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Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: June 7, 2019 04:40

Chris Fountain
Seems like Little Stevie has been up to some summer lovin stuff as well

" Summer of Sorcery" A catchy song influenced by Stones Bruce, 60s 70s Hell everything and the kitchen sink.


Bruce's Muse left about the same time as Miami Steve.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: June 7, 2019 05:35

Chris Fountain
Seems like Little Stevie has been up to some summer lovin stuff as well

" Summer of Sorcery" A catchy song influenced by Stones Bruce, 60s 70s Hell everything and the kitchen sink.


I like that.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: June 7, 2019 19:31

Elmo Lewis
Chris Fountain
Seems like Little Stevie has been up to some summer lovin stuff as well

" Summer of Sorcery" A catchy song influenced by Stones Bruce, 60s 70s Hell everything and the kitchen sink.


Bruce's Muse left about the same time as Miami Steve.

I saw them, the only time I ever did, in 1984; Steve had made Born in the USA
album with him I think; but then quit for his solo stuff.
And yep it's interesting those next ten years.
the four solo albums that would follow were interesting to me.
necessary i think. I know it frustrated Danny Federici (RIP) ....
he figured the guy had a great band that had been thru everything with
him pretty much and wanted to keep working; The E Street was shut down a long time after Steve left BUT....
as far as touring. (And I DO appreciate Van Zandt's presence all over that 1980 Arizona concert footage; a real lynch-pin and soulful cool presence...
but truly in '84, as always, Nils Lofren, who I first heard of with the Grin albums, did a super great job. there were no 'holes' and absolutely no lack of 'drama' or presence from that band that night in Los Angeles in 1984.
I think Bruce did mention Steve with respect and appreciation and try to promote Steve's album about Apartheid a bit from the stage that night.
There was obviously no big fight or hard feelings; Bruce was trying to promote Steve even tho Steve was not in the E Street Band for that Fantastic tour.

Human Touch and Lucky Town and one of the others escaping me before the Seeger Sessions which I didn't dig.....
and before the E Street came back....
and Clarence was still alive as was Danny.
i liked, i think Lucky Town; for it's rawness; he had a hot young gunslinger there on rhythm mostly; and it was a very stripped down band with Bruce on lead guitar; i think a guy from Lone Justice was with him; i'm not sure about all that but will figure it out with some help....
i liked the freshness and rawness of that act. The spare nature of it without all those other players, who I also love but it was good for me, as far as his continuing output, when he didn't have Steve or the E Streeters and wasn't writing with their performances of these tracks in mind.

i can't find the videos anymore but there were clips of those live shows; with those quickly and recorded excellent songs. he was making Human Touch, or one of them when Lucky Town sort of 'happened' on him; all these songs came down and he wanted fresh horses and it was recorded quickly and came out quickly; lol two solo released in one year. Bruce does it his way.

hang in there, the rest of you guys....
bring Clarence's cousin more and more upstage as he seasons...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-06-07 19:34 by hopkins.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: June 7, 2019 19:44

Elmo Lewis
Chris Fountain
Seems like Little Stevie has been up to some summer lovin stuff as well

" Summer of Sorcery" A catchy song influenced by Stones Bruce, 60s 70s Hell everything and the kitchen sink.


Bruce's Muse left about the same time as Miami Steve.

I changed this post because it was too strong and you are a good guy. I simply disagree.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-06-08 16:21 by Chris Fountain.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: ukcal ()
Date: June 8, 2019 00:25

Really guys?...all I hear is Dylan

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 8, 2019 02:21

If it weren't for his voice, I'd probably like the boss alot more - same can be said for Little Steven I guess.
This is not a bash as I actually like some of the songs from both of them (especially the boss's early stuff when heard on the radio), but can only take them in very small doses.
Love Little Steven's Undergound Garage radio show as much as Jonesy's Jukebox (which airs daily in L.A.)- both dig deep and play things you'd never hear anywhere else.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: June 10, 2019 00:59


Both Bruce and Steve wish they could sing like this guy.
they try.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-06-10 01:01 by hopkins.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: June 14, 2019 10:59

Western Stars is excellent. who would've thought that the boss would uncork a record this good at this point.

OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 14, 2019 13:47

Western Stars


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: June 14, 2019 13:56

nice article about the record from patterson hood:


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: June 14, 2019 16:20


Both Bruce and Steve wish they could sing like this guy.
they try.
And I'm sure Southside wishes he could write deep, catchy songs and perform for four hours in stadiums like Bruce. See how that works?

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: June 14, 2019 17:06

The new album is boring as hell. And those orchestral arrangements make it even worse than Devils & Dust which I always thought is his most boring album, but now Devils & Dust has to step back.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: yorkshirestone ()
Date: June 14, 2019 17:22

i really like it, streamed it twice today. If you liked the singles (hello sunshine etc) the album will suit

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: June 14, 2019 18:09

I think it is great. Folks have to realize this is not the E. Street Band. This is an introspective collection of music. Is it moving yes.

It is not "Uut in the Streets", "Rosalita" Long Waklk Home , etc...

Sometimes we need a break from hard rockers. If the Stones can make Goats Head's Soup then same rules apply to Bruce S.

All the greats including Bowie, Reed, Van & Jim Morrison all changed it up throughout the evolution of their careers.

I call for a music democracy!

OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 14, 2019 18:15

Western Stars (Official Video)


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: dmay ()
Date: June 14, 2019 18:47

The new album caught me by surprise. Some songs grabbed me quickly, others I need to sit and listen to what the character(s) in the song are saying about themselves. The sound at first hearing is off putting in some ways - we all have our perceptions of what Springsteen music should sound like - but as I went through a second listen, the use of the music as part of the texture of the songs became apparent to me. It may not be this way for other listeners. It also hit me that this album is akin to the Tunnel Of Love album. That album explores what love is and the relationship between men and women. This new album touches the same theme, IMHO, with the addition of time, life, love and one's looking back at the events/changes of the same in one's life added in the mix. It also got me to thinking about the need for something new and different from the Stones (and other artists) to shake up our perceptions of them, but this is a theme for another day.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: June 15, 2019 18:15

This my favorite Little Stevie song off of Summer of Sorcery. He should expand his tour. I like the ay w he infuses the past 60 classics into his music. in this case Specter -Motown


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: yorkshirestone ()
Date: June 15, 2019 18:35

The new album caught me by surprise. Some songs grabbed me quickly, others I need to sit and listen to what the character(s) in the song are saying about themselves. The sound at first hearing is off putting in some ways - we all have our perceptions of what Springsteen music should sound like - but as I went through a second listen, the use of the music as part of the texture of the songs became apparent to me. It may not be this way for other listeners. It also hit me that this album is akin to the Tunnel Of Love album. That album explores what love is and the relationship between men and women. This new album touches the same theme, IMHO, with the addition of time, life, love and one's looking back at the events/changes of the same in one's life added in the mix. It also got me to thinking about the need for something new and different from the Stones (and other artists) to shake up our perceptions of them, but this is a theme for another day.
Wise words - very tunnel of love-esque but a bit more ‘cinematic’ to my ears. Great stuff

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: June 15, 2019 19:47

Although i don´t think that Western Stars is an important addition to his catalogue I have to admit that his voice is in very good shape, in fact he sounds fantastic. His voice doesn´t show his age at all.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: June 15, 2019 20:15

Although i don´t think that Western Stars is an important addition to his catalogue I have to admit that his voice is in very good shape, in fact he sounds fantastic. His voice doesn´t show his age at all.

Album was recorded 2010-14 and finished in 2018.

Incredible that he has had this stuff in his pocket for almost a decade.

Personally I think its an absolutely beautiful, cinematic collection of songs thats just crying out for a top quality director to make a movie out of. I enjoy a lot of his stuff when he steps outside the ESB 'bubble'. This may be his best new album in over three decades. I dont think hes ever made a record that SOUNDED better.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Date: June 15, 2019 21:36

A beautiful album!

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: June 15, 2019 22:00

A beautiful album!

just finished listening to whole thing on the mothership. wonderful.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Date: June 16, 2019 15:31

The album completely caught me off guard. So much better than what I thought he was up to putting out these days.
I personally did not like the B'way thing, and find that the Springsteen band has become an old ponderous behemoth. But this album is stellar in it's scope.
And the last THREE Little Steven albums have been tops too. Maybe they are all better on their own.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: June 16, 2019 17:33


Both Bruce and Steve wish they could sing like this guy.
they try.

They are all similar - but the songwriting cannot be denied and this is how these NJ bands connect with there world-wide fan base.

I get it- but the same could be said of Frankie Valli or Sinatra.

It 's a matter of preference. I think there may be exceptions to the rule. Perhaps one would be the late great Marvin Gaye. Very much missed.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: June 16, 2019 19:33

Little Steven´s new album - a wonderful collection of songs! :-D

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: hickorywind ()
Date: June 16, 2019 21:44

Incredible new album from Bruce .The man just gets better and better.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: June 17, 2019 01:06

Incredible new album from Bruce .The man just gets better and better.

he is certainly on a later career resurgence. i'm in. think might be time to put E Street to rest maybe. they are very good players but my gut tells me maybe they are holding him back to some extent.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Deltics ()
Date: June 17, 2019 01:18

A clever bit of 'shopping.
At 35 and 70.

"As we say in England, it can get a bit trainspottery"

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: June 17, 2019 22:30

Chris Fountain
Elmo Lewis
Chris Fountain
Seems like Little Stevie has been up to some summer lovin stuff as well

" Summer of Sorcery" A catchy song influenced by Stones Bruce, 60s 70s Hell everything and the kitchen sink.


Bruce's Muse left about the same time as Miami Steve.

I changed this post because it was too strong and you are a good guy. I simply disagree.

Thanks, Chris. But feel free to disagree.

I actually like/love a lot of the post-River work - "Girls In Their Summer Clothes" is just one of many. Just not as consistently strong as the first 4-5 albums.

"No Anchovies, Please"

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: June 17, 2019 22:51

A clever bit of 'shopping.
At 35 and 70.

Of course he's had work done, but he has aged magnificently.

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