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Onstage dancer
Posted by: Shawn20 ()
Date: August 23, 2005 10:38

Has anyone mentioned the onstage dancer? A guy jumps on the stage and is swinging what looks to be a stick or microphone stand. Jagger is at the end of the ramp on stage right. Blondie sees the guy and looks for security. The security was very slow getting on stage. It was very scary.

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: tomstones ()
Date: August 23, 2005 10:40

Where was Keith with his guitar?

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: ADRIAN_L ()
Date: August 23, 2005 11:06

Hope security gave him a kicking.
morons like him, ruin it for everyone else.

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: gaigai ()
Date: August 23, 2005 12:55

It was very scary blah blah.


Dont be old @#$%&!!!

Maybe the guy wanted nothing wrong, just to step on the stage of the stones. BTW I also would like to.

Not everyone is a killer, who wants to get up there!!

And rock and roll has to take some risks. Its not made for little rabbits.

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: Tumbling Dice ()
Date: August 23, 2005 13:38

Yeah I noticed that too It looked like a mike stand he was holding , kinda playing air guitar and dancing while folowing Mick wasn't it during BS ???Kick ass show BTW the boys still have it , It was also nice to meet the Nordic Stones at the Tiki BAr before the show my 12 year old was in amazed that people come from all over the world.....

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: August 23, 2005 14:11

really, I mean why is that scary? He was probabaly drunk and jumped pout there on a dare. It was actually my favoritre part of the whole review. He got up there and played airguitar on a damn broomstick LOL He is definetly my hero for the day>

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: Monkeytonkman ()
Date: August 23, 2005 15:02

I'm with you Gai Gai,

anyone out there that is bummed out over a guy gettin' on stage and rocking out should loosen up.

My mate went to Monsters of Rock at Donnigton many years back, with Ozzy playing, and he managed to scramble on stage and he just got a big hug from Ozzy and then sent him on his way.

Pretty much every concert maiden played, at least when I saw 'em, they would get loads of fans on stage to chant the chorus to one of their songs.

Iggy Pop always encourages people to invade the stage and go nuts.

It's called rock n roll people - go on let your rock n roll out!!

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: sjs12 ()
Date: August 23, 2005 15:08

If I was to invade the Stones stage I would do it on the last encore (in case I get ejected from the stadium and miss the rest of the show) and I would wear a helmet (well, we know what Keef can do with a telecaster).

Let's face it - the Stones have had stage invaders from the very beginning and are more than used to it by now. I bet they had a good laugh about it in the limo on the way back to the hotel!

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: Jack Flash ()
Date: August 23, 2005 15:53

I think, that after what happened to Dimebag Darrell, one can't be too cautious about something like that. I'm also really surprised that nobody has ever done something to a professional athlete while a sporting event is going on except for Monica Seles.

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: Shawn20 ()
Date: August 23, 2005 15:56

Yeah, I'm sure Jagger and company were just laughing and laughing about the large guy who gets on stage and starts dancing around with a potential weapon in his hand. Damn, what was I thinking?

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: ADRIAN_L ()
Date: August 23, 2005 16:01

Jack Flash Wrote:
> I'm also really surprised that nobody
> has ever done something to a professional athlete
> while a sporting event is going on except for
> Monica Seles.
What about the Men's Marathon, at ,last years Olympic Games, in Athens??

Brazilian guy in the lead, some irish priest nutter bloke, steps out the crowd, and mugs him, robbing him of potential gold.
(if memory serves me correctly, he finished up with a bronze and the irish nutter, turned out to be the same dude, who decided to play chicken on the Silverstone race track, during the Grand Prix, a couple of years back.) no time for wasters like him, whether it be "high jinx" or something more sinister.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-08-23 16:02 by ADRIAN_L.

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: August 23, 2005 16:12

Funny as it might sound,I can understand the Stones being more cautious as the years add up. For example, whle Keith's immune system is clearly supernatural and Mick has the physique and stamina of a twenty-something, bones do get brittle and fragile with age. Imagine the cancelled shows if one of them took a hard fall with a heavy guitar (not the Silvertone!), not to mention the embarrassment! Yikes!

Somewhat separately, anyone know the source of Mick's on-stage energy? I used to think espresso, but coffee kills the vocal range. I'm guessing a shot of B-Complex before the show and during Keith's tunes...

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: Reptile ()
Date: August 23, 2005 16:39

Keith should have smacked him with his Tele.

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: sjs12 ()
Date: August 23, 2005 16:41

Yes, but Keef was too busy posing about 1/2 mile along the stage in another direction!

Re: Onstage dancer
Posted by: davido ()
Date: August 23, 2005 18:10

The boys seemed real cautious, at the Toronto rehearsals,
of rowdy fans following them or trying to get too close.
In the post Lennon era, I think this is understandable,
as regretable as it might otherwise be for those
of us, who like the Stones, grew up in
another era, where you might just
laugh and say they were feeling
the vibe. Why should the
Stones take any risks
that way?

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