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I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: davido ()
Date: August 10, 2005 07:56

I'm going to the Phonenix
Concert Theatre to see the Stones
tomorrow at 8:30 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were amongst the first to get them,
and free at that, standing at the gates
outside the rehearsal hall.!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a real nailbiter, but in the end
just took a little faith. Had to trust
my instincts on this one..............

Let me share the story with you.

I got there at 1pm ready for a long vigil,
was the second person, bellied up to the south
gate, staking out my spot for the next 8 1/2
hours, most of it spent in the hot blazing sun.

I had a water bottle, my back pack and camera,
not much else. Cathy, who was there, nice girl,
big Stones fan from that other Stones site, and I
were interviewed by the Toronto Sun newspaper.
Basic line of tabloid questioning went:

Q: Are you completely nuts?
A: Yes and no.
Q: Why would anybody do this?
A: Stones music and Friendship.

They took our picture. I plugged
this site, for what it's worth,
dunno it may get buried in the
avalanche of Stones news today,
but we'll see..............

Afterwards began the long nervous wait.
Fans came. Fans left. Even the subway
ticker tape was saying a secret gig was about
to be announced. Everyones best guess was
the Phoenix. Everyone else started
heading down there.

As the day progressed
we got cell phone reports. First a dozen
fans, then two dozen, then fifty, a hundred,
a hundred and fifty fans were lining up at the
Phoenix. Rumours the Stones weren't even coming
to the rehearsal hall tonight followed. As did
a laundry truck,with Ronnies fresh clean red
linen (?). Then a catering truck. I checked
-the boys were dining on salad, chicken,
steak, torte, and melons. I began to help
bring the food inside, got tossed back
out. I also tried to help the cake man
deliver two big cakes into the kitchen,
once again got ceremoniously tossed out.
It was getting absurd by now, perhaps
I amuse security though, nobody
seemed upset. But no, I couldn't
tell you what was going on inside,
but it sure looked liked the boys must
be on their way..........................

For long hours I observed the new barrier they
had erected by the south gate, to keep out
the skunk, with bored intrigue. Dunno if
you have skunks in Europe, is still quite
a bit of nature around here in Canada,
even in our big cities it seems. These
critters can still be found in the city.
A small black rodent like with a bushy
tail. If they get alarmed they squirt you
with this stinky fluid out their ass and
you totally reek for weeks!!! Fortunately,
no such luck, the new barrier seemed to
be working. I was somewhat relieved,
but basically just rather hot, bored and
getting more worried about other more pressing
Stone matters as the afternoon dragged on.

The neighbour-who-doesn't-like-the-Stones-but-
get-autographs-as-if-he-gives-a-shit strolled
out to leisurely quaff a cool beer in the shade,
and look for the Stones too. Watched me for
awhile with bored disinterest, then disappeared
back indoors, I would guess to some air
conditioned splendour.

By now I was out of water, + sweating buckets,
with the sun beating down on me like crazy.
Then I noticed the Stones ice machine, beside the building
was unlocked! I grabbed a handful of ice to suck, rub myself
down, was able ot hang on til the late afternoon shade
crept across the alleyway where I was waiting. Whew!

Around fourish, Ronnie pulled up, leapt out of his car,
and with but a wave was off to work. Surprisingly
nobody else arrrived for well over an hour, then
Charlie in the van, then Keith. Mick was last
after seven.

There was no autograph signing. No visits. Seemed like
a busy no nonsense rehearsal day, despite the late start.
At one point I made my way to the north entrance to see
if I might catch a better view of a Stone arriving.
A young teenage girl collapsed on the sidewalk
from heat exhaustion and was convulsing on the
ground. Security quickly raced over and took
her inside the gates to sit in the shade. No it
wasn't a trick to get in. Her father later
took her to the hospital, to make sure
she hadn't suffered from a concussion.
All kind of alarming, but that's how hot it was!!!

By now I'm beginning to really really worry that I'm kind of
delusional to still be waiting there too, for what looked
like a very long shot at best..................

So why did I stay at the gates? Mike Cohl had, on two separate
nights said that if we came to the gates on Tuesday, we'd be
in for a big surprise. We'd be very happy. Those of us who overheard,
thought he meant they would tell us there were the tickets would
actually be sold. Remember -the news media leaked the story, but
this wasn't official all day. And word at the gate was that
the Stones were royally pissed. Unofficial word was they
didn't want any leaks, didn't want fans lining up outside
any clubs, until they gave the word, or they
might even cut and run, or change the location.

What to do? The story had been leaked, tho it was still unofficial.
I knew what they wanted us to do, so I decided to do just that,
wait until it was officially on the news, or perhaps wait
to hear it at the gate, from them, or their management.

I sweat buckets in more ways than one, What if events
had overtaken their original plans, and they just
started selling them at the Phoenix where everybody
was already lining up??? I'd be shit out of luck..............

For the longest time there were only a half dozen
of us there. I was all but sure I was @#$%&,
but decided to stay the course. Hell I'd
made my decision. It would really suck
to be left high and dry, but would the
Stones really do that to their fans
at the gate?!?!?!? Should I try to
second guess them, and head on down
to the Phoenix, abandoning my post

My instinct tells me that they appreciate us
there, but who really knows eh? Don't really
owe us a thing, just standing outside watching
them come and go all the time. It's their
call. What to think...........?

Ha! I believe in the Stones.

More fans arrived, as rehearsals began,
mostly just because they are there all the time
like me, and staying the course. We were small in
number, a couple dozen by early evening.

Mike Cohl arrived. Parked outside in the
back alley. "Mike!",somebody called,
"What about the tickets.........?"

He just smiled. Laughed. "Just wait.........."

Hallelujah, my faith restored, I was almost ready to
get down and kiss the concrete at the rehearsal
vigil gate...........................

Wait, we did, for another hour. Clive came out,
sat and watched us for awhile, didn't say much,
was pleasant, joked around a bit, as he scoped the
crowd. Security then came over. Explained we were to stay
where we were. The guards would be lining up behind us.
Everybody who is there now, and is a "true fan" gets
a ticket. Yes! Yes! we'd died and gone to rock
and Rolling Stone heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I kid you not! The bad boys and girls who don't
really like the Stones, and just caused trouble
in the past, or were there for dubious reasons,
were pointed by security and denied entry. Cast
out of the crowd, and left in the dark alleyway
to curse and nash their teeth. The rest of us
were then finally allowed through the
gates, which were now brightly lit with
floodlights, and given a wristband and
a free ticket to the Phoenix concert
tomorrow night!!!!

It was a small opening in the gate, and not
everybody got thru.................

Biblical or what eh????? ;-)

Somebody asked for Mikes autograph inside
the fence, but he said no. Then went to do a second
check. To hear any grievences from these who thought
they had been wrongly rejected. And some of them
where then let in, freed from their purgatory. No
longer banished in the dark rock and Rolling
Stoneless hell of the alleyway out back.

Quite frankly tho, some weren't, and though
I hate to be mean, it looked good on them,
they no doubt deserved it.............ha!

Back outside the gates again, we were told to absolutely
not stick around. To go home. Our shift was done. So
we also got an early night off from the gates. 9:30ish
or so. I might've liked to stick around to see the
Stones leave, but wasn't going to tempt
fate any further.

A big happy bunch of us tumbled into a nearby
pub, in happy shock, wetting our whistles over
well earned cool drinks. Cheering the Stones.
Taking photos of all us of with our hard earned
wristbands and tickets.

I can't hardly believe it myself, and feel like
I've died and gone to heaven. It's a dream
come true.

Hooray for the Stones! They came thru but good for us!

I think the others who went down to the Phoenix may be lining up
overnight, and will get their $10 tickets in the morning.
Ye Stones are pretty benevolent rock and roll gawds eh?

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: August 10, 2005 08:04

Have fun.

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: davido ()
Date: August 10, 2005 08:08

Ooopps! Typo. The shows starts,
of course, at 8:30 "PM".................

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: HappyRambler ()
Date: August 10, 2005 08:54

Great story.
Oh how I wish I was there too.
I know how you must feel, I've got my ticket to the Vredenburg concert ( Holland ) 2 years ago almost the same way.
Slept a night on the streets, and around 8.00 PM the next day I got a ticket.
It felt like I've won a million dollars !
Have a great night, and please let me ( us ) know all about the gig.

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:01

can you ask for a webcam to be available for all the Stones fans ?
thanks in advance

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: davido ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:04

Happy Rambler!

I know how you must have felt.
Irony of ironies -I finally
got home one night early
from the gate, and I can't
sleep. I can't hardly believe
it! It's even hard to type, as
I do my Happy Ticket Dance!!!!


Keith!!! Keith!!! Keith!!! Keith!!! Keith!!! keith!!!.....................

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:04

That is an awesome story, I am defintely with you in spirit.....

Hot Stuff!

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: davido ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:06


Sorry dude but word pictures might
have to suffice, but then again,
with the Stones, anything is



Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Wolter ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:08

Wow, great story!

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: davido ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:14

Thanks Sarahunwin,
I am sure you will be there
with us in spirit!

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Ged Rambler ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:17

Jealous as hell,but have a great night.

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:18

jealousy is a sweet disease sometimes

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Casino Boogie ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:19

Davido, great story!

Congratulations!! You and tbe others really deserve it

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Rockingfan ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:19

Wish you the thrill of it all tonite at the Phoenix while we suffer from a long and stormy winter in Europe.
See you somewhere in CA or US.

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Reptile ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:40

have fun!

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: davido ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:43

I suppose the big Stones party
right now will be down at the overnight
lineup outside the Phoenix. Hopefully
somebody else can tell us about
that later?

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: August 10, 2005 09:55

Hey dude you got justly deserved rights, congralutions & well done & persevered!!

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: country honk ()
Date: August 10, 2005 10:02

Wish I were in Toronto right now - to see the Greatest Rock 'n' Roll Band ever....

But - I will have to wait until Chicago 10. sept.....

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: August 10, 2005 10:15

that is so freakin fine, Davido!
~* we have lift-off! *~

i am absolutely happy for you

"What do you want - what?!"
- Keith

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: kaskatanas ()
Date: August 10, 2005 10:27

Lucky You...

Congratulations... and please, enjoy it for all us!!!

be HAPPY (althought you are!!!)

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: monkeyman36 ()
Date: August 10, 2005 11:07

Wow! You and the others deserve it...I sat on my hands this summer, living vicariously through these stories...I have no reason to be upset for anyone but myself...Congratulations! I(some of us)wish we were you! Enjoy!

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: wild_horse_pete ()
Date: August 10, 2005 11:14

Great review once again, lucky bastard, enjoy it, and i hope, no i`m sure you have the greatest time in your life.

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 10, 2005 12:16

well done to you and everyone who gets into these sort of shows

its an unforgettable experience

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: August 10, 2005 12:19

Gongratulations Davido!!!
Can't wait for your revieuw of the show!


Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: August 10, 2005 12:20

Ya, no kidding enjoy this to the fullest. Remember, Keefster is a Lutheran.....You got me rockin now........

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: ADRIAN_L ()
Date: August 10, 2005 12:53

congratulations dude...... please have a brilliant night, you deserve it.
Looking forward to hearing all your post-gig news/reports.

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: chippy ()
Date: August 10, 2005 12:57

Congrats Davido ,,hav a good time

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: August 10, 2005 13:04

Well, Santa Claus and global justice seem to exist, after all.

Davido, happy for you.

- Doxa

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: August 10, 2005 13:06

But you owe us a full and detailed report, don't you?

- Doxa

Re: I Got My Secret Gig Ticket!!!
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: August 10, 2005 13:14

Good on ya've earnt it.

Cherish every moment of this piece of Stones history.


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