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Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Havo ()
Date: August 22, 2015 18:35

first time, I Convinced my wife (Girlfriend and that time) to see a Stones concert was in Münster 1976 (1. Show). She wasnt very impressed. shocked by " @#$%&" or "hey Negrita .She liked their older stuff like "Tell me", "Time is on my side", Thats how strong my love is" and so on and on. It took a very long time that she saw the next Stones-concert--2006 in Hannover. she smiled and told me---"That was the best concert I have ever seen". " Streets of love" was the Best Song i have ever heard. We are stil together and want to hear "Gimmie Shelter"

What about yours?

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Rollin92 ()
Date: August 22, 2015 18:52

Nope none of mine like the Stones. My girlfriend won't give them a chance. My uni mates thought I was mental when I spent a good chunk of my student loan on tickets and travel for the 25th Nov o2 show...I had to live on meagre rations for the remainder of that term but it was worth it!

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: August 22, 2015 19:11

Yes my parents were at Hyde Park in 69

Nate thumbs up

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: August 22, 2015 19:23

If they don't -I want nothing to do with them.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Date: August 22, 2015 19:31

Do they have a choise...? Its a part of the whole package.

Children proporly named, The firstborne son was an easy choise: Keith, well in Sweden Its fairly common whit alot oF firstnames a la miss longstockings...So he actually got three more, unf not Brian, mick, Charlie...
But took him for his first gig last year in Stockholm.He liked it. Never tought Id pull that one of.I saw them first time in 1990 11 years old.

Daughter was a bit trickier, named her Charlie...

So all in all a big happy stonesfamily!


Thanks To Iorr something for nothing is lifting my roof!


Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: CloudCat ()
Date: August 22, 2015 19:41

mais, bien sur!

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: crumbling_mice ()
Date: August 22, 2015 20:01

Afraid my parents were not Stones fans and preferred Shirley Bassey, Des O Conner and other such nonsense...fortunately my wife is a big stones fan but my daughter....wait for it...prefers the Beatles! I tried, I really tried!

TO be fair to her though, she does buy me Stones related presents so all is not lost.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: IrisC ()
Date: August 22, 2015 20:19

My kids have seen the Stones 3 times, my wife 18 times and 43 times for me. I guess you can say we are all in!

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: jackflash1129 ()
Date: August 22, 2015 20:27

Im 22 years old. My parents took me to see the stones on the bigger bang tour in detroit 05. Loved it, and since ive bought up every album and video theyve released. Me and the family went again this year to the Zip code show in detroit. This concert was even better than 05! So yes, some of my families best memories involve the rolling stones.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: alieb ()
Date: August 22, 2015 21:15

mum's a fan of opera/jazz
dad's a fan of classical
my uncle kind of likes the stones, but only in the vague way that white suburban males who grew up in the 70s like anything classic rock

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Poetry ()
Date: August 22, 2015 21:35

I first heard the Stones through an import version of Made in The Shade LP. Mum likes them too , but they both mostly know the big singles.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: saltoftheearth ()
Date: August 22, 2015 22:21

No, but it doesn't matter because I listen to all kinds of music so I do not qualify as a 'die-hard' fan. Still, I always return to the Stones because they made so much great music.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: August 22, 2015 23:01

My better half has enjoyed the concerts in the past, but is reluctant to go these days.
This is due to more or less the same songs played nearly every time. I think she will go next year if they come to Europe or the UK.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: August 22, 2015 23:27

It's not that my late mother didn't like them, but when I told her that I was going to see the Stones for the second time she said to me: "why are you going to see them again? Haven't you seen them some years ago?". grinning smiley

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: TravelinMan ()
Date: August 22, 2015 23:43

Hell yes! I grew up with the Stones. My dad was at the Detroit 1969 show. He rues the day he didn't see them in '72!

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: August 23, 2015 06:46

I'm not even sure I like the Rolling Stones.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: jpasc95 ()
Date: August 23, 2015 12:03

my parents did everything to disinherit me when they discovered my taste for this wild and decadent music. I didn't lose anything cos they had nothing to give.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: August 23, 2015 12:19

My father did, hè took me too my fitst Rolling Stones concert (Landgraaf 1995). The rest: not so much. But maybe my relentless 'campaigning' is responsible for that. smiling smiley

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: stones2000 ()
Date: August 23, 2015 22:48

My dad likes them enough. He's nowhere in the same realm of devotion that I have for them, but he likes them. My mom, not so much. She's not really much into music at all though. My sister, she's into metal and screamo type stuff. My uncle, he likes some of their songs, but he's more into the harder, more metal stuff. And that's everyone. All my grandparents are dead. I mean I have cousins and stuff, but that's getting way into the extended family

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: MonkeyMan2000 ()
Date: August 23, 2015 23:00

My mom only knows the big hits and she likes them, so does dad. They don't know lesser known songs, but when i show them some deep cuts, they like them. My sister loves classic rock, so she likes the stones. My brother is into techno and and he doesn't like Micks voice...

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: August 23, 2015 23:06


Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: August 24, 2015 00:13

My mom only knows the big hits and she likes them, so does dad. They don't know lesser known songs, but when i show them some deep cuts, they like them. My sister loves classic rock, so she likes the stones. My brother is into techno and and he doesn't like Micks voice...

yes, it's missing a certain 'sterility' isn't it?

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Hanns Rainsch ()
Date: August 24, 2015 01:31

My little brother is mad about them ever since I gave the music to him. When I was still living with him I often catched him dancing in front of the TV, watching 4 Flicks, especially the Olympia show.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: August 24, 2015 02:10

Its taken a while, but my baby brother finally will ask to hear The Stones! He has grown to understand their beauty and how essential they are to a good musical palate. He had to take a while. Resisted, mostly I think because his older brother worshiped them in high school. Finally, he understands how crucial they were to music. Sister doesn't know much by them. Likes the hits. Mom and Dad understand my obsession with them and encourages me when I go on my stones treks.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Olly ()
Date: August 24, 2015 02:14

Its taken a while, but my baby brother finally will ask to hear The Stones!...

What age is he?



Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: StonedAsia ()
Date: August 24, 2015 04:53

My mom was!

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: everwest1 ()
Date: August 24, 2015 04:59

Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?

No, but then again they really dont like anybody.

But I should probably save this for the raised by wolves online forum.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: MrHappy ()
Date: August 24, 2015 05:17

Mine don't have much choice, although both my kids love 'em and went with me to Pittsburgh on the Zip Code tour

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: August 24, 2015 05:23

Took my wife to her first Stones show during the Licks tour and she became a fan. She has seen every tour with me since. My young daughters don't mind them when I play them in the car and love it when Mick makes his "popped a button on me trousers" comment from Ya Ya's.

Re: Do your Family members like the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: August 24, 2015 05:27

No. I come from a long line of Philistines.

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