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Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: April 7, 2015 22:26

Father Ted
Nothing in that interview that we didn't already know/suspect/guess at already.
Particularly that Mick jagger is the master at giving interviews. He will always talk about a future stones album, demos in the can, etc., it's part of the drill, keeps the image of a current band alive. Sells tickets. Gets the predictable reaction in places like here. The guy not only knows what he is doing, he wrote and continues to write the book.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 7, 2015 22:29

Really great news and tidbits in that interview..

LOVE his thoughts on (non) retirement...

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: April 7, 2015 22:54

Mel Belli
"Hours after the tour was announced, Jagger called up Rolling Stone to discuss plans for the show, the new Sticky Fingers box set and the possibility of a new Stones album."

He called them up???? There's something going awfully wrong in this world…

That's SOP. The "talent" sits in a hotel suite or at home or wherever they're doing business, and gets a list of reporters' names and numbers and scheduled interview times. And then they proceed down the list and try not to blow throw the allotted 15 or 20 minutes. Doubtful that Mick is ever more chatty than he needs to be.

right – but in the old days the story would have sounded like this: "Jagger is a very busy person these day, but RS was able to get him on the phone to talk about xy – and everybody knows that he isn't very keen in talking about xy. But he made an exception for RS because etc etc

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: April 7, 2015 23:17

Why does Mick have to "hope so" about recording a new Stones album? It isn't like Keith would say no or Ron and Charlie would object. As with his attitude toward this prospect in recent years, he is always merely tentative. Until he says "I definitely want to" and "I am planning on it", then a new Stones album is about as likely as a Kinks reunion.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: April 7, 2015 23:28

It probably falls under the rule that Mick never says anything with certainty in public because people will always hold him to that. If he said yes they would record a new album but never did...he'd always have to dodge that question and answer for it every time he's interviewed. "Hope so" is the safe response to go that doesn't boggle him down either way.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 7, 2015 23:30

Mick says "hope so" because he simply has got a 25% vote on the subject. He might have opinons, strong opinons, but he is not a dictator.


Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: April 7, 2015 23:45


Why does Mick have to "hope so" about recording a new Stones album?

Keith said also "I hope so" recently in the iHeartRadio interview about recording a new Stones album ....

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: April 7, 2015 23:53


Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: April 8, 2015 00:06

I wonder if we will ever see the likes of those indepth and insightful interviews.
The 1971 Greenfield interview with Keith was superb, even Mick opened up (for him) some decades later to RS.
Now it just seems to be 10 to 15 minutes on the phone and thats your lot.

And what do you think they will talk about ???
Birthdays, Kids & Suicides ???...Unless they cut a new album.
It is hard to talk about what your doing with your life when you really ain't doing much...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-08 00:09 by 2120Wolf.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: April 8, 2015 00:33

Are you thinking about making another solo album?

I haven't, really. I'd love to record a Stones album.
If that doesn't happen, then yes. That's a truthful answer. I've
got songs that would be great for the Stones, and I've got songs
that wouldn't be perfect for the Stones.


Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: April 8, 2015 00:34


Why does Mick have to "hope so" about recording a new Stones album?

Keith said also "I hope so" recently in the iHeartRadio interview about recording a new Stones album ....

Yes, but without Mick's willingness to commit to an actual recording project, all Keith can do is hope.

It was Mick who was the deciding factor for that week of studio time for the 2 songs they included on GRRR, and it is Mick who is keeping them from recording a further full album.

Charlie certainly doesn't care, but will do his part if called upon. Woodie would certainly be keen. Keith has stated repeatedly for years how much he wants for there to be a new Stones album. Mick has publicly expressed his reticence about a new Stones record for the reasons stated in a 2013 article: []

Mick blames the fans, you see. Nevermind Mick's 25% vote--he's allocated his percentage vote to the fans, and he's fully committed to keep not giving them what he claims they clearly don't want.

If you do the math, all that's needed is Mick's 25% vote to make it happen; otherwise, the prospect of a new album, if you'll pardon the pun, is always back to zero.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: April 8, 2015 00:42


If you really think that's all there is to it then your delusional.

If you stack shelves at the supermarket then you retire if your an artist you don't retire.


Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Kevinrm15 ()
Date: April 8, 2015 00:51

What I would give to see Universal's sequence of release...

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: April 8, 2015 00:55

Father Ted
Nothing in that interview that we didn't already know/suspect/guess at already.
Particularly that Mick jagger is the master at giving interviews. He will always talk about a future stones album, demos in the can, etc., it's part of the drill, keeps the image of a current band alive. Sells tickets. Gets the predictable reaction in places like here. The guy not only knows what he is doing, he wrote and continues to write the book.

thumbs up Spot on!

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: April 8, 2015 01:10


If you really think that's all there is to it then your delusional.

If you stack shelves at the supermarket then you retire if your an artist you don't retire.


You missed the point Nate...
That is exactly what I am saying (Shweeeew) right over your head !!!

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: April 8, 2015 01:12

For me, one of the best things that the Stones could do this late in their career is actually take a risk and play Sticky Fingers from beginning to end. It may actually add luster to their image and even garner great reviews (provided that they are able to play decent versions of tunes off of that album without Mick Taylor on board). Seriously, other artists (Springsteen, the Who) have played full albums in their sets. This is not such a novel idea. It saddens me dearly that Mick Jagger has become so formula that he feels he may "offend" and/or concert-goers to sleep because they perform an extra ballad or two off of one of their signature, classic albums-just ridiculous!

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: kammpberg ()
Date: April 8, 2015 01:43

I don't know why Mick think's it's cute to pretend he doesn't know what songs are on what albums, or what albums followed another album. At least I hope he's pretending. I'm sure Mick runs the show, heavily involved in every aspect of The Stones - so why not act it. "Fans" not in the know would have more respect for Mick. You know Springsteen and U2 know every second of every detail of every release, and I'm sure Mick does as well.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: April 8, 2015 01:52


Why does Mick have to "hope so" about recording a new Stones album?

Keith said also "I hope so" recently in the iHeartRadio interview about recording a new Stones album ....

Yes, but without Mick's willingness to commit to an actual recording project, all Keith can do is hope.

It was Mick who was the deciding factor for that week of studio time for the 2 songs they included on GRRR, and it is Mick who is keeping them from recording a further full album.

Charlie certainly doesn't care, but will do his part if called upon. Woodie would certainly be keen. Keith has stated repeatedly for years how much he wants for there to be a new Stones album. Mick has publicly expressed his reticence about a new Stones record for the reasons stated in a 2013 article: []

Mick blames the fans, you see. Nevermind Mick's 25% vote--he's allocated his percentage vote to the fans, and he's fully committed to keep not giving them what he claims they clearly don't want.

If you do the math, all that's needed is Mick's 25% vote to make it happen; otherwise, the prospect of a new album, if you'll pardon the pun, is always back to zero.

If we believe what Mick and Keith say, and we take this democratic 25% each idea seriously, it is then up to Ronnie or Charlie, or both of them, why the Stones are not planning to make an album. Something wrong with that conclusion, right? Basically Mick and Keith made A BIGGER BANG together, the rest were just adding their contribution later. I mean, if there is a mutual will by The Twins, nothing in this world prevents a new Stones album to born...

Apparantly there is not, or either of them - or both - are bluffing there.

Unlike Stonehearted I am not totally blaming Jagger here. I have started being rather cynical towards Keith's public assertions. All this talk of "if I only could get the boys in" (studio) sounds rather autopilot PR talk to me. That's what we have heard him saying for ages. Keith's romantic rhetorics is image-friendly, and surely pleases his fans. Probably some truth in there, but what is the actual pragmatic or realistic substance?

Namely, the way Jagger talked about his "good demos" pretty much indicates what kind of record and recording sessions it is going to be like if 'they' finally decide to do it. Something we were introduced when they cut two songs in three days three years ago. Quick and effective. That also means that if Keith Richards has anything to 'say' he needs to have the song(s) already finished. Most likely, already in the can - not (any longer) just some riffs and basic ideas and one-liners - that Mick needs to finish up. Like he had with "One More Shot" that he needed to borrow from his solo recordings with Jordan. I can easily think that when Mick asked if he had something, that request required an actual, finished song - there was no time in the studio to develop and finish it. That's why Keith needed to use already finished 'Wino' song.

So if there is a new Rolling Stones album in the horizon, I predict that it will follow pretty much the 'Doom&Gloom"/"One More Shot" formula. It is pretty far from the old, almost romantic days and ways the Stones made records. Is Keith really ready - or even willing - for that? Or, we can ask, is Keith even able to do that, which is pretty much in conflict with the way he has worked about all of his life?

The cruel fact is that it is now over decade since the Glimmer Twins last time sit down to 'write' together. 'Write' in the sense of somehow changing ideas, each adding something to other's compositions (most likely that it goes one way: Mick finishing Keith's sketches). It starts to look like that A BIGGER BANG is fated to be the last real colloboration of Jagger/Richards. Since then Jagger seems to be totally independent creatively, or at least not interested doing any creative work with Keith. My guess is that the problem is in Keith's input. Be those too little, or not good enough, or that Mick sees a 'creative colloboration' with Keith a waste of time, or whatever, I don't know.

Last time Mick colloborated with Keith was in tracks into which Keith had made his contributions decades ago. It is telling that that Keith Richards from the 70's seem to inspire Jagger much more than the one of today.

Anyway, this was just some speculations why it really seems to be hard to get the Stones back in the studio, even though both principals seem to have so positive signals about that - but nothing is happening. We know the 'outer' reasons - the albums don't sell, audiences don't want to hear new songs, etc. - but I think there also some 'inner' ones.

- Doxa

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-08 02:19 by Doxa.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: April 8, 2015 02:40

For me, one of the best things that the Stones could do this late in their career is actually take a risk and play Sticky Fingers from beginning to end. It may actually add luster to their image and even garner great reviews (provided that they are able to play decent versions of tunes off of that album without Mick Taylor on board). Seriously, other artists (Springsteen, the Who) have played full albums in their sets. This is not such a novel idea. It saddens me dearly that Mick Jagger has become so formula that he feels he may "offend" and/or concert-goers to sleep because they perform an extra ballad or two off of one of their signature, classic albums-just ridiculous!

What a waste they do most of these songs anyway...
Except: You Gotta Move & I Got the Blues

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Glam Descendant ()
Date: April 8, 2015 02:53

>What a waste they do most of these songs anyway...

They did "Moonlight Mile" a few times in '99, and "Sister Morphine" on the Bridges tours of '97/'98, and neither since. So no, they don't do most of those songs anyway...

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: April 8, 2015 03:32

Glam Descendant
>What a waste they do most of these songs anyway...

They did "Moonlight Mile" a few times in '99, and "Sister Morphine" on the Bridges tours of '97/'98, and neither since. So no, they don't do most of those songs anyway...

Regarding showcasing Sticky Fingers in concert, what I suspect will happen (I would love to be proven wrong-and what history has demonstrated previously via the Licks Tour), the Stones will most likely opt out for a mini-set featuring the tried and true that they played a million times in their sleep from SF -Brown Sugar, Bitch, Dead Flowers, Wild Horses...

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Glam Descendant ()
Date: April 8, 2015 03:39

Glam Descendant
>What a waste they do most of these songs anyway...

They did "Moonlight Mile" a few times in '99, and "Sister Morphine" on the Bridges tours of '97/'98, and neither since. So no, they don't do most of those songs anyway...

Regarding showcasing Sticky Fingers in concert, what I suspect will happen (I would love to be proven wrong-and what history has demonstrated previously via the Licks Tour), the Stones will most likely opt out for a mini-set featuring the tried and true that they played a million times in their sleep from SF -Brown Sugar, Bitch, Dead Flowers, Wild Horses...

Did you read the interview?

Are you going to play more Sticky Fingers songs than usual because the album is being re-released?

Maybe, yeah, or at least playing the ones we don't normally play. [...] I'm just working on that now, but I'm sure we'll feature some of the more unusual ones. I think that'll be good.

I would love to hear "Moonlight Mile" or "Sister Morphine."

Yeah, exactly, and we haven't played those for a bit. I think that's a good idea, and we definitely will feature those.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: April 8, 2015 03:42

Glam Descendant
Glam Descendant
>What a waste they do most of these songs anyway...

They did "Moonlight Mile" a few times in '99, and "Sister Morphine" on the Bridges tours of '97/'98, and neither since. So no, they don't do most of those songs anyway...

Regarding showcasing Sticky Fingers in concert, what I suspect will happen (I would love to be proven wrong-and what history has demonstrated previously via the Licks Tour), the Stones will most likely opt out for a mini-set featuring the tried and true that they played a million times in their sleep from SF -Brown Sugar, Bitch, Dead Flowers, Wild Horses...

Did you read the interview?

Are you going to play more Sticky Fingers songs than usual because the album is being re-released?

Maybe, yeah, or at least playing the ones we don't normally play. [...] I'm just working on that now, but I'm sure we'll feature some of the more unusual ones. I think that'll be good.

I would love to hear "Moonlight Mile" or "Sister Morphine."

Yeah, exactly, and we haven't played those for a bit. I think that's a good idea, and we definitely will feature those.

Yes, I did read the interview and I will believe it when i see it. I think Rokyfan's post above said it all....

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: April 8, 2015 04:01

wow...KR...the ball's in your court...

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: PalaisRoyale ()
Date: April 8, 2015 04:03

Cocaine Eyes
grinning smiley And MANY of you laughed at my thread about a "new album". And *some* scoffed at my info about 'not counting out Toronto yet'! (Massey Hall).tongue sticking out smiley

As Jagger said at the R&R Hall of Fame - "For those of you who took the piss, the joke's on you".

CE smoking smiley

Do you envision an end date for this tour?

Well, after the U.S. tour, there's nothing booked. But there are plans for what we'll do in the autumn for gigs, maybe. I don't know about the early autumn, but in the late autumn there's a lot of talk. I haven't booked it yet, but…
(Taken from the Rolling Stone magazine link above)

PS. WHY doe s he say "but" or "maybe" so much? For the same reason I always say "God willing; good health".cool smiley
Now that this is considered a new tour and is starting fresh with the Sticky Fingers theme and Australia considered the last leg of the anniversary tour, more shows will likely be added. There is just too much demand and too many unserved markets. New York, Chicago, Toronto, LA will get their turn!

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: jrcjohnny99 ()
Date: April 8, 2015 05:23

Cocaine Eyes
grinning smiley And MANY of you laughed at my thread about a "new album". And *some* scoffed at my info about 'not counting out Toronto yet'! (Massey Hall).tongue sticking out smiley

As Jagger said at the R&R Hall of Fame - "For those of you who took the piss, the joke's on you".

CE smoking smiley

Do you envision an end date for this tour?

Well, after the U.S. tour, there's nothing booked. But there are plans for what we'll do in the autumn for gigs, maybe. I don't know about the early autumn, but in the late autumn there's a lot of talk. I haven't booked it yet, but…
(Taken from the Rolling Stone magazine link above)

PS. WHY doe s he say "but" or "maybe" so much? For the same reason I always say "God willing; good health".cool smiley
Now that this is considered a new tour and is starting fresh with the Sticky Fingers theme and Australia considered the last leg of the anniversary tour, more shows will likely be added. There is just too much demand and too many unserved markets. New York, Chicago, Toronto, LA will get their turn!

Certainly sounds like that, exciting news that this seems like it will continue for at least another 18 mos - 2 years.

Also great comments on Moonlight Mile and Sister Morphine, neither of which I've seen them do...

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: ifyacantrockme ()
Date: April 8, 2015 06:01

i'm glad he's not retiring. it gives us all hope that will eventually reach that age.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: dewlover ()
Date: April 8, 2015 07:14

I wouldn't trust StubHub, they're in bed with TM

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: April 8, 2015 07:40

Much like You Can't Always Get What You Want led the encore on the 2013 North American Tour, Moonlight Mile would be a great set piece in that same spot. And, like they hired local choral groups for YCAGWYW, they could hire a small string section from local orchestras. As far as I know they have never employed an orchestra of any kind for a live setting.

Re: Rolling Stone Magazine: Mick Jagger: 'I'm Not Thinking About Retirement'
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: April 8, 2015 07:56

Yep 24 it's almost a safe bet that Moonlight Mile will most likely replace You Cant Always in the new shows ...


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