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Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: July 26, 2005 05:11

A lot of these songs would be nice if they could play them anymore. But they can't. I was listening to a boot of Shattered the other day to and they were smoking. On Voodoo Lounge it was a real yawner. Not trying to shit on them. But they can't rock like they used to. So don't expect to much . I don't. As a matter of fact there sound system on Licks just flat out sucked. For $450 a ticket you would think they could get a decent sound system. I for one am not just happy to see them on stage. For that kind of cash I expect a great show. Not some slow and watered down versions where they need five other people on stage to fill out the sound . And just to shut up you smart ass who will say don't go if you don't like it. I am not. I will pass on this one.

Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: July 26, 2005 05:22

Debra Wrote:
> I just read on StonesDoug's Board that our boys
> are rehearsing " Far Away Eyes"! I WILL take a pee
> break for the first time EVER at a Stones concert
> if they play that song! Anyone else hate that
> song?

LOVE FAE. One of my favorite all-time tracks - and they always NAIL IT in concert too. enjoy yourself in the bathroom...i'll be there during SOL....

Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: backstreetboy ()
Date: July 26, 2005 06:01

whats so cool about rehearsing these songs.bitch was done in 99,as was some girls.and shattered resurfaced almost every if they rehearse dance little sister,silver train,she was hot,mothers little helper,had it with you(lost gem imho)AND LADY JANE ,TEARS GO BY,WE WILL BE ON THE ROLL.

john scialfa

Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: backstreetboy ()
Date: July 26, 2005 06:05

lapetomane,have you ever seen them live,it soung like you haven't.

john scialfa

Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: drake ()
Date: July 26, 2005 07:56

We really havent heard much at all about what they're rehearsing. A dozen tracks is just a twinkling of what they're going through right now. She Was Hot was rehearsed last time around, I'm more curious about that than Bitch. I'd love the whole set to be comprised of "Berryish" rockers. IE: Respectable, Had It With You, Neighbors (early licks version), etc... Bitch hasnt been any good live since 72. All the backup shit is just distracting. Seatle 72 has a fantastic version. Perfect thru n thru, pace n all.

I'll be curious to see what covers they bring out this time around. Carol, Bye Bye Johnny, Sweet Little Rock n Roller, Around and Around... oh man... A&A as an openner...

Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: Cafaro ()
Date: July 26, 2005 10:00

Agree with Hound Dog and T&A. These rehearsals will surely get out. BTW, I heard there was a disc of 81 rehearsals from Longmeadow out there. I never seen it or heard it but I'm told it exists.

Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: HappyRambler ()
Date: July 26, 2005 11:04

Why can't I read anything new about the rehearsels on the IORR "Toronto Rehearsels" page ?

Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: TeleK ()
Date: July 26, 2005 11:26

hope they will rehearse:

Shes so cold
WE LOVE YOU (one of my current faves)
Fingerprint File
Torn and frayed

Keith Songs:
You got the silver
Litte T&A
They harder they come (just a dream)

Oh, give me the beat, boys, and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away

Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: July 26, 2005 16:27

Bitch works best on the studio version where the horn come in gradually, not a full frontal assault. While the main riff is obviosly memorable, it's the low sax accents that enhance its sexiness...IMHO...

Re: Look at what they rehearsed - the tour will rock!
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: July 26, 2005 16:32

Turn up the guitars, stop the posing, pick up the tempo a bit and Bitch could rock. MT made this one of the greatest of songs ever. Have a listen to Perth 73.

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