith Richards and Linda in London when they saw Chas?

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: sundevil ()
Date: September 1, 2016 01:09

“Oh well, if anybody has to play bass I’ll do it. It can’t be that hard." mick. perfect quote summing up what it means to be in the stones. i like bill and wish he didn't quit, just like everybody in the band, but MAN, what a friggin' name dropper.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-09-01 01:11 by sundevil.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: September 1, 2016 01:59

Perks has the soul of an accountant and still managed to jump off the wagon when the big money poured in from the mid-nineties and on.
And it didn't require a lot of work for him. He literally missed out on millions of easy earned pounds.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: BILLPERKS ()
Date: September 1, 2016 05:47

Bill did it his way. Have to respect him for that. But he has been missed.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: September 1, 2016 18:25

Bill is by far the most underrated musician among Rock Gods. He is so good it's ridiculous. Whenever I listen to Mercy Mercy, Hot Stuff or anything with him on bass really I hear the enormous difference between a guitar player adding bass (Keith - not bad but nothing special) and a real bass player who thumps and swings between the beats. Heavy yet light-footed.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: HonkeyTonkFlash ()
Date: September 1, 2016 18:37

Perks has the soul of an accountant and still managed to jump off the wagon when the big money poured in from the mid-nineties and on.
And it didn't require a lot of work for him. He literally missed out on millions of easy earned pounds.

The money couldn't have meant that much to him or he wouldn't have walked. He was just plain tired of flying all over creation.

"Gonna find my way to heaven ..."

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: blivet ()
Date: September 1, 2016 20:03

Perks has the soul of an accountant and still managed to jump off the wagon when the big money poured in from the mid-nineties and on.
And it didn't require a lot of work for him. He literally missed out on millions of easy earned pounds.

The money couldn't have meant that much to him or he wouldn't have walked. He was just plain tired of flying all over creation.

Not to mention that he was given several opportunities over the years to return to the fold, which he turned down even when it was clear just how much money was involved.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: buttons67 ()
Date: September 1, 2016 20:43

its a stupid argument comparing jones to jagger/richards when it comes to the subject of who was the bigger stones influence. its like a football team, some contribute more than others whether it be a specific team or the history of a club, in a football club, the goalscorer usually gets all the credit while the player who splits the opposition defence to create the goals is often overlooked by poor reporters. we as stones fans should all be aware that the project that is the rolling stones has had several team players over the years, most who contributed a great deal and that included brian jones.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: HonkeyTonkFlash ()
Date: September 1, 2016 20:57

its a stupid argument comparing jones to jagger/richards when it comes to the subject of who was the bigger stones influence. its like a football team, some contribute more than others whether it be a specific team or the history of a club, in a football club, the goalscorer usually gets all the credit while the player who splits the opposition defence to create the goals is often overlooked by poor reporters. we as stones fans should all be aware that the project that is the rolling stones has had several team players over the years, most who contributed a great deal and that included brian jones.

True, Jones must be given credit for founding the band, along with his many musical contributions. However, he was eclipsed by Jagger and Richards when it became clear that they could write and were also the visual focal point of the band. If Jones had never founded the band, I'd suspect that Mick and Keith might have created a band that looked and sounded very much like The Rolling Stones anyway.

"Gonna find my way to heaven ..."

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: September 1, 2016 21:36

Would Charlie ever have hooked up with Mick and Keith without Brian?

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: September 1, 2016 23:00

Actually Bill isn't name dropping as such; the magazine probably asked him to remenisce about some old musician mates and they gave him a list.
I like Bill but his attitude regarding women is quite medieval. He complains about Brian "stealing his girl friends' whilst being married with his young son.
Can't imagine what Charlie thought at the time of this side of his character.

As for sacrificing a fortune. Well, actually the person who really gave away a fortune was the first Mrs Wyman who left Bill at the end of 1966, because of his philandering ways. Divorced in 1969, she received a modest pay out and to my knowledge has never spilt the beans to the tabloid press.

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: September 2, 2016 00:34

its a stupid argument comparing jones to jagger/richards when it comes to the subject of who was the bigger stones influence. its like a football team, some contribute more than others whether it be a specific team or the history of a club, in a football club, the goalscorer usually gets all the credit while the player who splits the opposition defence to create the goals is often overlooked by poor reporters. we as stones fans should all be aware that the project that is the rolling stones has had several team players over the years, most who contributed a great deal and that included brian jones.

True, Jones must be given credit for founding the band, along with his many musical contributions. However, he was eclipsed by Jagger and Richards when it became clear that they could write and were also the visual focal point of the band. If Jones had never founded the band, I'd suspect that Mick and Keith might have created a band that looked and sounded very much like The Rolling Stones anyway.

Paraphrasing Ian Stewart here but I read a quote of his somewhere regarding Mick and Keith that went something like "Those two would have been rock stars with or without The Rolling Stones".

Re: Bill Wyman Talks
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: September 2, 2016 00:59

Bill can say whatever he wants,he was there. and yes Mick and Keith would've been successful no matter how the dice were tossed,that doesn't mean creating the Rolling Stones isn't a big deal.

Brian was good at alot of things and died when he was very young.he never had the chance to grow old,look back at his mistakes and do a thousand inteviews telling his side of the story.
at least give him the credit he is due,starting that particular band and coming up with that name off the top of his head means we owe him some respect,we can at least give him that.Bill is totally right on this.

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