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What is making them so popular?
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: July 29, 2005 18:40

The Stones as live act is a big phenomenon! Since 1989 they attracted 22.5 million people worldwide at their concerts and now they can add 3 - 4 million, EVEN the ticket prices are so high (atleast in the USA). EVEN that's the third tour in the last 8 years. EVEN that's the second contiguous tour that starts without having YET the promotion of a new album.

Think about it: During the seventies every tour of the Stones was attracting less than 1,000,000 even than 500,000 people, because of the frequency of the tours. In the last years the Stones tour very often again, but they play to more than 3.5 million on every round. It's almost a miracle!

As album sellers the Stones never have been a phenomenon, of course, but see how stable sellers they are. Voodoo Lounge sold more million copies than every album since early seventies, except Some Girls and Tattoo You. The sales of Bridgdes to Babylon were similar to the 80ties sales, except Tattoo You. The fact that they sell well studio albums without strong single sales it’s good to me! That means the people are interested in every whole work of the group, not in the particular song which do big success on the airplay or the clubs.

What is making them so popular? I think is

(a) the talent and the good "sense of smell".

(b) the fact that their music is intoo the hard core of rock and roll and so it never sounds truly old- fashioned. Think, 5 years ago Dandy Warhols had a huge success with "Bohemian Like You" just stealing the riff of Brown Sugar. The whole career of Soup Dragons was the cover of "I'm Free". The first Primal Scream's great song, "Loaded", is written on the rythm of SFTD...

(c) The magic touch they still have on stage.

(d) the good balance between opposite elements. The "dinosaur Keith" and the "chameleon MicK". The egoisms and the team spirit. The passion and the money. The music and the music industry. That was always rock and roll!

(e) They always do something, albums, tours or both. Their longer breaks were 7 years without a tour (1982-89) and 8 years wihout a new album (1997-2005). By contrast to the usual nagging on this board, that means NOTHING, if you think that we are talking about a career of 43 years.

(f) The high standards and the quality, whatever they are doing. A lot of other groups are dying for making an album not as "Exile", but as "Dirty Work" or "Undercover"...

And so, "you have the sun, the moon, the air and the Rolling Stones"!

Any thoughts?

Re: What is making them so popular?
Date: July 29, 2005 18:49

The are Legends and people just want to say
I saw The Stones.
I think maybe 10 percent of people seeing them are hardcore fans.
They are a band whos been there since almost the birth of rock.
It's like seeing History!

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: Bluespeyer ()
Date: July 29, 2005 19:12

Um, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's their reputation.

-- Keep on rollin'. Keep on. Keep on. Keep on. --

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 29, 2005 19:59

Three reasons principally I think, these are not in any order of priority:

1) Longevity. They've been around for so long, it really IS like seeing history when you see them. Everyone to some extent loves a piece of history.

2) As a result of the above, there's a strong element of nostalgia in play. Everyone too likes to get nostalgic once in a while.

3) They are so good and so professional, that through the medium of their live performances they actually manage to win over new recruits - and thus to increase their fanbase. This is to some considerable degree borne out by the fact that Stones audiences these days can easily be represented by 3 generations. Quite an accomplishment for something as fickle as rock n' roll.

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: July 29, 2005 19:59

Donkey Girl Scout, honestly i don't know what a "hardcore fan" exactly is. If a person pays $150 or $300 to see them for 5th or 10th time, is not a huge fan?

You say "they are legends and people just want to say i saw The Stones". Yes, but after 4 decades that explanation is not enough for me. Around us there are a lot of veteran legends, no so huge legends as the Stones are, but still legends. The Who, D.Bowie, L. Reed, Iggy, R. Plant, J. Fogerty, Black Sabbath, etc. Noone has more than 25% of the success the Stones have, atleast live. Look at the new "legends". Oasis have a huge hype on their side for 10 years, but, tell me, how many big stadiums they had filled worldwide? Blur? White Stripes?

I think the Stones have some special gifts and they are still able to attract young people. During B2B and Licks Tour i saw into the stadiums a lot of young people. I don't know if they must be called "fans" or not, just know they were there!

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: July 29, 2005 20:03

Cool thoughts paulywaul, but, believe me, i never felt nostalgia seeing the Stones live! I'm not young, 44 years old...

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: chippy ()
Date: July 29, 2005 20:48


Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 29, 2005 20:54

Now what is nostalgia if not hearing/seeing your fave band strike up some tune that transports you instantaneously to some distant place (your youth for example) and gets you all weepy at the same time.

Don't believe you stickdion; find it hard to believe that an ancient old 44 year old hasn't gotten all nostalgic at a Stones show - says I at ................ ahem cough cough splutter splutter ..... 50 !

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: chippy ()
Date: July 29, 2005 20:59


Re: What is making them so popular?
Date: July 29, 2005 21:01

i guess your are harcore if you pay 400.00 to see them
i know i am and i'll be seeing 3 shows.

And yea Plant Sabbath etc may be "legendry"
The Stones are more than that. They are Pop Culture Icons.
It's more than just thier music. They came in at the right time in history and has stayed there. They are not in just Music History books..
It's great to see young people at the shows but they aren't buying the new record. They want to hear Satisfaction and Start Me Up.
While they still make new music, the past is what brings people to see them.

And the new legends ?
who knows ?
maybe in 20 years Green Day and Oasis will be touring stadiums

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: July 29, 2005 21:13

not sure when nostalgia became a dirty work - but it's not. I think any longtime fan that says nostalgia is not part of the attraction is bluffing (or kidding him/herself).

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: July 29, 2005 23:22

Donkey Girl Scout wrote
"maybe in 20 years Green Day and Oasis will be touring stadiums"

I don't think so. In my opinion in 20 years both will be forgotten.

paulywaul wrote
"Don't believe you stickdion; find it hard to believe that an ancient old 44 year old hasn't gotten all nostalgic at a Stones show"

Hard? Not at all. I want to dance, i feel happy, ful of energy, but not nostalgic...

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: kish_stoned ()
Date: July 30, 2005 01:12

1ST its the music,then sex,drugs and rock-roll,even the beatles use to envy them
for stayin together as a band,even lennon came by to play in R&R CIRUS and
even G.HARRISON JAMMED with the band and told c.watts wish he had band like the
stones,so let them keep rockin.

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: Ket ()
Date: July 30, 2005 01:27

You know with the frequency they have toured since VL, I really think it is is the quality of the concerts more then the nostalgia. I have been critical of some shows but to be honest a "bad" stones show is still better then 95% percent of other band shows I have seen.

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 30, 2005 01:37

chippy Wrote:

Thats it in a nutshell.

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: July 30, 2005 01:41

I get the shakes when I hear of a new tour or album.

There ain't nuthin' else like 'em.


Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: terry ()
Date: July 30, 2005 03:24

ive heard lots of people comment on the fact the stones dont attract new fans..i have to say on the licks tour i saw alot of young fans at twix..mabe the young ones are not buying the records..but i suppose there going to see the legends live..the stones still give me a rush when i hear about a new tour or album..and i dont know how but i get a rush of energy thats runs through my body when i hear there songs..its let me see what other act gives me theres no one.

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: Tom Petty ()
Date: July 30, 2005 03:54

ROCKMAN, i would have to say that you are probably the most in-tune, succinct poster on this site - I do very much agree with your comments / sentiments generally, and this is a great example from my perspective. Cheers mate, @#$%& the detractors, bring it on boy's!

I'm a necessary talent behind ev'ry rock and roll band
I'm sharp...

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: July 30, 2005 03:59

"Really think it is is the quality of the concerts more then the nostalgia. I have been critical of some shows but to be honest a "bad" stones show is still better then 95% percent of other band shows I have seen."

Agree 100% Ket.

Terry says : "Maybe the young ones are not buying the records..but i suppose there going to see the legends live"

The Stones are much more attractive live, of course, but don't underrate the number of the young people who are buying their records. The last two studio albums (VL and B2cool smiley have sold adding 11.5 million copies. Do you think they were only 45-60? I don't think so. Forty Licks sold 8 million copies. How many old fans (except the "hardcore" ones and the collectors) need a compilation with 33 songs that had been included on 3 or 4 older "best of"?

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: chippy ()
Date: July 30, 2005 04:03

terry ,u r on to sometin,,,my daughter saw them 4 times,,, And the last few yrs. ive asked my daughter to go to numerous concerts by ex. bands ,,she always said no ...she even turned down Maddonna last yr....but now that the stones are Unleashing Their POWER again she wants to i said NO PROBLEMO & we are goin.........the young 1s love the stones..

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: Milo Yammbag ()
Date: July 30, 2005 10:25

Because they are The Rolling Stones.

Milo, NYC
I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky.

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: July 30, 2005 10:54

Hey thanks Mr Petty...I need all the love I can get.


Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: bombayturner ()
Date: July 30, 2005 11:13

People who have seen a show are coming back next time. You hardly meet anybody after a show who will tell you 'never again'

It's magic

Sometimes you meet somebody who is not impressed and what is your take of that person? 'Don't call me I call you' that's it.

And true to all the saints above, it makes me shiver to even think about that opening riff of a show 20000 miles away.

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: Love In Vain ()
Date: July 30, 2005 11:17

They are the best simple as that, i hate all the crap that goes on stage with them all the lights, films and video screens all that rubbish is a side show for people who are more interested in tricks than great music which is what they are best at, they should leave the tricks to bands like U2 who need them to cover over crap songs.

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: July 31, 2005 08:26

Humor, Religion, Sex, and Politics.......

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: stones40 ()
Date: July 31, 2005 21:30

Have been blessed to see the Stones in every decade
from 1966 -2003.
The greatest rock & roll band have been a big part of my life for the last 43 years and i pray that the good lord will continue to Shine a Light on them for many more years to come.
Often tell pop fans that until they have enjoyed the Rolling Stones experience at least once then they have never lived.
Never try to pinpoint best ever concert,was it Hyde Park,Wembley Stadium,Leeds,Edinbugh,Glasgow,Twickenham
as it is just to difficult to decide.
Every Stones concert that i have attended has very special memories and i thank my lucky stars to have been part of the Stones experience.
There has not been 'A Bigger Bang ' than the Rolling Stones.

Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: chippy ()
Date: August 1, 2005 02:18


Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: August 1, 2005 02:20

Hey seem like a nice guy but do ya have to yell all the time?


Re: What is making them so popular?
Posted by: stone-relics ()
Date: August 1, 2005 19:49

Silly question. Why so popular, is because they are the Greatest Rock And Roll Band in the world...


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